Earthy Superstar

Chapter 314: :school starts

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Huang Sanshi was embarrassed, lost a shoe and messed up his hair style. He was sweating and panting. He shouted, "Don't chase!"

Lin held a cellphone and laughed out of breath. Infinite challenges are too fun. He is especially friendly to newcomers: "Mr. Huang, if you don't run, I won't chase."

Huang Sanshi began to undress: "Give it to... Stop playing!"

Lin scanned the code after taking the clothes, eliminated Huang Sanshi, and then kindly threw Huang Sanshi's lost writing over.

Fang Bo, Sun Lei and others also gathered around.

Wang Su: "It's too miserable! The infinite men's gang was wiped out."

Sun Lei said: "Master Huang, if I were you, I would not run. Anyway, I will lose!"

Huang Sanshi didn't fight with anger: "You are still embarrassed to say cold words? You ruined the good situation. Why are you impulsive? If you don't die, how can we get them."

Little Pig smiled and said, "Will he be impulsive or not? This time I mainly blame Shochiku, they are cheating."

Fang Bo: "Forget it, I lost everything, so be it, don't let Li Tiezhu come again in the future."

Sun Lei said: "That's right, in the final analysis, Huang Laoxie, you led the wolf into the room by yourself!"

Huang Sanshi: "..."

That's it, it's a bit miserable, but the little quilted jacket at home must like to watch it.


Li Tiezhu was eliminated.

Lin scanned the QR code behind Li Tiezhu at the shaved ice shop, and jumped with excitement: "Wow! I won! I won!"

Song Zhu'er looked calm, and fed Li Tiezhu a spoonful of shaved ice: "Is it delicious?"

Li Tiezhu: "It's okay."

Song Zhu'er took a bite himself and narrowed his eyes.

Although the single dog won, but couldn't be happy anymore and was stuffed with dog food.

Sun Lei and Fang Bo also came over, and they took their cellphones to call their wives to report. It was roughly that the section list was over, and they would be back soon.

Squirrel and Little Pig are also talking on the phone with their girlfriends, and Teacher Huang is playing videos for their daughters, mainly because they want to watch Li Tiezhu.

Lin suddenly discovered that among so many people present today, he was a single dog.

I couldn’t lose, so Lin took out the phone and called: "Hello? Young Master Wang? Where is it? I'm looking for you...A new girlfriend? What's so fun about my girlfriend? I'll tell you about me. I won the Infinite Challenge, hahaha! Amazing, right? Celebrate tonight, wait for me, I will come soon, um..."

snort! I also have objects to play with, so that I can leave my girlfriend behind.

After hanging up the phone, Lin was refreshed, and when he looked at Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer Qingqing, I, and Sung Zhuer, he unconsciously smiled contemptuously. The smell of love is really sour and smelly, how can there be pure affection between the opposite sex?

The program team is over, and everyone said goodbye to each other.

Huang Sanshi's camera said to Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer: "Young man, look, Li Tiezhu is back fat."

On the phone: "Dad, people are strong, you are fat."

Huang Sanshi became even more angry, and said to Li Tiezhu: "I'm waiting for you at school... just wait and see!"

Song Zhuer: "Tie Zhu, what does he mean?"

Li Tiezhu said: "Teacher Huang meant that when we go to school in Kyoto, he wants to invite us to eat at home, right?"

Huang Sanshi: "How could I..."

On the phone: "Really? Dad is great! Brother Tie Zhu, just order whatever you like, and my dad can cook well..."

Huang Sanshi: "..."

Li Tiezhu tentatively said: "Buddha..."

Huang Sanshi: "Buddha, what kind of Buddha? No Buddha! There is no such thing as ordering food. My house is not a mushroom house."

Song Zhu'er tilted his head: "Then the perfect soup?"

Huang Sanshi turned his head and left.

The show has been recorded. After Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer bid farewell to everyone, they went back to the hotel to take their luggage and drove back to the Donghai Apartment.

After all, it was the Qixi Festival, and Li Tiezhu made Song Zhu'er her favorite little frog.


At nine o'clock in the evening, Donghai Airport.

Sister Yun dragged her luggage and followed the tightly disguised Lengba: "What are you doing! Just leave, Sister Mi will teach you again."

Lengba: "Today, on the Qixi Festival, what happened to me giving myself a day off?"

"Didn't you just see it two days ago?"

"I am giving him a surprise."

"What's the surprise? What if he isn't in the East China Sea?"

"It must be! I don't know him yet? I'm going to Kyoto in two days. He will definitely come to the East China Sea to pack his luggage."

"I hope you won't be empty."

"Okay, you can go home and rest when you get out of the car. You don't have to follow me anymore."

Soon, Lengba dragged a suitcase and a gift bag to the downstairs of the apartment. He looked up and found that the light in the apartment was on. I knew him.

Lengba came out of the elevator, looked at the gift bag, smiled triumphantly, and took out the key to open the door.

"Pillar! Ah..."

Lengba hurriedly closed the door, and then froze at the door. What were Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer doing in the living room?

Li Tiezhu stopped.

Song Zhu'er and Leng Ba stared at each other and said in unison:

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?"

Li Tiezhu hardened slightly.

Song Zhu'er: "Ah! It hurts, it hurts... lightly."

Li Tiezhu's hand became lighter, and he gently rubbed Song Zhu'er's shoulder, "Is it comfortable?"

