Earthy Superstar

Chapter 390: : Live song writing

As a moderately well-regulated host who relies on relationships, how can Liang Tian have seen this situation? Although she did not live on the scene, she still couldn't help but worry about Li Tiezhu, and whispered:

"Yunde Society? Is it really okay?"

Li Tiezhu said, "It's okay."

Liang Tian wanted to ask again, but she was afraid of falling into Li Tiezhu's aura in the live broadcast room. She knew what Li Tiezhu was going to do! Don't say she hasn't heard of it, she hasn't even thought about it, she can still play like this.

But... this really proves his original ability, but it's too crazy, right?

Can it succeed?

If it succeeds, it is not super god?

On the live screen, Qin Tao spoke again, speaking to the cross talk special: "Hello everyone, this end on the TV screen is my best friend Li Tiezhu. Everyone knows that it was me who fed him into the music scene. "


Li Tiezhu: "Speaking seriously."

Qin Tao chuckled: "Do you remember the "Royal Engine" that we brought to you through the live broadcast last year? This year is the same, because some people questioned my brother's creative ability. Although the storm has subsided, those people have been punished. , But we still have to prove our own strength, so as not to have people with ulterior motives picking things up every other day. Therefore, the theme of today’s live broadcast is-improvisational originality."

The people in the cross talk show were stunned. How can this be proved? What is improvisational originality? Sing two songs casually? Can't prove it!

At this time, the number of people in Li Tiezhu's live broadcast room also exceeded 80,000. After all, it is rare to see Li Tiezhu live broadcast once. Once he started the live broadcast, Douyin directly gave huge traffic.

Li Tiezhu said: "As Taozi said, I opened this live broadcast to prove that my song is not based on a so-called team, but a work produced by myself. I dare not say that it is purely original, nor do I dare to say that I am. Genius, it’s just that my head is born with various melodies. What I have to do is take them out of my head and dedicate them to the world. At the same time, use the money earned from these songs to give back to the world. As for the original genius, what? Yes, I am not. I am a copyist—"

Li Tiezhu is not guilty in the slightest: "I copied the things in my head. I don't think they should be buried."

Douyin Messages support:

"Good job!"

"For a good sentence, I copied what was in my mind, this is a genius."

"It's really vague!"

"How many people have Tie Zhu's modesty hit in the face?"

"The real genius is humble here, but the shameless ones are slandering. Ridiculous!"

"Another "Royal Engine"?"

"The annual festival of the year!"

"So, is it important that Li Tiezhu is not allowed to participate in the Chinese Music Festival?"

"That's a joke..."

On the other side, in the cross talk special, the audience also chanted. The live broadcast was feedback from the scene. Li Tiezhu's seemingly humble but arrogant words made the audience love to hear and hear. This is the essence of cross talk!

Won the true biography of Teacher Guo.

They still came to listen to the cross talk, but they were listening to the long-range cross talk performance of Li Tiezhu and Qin Tao.

And this live broadcast of Li Tiezhu and Qin Tao, is it a cross talk?


Qin Tao: "Tie Zhu, are you copying the song in your head?"

Li Tiezhu: "Ang!"

Qin Tao: "The question is...Do you have a brain?"

Li Tiezhu: "This..."

The audience applauded and cheered together, doing a good job, this is the legendary offensive cheer!

Li Tiezhu yelled: "Is it right? I know I don't have a brain. That's because my head is full of songs, which doesn't leave much room for my brain."


"so beautiful."

"Li Tiezhu defeated Qin Tao."

"The postpartum brother performed well, much more aggressive than last year's live broadcast."

"That is, teacher Lv's disciple."

The scene was full of cheers, and Li Tiezhu's self-deprecation was very heartening.

Qin Tao: "Then how do you prove that you didn't copy songs?"

Li Tiezhu said: "Didn’t I tell you? Let the audience present the topic. I sing what they say, but time is limited. I only sing two lines. The time is only forty minutes, and it is estimated that I will sing more than 20 songs. Bar."

This is very popular. No matter what the question is, two melody is given. This question is random, and Li Tiezhu gives the melody instantaneously, which basically eliminates the possibility of cheating.

Li Tiezhu is very simple. He **** me last year, and he **** me this year?

Am I being too low-key?

It must be so, so he decided to have a high-profile wave, so he had this live broadcast to write songs.

After all, I have a system.

But is it possible?

Anyone who understands music would think that Li Tiezhu is looking for death. No one can do this.

Not even Jay Chou.

Therefore, Jay Chou spoke in the Douyin live broadcast room: "I'm playing a game, Tie Zhu blew me out! Looking forward to Tie Zhu's performance, come on, I am optimistic about you! Chinese songs are the best!"

For a while, Douyin's comments exploded, saying everything, but supporting more.

The atmosphere of the cross talk show also suddenly became hot.

Qin Tao: "Then... I'll come first, don't you always say that I raise pigs? Here is a song about pigs."

Li Tiezhu: "Pig, you have two holes in your nose. When you catch a cold, you still have nasal mucus. You have dark eyes. You can't see the side when you look at it~"

The cross talk show directly applauded, this is much better than Xiao Yueyue, he is a professional singer, but also original.

The vibrato live room is even more crazy:

"This is too cute, right?"

"I can feel Li Tiezhu's pampering with Qin Shou..."

"Qin Tao! Tao!"

"Xiaoshou Shou has a unique favor."

"As soon as you speak, you are original, just ask who else!"

