Earthy Superstar

Chapter 327: : 4 iron

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Wang Xiaokai immediately raised his hand: "I, I, I..."

Lu Bo: "You don't need to introduce it. People all over the country know you."

Wang Xiaokai: "I still want it! I want it."

He ran up to the podium, licked his face and smiled at Lu Bo, and said, "Hello classmates, I am Wang Xiaokai in the 315 dorm, and I am from Shuangqing. I like to eat hot pot. My dream is to be a big star and make a lot of money. hot pot."

Wu Lei shouted: "Eat every day, can your **** stand it?"

Wang Xiaokai: "I'm afraid you don't know, I'm known as the iron hip baby! Three hot pot meals a day are all right! No acne on the face, no sores under the buttocks."

There was a burst of laughter in the audience. It is true that everyone knows Wang Xiaokai. After all, Xiao San is really red, but I still need to introduce it. Otherwise, who knew Wang Xiaokai was such a sand sculpture? Also iron hip baby!

Tietouwa laughed most happily, there is a picture!

Li Tiezhu couldn't help laughing. Is this Nima an idol little fresh meat? It's just a livestock.

Lu Bo shook his head with a suffocated smile. The difference between these children and their generation is so big, they are only seven or eight years old, right? Why is the generation gap so obvious?

The shy Li Zhixuan stunned, "Shouldn't it be called Tiejuwa?"

Li Tiezhu: "Hello Wang Tieju!"

Everyone was almost laughing, but Li Zhixuan and Li Tiezhu made everyone laugh again. Teacher Lu Bo couldn't bear it and laughed.

God is special iron chrysanthemum.

On the stage, Wang Xiaokai suddenly felt something was wrong: "It's an iron hip! Li Tiezhu, I will sue you for slander!"

The students hurriedly shouted:

"Hello Wang Tieju!"


"Master Juchang has worked hard!"

"The big chrysanthemum is important!"

From then on, Wang Xiaokai had a resounding bandit number that accompanied him throughout his life. Jianghu people are called Wang Tieju, also known as Juzuo.

Wang Xiaokai pressed both hands: "Shut up, don't laugh, it's an iron buttocks!"

The audience laughed more cheerfully.

Wang Xiaokai pursed his **** and slapped himself: "I practice every day! Alice? The girl I like will add WeChat later. Now, is it a talent show, right? Teacher Lu? Okay, as a singing and jumping idol singer, Let’s show everyone a tap dance, after all, that’s how iron hips are trained!"

His tap dance was very good, but the cheers in the audience were not right.

"Tie Ju, you are great!"

"Chrysanthemum is great!"

After the jump, Wang Xiaokai bowed, stepped off the stage, and naturally walked to the side of Li Tiezhu and sat down without going back to stand behind.

Only then did everyone know what wishful thinking he was playing.

Lu Bo glared at him and didn't say anything. After all, it was just Liwei at the beginning, and Wang Xiaokai and Li Tiezhu were just fighting, not bullying.

Lu Bo: "Who will come next?"

Li Tiezhu was pushed out by Wang Xiaokai and asked you to give me a nickname.

Li Tiezhu didn't matter, he came to the stage and said, "Hello everyone, I am Li Tiezhu, the half-brother of Wang Tieju's half-brother in the 315 dorm. I will be 19 years old next month..."

Wang Xiaokai: "Climb for Lao Tzu! The watch shouts indiscriminately."

Wu Lei: "Tie Ju, Lao Li treats you tonight, should we eat hot pot or what?"

Wang Xiaokai: "..."

Li Tiezhu continued to introduce himself, and finally said: "As a singer-songwriter, let me perform a backflip for everyone."

Wu Lei couldn't help but complain: "Tie Ju, what singers are you and your brother, weird talents."

Wang Xiaokai: "Are you talking to me?"

Li Zhixuan: "Apart from you, who else is called Tieju?"

On the stage, Li Tiezhu made a solid backflip.

Classmates: "Call..."

Song Zhuer shouted loudly: "It's boring! Change one! Change another!"

Li Tiezhu is a bit embarrassed, isn't the backflip exciting yet?

Scratching his head, Li Tiezhu sang: "Follow me in a slow motion with my left and right hands, and replay in slow motion with my left and right hands..."

Wang Xiaokai: "I suspect he is humiliating me."

Wu Lei: "Be confident and remove the word doubt."

After singing a few words, Li Tiezhu stepped off the stage and carried Wu Lei out, and a dormitory would be neat and tidy.

Wu Lei: "Hello, female classmates! My name is Wu Tielei, also 315. I am 18 years old this year. I am an actor. Thank you!"

The girls in the audience roared with laughter, and the boys were more reserved.

Lu Bo: "What nonsense? Speak well."

Wu Lei nodded: "As an actor with both talent and morality, I will show you the performance of licking the tip of my nose and seeing if my tongue sings or not... Slightly..."

The girls became more excited and applauded one after another.

Wang Xiaokai: "Aunt Pong also needs capital, so I can't do it!"

The low-key Li Zhixuan suddenly yelled: "I would like to call you Iron Tongue! Wu Tie Tong!"

The girls laughed strangely.

Li Tiezhu couldn't bear it anymore, he slapped the desk with a smile on his face.

Wang Xiaokai also laughed crazy, Li Zhixuan said, he looked like a dog, but he didn't expect it to be so cheap.

Li Zhixuan also whispered: "Iron tongue and bronze, a magic weapon for chasing sisters! Directly lick the bald skin for the old aunt!"

It's so rhyming.

Wang Xiaokai slobbered and laughed.

