Earthy Superstar

Chapter 421: : Ending

Han Hong, Li Zijian and Li Tiezhu were voluntarily handed over to the middle C position. Liu Huade and others also stepped aside, curiously awaiting the release of the "King of Singer".

Li Zijian said: "This is the only time I don't want to win this show because I don't dare. Liu Tianwang, Cui Ji'an teacher, Tengger teacher, Mao Min eldest sister, four of them go here for one, how can I dare to fight for the song king? Huh? Li Tiezhu, how about you?"

Li Tiezhu said, "What's not to dare to do? Uncle, you are too courageous. You will be mad if you are too old if you don't argue."

Everyone laughed, this silly dare to say anything, never turning.

Li Zijian: "I have only become popular in the past two years, so how can I pass the anger so quickly? According to you, Liu Tianwang is also mad?"

"Legend" was sung after the song, and Li Zijian became popular again, and there was a period of silence for more than ten years.

Li Tiezhu said: "He has a long shelf life and comes with preservatives. What if you are cooked food? What if it gets rotten in three or two days? Unlike me, I am bacon, smoked food, and have a long storage time..."

Li Zijian: "Don't curse me, I was vacuumed and I won't be rotten!"

Han Hong: "Tie Zhu, what product am I?"

Li Tiezhu hesitated to say something but stopped: "This, this..."

Han Hong: "Speak boldly, I'm not angry."

Li Tiezhu: "The boiled lard can be kept for a long time."

Han Hong just jumped up.

Li Tiezhu's grievance: "Didn't you say that you are really angry?"

Andy Lau: "It's not about not being angry, not about not hitting you."


After Tengger went around, he jumped up from behind the sofa and gave Li Tiezhu a brain collapse, and then ran away with a smile.

Li Tiezhu covered his head, "Uncle Teng, what's the matter with you?"

Tengol: "I can't help it. You have a good rock and roll song. I will sing this song when I go to "Masked Singer" next week!"

Li Tiezhu: "What are you doing? "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" will be sung by you as "Back to the Tang Dynasty with a Tank"? There are so many good songs, why are you not singing this song?"

Tengger: "I just like it! I only take a scoop of weak water for 3000!"

Li Zijian: "Great master!"

Everyone laughed, Li Zijian is so cheap!

Li Tiezhu was the only one who was unhappy. He secretly poked and said: "Master, "Masked Singer" should be sung at least two songs. In the second round, you can try "Legend"."

Tengger nodded repeatedly: "That's it."

Li Zijian smiled bitterly: "Li Tiezhu, you really have no grudges."

Li Tiezhu: "Yes, I reported it on the spot."

At this time, the voting has ended, and Wang Hai’an said: "The voting results have come out. Let us invite the three singers who are competing for the championship to come to the stage. In addition, we have asked Liu Huade to come to the stage as well, and he will announce the final Match Results."

The four came on stage with courtesy.

"I Am a Singer" is now coming to an end, and there is only one suspense about the king of singers.

Liu Huade took the mobile phone handed by Wang Hai'an, and when he saw it, his eyes were picky: "I didn't expect this to happen."

Wang Hai'an said: "Yes, it can be said that this game is too exciting."

Li Zijian: "There will always be three tied for first place, right?"

Wang Hai'an and Liu Huade suddenly looked at Li Zijian, showing weird expressions one after another.

Li Zijian: "Isn't it?"

Wang Hai’an: “It’s not a tie, but it’s almost the same. The difference in your votes is very small, almost tied. Let’s look at the number of votes for the first place first...”

Standing in a row, Li Tiezhu, Li Zijian and Han Hong were also curious.

Andy Lau: "Three hundred and thirty-eight votes!"

Wang Hai'an: "The number of votes for the second place..."

Andy Lau: "Three hundred and thirty-seven votes!"

Wang Hai'an: "The number of votes for the third place...

Andy Lau: "Three hundred and thirty-five votes!"

Han Hong smiled and said, "This is interesting, hey? I guess Li Zijian is the first and Li Tiezhu is the third."

Wang Hai'an: "Congratulations, Teacher Han Hong, I didn't guess any of them right."

Han Hong curled his lips before he got up with excitement, and he would really sell it off.

Li Zijian: "I think Li Tiezhu is the first and Han Hong is the second. It's normal for this game to have an accident, and the number of votes is too close."

Liu Huade said: "Congratulations to Li Zijian...none of them were right."

Li Zijian: "Wrong?"

Wang Hai'an: "No!"

Li Zijian: "No, I guessed it right. My ranking is third, right? That way, Han Hong is first and Li Tiezhu is second."

Han Hong: "Don't guess, hurry up and announce it."

Wang Hai'an: "Actually, you guessed twice, and the correct result is ready to come out. Therefore, the ranking that Li Zijian said at the end is correct."

First place, Han Hong: 338 votes.

Second place, Li Tiezhu: Three hundred and thirty-seven votes.

Third place, Li Zijian: 335 votes.

Li Tiezhu won the runner-up by one vote. Although it is a bit regrettable from the number of votes, in fact, it was already an unexpected result. After all, both Han Hong and Li Zijian are better than him, and he actually thinks it's good to get third.

Get the third place, there is also a 30-point intelligence reward!

Li Zijian had no regrets at all, and went to hug Han Hong with great enthusiasm: "Congratulations!"

Li Tiezhu also hugged Han Hong: "Congratulations Auntie!"

