Earthy Superstar

Chapter 416: : Finished

With only one vote difference, Li Tiezhu lost to Yan Bing in the PK, and the audience was stunned both live and watching the live broadcast.

Barrage frantically spit out:

"What the hell? Will "Left Finger Moon" lose?"

"Li Tiezhu's new song that completely suppresses Yan Bing!"

"Suppression is not enough, but it is definitely not inferior."

"Don't the audience like high pitches? Is this high pitch not good?"

"My goose bumps are all up, but I lose?"

"There is one thing to say, these two have exploded today, and there is nothing wrong with anyone winning."

"I still prefer Li Tiezhu's song."

"Yan Bing finally released a new song. Li Tiezhu has a new song every issue, and the audience expects a different value."

"It makes sense upstairs."

"Look, Li Zijian is blowing again!"

Li Zijian and Zhao Liya were in the passage waiting to perform on stage. Zhao Liya felt sorry for Li Tiezhu, but did not show it. Li Zijian was different, with a confused expression on his face.

"This is unscientific! The song "Left Finger Moon" is so difficult, and Li Tiezhu did so well, yet he didn't win?"

Zhao Liya: "Master Yan Bing's "Hong Yan" is also very good."

Li Zijian shook his head: "Both songs are good, but in terms of the difficulty of singing and completion, there is no doubt that Li Tiezhu is better."

Zhao Liya: "Perhaps, many viewers thought that others would vote for Li Tiezhu, and they chose to support Teacher Yan Bing. Just like Li Tiezhu's seventh time last time."

Li Zijian suddenly realized: "Yes! It should be for this reason, after all, it is difficult for Yan Bing to come up with a new song..."

On the stage, Wang Hai'an was also a little surprised by the result, and asked Li Tiezhu: "Tie Zhu, do you have anything to say about the result of such a vote?"

Li Tiezhu: "What are you talking about?"

Wang Hai'an: "Don't you feel wronged! Or, don't you regret it?"

Li Tiezhu thought for a while. If he couldn't get into the top three, he couldn't get system rewards. It was really a pity. The grievance is not enough, after all, Yan Bing is also very strong, his singing style is also very characteristic, and the songs are good.

Li Tiezhu: "It's a pity that there is no grievance. Nobody can do without the audience on this stage. The audience is our food and clothing parents. Since this show is here, their vote is the authority."

He spoke very sincerely, because that was what he thought.

The audience applauded at the same time. Even if some fans are not Li Tiezhu's, they can't dislike such a naive Li Tiezhu.

In the guest lounge area, several others regretted that Li Tiezhu was eliminated, and they were discussing the fairness of audience voting.

Mao Min: "This show has the most professional music team and singers, but the most unprofessional voting mechanism."

Cui Ji’an’s attitude is completely opposite: "I agree with Li Tiezhu’s point of view. The program group rules are there. Since you are here, you must respect it, including audience voting. In fact, in the final analysis, audiences and fans are our'service' objects. They On a certain level, the vote of "is more reliable than music critics and musicians. They follow their feelings."

Mao Min nodded: "That's right."

Tengol: "You guys are wrong, and Li Tiezhu’s naive words are even more wrong. This is a variety show. It’s not a competition at all, it’s just fun! Let the audience look fresh, interesting, and have ratings. Look, Li Tiezhu is very interesting when he is eliminated! Now, the audience is expecting me to help him create miracles! Oye!"

Deng Shiyin: "Master, can you rely on the score?"

Tengol: "When I was young, I was called a reliable little man!"

On the stage, Wang Haian nodded and asked Yan Bing: "Where is Yan Bing? What do you think of winning the PK match?"

Yan Bing still smiled so brilliantly, just like when he was eliminated, because he didn't care about winning or losing, and he didn't need others to judge his music.

He said: "It's still very complicated, I feel pleasantly surprised, but I am sorry for Tie Zhu. In fact, "Left Finger Moon" cannot lose to "Hong Yan", and Li Tiezhu will not lose to Yan Bing. The future music scene belongs to him. . And, everyone knows that he was forced to write this song hastily by me. Even so, it is a top work, and the high pitch makes my scalp tingling! I believe that many viewers have completely fallen in love with it. For his new song. So Li Tiezhu didn’t lose, and I didn’t win. It was the fans who won a good song."

Li Tiezhu: "Two poems."

Yan Bing: "Really? I wrote pretty good, right? Haha...Thank you Li Tiezhu."

It's been a week, still playing this terrier?

Wang Haian didn’t expect that Yan Bing was also a blower, and he meant to slowly follow Li Zijian. He said: “This is probably the hero’s gratitude? But unfortunately, the show’s competition system is very cruel. Congratulations to Yan Bing for entering the top three, Li Tiezhu for the time being In the elimination zone."

Yan Bing: "It's okay, Tie Zhu. There are other ways to get back face!"

Li Tiezhu was at a loss: "What can I do? Retire?"

If you lose, you will lose, how much more face do you need? Is Li Tiezhu the one who wants a face? It's like someone who is not good at embarrassing, I'm not afraid!

Li Tiezhu is so simple, because he didn't understand the game system...

Yan Bing: " box..."

To retire?

The audience also laughed, is this a corpse whip?

