Earthy Superstar

Chapter 440: :Unspoken rules

Filming is a boring job, so that when Li Tiezhu saw Xu Jiazhen who smiled and smiled, he was a little bit embarrassed, and it was very immoral to think about it.

As a classmate who didn't have much friendship, she had paid too much for Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer, and she was too sorry for them.

At this time, Li Tiezhu gnawed the steamed buns and drank hot milk, which was inevitably moved.

Because he saw Xu Jiazhen squatting on the side, peeling tea eggs with his lush little hands. This kind of hand looked like an unworked hand, and peeling a tea egg was trembling and tight.

But the more this happened, the more moved Li Tiezhu, the friendship between the students, really is the purest! not easy!

Can there be such friendship outside the society?

In addition, as far as Li Tiezhu is concerned, in the year and a half since his debut, there are only two friends who really know each other, one is Chen Yisen, who is also a teacher and friend, the other is Luhani, because that is also a silly roe deer, and the others People, except for the elders such as Han Hong and Cheng Dalong... there are many good relationships, but they are almost a bit close after all.

And Master Cheng Dalong is even more difficult to say in a word, and his heart is so cold... Why should the old people of the rivers and lakes meet in the cold river and lonely shadows...

"Have you eaten? Sister Xu."

Xu Jiazhen is twenty years old, more than one year older than Li Tiezhu. It is normal for Nortel. After all, it is not uncommon for Fang Bo to enter the exam when he is almost thirty.

Xu Jiazhen's face was reddened, he glanced at Li Tiezhu, then quickly lowered his head: "I have eaten... Call me Jiazhen."

Li Tiezhu: "Oh, good Jiazhen, thank you!"

Yes, girls don't like being called older, which is understandable. Upon closer inspection, Miss Xu Jiazhen is quite cute, with a slender waist, buttock and oval face, and her brows are picturesque.

It's not that Li Tiezhu has been filming for too long and saw the sows and he feels so handsome. He is not hungry and thirsty, but that he is really moved by his merits.

Xu Jiazhen: "Thank you? I bought breakfast for you and Zhu'er. It was selfish. Who left me with no resources and no connections? Hey! You don't think I'm cheesy, do you?"

Li Tiezhu was stunned: "No, no. With resources, I will definitely match you up. We are all classmates."

Xu Jiazhen: "Just classmates?"

Li Tiezhu blushed: "No...otherwise?"

"I thought we were friends."

"Ah... yes! Friend."

"Actually, I want to be honest with you, but I am afraid that you will be angry."

"What? Hiccups~"

Li Tiezhu stuffed a large bun and almost choked. His appetite has always been large.

Xu Jiazhen smiled splendidly: "Actually... I'm sorry! When I first approached you, my purpose was not pure, I just wanted to be popular, and wanted to establish a relationship with you..."

Li Tiezhu: "What is there to apologize for? You just want more resources, and you work hard yourself."

"No, I want to have some special relationship with you... so that..."


"Do you understand?"

"It's a special relationship... Is it to worship? I'm fine!"


Xu Jiazhen almost couldn't help but smash the eggshell on Li Tiezhu's face. Is there any bean dregs in your brain?

She endured and forbeared, pretending to be reserved when her anger was okay, and whispered: "I hate it...Who is going to bow to you? I you and want with you."

This is straightforward enough, Li Tiezhurao is a fool and can understand.

So Li Tiezhu really choked, quickly picked up the milk and drank a big sip, coughed twice, and said, "Sister Xu, don't be kidding."]

Xu Jiazhen: "Do you really look down on me?"

Li Tiezhu waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I'm flattered...Uh, I mean, you don't have a good eye."


"I'm not that good, you deserve better."

"I know you and Song Zhu'er are in agreement, so... it doesn't matter! Zhu'er took me to filming during the winter vacation. You guys are very kind to me, I'm very grateful..."

Xu Jiazhen wanted to say something but stopped, showing a strong and far-fetched smile, and handed Li Tiezhu a peeled tea egg.

Li Tiezhu took it, took a bite, and suddenly remembered what Song Zhuer had said. She said that Xu Jiazhen was uneasy and kind and had evil intentions against Li Tiezhu, so, as a revenge, she had to train Xu Jiazhen into an obedient dog leg.

Now it seems that Song Zhu'er is right. This woman does have a conspiracy, but she is also free and easy. Li Tiezhu vaguely thinks Song Zhu'er is a bit too much, just like dealing with Sister Liang Tian, ​​too much...

Xu Jiazhen said again: "However, I have figured it out, I wish you happiness, I will still like you, maybe it will change someday, who knows?"

Li Tiezhu blushed in the face of the beautiful girl's sudden straight gaze:


Xu Jiazhen smiled: "Okay! I'll bring you breakfast in the future. Let's eat. After eating, I will go to class."

Li Tiezhu: "Oh."

Then, the two fell silent.

After a while, Li Tiezhu finished eating, Xu Jiazhen packed the empty milk carton and eggshells into a plastic bag, took them to the trash can and threw them away, then came back with his hands on his back: "Tell you, I'm going to see a director again tonight. , Said it can give me the role of female number two."

This time, Li Tiezhu did not evade and went to the classroom with her. He said happily:

"Really? Congratulations in advance!"

"How easy is it? It was introduced by a boss I knew before. I went tonight to eat and drink. I couldn't talk about anything substantive, even... hey..."

"What's wrong?"