The audience also gave warm applause.

Then, Mao Min, Tengger, and Cui Ji'an went on stage to present awards to Guan Ya's third runner-up. There was no question of seniority. It was their respective guest performers who helped award the awards, otherwise you would not be able to arrange them.

Finally, Hong Bo came to the stage to thank the singers, guests, partners, band teachers and audiences, "I Am a Singer" officially ended!

Li Tiezhu was in a daze every day, checking the newly received rewards in the system.

【Ding! The host won the runner-up in "I Am a Singer" and awarded 50 intelligence points. 】

【Ding! The host's variety show achievement exceeded 3000 points, and he was awarded the "Best Show" medal and rewarded 30 intelligence points. 】

Current intelligence value: 95 points. (Up to 109 points)

Remaining intelligence value: 85 points.

Music achievement: 6342 points.

Variety achievement: 3038 points.

Movie and television achievements: 2198 points.

Douyin fans: 82.14 million.

Cat domestication degree: 98%.

[Main Mission Five: The box office has exceeded 10 billion, the intelligence value is 66 points, and a pair of lucky rubber shoes will be rewarded. 】

[Secondary mission: filming military-themed dramas, with more than 10 million views and 20 intelligence points, no cap, more than 30 million views, extra bonus for advanced singing skills]

Possessing abilities: mental damage skills (passive), absolute sound perception, intermediate singing skills, intermediate acting skills

Props: Obedient X3

The finals had three rounds, which took a long time. It was almost half past ten to the end of the game, but the enthusiasm of the foodies could not be resisted no matter how late.


"King of Singer" Han Hong entertained again for hot pot.

All the singers, guests, partners, Wang Hai'an, Hong Bo, Liang Xiaobo and others have all gone. This can be regarded as a celebration party for the program group.

The meal was eaten until one o'clock in the evening, some left overnight, and some went back to the hotel to rest.

Li Tiezhu returned to the hotel suite and took a shower, then wore a vest, shorts, and flip flops to Aunt Liang Tian's room. She said that Li Tiezhu would go to her, but Li Tiezhu did not forget.


Li Tiezhu came to Liang Tian's room and knocked on the door.

Although she lives in this city, in order to facilitate these two days of rehearsal and program recording, the program team still reserved rooms for these hosts. Of course, there are no rooms for singers and guests.

No one opened the door.

Li Tiezhu looked at his mobile phone. It was one forty. Could it be that he was asleep?


After knocking twice again, and no one opened the door, Li Tiezhu turned around and walked back, typing on WeChat to ask.

At this time the door opened, and Liang Tian's hair was wet, and she shouted: "Tie Zhu, come in quickly. I just blown my hair and almost didn't hear you knock on the door."

Li Tiezhu walked in with a "Oh", but he didn't fall asleep.

"Come, sit down and say."

"Ah good."

Liang Tian enthusiastically greeted Li Tiezhu to sit down in the small living room, while she eagerly cut an apple: "Is it exhausted?"


Li Tiezhu was slightly restrained, for fear that Liang Tian's bath towel would also fall off.

Yes, Liang Tian also wrapped a bath towel to entertain Li Tiezhu. She still had water drops on her body and her hair was wet. This reminded Li Tiezhu that cats were like this more than a year ago.

Are the girls so courageous?

However, there is still a difference between Liang Tian and Leng Ba. Leng Ba was without makeup at the time, while Aunt Liang Tian is more powerful. After taking a shower and washing her head, the makeup on her face is still there.

Later, when she moved the cat, she said: "When a girl is wrapped in a bath towel and stays in the room alone with you, it means that she wants to sleep with you. The rivers and lakes are sinister, so remember to be careful."

Li Tiezhu felt that she was saving people's belly with her own heart. She herself was like that, and thought that other girls were like that.

Therefore, Li Tiezhu actually didn't believe it.

But he was still a little worried, and tentatively said, "Sister, would you like to change your clothes first?"

Liang Tian: "My clothes are all washed and they are still drying. What's wrong?"

Li Tiezhu: "Oh."

Look, it's forgivable that people don't have clothes to wear like this.

Li Tiezhu sighed, how could Aunt Liang Tian be so kind to him, how could she have bad thoughts? Besides, I am not handsome, how can I be so attractive to girls! For more than three months, Liang Tian took good care of him and brought him a lot of delicious food. Li Tiezhu respected her very much, so she should be a good friend.

Liang Tian handed the cut fruit to Li Tiezhu, and said, "Eat some fruit."

Li Tiezhu: "Okay, thank you! Sweet sister, did you ask me for anything?"

Liang Tian: "I can't find you if I'm okay? We have been working together for three and finally got the runner-up. Of course we have to celebrate such a happy thing! I brought a bottle of red wine, congratulations on our successful cooperation success."

With that said, she opened the red wine.

Li Tiezhu gratefully said, "Thank you! You have been working so hard during this time."

You must educate Lengba carefully when you go back. You see, Aunt Liang Tian is very pure! Seeing me wrapped in a bath towel is just to celebrate, how much like you.

After opening the red wine, Liang Tian walked over with the bottle, and said to her heart:

It's time to end.

She walked towards Li Tiezhu, pulled away the bath towel with one hand behind her back, and fell off with a slam, with a trembling hum: "Heh..."

At this moment, she seemed to see Li Tiezhu taking the child to "Where Is Dad".

(The vaccination was delayed today, the update is a bit late, forgive me)

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