Earthy Superstar

Chapter 321: : 1 piece of chaos

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"Xtreme TV, it is estimated that in the next twenty-four hours, the northeast will usher in a wind of magnitude 33 to 66... ​​Isn't this going to blow away all the pants, right?"

Lin was doing the weather forecast in the stadium, and finally couldn't help but complain.

The staff responsible for blowing snow directly scooped a large spoonful of fake snow and blew it out at Lin.

Lin Mou: "Ahem... The lowest temperature is minus 70 degrees. Lin Gou is here to remind people all over the country to wear cotton pants and do a good job of cold protection and hibernation..."

Finally, Lin completed the extremely difficult forecast broadcast of Tianqu.

It's cruel, you know?

Still hibernating?

What age is it? My home in Northeast China has not hibernated since the 1990s, and all the people in Northeast China have turned into mammals.

He patted the fake snow on his body, and Lin said, "Are you reliable? Minus seventy degrees, do you know the concept? Peeing into ice is all dare to write. I'm looking for iron Go Zhu, without him, I feel insecure!"

On the other side, the little pig who came out of the weather forecast was dumbfounded when he saw Huang Sanshi, Fang Bo, and Sun Lei still whispering together.

Are these elderly people dementia?

Haven't negotiated a result for so long?

Over there, Huang Sanshi said to Fang Bo: "I have inferred that Li Tiezhu is blueberry, he is my target, and you, Fang Bo, you are tomato, he kills you. If you don’t cooperate with me, you will wait. Die, Li Tiezhu! Think about it clearly, that's the animal among the animals! Look at how the fat of my body came from, think about it!"

Fang Bo: "I'm his number one goal, then... why doesn't he come to me?"

Huang Sanshi: "He is stupid, what does he know? So I can figure out the name of each of you, what does Li Tiezhu know?"

Sun Lei grinned and pointed to Huang Sanshi's live broadcast room:

"You can have a snack! Your future student can be a thief. He seems to be pretending to be stupid, but he is actually better than anyone else! Look for yourself!"

When Huang Sanshi and Fang Bo looked at them, they were shocked:

I am just a fan leaving a message: "Li Tiezhu already knows all your information. If the program group hadn't forcibly patched it, you would have killed the group. Lin Mou Banana→Huang Sanshi Guava→Li Tiezhu Blueberry→House Bo Tomato→Piggy Mango→Wang Speed ​​lychee."

Huang Sanshi was immediately stunned, Tie Zhu couldn't be so smart!


"Song Zhu'er kills the infinite three essences in a second!"

"Li Tiezhu already knows everyone's details."

"I'm afraid this issue is not interesting anymore."

"Li Tiezhu hasn't been in the stadium until the end, and he has been hovering on the edge."

"I have to say, finding a smart girlfriend is really important!"

Fang Bo was also dumbfounded: "No! Something is wrong! This is a huge gap with last year's Li Tiezhu! No, my phone is on, I have to call Lengba to ask..."

Sun Lei: "What are you asking her for?"

Fang Bo: "Last year, she was able to hold Li Tiezhu, although she still lost in the end, but at least she did not lose in momentum. She is Li Tiezhu's debut mentor and knows Li Tiezhu best!"

Huang Sanshi shook his head slightly, hard to say, hard to say, after all, he is a student in his own school...

Toot toot...

The video is connected.

Lengba dressed in ancient costume and was filming on the set, and said, "Brother Bo? Why are you ugly again?"

Fang Bo: "Bill... No matter how ugly I am, can Li Tiezhu be ugly?"

"You are much uglier than him, my house...I added Li Tiezhu's WeChat account. The photos in his circle of friends are okay..."

"Stop talking nonsense. Today, when we are recording the show, Li Tiezhu alone threatened to mess with me, Huang Sanshi and Sun Lei. You say, can this be tolerated?"

The wicked sue first!

"Tough! Don't persuade Bo Bo! Li Tiezhu, if you are strong, he will be weak, and if you are weak, he will be strong..."

"Hey! What's wrong with you! We just had to call you?"


"By the way, Lengba. Ask you a question, does Li Tiezhu have any weaknesses?"

Fang Bo smiled treacherously.

Huang Sanshi shook his head slightly, I'm afraid you won't get the answer, Lengba and Songzhuer have both been to the mushroom house. Although the performance is not obvious, these two people are equally important in Li Tiezhu's world. What can i say? I can not! You are too naive.

Over there, Lengba's acting skills are also online. After thinking about it, she said, "Li Tiezhu is not afraid of anything, he is not afraid of the sky, he is afraid of itching, you can try to tickle him."

Fang Bo said gratefully: "Thank you! Leng Ba, take a good shot and look forward to your excellent work."

After hanging up the phone, Leng Ba backhanded Sung Zhuer's WeChat account. She recorded the video just now and sent it directly.

Thus, this video appeared on Li Tiezhu's mobile phone.


Is it so insidious?

Looking outside the court for help? Don’t you know that is my pet? snort! In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless!

I, Li Tiezhu, have no feeling for tickles by nature.

Lengba knew it.

On the other side, Lin, who had just appeared, was directly pulled away by Li Tiezhu.


"Do you want to die?"

"I don't want to."

"Then I tell you, Fang Bo and Huang Sanshi have united to deal with me. As my ally, don't you have to be careful? Follow me."

Lin was at a loss: "Isn't it a fruit chase?"

Li Tiezhu told him the answer to the fruit chase. Lin was shocked, so I stayed in the iron cage for forty minutes with fear, but when you went to eat a steak, you got all the information?