"Tie Zhu, I'm a little scared."

Xu Jiazhen lowered her head and stared at her toes.

Li Tiezhu: "What's wrong?"

Xu Jiazhen did not speak.

Li Tiezhu: "Could it be...unspoken rules?"

Xu Jiazhen: "Listening to what the boss said, it seems a bit of a tendency."

"Then don't go. How can there be no chance yet?"

"Do you think everyone is you and Zhuer? I'm still going, but...try it! What if I think too much?"


"Try it. How can there be casual success? Isn't it?"


Li Tiezhu didn't speak any more. He had heard Leng Ba and Song Zhu'er say that this circle was full of various unspoken rules. Fortunately, Song Zhu'er was red early, and Leng Ba had Mi covered it, otherwise they would not be able to. Exempt from vulgarity.

Of course, the two of them are not involved in the gray area, and they are destined to be difficult to become popular. Therefore, they are now limited to playing in the TV circle, saying that they are also popular, but they always feel weak in the follow-up.

Li Tiezhu was attending school for the first time this year. He had booked a flight ticket back to Hengdian in the early hours of tonight-cheap.

Until the afternoon, Li Tiezhu couldn't help but find Xu Jiazhen who had finished rehearsing the sketch and removing makeup.

"What's wrong? My superstar!"

Xu Jiazhen joked with a smile.

Li Tiezhu's serious face: "At night, you charge your mobile phone, and if you have anything to do, send me a location, and I will come to you."

Xu Jiazhen froze for a while, nodded, and then shook her head again: "No, no need it? No...not that serious."

Li Tiezhu: "Just in case."

Xu Jiazhen finally nodded.

Li Tiezhu couldn't help saying: "No! Sister Xu, you have always been bold and straightforward, why suddenly..."

Xu Jiazhen: "Okay, thank you."

Li Tiezhu nodded earnestly, and then left, still a little worried about this classmate. After all, he always knows how to be grateful. No matter what selfishness Xu Jiazhen had in the beginning, people will always treat you well.

In the evening, Li Tiezhu went back to the dormitory again and bragged and slapped the three. This was the most satisfying classmate relationship he found.

In order to welcome Li Tiezhu's return, the three of them did not even play video games and prepared a self-heating hot pot. The reason why I no longer go out to eat hot pot in a group is really because Li Tiezhu, Wang Xiaokai and Wu Lei are so popular.

"Big tongue play and said I want to make up for you with the bullwhip, I said that your crew is all male, don't bend you, do you think I make sense?"

"Chrysanthemum Chang, have you seen "The Twelfth Hour in Xi'an" filmed by Yi Qianxi? A great work! Wang Fang also went to host "The King vs. the Little King", what do you think?"

"You are paralyzed!"

"Pillar! Don't irritate him anymore. Among the three little ones, he gets the worst mixed up, hahaha...happy! Let's go one!"

Wu Lei clinked glasses with Li Tiezhu and poured a glass of beer.

Wang Xiaokai went to pinch Wu Lei's neck: "You dog said... I don't know how to find Lao Tzu if I have a play!"

Wu Lei steals a peach from a monkey: "Oh! Can you condescend to play the role of four men and five men?"

Wang Xiaokai let go of his hand: "That's impossible!"

Face dictates, coffee position dictates.

Li Zhixuan, who had not spoken all the time, couldn't help showing his biceps under his T-shirt, and said, "Pillar? When will I be on the stage?"

He was talking about "Soldiers Assault", in which he played Wu Zhe.

In fact, this is a very key supporting role, not worse than Zhang Yi and Lu Bo, but until the twelve episodes were filmed, he did not receive a call, and Li Zhixuan, who had been quietly training his muscles, couldn't hold it anymore.

Li Tiezhu said: "Don't worry, Shi Jin, Wu Liuyi, and Company Captain Gao Cheng were all'eliminated' in the later stages. You are a key member of the special forces team. Of course you haven't played so early."

Wu Lei: "That's because you didn't let Tie Zhu uncover the rules, come to dive on the spot!"

Li Zhixuan is sober: "Go! Status is not important, is the role important?"

"Did you not read the script?"

"I watched it several times! However, I also watched the previous script. I didn't expect Zhang Yi and Lu Bo to be able to act the two roles like that, I'm Alexander..."

Li Tiezhu thought for a while and said to Wu Lei: "Play with big tongue, give the hammer some bullwhip, give him some confidence."

Li Zhixuan: "Fuck you uncle!"

Wu Lei stood up and pulled his belt: "There is no There is a human whip, come, Xuanzi opens his mouth."

Naturally, he started to fight again, Li Tiezhu ignored him, smiled and concentrated on eating hot pot.

Suddenly, the phone lights up.

Xu Jiazhen sent a WeChat message: "I may be drugged."

Then, another location and hotel room number were sent.

Li Tiezhu got up and left: "Something! Brothers go to bed early, I may not come back."

Li Zhixuan, who was riding on Wu Lei, was stunned, and Wang Xiaokai, who was pulling Wu Lei's **** with his slippers, was also stunned. Wu Lei, who was struggling at the bottom, looked blank.

Li Tiezhu didn't tell his roommates about this. Although the three of them were also very energetic, he didn't want them to wade in the muddy water. This matter was taken care of by Li Tiezhu himself and could not drag others.

No matter what Xu Jiazhen is like, she is still a classmate and can't help but die, right?

Li Tiezhu's ideas are pure.

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