Song Zhu'er hugged Xiao Jiu and closed his eyes happily: "Comfortable! Why do you still pinch your shoulders?"

Li Tiezhu: "I learned from Xiao Zhen, Sister Lengba, come over, and I will give you a pinch."

Lengba walked over, put down her things, and sat next to Song Zhu'er. Song Zhu'er turned around, gave her a hug, and bumped.

"Ah! It really doesn't work."

"Give up, you won't have a chance in your life."

"Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't deceive the girl to Ping."

"It's drooping after thirty years."

Li Tiezhu slapped each back of the head: "Speak well!"

Lengba: "Meow!"

Song Zhuer: "Bah!"

Li Tiezhu rubbed Lengba's shoulders, and found that her shoulders were a little stiff, so she used her strength a little bit. The cat is not afraid of pain: "Is it too tired recently? I feel that your health is not in good condition. Take more rest!"

Lengba: "How could it be possible to take a rest? Just come back this time, I have to go back to Hengdian tomorrow morning, otherwise Yang Papi scolded me to death."

Li Tiezhu: "Why don't you quit, don't follow her."

"Forget it, she is fine except for forcing me to take the show."

"That's all right."

Song Zhu'er didn't listen to them chatting, put Xiao Jiu aside, quietly Mimi opened the gift bag that Lengba brought, this cat should be okay, he bought gifts for the master on Qixi Festival, tusk... Li Tiezhu is really blessed. Let me see what I bought? Can I be creative with the gift I bought?

Before, Song Zhu'er and Li Tiezhu had given each other gifts, Li Tiezhu gave Song Zhu'er a necklace, Song Zhuer gave Li Tiezhu a kitchen knife, yes, it was a kitchen knife, imported from the Japanese country, old and expensive.

Inside the gift bag is a box, and inside the box is a pink-toot-shaped thing with a switch.

click it once.



Xiao Jiu ran away in fright.


Shochikuer blushed suddenly. Is this the surprise you want?

Lengba was taken aback, and quickly grabbed it and turned it off: "What are you doing? Why are you ruining my things?"

Song Zhuer stared at Lengba: "What do you think? Huh~"

Lengba's face also blushed: "I want you to take care of it! Do you believe this is a face-lifting massager? For skinny apple muscles, would you like to try it?"

Shochikuer looked closer: "Don't you feel ashamed?"

Lengba: "Boom!"

Song Zhuer quickly bounced off and wiped her face desperately: "Are you crazy! Why do you kiss me?"

Lengba smiled triumphantly: "Are you scared?"

Li Tiezhu continued to press his shoulders, looking down at Lengba's delicate collarbone, he couldn't help but feel a little dry. Anyway, it was almost done, and Li Tiezhu's hand slid down unconsciously.



The next day, Lengba returned to Hengdian. Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer flew to Kyoto with Xiao Jiu and luggage.

In a small villa in Kyoto, the two spent two days without shame.

On September 1, the school day has arrived.

Song Zhu'er was picked up by Li Tiezhu early in the morning, and then he took breakfast and took his suitcase to school.

"Go by car."

Song Zhuer said.

Li Tiezhu disgusted: "Does your broken car fit our luggage? Or you can drive by yourself, I'll take the subway."

Song Zhu'er took Li Tiezhu's hand: "I also take the subway."

Anyway, it has been officially announced. It feels good not to hide and tuck. Li Tiezhu took Song Zhu'er out together. Neither of them wore hats or masks, and even Song Zhu's didn't even put on makeup.

On the subway, many people naturally pointed to them and patted them.

When he arrived at the gate of Peking Film Academy, Song Zhuer murmured: "Fortunately, I didn't drive here. I couldn't find a place to park at all."

The school is bustling with people both inside and outside the school, and all kinds of luxury cars are parked outside the school. Most of the people who can get on Nortel are rich people. However, the school does not allow private cars to enter. Therefore, even the rich second generation can only You or your parents carry your luggage to report.

Each faculty and department put up banners to welcome the freshmen, and there were also senior brothers and sisters who used trumpets to guide the freshmen to report.

"The photography department, please come here!"

"The director, the director, come here!"

"A freshman in the acting department will follow me..."

And there are many media reporters outside the door. Every year Nortel has a lot of celebrities, and even freshmen who have not debuted are very gimmicks. This one is so handsome, that one is so beautiful. This is Xiao Liu Yifei and the like.

Of course, they only pay attention to the new students of the acting department, as for the crooked melons of other departments...

When Song Zhu'er and Li Tiezhu came to the school gate holding hands, they were naturally stopped by a few reporters.

A female reporter said: "Li Tiezhu, you two are openly holding hands to report, aren't you afraid of the influence?"

Li Tiezhu: "Is it illegal?"

A male reporter said: "You open your you not afraid to affect the image of Song Zhuer?"

Shochikuer: "Do I have an image? Really? How can I have that stuff?"

Another reporter asked: "Are you already living together?"

Shochikuer: "Did you do what you should and shouldn't do, what's the matter? Is it illegal?"

The three reporters shut themselves down one after another.

Another person who is not afraid of death asked: "You are so high-profile now, if you break up and still go to school in the same class, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

Li Tiezhu: "Why did you break up? You have such a beautiful girlfriend. Did you break up? Oh, you won't have one."

The reporters were killed successfully. Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer walked into the school gate happily, holding hands.

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