Earthy Superstar

Chapter 369: : Knockout

Li Tiezhu’s fans once again put him on top of the hot spot, but the fans did not express consolation for the last thing he liked to mention, but laughed at them:

"Tie Zhu, is the feeling at the tail of the crane irritating?"

"The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" is Li Tiezhu himself!"

"I bet on fifty cents. Serious brother will be eliminated in the next period."

"Why do you get seventh when singing such a beautiful song, Li Tiezhu, have you enlightened it?"

"Let you mess with it!"

"I am happy to see that you are not ranked well."

"Tie Zhu don't cry, stand up and lull up."

"I'm called a singer on the show, what are you doing as a comedian?"

"Li Tiezhu, your teacher teaches you to go back to class."

These are Li Tiezhu’s real fans, and some are obviously not. Even though they are in the diss Li Tiezhu, they feel completely wrong:

"Hehe! This is the king of good voices?"

"Exposed the prototype, right?"

"I don't know how you became popular."

"I heard that Penguin raised a composition team of more than a dozen people in order to support him."

"No wonder, I said how someone can write songs so fast."

"Now these stars have no lower limit."

Li Tiezhu didn't care about these bad reviews at all. He didn't even read the TikTok reviews, and even those who scolded him in private messages would not read them, wasting traffic.

However, the "I Am the Singer" column team cannot sit back and ignore it. This is not Li Tiezhu's alone, but a question of the impartiality of the singer. Li Tiezhu must be supported.

So, they sent interviews that were not used in the feature film to Douyin. At this time, there were three interviewees in the interview at the time of voting, the aunt, the middle-aged man, and the little girl.

Aunt: "What? Of course I like Li Tiezhu, but I voted for Han Hong."

Moderator: "Why don't you vote for Li Tiezhu?"

Aunt: "My family Tie Zhu will definitely win. He wrote this song so well. I want to support him the brightest star in the night sky!"

With that said, the aunt was a little more enchanting than a square dance.

The host asked the middle-aged man again: "Of these seven singers today, who do you like best?"

Middle-aged man: "Li Tiezhu, I like his song "Chasing Dreams and Hearts" the most. I am the rabbit fan. Although I am older, I am still moved."

Moderator: "So, do you want to vote for Li Tiezhu?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "Li Tiezhu does not miss my vote. I voted for Sister Han Hong. She is so positive! At the same time, thank him for helping Li Tiezhu."

Moderator: "Do you believe in Li Tiezhu that way? What if he loses?"

Middle-aged man: "Impossible! What's a joke? Li Tiezhu's song today is well written and sung well, how could it be possible to lose? You are so humorous."

Finally, the host asked a pretty little girl: "Sister, who is your favorite singer this time?"

Little girl: "Li Tiezhu."

"Why? Don't we girls all like high-value idols?"

"Although Tie Zhu doesn't look good, he has a good figure."


"The eight-pack abs, and the chest muscles are also very stylish! Cough cough... Besides, I came from Xiao Zhenqiu. He said that Tie Zhu was the beacon of his life. I chased it for a while, and then became fascinated... …"

"Then would you vote for Li Tiezhu?"

"It was originally true, but the song he sang said that Mr. Han Hong was his beacon, and that was the beacon of my idol. I voted for Aunt Han Hong. Anyway, so many people voted for Li Tiezhu, one less vote. does not matter."

The title of this video is:

"The unknown stories behind Li Tiezhu's ranking."

After the video was posted, everyone finally figured it out. It turned out that it was not the deafness of the audience, but Li Tiezhu himself who lifted a rock and hit him in the foot. He wrote a good song and performed it with his best singing skills to praise Teacher Han Hong. Then, his fans followed his advice and ran to vote for Han Hong.

It’s okay for one person, it’s okay for two, and there are problems with three. Many people who haven't been interviewed should also have this mentality.

In the end, he was self-defeating and got Li Tiezhu to seventh.

Fans of Li Tiezhu made crazy calls in this video, taunting and taunting Li Tiezhu.

Fans followed Li Tiezhu's life and death battle with his good voice a year ago. They are used to the big scenes. Therefore, they don't pay much attention to the painless "match" of singers.

If a good voice is out, you will basically miss the music scene, but the singer will not.

But some people have a peculiar way of thinking: "So, Sun Nan is actually the last one?"

The next day, Sun Nan’s agent, Wulin, was interviewed at a certain press conference. He shouted Li Tiezhu in the air. He was very tough with sunglasses:

"As a newcomer with no basic skills, what right does Li Tiezhu have to point fingers at old artists like Sun Nan? Malicious comments? What's wrong with Sun Nan's high pitch? No problem at all. He is the best tenor singer in China! What? The program group asks the singers to comment on each other? Then you should also be realistic, don't pretend to understand, let alone squirt for the sake of spraying, you have nothing to say about Sun Nan's singing, you can not speak, no one will treat you as dumb. When it comes to others, first see if you are qualified!"

