Earthy Superstar

Chapter 378: : Sisters in the entertainment circle

When receiving a WeChat inquiry from Zhang Xiaomeng, Li Tiezhu himself was stupefied. How could Zhang Yi be dealt with? To be reasonable, Li Tiezhu himself didn't know it, and it was quite difficult to communicate at first.

Li Tiezhu sat in Lengba's sister's car, did not start, and fell into memory. What did Zhang Yi play as squad leader Shi Jin?

An hour ago, when Li Tiezhu came to Zhang Yi’s crew with twice the price of coffee and a small gift for his agent, he looked dazed, because it was an anti-Japanese war drama, and there were yellow servants everywhere. The dirty little man, no one received him.

After a while, a deputy director found Li Tiezhu, and after asking for an autograph from Li Tiezhu, he reported to the director.

The director had another friendship with Li Tiezhu, the coffee was cold, and he called for Zhang Yi to play the militia.

Zhang Yi was all dirty at this time, but with a simple smile on his face: "Hey! Why are you here? I thought they were joking."

Li Tiezhu: "Brother, drink coffee."

"Ah! It's bitter."

"Bitter? Eighty-eight cups."

"Why are you so extravagant? Doesn't the Internet say that you were born as a poor child? You... I was quite surprised."

"The one who taught me. I'm here to invite you to act in my new play, a particularly good role. I just came over from Duan Yihong, and he agreed, so I'll leave you."

"Oh. I heard from your agent, it's really bitter, ah yeah... I thought it was a scam at first. A friend of mine, who also acted in a show, was deceived by more than 100,000. They all said they were shooting with big stars. TV dramas, I kept my mind, you said that you don't play good movies, but TV dramas? I don't believe it! Your movies have broken 5 billion!"

Zhang Yi disliked the bitterness of the coffee, while continuing to gritted his teeth and drank bitterly.

Indeed, as "The God of Medicine" starring Li Tiezhu broke through 4.5 billion box office, Li Tiezhu has also become the youngest 5 billion movie star in history.

Li Tiezhu said, "It's all other people's movies, and this TV series is my own."

Zhang Yi started drinking coffee again, his face wrinkled into bitter gourd skins: "Yeah..."

Li Tiezhu: "Don't drink any bitterness. I don't like coffee. I thought you liked it... I would have bought it for twelve yuan a board."

"Ha! Wow hee hee better than this. Isn't it a scam?"

"Am I going to defraud myself? Although I am stupid, I am not going to break the law? Have you read the novel?"

"I have seen it, I really like the role of monitor."

"Then... take it."

"But, I don't worry, you give me one hundred thousand episodes, right? Na! Isn't this a scam? I am now 131 episodes, and the director still dislikes me, you say, what do I think?"

"Ah! This..."

"Furthermore! You said you trust my acting skills, have you seen my filming? You say a few! Say!"


"No! I know you are very red, very red! But, I have no money and no color, what are you doing? Zhu Ge? I like your songs too. Wouldn't you sing well and make movies? Not making a TV series?"

"You also read the novel, and that's it, I have to shoot it."

"It's also... You do have three views right. But, can I ask? I and Duan Yihong fell into the water at the same time. Who do you save?"

Zhang Yi stared at Li Tiezhu, took the coffee to his mouth, suddenly felt "hot", and then threw it away.

Li Tiezhu looked blank: "Ah... I, save you first, your pay is cheaper, he is more expensive."

"Really shot?"


"I said you really play the acting school, not the flow school? You are very hot now! Don't put watermelon on it, you pick sesame seeds..."

"It's really filming! I like this drama. I want to be a director, an actor, and a singer."

"Your coffee is so bitter!"

"I'll go to the milk tea shop to buy you another cup? Where's the sweetness."

"Don't, I'll pretend to be forced and learn about petty bourgeoisie life. One hundred thousand episodes? Don't regret it?"

"hold head high!"

Zhang Yi was actually moved. He chose the drama, but "Soldier Assault" is the best drama he has encountered so far, the best role. Therefore, instead of hesitating, he was afraid of being deceived.

After all... the friend who had been deceived by hundreds of thousands of people was himself.


Therefore, Zhang Yi couldn't imagine that such a good thing would fall on him until Li Tiezhu came to him in person.

Duan Yihong chooses people. For example, if Tao Hong is the hostess, he doesn't need money to go. Zhang Yi chooses a play, as long as it is a good role in a good play, he will work hard to get and play well.

Li Tiezhu said, "How about you increase the price?"

Zhang Yi waved his hand again and again: "No, no, no! This is not suitable, I haven't promised you yet, you say this role is good, but there is a little..."

Li Tiezhu: "Which point?"

Rumbling rumbling--

There was a blasting sound in the distance.

Li Tiezhu bounced in shock.

Zhang Yi said, "Don't worry, the blasting team is working. Generally, it won't hurt people."

"Come on! Someone is injured!"

In the distance, someone suddenly shouted.

Zhang Yi and Li Tiezhu looked at each other for three seconds, and then ran towards the other side with their legs pulled out at the same time.

Half an hour later, on the corridor of the hospital.

Zhang Yi said to Li Tiezhu: "One hundred thousand one episode, right?"

Li Tiezhu: "Ang."

Zhang Yi: "Let your agent find me."

"Where is your agent?"

"I don't have one, I'm sorry. Ha... I'm tired. I'm tired of carrying one. Aren't you tired of carrying one and holding the other?"

"Should I... be tired?"