How about playing with me?

Li Tiezhu: "This is an infinite challenge!"

Lin Mou: "I'm still too young..."

Li Tiezhu said: "The current situation is that the hunter is the old fox Huang Sanshi, and the one who hunted him is you. The problem is simple, as long as you can handle Huang Sanshi, I will be invincible."

Lin: "After I killed Huang Sanshi, I will kill you."

Li Tiezhu stared at Lin with a speechless expression: "Are you said a good alliance!"

Lin: "But, but... the program group regulations..."

Li Tiezhu: "Are you trying to get revenge on Young Master Wang?"

Lin Mou: "That won't be true. He has been changing his target for many years. Besides, is it okay for you and who else?"

"That's true." Li Tiezhu said, "So! Are you a pig! If you don't kill me, when I finish hunting everyone, you kill me again, won't you win?"

Lin has a very flexible head: "When you finish hunting everyone, I will hunt you, and you will kill me. I may not be able to win."

Li Tiezhu: "Who do you think you can win against?"


"Sorry! I tell you, I didn't rush to win this trip. I just want to let the three know that I, Li Tiezhu, are invincible!"


"Wow, your mother! You look down on me?"

The last two sentences were blocked by the program group, but the first two sentences were still there, which caused the barrage group to praise it wildly:

"A true man Li Tiezhu!"

"Lin Gou and Zhu Ge must be right!"

"I have a bad feeling..."


Lin is still very clever. This show has not been eliminated so far. He has proven his strength. He said, "What should I do?"

Li Tiezhu: "What should I do? Find your hunter! Have you watched the live broadcast?"

"What live broadcast?"

"Oh! Here, all kinds of switching, a few people can watch the live broadcast, and you know where they are."

"Wow, Squirrel and Fang Bo are leaving first, and Huang Sanshi followed?"

"So, piggy is the only one left at the charging station. That's your target."

"Then what?"

"Fuck him!"


Lin was so excited, I didn't expect me to engage in infinite challenges? Instead of getting fucked? It seems that I was right to watch several episodes in advance, especially when I watched Li Tiezhu's episode, there are Zhudogs, so why worry about the big business?

Soon, Li Tiezhu and Lin came to the charging station with their mobile phones.

Luo Xiaoxiang couldn't laugh or cry in the iron cage, and squeezed the QR code behind him with his backhand, and said: "Tie Zhu! We have no grievances and no grudges..."

Li Tiezhu took your hammer and started to pull the iron door directly. That's right, the iron door was locked.

So what?

Wow, la la la la...

The iron gate was opened by Li Tiezhu, and Li Tiezhu and Lin rushed in.

Little pig started to struggle frantically, and Li Tiezhu didn't care about it, and directly took off the coat with the QR code and threw it to Lin to let him sweep it.

Little Pig wanted to come back to grab it, but was hugged and thrown by Li Tiezhu.


The director team issued an announcement: "Luo Xiaoxiang is eliminated."

Luo Xiaoxiang sat in a daze at the door of the iron cage, how could things be like this? I'm really the three spirits! Why was the first one eliminated?

After a long time, Luo Xiaoxiang asked, "Are you Tomato? You will eliminate me? I want to see!"

Lin: "Tomato? I'm not. Did I scan the wrong person?"

At this time, the director team also had no face, and announced: "Because, 17 minutes ago, Li Tiezhu eliminated everyone at a time in a western restaurant, and the entire infinite men group was destroyed. I am sorry to inform you that we will give Li Tiezhu’s power to wipe out anyone! So, little pig out!"

The story designed by yourself has a bug, don't you give me some benefits? Are you kidding me?

The game continues.

Li Tiezhu, who walked out of the cage, asked Lin, "Where is the phone?"

Lin: "Here."

Li Tiezhu: "I mean Brother Piggy's cell phone."

Lin: "What do you want his phone for?"

The two were stunned and turned their heads, only to see that Sun Lei Xunlei could not hide his ears and snatched Luo Xiaoxiang's mobile phone and ran away.

Li Tiezhu: "Why don't you steal Piggy's phone? Look, that guy has a chance to be resurrected again."

Lin: "Am I not a newcomer? How could I know this kind of thing."

Then, Little Pig licked up, looking at Li Tiezhu with embarrassment: "Brother! Let me follow you for the sake of face. It's okay to get some shots. I, Zhu Bishi, will never let you down."

Li Tiezhu: "Ah...good."

In the WeChat video, Song Zhuer said: "Even if Sun Lei is resurrected, it cannot be Mango, it must be another identity. So, you have to be careful next and wait for me."

Li Tiezhu said, "What are you waiting for? Are you going to be filming?"

Song Zhu'er said: "No, I will get off the car soon, I will be there soon, you find a place to wait for me."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Lin: "Wow, true love!"

The little pig danced: "This is Love Smecta..."

Li Tiezhu: "Otherwise?"

Really come?

real or fake?

Now is the most exciting time for the show! Don't be distracted!

News from the program group:

Fang Bo eliminated Wang Su!

So the structure of is very clear.

Li Tiezhu + Lin Mou + Little Pig + the upcoming Song Zhuer, against Huang Sanshi + Fang Bo + Squirrel + Sun Lei of unknown attributes.

It's a mess!

Li Tiezhu thought carefully, and said, "Lin, you remember to shrink back. When there is only the last person left, you rush forward to scan his QR code. In this way, you will definitely win. Remember. No matter if the other party is from our side or from there, don’t hesitate to scan directly!"

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