"Dong Chou is watching the live broadcast! What do you think?"

Jay Chou: "Ouch~ Not bad."

Qin Tao: "Although I feel offended, I have to say that I didn't collude with him in advance. Of course, you don't believe me when I say that. Who made my master a donkey... Yu Qian."

The audience both live and in the live broadcast room roared with laughter, Qin Tao did it for his brothers to die!

You can call Lv Qian too?

Li Tiezhu said: "This is just a demonstration. Whether it is a cross talk special audience or audience friends in the live broadcast room, you can propose the corresponding topic, and I will sing it as soon as I see it."

Qin Tao: "I would like to call you the king of force!"

Li Tiezhu: "Go! I just want to prove that I didn't copy the songs of this world. My songs are all copied, but they are copied from my head and yours. That's all."

Say it's not forcing the king? ? ?

Qin Tao: "Did anyone give a question at the scene? Oh, the live broadcast room is fast, Great Wall, just a few words!"

Li Tiezhu: "The Great Wall of Ten Thousand Miles will never fall, the Yellow River for thousands of miles is surging, the rivers and mountains are beautiful, and the Diecaifeng Ridge is beautiful. Ask my country what is like a disease?!"

Qin Tao was stunned, even he was shocked by Li Tiezhu's quick response, Nima was like cheating.

Isn't it? The live broadcast room is really a navy, isn't it?

The audience was even more surprised, how could it be so fast? Moreover, these few sentences are so nice? The lyrics are even more majestic. How talented is this?

Li Tiezhu said: "It is said that I copied it, and there are so many good songs in my head. Go on, let's come to a cross talk special audience. Look for someone who is uglier!"

Qin Tao looked around the audience below, and said in a daze: "Please, Teacher Guo!"

Li Tiezhu: "It doesn't have to be so ugly, just generally ugly."

Qin Tao: "Oh! Then don't you say it earlier."

The audience laughed together. These two are a natural pair. Don't look at Qin Tao or Guo Dalin when he cooperated with stage fright. Once he connects with Li Tiezhu, he instantly transforms into a wild dog. Anyone dares to bite and is not alive?

An audience member shouted at the scene: "Since it is said to be ugly, then it is ugly! Ugly! Just a few words on this question!"

The audience laughed suddenly, this Nima is too tricky, right? How to write this? However, at least it proves that this product is not a consignment.

Many people sweat for Li Tiezhu.

Qin Tao also deliberately interrupted: "Why scold someone? Don't I just behave? I have the ability to scold my master! Why scold me? What's wrong with ugliness? Eat your rice?"

The Douyin live broadcast room is also very lively:

"I'm coming!"

"This question is wonderful!"

"Brother Zhengjing won't be planted here, right?"

"Brother postpartum really talks about loyalty, and he's still supporting him."

"This question is too difficult."

"It's really not a person who listens to cross talk."

In fact, the so-called "I Am a Singer" dessert live broadcast also affected the hearts of the singer director group and participating singers. After all, Li Tiezhu's behavior was too outrageous and arrogant.

Everyone understands music, so naturally you know how difficult it is to write songs on the spot and quickly.

No, apart from Hong Bo watching the live broadcast again, singers such as Han Hong, Zhao Liya, Li Zijian, and Sun Nan are all watching, and even Nan Bang singer Zheng Yuanchun is watching. Xiao Liu gives him a real-time translation.

Zheng Yuanchun put on a mask: "The first two songs are good, and they are very powerful in terms of instant creation, especially the second one, but this one is very difficult for Smecta."

Xiao Liu: "Yes, how do you write ugly."

On the other side, Li Zijian also stared at the phone: "Ha! He wrote a song "I'm Ugly, But I'm Very Gentle" before. He is good at writing ugliness. After all, everyone has been photographed in the mirror!"

Shen Meng: "Puff... Brother Jian, are you complimenting?"

Li Tiezhu opened his mouth and said: "Qin Tao, don't talk, to waste time. Listen well... Ugly~ In this ambiguous age, my existence is like an accident..."

No way, it’s been over a year since I got the system, and I’ve tried listening to the high-value songs in it. Although it’s only ten seconds, it’s quite enough to deal with this kind of scene.

Li Tiezhu thought simply, thinking that with such an operation, everyone would really not hype about his copying of songs.

But the truth is, he thought too simple.

As everyone knows, this wave of operation has almost overturned the entire music scene.

Of course, this is something.

At this moment, after listening to Li Tiezhu's "Ugly Monsters", the audience, whether it was live or in the live broadcast room, were stunned, and even the singers who were preparing for the scene were a little surprised.

This song is Li Tiezhu’s accusation, right? Being targeted, belittled, and ostracized, he himself is the "ugly monster" of the music scene.

After the turmoil a few days ago, can't help people not think so.


"Brother Serious, be strong!"

"We will always support you!"

"You are the ugliest!"

"Love you, ugly..."

In the cross talk special, neat and uniform, everyone knows about the storm: "Come on! Come on!"

Qin Tao came to create the atmosphere again: "He sang this song by himself and has nothing to do with me! It has nothing to do with Mr. Guo. Mr. Guo is not an accident. He is the scene of a car accident... Now let’s look at the question of a live audience. Hmm...this question, huh? Do you **** with my Tie Zhu? Sun Monkey? Do you think you are very humorous..."

Li Tiezhu started singing while the audience was still laughing.

(Good news, good news! There will be an update at ten o'clock tomorrow morning!)

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