Earthy Superstar

Chapter 401: : Do not ask for the most dog, but ask for more dog

After Li Tiezhu's rehearsal was over, Liu Xiaohua finally said why Zhou Xingxing came to help sing: "He said, puff...he said Li Tiezhu is not afraid of death, what face does he want? Hahaha..."

Liang Tian covered her face, yes, I heard that Zhou Xingxing sang very... hard to say.

What does Li Tiezhu think?

Song Zhu'er didn't laugh, and snorted coldly. Zhou Xingxing didn't come for this reason!

She participated in "Journey to the West". Naturally, she was very clear about Zhou Xingxing's pampering with Liu Xiaohua. She thought it would be weak after the filming. Who knows that there is not, but intensified.

Song Zhu'er complained in his heart: Zhou Xingxing, give birth to one if you like it, even if it is a surrogacy? How can it be better than Liu Xiaohua's goods! It's really not good, come to spoil me, my brain is not normal, Li Tiezhu can do too.

Liang Tian didn't know this, and was only surprised. Liu Xiaohua was really thick-skinned. After filming the film for so long, she still entangled Zhou Xingxing, skinless and faceless.

Fortunately, Master Xing is good, otherwise who cares about you?

No point to force the numbers!

In the evening, Li Tiezhu, Zhao Liya, Song Zhu'er and Liu Xiaohua played mahjong in the hotel. Liu Xiaohua did not book a hotel. She stayed with Song Zhuer.

The atmosphere in the room is very hot.


"Two cakes!"

"Bang, wait a minute, I'll stroke it, ***How ​​is my mother's health? Is the iron egg okay? Is there a monthly check?"

"Zhugou what card did you play? Six barrels. She is in good health. She just beat me up the day before yesterday."

"Six barrels bang, why beat you?"

"I didn't want to go to the film festival, so she beat me up."

"Why don't you want to go to the film festival?"

"That Zhou Xingxing bought a villa in the Blue Mountains of the East China Sea. He insisted on calling me to help him design how to decorate it. I know how to decorate it with a hammer! Besides, he is just showing off, so I don't want to suffer that bird's air. Went to the East China Sea to participate in the film festival, you two should not just know how to show affection, remember to take me away, don't be entangled by him."

"Uh...change the subject, Leah, I heard that you are also going to the film festival?"

Zhao Liya looked at a good hand of cards, did not look at a card, and tentatively touched the surface of the card: "They asked me to play the piano. I belong to the guest performer... Seven pairs of children (seven small pairs) have been dumbfounded!"

Liu Xiaohua: "Yes! Why are you Jill lucky?"


Li Tiezhu gave Liu Xiaohua a slap on the back of his head: "What is Jill swearing about? Be civilized! Girls don't want Jill Jill."

Liu Xiaohua was not afraid of Li Tiezhu before, because she could use her mother as a threat. Since her mother married Uncle Li, she has lost her last support, plus Li Tiezhu is so popular, she can only bear it.

Song Zhu'er asked Li Tiezhu as he paid for it, "What do you think? Ask Zhou Xingxing to help sing, don't you know he can't sing?"

Li Tiezhu looked helpless: "Uncle Lau Huade...he said that all the top stars of Hong Kong can sing and perform. They have great acting skills and first-class singing skills. When I see that my master Cheng Dalong can sing like a star Zhou Xingxing is not worse than my master, right? He can sing for sure. Where do I know..."

Liu Xiaohua: "It's too late to change it now, anyway, the people all over the country don't know who your singing guest is."

Zhao Liya and Song Zhu'er looked at each other. This family's intelligence is generally low, so they decided to change it? Isn't it offending people?

Li Tiezhu said: "I dare not! Others are not good, I'm afraid he will target me."

Liu Xiaohua: "What are you afraid of? I'll call for you."

"Forget it!"

"Don't forget it, I will call and scold him, don't I have any points? I can't sing, and I promised to help sing, I scold him to death!"

"No, no, Liu Xiaohua! Give me the call! Is your brother a guest singer? I rely on my ability."


"No but! Choose a guest who can't sing to help sing, to be fair to the other players, after all, I'm too strong."


"Wow, your sister!"

Li Tiezhu is dying of anger, you dare to attack Zhou Xingxing, do I dare? Want to kill me? Although I am not smart, I am, at least a person... right?

Not stupid enough to dig his own grave.

Anxious Zhou Xingxing, what should he do if he doesn't let me be the actor in his new movie? How to complete my system tasks? I even pointed out that his "Mermaid 2" broke the 10 billion box office. I have already 5 billion, which is still 5 billion short.

Zhao Liya: "Then what will you do tomorrow?"

Li Tiezhu also laughed stupidly by himself. He naively thought Zhou Xingxing could sing. He said, "What else? Try to sing better. Fortunately, the songs I prepared for him are in Cantonese..."

That night, Zhao Liya slaughtered the Quartet and won three.

Then, she ran back to her room early with the money in her arms. She didn't dare to stay too late with Li Tiezhu and Song Zhu'er for fear of being tricked.

The following day, the weather was fine and calm.

Li Tiezhu still came to Mango TV station early, waiting for the rehearsal.

Because there is only one studio and a group of band members, apart from singers with their own accompaniment band, the show group band is the most tiring. Therefore, the rehearsal is carried out one after the other, this time with ten singers, the rehearsal is more compact.

Liu Xiaohua did not follow Li Tiezhu, but went to Song Zhuer and Zhao Liya.

Liang Tian was still in the shock of yesterday, so much so that she was a little excited when she saw Li Tiezhu's expression today. This is a man who can please Zhou Xingxing!

Because Zhou Xingxing hadn't arrived late, Li Tiezhu only checked the score with the band and had no chance to rehearse.