After the performance was completed, Wu Lei walked down triumphantly. What is a specialty? My specialty is the real specialty, and the tongue specialty is flexible.

Li Zhixuan came on stage tacitly, and no one robbed the classmates. Everyone wanted to see if the 315 animals were so weird.

After the infamous Li Zhixuan came on stage, no one knew him. Seeing that he was handsome and sunny, but very shy and introverted, the girls applauded and cheered on him, hoping that the three celebrities would not give this new classmate too much. huge pressure.

Li Zhixuan said: "Good classmates, good teachers! My home is Dongbei Di, 19 years old, also in the 315 dormitory, my name...what is my name?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The audience laughed together, can you still remember your name?

Li Zhixuan scratched his head: "My name is Li Zhixuan, I remember! I mean what my bandit number should be called, we are all 315th generations. Now, I am not the only one, so I am quite panicked. I think about it, not the whole Bandits or something, I'm afraid they will push me out, or I will be called Iron Egg?"

Song Zhuer: "I object!"

Li Zhixuan: "What are you opposed to? Gaha opposed?"

Song Zhu'er: "Because Li Tiezhu's unborn younger brother is really called Li Tiedan."

Li Zhixuan: "Is it a coincidence? Then I'll change it. My name is Li Tie Hammer, right? Iron Ju, Iron Tongue, Iron Pillar, Iron Hammer, all neat and tidy! About me, my mother pulled it before I came to school. My hand eagerly asked me to talk about a few more girlfriends at the university. I said that the female students in our school are all good-looking. If I don’t talk about a few girlfriends, I feel like the tuition will be in vain.”

Li Zhixuan belongs to the kind of grinning craftsman who seems shy and introverted, but he can laugh to death when he speaks. This is probably the talent of the Northeastern.

The laughter in the audience never stopped.

Lu Bo: "Are you here to study or to find a wife?"

Li Zhixuan: "The main thing is to find a daughter-in-law, study and study by the way, don’t worry about the teacher, I can’t delay my study, I’m serious about studying. After all, my parents are both rich second-generation generations, and I’m busy with my ideals. When you come to a famous performance, you have to go home and inherit your family business. You say, can I not learn from the dead?"

Lu Bo: "..."

Wang Xiaokai: "This product is really a hammer! People live up to their name."

Li Zhixuan: "Talent, no talent, let's knock one out for everyone."


Li Zhixuan knocked on the podium table.

The boys were stunned, that's it?



"What a great talent!"

The girls are applauding. 315 dormitory is full of talents. Li Zhixuan, the most unremarkable one, turned out to be the most talented. It seems that there are at least hundreds of millions of talents.

Li Zhixuan stepped down, and others started to introduce themselves.

Under the leadership of 315 Sitie, the entire introduction style has been completely off-track, and each one is very strange. Lu Bo scratched his head straight at the sight. I am afraid that this class of students will not be easy to lead.

A girl said: "...I like raising dogs. Now the dormitory is not allowed to raise them. I asked my aunt before. So, are there any single dogs in the class that no one has adopted? You can contact me if you have."

A man said: "My dad's name is Li Jianjun, do you know him? I don't know either. I only know my stepdad. So, if you meet someone named Li Jianjun in the future, remember to introduce me. What if there are more dads? Dad is not too much..."

Song Zhu'er said: "...I'm Li Tiezhu's girlfriend. I would advise these female students in the class. If your team Li Tiezhu has an attempt, huh...remember to register with me."

Lu Bo: "What did you say? Give you a chance to say it again."

Song Zhu'er scratched his head: "Should you not let advertisements? Well, that's what it means anyway, I will show you a thug excitement punch."

Li Tiezhu covered his face and couldn't bear to look straight. It was too enchanting!

Wang Xiaokai watched with gusto: "Wow! Tie Zhu is so blessed."

Wu Lei's expressionless face: "You don't know how good your auntie is, you mistakenly treat the girl as a treasure!"

Li Zhixuan: "This kind of effort, I punch one by one."

Song Zhuer finished a set of good-looking kung fu and stepped down amidst the cheers of the boys and girls.

Lu Bo wiped his forehead and stood on the stage again: "Uh...I am glad to see that the students are so energetic. It is a good thing to be lively! However, pay attention to the scale. Although everyone is an adult, this is a good thing. In school, performances like Wu Lei and Song Zhuer will not appear again in the future. In addition, I will tell you good news."

The classmates calm down.

Lu Bo: "The good news is that tomorrow, the fifteen-day military training will officially begin."

The students wailed for a while.

315 Four irons, clenched brows without frowning.

Li Tiezhu: "What happened to them in such a good military training? It's time to realize the dream of soldiers! I heard that you can still shoot real guns."

Wang Xiaokai: "They are all spoiled only It is inevitable."

Wu Lei: "I haven't suffered, it's normal."

Wang Xiaokai and Wu Lei had their debut since they were young. Outsiders only saw their brilliance. Few people knew that they suffered from snacks several times more than others. Wang Xiaokai has been practicing singing and dancing for ten years, and it will definitely be bitter. Wu Lei runs in various crews, and it is also common for him to eat and sleep on the street.

The rich second generation Li Zhixuan has never suffered, but he is eager to endure hardship. After all, he does not want to go back and inherit the family property.

His eyes lit up, and he said, "I'm still a little excited. I heard that the instructor will kick people. Tsk tsk..."

If Sister Mi was there, she would definitely feel that this product had the same attribute as Lengba.

Lu Bo ignored everyone's wailing and said, "Tomorrow at noon, there will be a bus to pick you up to the military base. Everyone, rat tail juice..."

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