No one knows where this product is so hot. As an agent, there is no need to accept interviews, and there is no need to provoke disputes between artists.

The video of Wulin furious Li Tiezhu was put on Douyin, and it quickly became popular.

Some of them agreed with him and felt that Li Tiezhu, as a newcomer, said that Sun Nan's soprano was not good during the live broadcast, because he did not show enough respect for his seniors.

But the vast majority of people support Li Tiezhu, because they all know that Li Tiezhu is unabashed. Besides, Li Tiezhu is right, and Han Hong also raised the issue of Sun Nan's high pitch.

What makes everyone unhappy most is the attitude of Sun Nan's agent, arrogantly arrogant, as if his family Sun Nan is a **** that can't be blasphemed.

The comment area is very lively:

"Who is this person? Can a blind man become a manager these years?"

"Said Li Tiezhu is not qualified to comment on Sun Nan, then what qualifications do you have to comment on Li Tiezhu?"

"I'm serious brother about this matter."

"There is a reason why your celebrity hasn't become a big hit in the first 20 years."

"Because I met a strange agent."

"Speaking of high pitch, I prefer Li Tiezhu, "Big Fish" and "A Diao"."

"This guy looks disgusting."

"Sorry guys, I forgot to pull the zipper."

Li Tiezhu, who had already returned to the Kyoto villa, also knew about it, but ignored it. As for what Sun Nan's agent said and wrote, he didn't want to respond. He was busy writing the script. How can he spare time to tease the cats and dogs?

The script of "Soldiers Assault" has reached the eleventh episode.

Li Tiezhu's reluctance does not mean that Songzhuer can bear it. Tietouwa directly posted a vibrato video and named Wu Lin.

"Wulin is it? When is A Mao Agou eligible to comment on Li Tiezhu's right? High pitch? What is high pitch? Does "A Diao" count? "Big Fish" count? Isn't it higher than "Hydrogen Balloon"? Zhu is not a tenor, do you know why? Because your singer only has a high pitch! And my Tie Zhu is different, so you can write and sing songs, there are rock and folk songs, rap and Chinese style. One Last year, I wrote that half of the Chinese music scene is a singer who doesn’t understand music? Don’t understand treble? I’m afraid your glaucoma can’t do without sunglasses! If you have the ability to speak with sunglasses, forget it if it’s too ugly, I have ugly phobia."

Song Zhu'er Diaoren has always been so hearty and hearty. Douyin fans were so happy that they gave Song Zhu'er a thumbs up, commented and forwarded.

It doesn't matter whether it's right or not, if it's this old man, it's just a positive momentum.

Li Tiezhu's fans love it even more. Such a short-term female ticket is not too cute.

Then, Wu Lin and Song Zhuer got on the bar, and fought each other on Douyin back and forth for a week, and they did not stop until the start of the second round. The reason why I am not stunned by the bib is because Song Zhuer was blocked by the bib last year.

This see-saw mutual scolding, there is no doubt that Song Zhuer has the absolute upper hand, not so much scolding each other, as it is a sling.

First of all, Song Zhu'er has the advantage of justice. The program group asked Li Tiezhu to comment, and Li Tiezhu and Han Hong commented basically the same. Secondly, Shochiku's combat effectiveness is amazing, and he can scold people every time. In the end, the eyes of netizens are discerning. In the final analysis, this matter is that Sun Nan's agent used qualifications to suppress others, and his attitude was arrogant and brutal.

It's Friday again, November 11th, Singles Day.

The seven singers met again in the lounge and greeted each other.

Li Tiezhu is as humble as ever, and respects every singer, not because of his low qualifications. In Li Tiezhu's eyes, these are the generations of uncles and aunts, and of course they must be respected.

It's so simple.

"Aunt Han Hong! Why are your eye circles dark? Going to the mountains again this week?"

"Uncle, why are your eye rims dark? Oh, by the way, your eye rims are always dark..."

"Sister Jingling, are you poisoned? Why are your lips purple?"

"Good Uncle Daji! Have you eaten yet?"

"Uncle Yan Bing, I heard you are writing a new song?"

Finally, Li Tiezhu came to Sun Nan, and the other singers also watched. This week, the online scolding battle between Sun Nan’s agent and Li Tiezhu’s girlfriend has become known to everyone, and there are rumors about Li Tiezhu and Sun. South is not in harmony.

Even Sun Nan himself was a little embarrassed.