Gradually, Li Tiezhu became a little anxious.

Until noon, Zhou Xingxing still did not come. Although Li Tiezhu was anxious, he did not dare to get angry. After all, he was a master.

Soon, the staff of the program group began to serve meals.

Li Tiezhu depressedly ate three big boxes of lunches, and said to his heart, Did you forget to come to help sing? Do you want to remind him?

At this time, there was a sudden activity outside, and there was no doubt that it was Han Hong's handwriting again, and she loved the excitement the most.

When Li Tiezhu and Liang Tian went out to see what kind of party it was, it was roughly for these singing guests to meet the wind, and exchanges by the way.

Except for Li Tiezhu's guest singing, all the singing guests are here.

"Tie Zhu, come and see your debut mentor!"

When Han Hong saw Li Tiezhu coming out, he quickly greeted him to come.

Li Tiezhu came over and hugged Chen Yisen: "Hello, Teacher Yisen, why promise Aunt Han Hong? You wait for me."

Chen Yisen: "I don't sing with you, boys and girls are suitable. Are you girls who choose to sing?"

Li Tiezhu was speechless: "Man..."

Then, the singing of the guests will be introduced one by one. As a junior, Li Tiezhu will naturally go up to say hello.

Li Zijian's assistant singer is Wu Xiaobo.

"Hello teacher Wu Xiaobo, I have watched your TV series."

Zheng Yuanchun's singing assistant is Li Zhenshi, a Nanbang, and Li Tiezhu doesn't know him.

"Hello, hello Smecta."

Yan Bing's help sing is Tao Jiji.

"Hello, I have heard of your black orange."

Zhang Liying's helper is Zhang Zhijie, sister Na's husband.

"Hello Jie, I have a chance to invite you to hot pot."

Xiao Qi helped to sing sister Zhang.

"Hello teacher, I grew up listening to your songs."

Chen Jingyi's help to sing Li Qinke.

"Ah! Hello..."

Finally, Zhao Liya's help sing, Lengba.

Li Tiezhu was a little embarrassed, and stepped forward and bowed: "Hello, Teacher Lengba! Long time no see."

Lengba couldn't help but laugh, why hasn't it been a long time? Didn’t people fly to Kyoto to play with you for two days last week? Hate! Unrelenting!

Lengba: "Well, not bad! Learn more from these predecessors, don't be arrogant and complacent, you still have a long way to go."

Li Tiezhu: "Yes, it's very long..."

Lengba asked, how long is it? Didn't I overestimate it, I'm afraid you won't make it? They are not too shallow!

Han Hong couldn't help asking: "Tie Zhu, where is your guest singer?"

Li Tiezhu's face was bitter: "It hasn't arrived yet..."

Han Hong: "Did you not inform him of the time?"

Li Tiezhu: "I've notified him, his wrist is too big, I don't dare to urge him."

Han Hong: "How big is the wrist? I don't believe it anymore, so I called me and I called him a **** sprinkler and he had half body failure, ah, ah... Zhou Xing Xing? Xing Ye! Xing Ye early!"

Zhou Xingxing walked into the lounge under the guidance of the staff, wearing cloth shoes, carrying a plastic bag, and looking around curiously.

All the guests were stunned, and then greeted Master Xing quickly and respectfully.

Li Tiezhu underestimated: "Auntie, don't you want to scold him for a doggie?"

Han Hong kicked Li Tiezhu: "I'll clean up you later."

Li Tiezhu shrank in the corner, watching other people abandon him, turning his head and bowing to Zhou Xingxing, thinking, if someone can't even sing a song, why do you compliment him? Is it to disgust me?

Zhou Xingxing nodded in greetings to the group of people he knew and did not know. He was perfunctory, showing a habitually embarrassed and disrespectful smile, and subconsciously hid the plastic bag behind his back.

After finally greeting more than twenty singers, singing assistants, and partners, Zhou Xingxing came to Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu said, "My Master Xing is good."

Zhou Xingxing: "Where is Xiaohua?"

Li Tiezhu: "...No, why are you here now?"

Zhou Xingxing was impatient, and lowered his voice: "Juewei is said to be the most authentic Jiang Xia. I will fly to Jiang Xia and take the high-speed rail after buying it. Are you dumb? Where are Xiaohua? Talk to me!"

Not far away, a group of stars who had been famous in the music scene were all looking at Zhou Xingxing, looking at the duck necks and kelp knots in the plastic bag in his hand, unanimously envious. How can Li Tiezhu? Could you please go to Zhou Xingxing to help And Zhou Xingxing will buy him his favorite spicy stew?

The program crew is also very cheap. They recorded this so-called gala and introduced each singer’s vocal guest. Then, when Zhou Xingxing appeared on stage, he only gave other people nodding and bowing. Han Hong bowed. Li Zijian bent down, Chen Yisen knelt down on one knee, Yan Bing lay on the ground as a sign of respect, and Zheng Yuanchun of Nanbang Country also made a posture of worship...

Then, under the instruction of Hong Bo, the malicious editing was directly made into a short film, which was put on TV and Douyin at 2 o'clock in the afternoon to warm up the evening game.

When all the audience watched Han Hong, Chen Yisen, Li Zijian, Yan Bing, Zheng Yuanchun and other bigwigs worshipping, who was it?

The short film of the show came to an abrupt end, and was finally fixed on a silhouette of a character with the words: Who is Li Tiezhu's guest singer? Let's wait and see at 8 o'clock tonight!

Sure enough, there is no most dog, only more dogs!

Netizens are too lazy to scold any more, this is not an out-of-character dog, this is abnormal! It's a beast! It's a beast!

(It will be updated in one hour)

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