Wang Hai'an raised his eyebrows in surprise, and hurriedly closed the field: "No! Tie Zhu still has a chance. Yan Bing meant that in the next round of singing with the guests, you still have a chance to reach the top three."

Li Tiezhu wondered: "Really?"

Wang Hai'an was even more surprised: "Don't you understand the competition system? Director Hong told you once, and I just said it again."

Li Tiezhu: "How can I understand?"



"How could Li Tiezhu understand the game system?"

"I'm going, Buddha!"

"There is still a chance to sing first in the next round."

"Tengger got Li Tiezhu, and he sang "Itch"!"

"That's the end of it."

"And "Itch" has no accompaniment yet."

"Tengol is studying now, I don't know if he has learned it."

"Li Tiezhu ends here, right?"

"It's over, I can't hear his second new song."


Yan Bing took Li Tiezhu off the stage and returned to the lounge, and the stage was handed over to the host Wang Hai'an.

After Yan Bing's explanation, Li Tiezhu knew that he still had a chance to comeback, so he had to work hard. After all, the system rewards are of course the best.

Sitting in the lounge, Li Tiezhu looked innocent and said: "I hope to meet a familiar guest, a familiar song."


"You should be familiar with this guest!"

"It's the uncle who was slaughtered by you to wash the mutton."

"The old monster with the voice of steel."

"The song is also familiar."

"Cooked too much."


"Li Tiezhu is really miserable this time!"

"There are so many serious guests, but Tengol was drawn..."

"It's hard to say in a word."

"I was looking forward to it."

"I hope Teacher Tengol will sanction Li Tiezhu on music."

"It doesn't matter whether you win or not, I just want to be happy."

"Thank Li Tiezhu."

In the second group of singer PK, Li Zijian defeated Zhao Liya by an absolute advantage.

In the third group of singer PK, Han Hong defeated Chen Jingyi.

The show enters an intermission, 30 minutes, left for the singers and guests to meet, team up and simple run-in.

In the singer’s lounge, Hong Bo repeated his old tricks: “In the current match results, Han Hong, Li Zijian and Yan Bing are in the championship zone, and Chen Jingyi, Li Tiezhu and Zhao Liya are in the elimination zone. If the singers and guests from the elimination zone are in the next round together If you get the first vote, you will be promoted to the championship area. So, do you want to know your cooperating guests?"

The singers were silent collectively and tacitly sanctioned Hong Bo.

Hong Bo: "Teacher Han Hong, are you curious?"

Han Hong: "I'm not curious, neither of us are curious. If the guests don't come out, shall we fight the landlord? I have a card in my room."

Li Tiezhu volunteered: "I'll get it."

Hong Bo said with a black face: "Li Tiezhu, you sit down, and I want to invite the guests out. You are out of the district, aren't you curious about your guests? It's up to the guests whether you can win or not!"

Li Tiezhu: "I don't particularly want to win."

Hong Bo: "..."

Li Tiezhu: "Good Voice won a reward of one million. You are dealing cards for this show. Who has the motivation?"

Li Tiezhu didn't lie, he was just greedy for the reward, but now he is not bad in IQ or money, and is seriously lacking in motivation.

Liang Tian, ​​Li Tiezhu's partner, also said: "Yes, there is no reward for the agent!"

Li Zijian: "Nothing! The reward for this show is too low, and I'm not interested in winning. We are all playing."

Yan Bing: "It's fun."

Hong Bo wanted to engage in suspense, but was stunned by Li Tiezhu's turn into a farce. He couldn't hold on, so he could only say: "Teacher No. 5, come out! He is Li Tiezhu's cooperating guest."

A group of singers and partners who were not curious, looked towards the door.

I saw a bald head popped out of the door, took a look, and then came in numbly, an old man walking with a bounce.

Everyone stood up to greet him, the status of this person is very high.

After welcoming Tengol, Han Hong couldn't help asking: "Why are you here?"

Tengol: "I'll punish Li Tiezhu!"

Everyone laughed.

Yan Bing: "Then you are late, he has already been sanctioned by me."

Tengol: "It doesn't count for you. Look at the song I chose "Itch" plus "Mangoss". Yaya, this song is well written, I like it."

Guests have the right to adjust the song to be sung.

"Ah, this..."

Zhao Liya is very familiar with him, because this old man often steals her grandfather's flower sculpture. However, Zhao Liya couldn't be happy at all when faced with the other party's compliments. After she finally wrote a good song, she was about to be ruined.

The other singers are all Teacher Teng is this giving up treatment?

Tengger looked at Yaya: "Excited? Didn't expect that I would cover your song? Don't you feel honored?"

Zhao Liya covered her face: "No! I want to be quiet."

Li Tiezhu's reaction was slow for a few beats before he said, "That's not right! Didn't you call before saying that you were in "Masked Singer"? You..."

Tengol: "It's a scam! Uncle sings with you, are you happy?"

Li Tiezhu: "Unhappy, I feel like I'm going to finish the calf!"

Li Zijian and Yan Bing said in unison, "Finished! Calf! Son! La——"

Song Zhu'er didn’t know much about music. She only knew that Tengger was a well-known singer, and the thieves could drink. She innocently asked Tengger, "Master, if you help Tie Zhu succeed in the counterattack, I will also ask you to eat. hot pot."

Tengger smiled: "Hey... I'll ask you to eat mutton-shabu."

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