Li Tiezhu smiled honestly: "Old man, why are you dark again? You are still fat. Didn't you say that you exercise every day? How can you still get fat?"



Doesn't exist, my girlfriend scolds them?

What does Song Zhuer's curse have to do with me, Li Tiezhu? As long as we pull out, we are two independent individuals, don't confuse us.

Sun Nanyuan was not as comfortable as Li Tiezhu, and smiled forcefully: "Recently, I have worked on the arrangement, and I have exercised a little less..."

Li Tiezhu: "What's the matter with this? I still go to class every day, write scripts, and write songs. Look at me, I run five kilometers perseveringly every day."

Sun Nan: "Ah! Really? You are amazing. Sister Hong, how are you doing today?"

Really didn't want to talk to Li Tiezhu, Sun Nan found an excuse and slipped away.

Liang Tian whispered in Li Tiezhu: "Your girlfriend is really amazing! I'm so relieved. Watching her cursing videos made me laugh crazy."

Li Tiezhu said: "What's the matter with this? She still likes to fight, the day before yesterday, she finally beat Guan Shuangshuang, refreshed all day."

Then, the game began, this game is destined to attract attention.

As soon as the live broadcast started, the barrage was refreshed:

"The Iron Head Baby is here, who dares to force him?"

"The Iron Head Baby is supervising the battle..."

These are fans of Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer, and Sun Nan's fans started to spray Li Tiezhu.

Although the live broadcast barrage atmosphere is not harmonious, but the game went smoothly, because this is a knockout, so every singer has used all his best to show his housekeeping skills.

Li Tiezhu presented the song "Wind Up", once again shocking the four, everyone sighed that it was another divine comedy.

When Li Tiezhu returned to the lounge after singing, the singers who finished singing one after another came to give Li Tiezhu a high-five.

Li Zijian and Yan Bing are most enthusiastic about Li Tiezhu.

Li Zijian said: "This song of you didn't happen to me. I heard you sing it on Douyin, and tried to expand it. I feel good about myself, but compared with what you sang today, I feel that the gap is a bit too big. ."

Li Tiezhu: "Uncle, you praised it."

Yan Bing: "I wrote it too! I think I can use it to humiliate Li Tiezhu."

Li Zijian: "Take it out then."

Yan Bing: "No. Now I'm humiliating myself. Li Tiezhu is really a ruthless person. He writes songs when he says that he writes songs. He writes new songs in every issue. Admire!"

Li Zijian said: "I also admire ruthless people the most."

Yan Bing: "There is a joke on the Internet that there are three kinds of cruel people in life. One is the one who wakes up as soon as the alarm clock rings, the other is the one who never wears a mobile phone when going to the bathroom, and the other is Li Tiezhu who writes at every disagreement. Song."

Li Zijian: "There is a more ruthless one."

Yan Bing: "What?"

Li Zijian: "That kind of thing, you get up to go to the bathroom as soon as the alarm clock rings, you write songs without your cell phone, and you just wash it away without even looking at it after you pull it up."

Yan Bing: "Who is so cruel? You don't even look at it after pulling it?"

Li Tiezhu: "Why take a look? Just take a look, can it come alive?"

Li Zijian: "..."

Yan Bing: "..."

Liang Tian was behind Li Tiezhu, listening to them talk about heavy tastes, and covered her nose. In the end, he couldn't help but said, "So, Tie Zhu, are you the kind of cruel person that Brother Jian said?"

Li Zijian: "Obviously, yes, all songwriters know that when they go to the bathroom, they are often inspired.

Yan Bing: "Yes!"

On the other side, Sun Nan motioned to them to keep quiet, and Huang Jingling had already begun to sing.

Soon, the last singer Huang Jingling finished singing, and another round of voting began. Although the singers were chatting very well in the lounge, they were still somewhat worried.

Twenty minutes later After the announcement of teacher Hong Bo's toothpaste squeeze, most of the rankings in this issue came out.

Second Huang Liangling

The third ancient foundation

Fourth Li Zijian

Fifth Sun Nan

Sixth Han Hong

Hong Bo took a sip of Mount Chitose: "So, Li Tiezhu and Yan Bing, one is the first in this period, the other is the seventh in this period. If Li Tiezhu is seventh, he will be eliminated directly. If Li Tiezhu wins the first place , Then we have to re-rank the votes of the two issues, and the singer with the least votes will bid farewell to the stage of "I Am A Singer"."

The singers held their breath and came, the critical moment came...

Hong Bo asked Li Tiezhu: "Do you think you are the first or seventh?"

(PS: The four-thousand-word chapter is here. The update tomorrow may not be on time, but try to be more 4d.)

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