In short, Zhang Yi has always suspected that Li Tiezhu was a star deliberately promoted by Penguin Culture, even the songs he wrote, because many Internet celebrities said that there is a team behind Li Tiezhu. Even the big coffees like Yehenala and Sun Nan inadvertently showed some traces, and they couldn't help but make people think about it.

He didn't believe it until Li Tiezhu rushed to the hospital with two people alone. Li Tiezhu was really a simple person.

Because of the needs of the battlefield, the venue was rather partial, and it was all dirt roads. Li Tiezhu froze for three kilometers with two people on his back, and then came back to help Zhang Yi.

A popular traffic star cannot do this.

Moreover, he did not shy away from escorting the car with Zhang Yi and two staff members, sending the injured three group performances to the hospital, and calling their family members in turn to comfort them, endorsing them with his own credit.

The three people were not injured by the bombing, but were injured by the flying wheelbarrow and rocks. The injuries were not serious.

Seeing Li Tiezhu's heartfelt feelings about group actors who did not know the unfamiliar crew, Zhang Yi felt that even if he was deceived, even if the performance was scolded by others, it was worth a try. After all, Li Tiezhu is also a director for the first time. Poor shooting is excusable, but he always needs actors.

Zhang Yi is not for money. He just feels that he can never go wrong with him once.

In this way, Li Tiezhu didn't know why Zhang Yi was dealt with. When he left, he still asked: "Then what, Brother Yi. Don't you bargain? Don't you raise the salary or something? I have a little frustration."

Zhang Yi smiled: "Just sign the contract, I can support myself by filming."

In fact, what he didn't say was that the price you gave was already high enough. In the circle, there are many actors who are not well-known for their acting skills. It is completely impossible to pay such a high salary...


Li Tiezhu was dumbfounded from beginning to end.

How did you talk to Zhang Yi?

Isn't it just two bitter coffee with him? Soon did we chat about him being deceived by hundreds of thousands? Didn’t it just go to the hospital with the two injured group performers?

Did I miss something?

Li Tiezhu couldn't figure it out, but he didn't have a chance to figure it out anymore. In fact, his schedule was on time.

After driving the car and waving goodbye to Brother Yi, Li Tiezhu drove to Lengba's crew and waited for Lengba to leave work.

After discussing with the newcomer Lin, Zhang Xiaomeng decided to let Li Tiezhu take over Ma Jieke's invitation to attend his reception, so Li Tiezhu needed to find a female companion to go with him.

He asked Song Zhu'er in the main room by WeChat voice. Song Zhu'er was too close to go out of the scene recently, so he opened a group chat and asked Lengba to go.

Lengba refused symbolically, Shochikuer said, aren't you his own?

Lengba smiled and agreed.

While waiting, Li Tiezhu took out his mobile phone and chatted with Zhang Xiaomeng. He was also very happy to learn about the high-level changes in Penguin culture and the acceleration of the TV series.

Zhang Xiaomeng told Li Tiezhu only good news but not bad news, because he couldn't help with too complicated business affairs, and there were many problems.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaomeng started to report on Li Tiezhu's business details to Song Zhuer since half a year ago. She is smart and teamwork, and she is mainly trustworthy. Ever since, after Zhang Xiaomeng perfunctory Li Tiezhu, he summarized the things about Li Tiezhu's studio and "Soldier Assault", and sent it to Song Zhu'er by e-mail.

Of course, Li Tiezhu knew nothing about all of this. In his eyes, the entertainment industry was pure.

Waited twenty minutes, waited until Lengba changed into a black low-cut evening dress.

A group of crew members and actors are almost dripping saliva. There is no way, Lengba's sister is too white, and it's really bumpy.

Li Tiezhu: "Do I drive?"

Lengba: "You drive! Aren't people all driven by you?"

Li Tiezhu: "Huh?"

"When the running-in period is over, just toss around and don't pity at all..."

"Uh, this... speak well."

"Do you drive when you want to drive?"

"Huh! Shut up!"

"I didn't open my mouth either, I hate it!"

Lengba is getting more and more good at teasing, and she never gets tired of it. This is an optimistic attitude towards life... right?

Two hours later, Li Tiezhu drove Lengba's car to the outside of a luxury club in Suzhou and Hangzhou. Under the command of the security guard, he parked the Porsche macan on his cheek in a parking spot.

Li Tiezhu helped Lengba, who was wearing a hatred of sky, got out of the car. Her skirt was too high and her exposed thighs were too white, making the security guard take a breath.

Lengba: "Didn't you say that Majieke invited you to a banquet? How come no one greeted you?"

Li Tiezhu said: "The cocktail party. Said it was a cocktail party. Do you have experience?"

Lengba: "Ha! Give Zhuer a call."

Li Tiezhu: "Uh..."

In the final analysis, a major event still has to be decided by Shochikuer?

Song Zhuer was busy filming, and received a video, saying: "Tie Zhu, Sister Lengba, today is just doing it for the penguin! We don’t have to do anything, just eat and drink, don’t agree to anything~www say you are not interested."

Li Tiezhu was at a loss: "Aren't you eating?"

Lengba said: "I understand! I will contact you when something happens, keep your phone open. Goodbye."

In the face of major events, Li Tiezhu's magical animals are surprisingly in harmony. They are not jealous or jealous.

Even Tuzha got through Lengba's video call.

Lengba: "What are you doing? Dead rabbit smashed!"

Tuzha: "Many of the guests at the reception are spokespersons for evil forces outside the country. Remember to make Tie Zhu be cautious in his words and deeds."

Lengba: "Understood, thank you."

Rabbit hit: "Don't thank me, cat."

Really are brothers and sisters in the entertainment circle!

(Thank you for your support today)

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