Earthy Superstar

Chapter 468:

Li Tiezhu escaped. Girls are too scary. Boys should protect themselves when they are alone.

That night, Li Tiezhu returned to the Hengdian crew.

The next day, "Soldiers Assault" continued filming, and the progress went smoothly.

In the afternoon, news came that the Legal Department of the Penguin Group, in conjunction with lawyers from Li Tiezhu's studio, sued a crew named "Soldiers Attack".

At this time, netizens discovered that the famous Li Shenglong and Li Tianmu were the producer and director of this plagiarism drama. Judging from the comparison of some of the published scripts, plagiarism is undoubtedly clear.

Soon, Li Shenglong issued an apology letter in the old wave bib and promised to stop the infringement. The crew of "Soldiers Strike" was disbanded and at the same time assumed all due compensation.

At the same time, Li Tianmu made an apology with a scarf, saying that his selfish behavior had hurt the literary circle, so he retired permanently and went to the northwest to plant saucluse trees to make up for the guilt in his heart.

Netizens generally say that they believe you are a ghost, but they didn't win against Li Tiezhu.

Everyone now knows why the scandal between Li Tiezhu and Li Tianmu some time ago rushed to be on the list, it turned out to be a fight.

This is the end of the matter. Li Tianmu was nailed to the pillar of shame, the third-generation director Li Shenglong was almost ruined, and Li Tiezhu's "Soldier Assault" was even more popular.

After another month of arduous filming, the crew of "Soldiers Assault" came to an end.

On Saturday, April 21, the day after the first episode of "Mushroom House" was broadcast, Li Tiezhu booked a small restaurant in Hengdian and invited all the cast and crew to have a green banquet.

Naturally, everyone was drunk.

Duan Yihong, Zhang Yi, Zhang Qiangguo, and Chen Cheng frequently toast Li Tiezhu. Speaking of which, the acting skills of these four have always been very good, but they are not popular. Unexpectedly, after the performance of "Soldier Assault", it was only half of the broadcast, and they became popular. Advertising endorsements and new film contracts continued, and their worth skyrocketed several times or even more than ten times.

These are all thanks to "Soldiers Assault".

And another actor who became popular because of this drama is Lu Bo, who plays Wu Liuyi. He is Li Tiezhu's teacher. Naturally, it is not easy to toast one after another. The necessary restraint is still necessary.

Li Zhixuan's eyes were red from crying at this time: "Ooooooo...I finally don't have to go home to inherit the family property!"

Although he played Wu Zhe, although he has not officially aired yet, he believes that he can make a splash. In any case, he can be regarded as an actor with serious works. He didn't go to Li Tiezhu, but pulled Sun Xixi into it vigorously. It wasn't until he vomited the shooter that he felt more comfortable.

Li Tiezhu drank unconsciously and didn't know how he got back to the hotel.

When he woke up the next day, he was alone on the bed with Sun Xixi lying under the bed, and Li Zhixuan asleep under the table at the door. Li Tiezhu was relieved after seeing that their clothes were in good condition.

"Soldier Assault" is finished, but the broadcast continues, and it comes to the most exciting part.

Especially when Qilian disbanded, many viewers were sighed, and at the same time, many more worried about the future of Sanduo. But when he watched that Han Han still do housework, training, and even sing, his stomach hurts with laughter. In the end, Gao Cheng's cry made many people no longer stretched, and then wept.

Then Gao Cheng was transferred away and promoted to deputy battalion commander. He wanted to take Xu Sanduo away, but was rejected by the regiment commander.

Xu Sanduo, who was the big soldier, didn't even have the qualifications to send the company commander. The company commander was picked up by someone sent by the division, and only Xu Sanduo's last soldier was left in Gangqi Company.

At this time, Xu Sanduo was no longer the spoiled soldier in the company commander's mouth, but the soldier king that every top unit wanted.

But such a soldier became the last soldier of the Gangqi Company.

This makes many viewers unbearable, and even more can't figure out why.

However, seeing Xu Sanduo still tidy up the house every day, perform exercises on time, and sing songs for dinner, the audience will inevitably be moved. If Gang Seven Company needs one person to stay behind, Xu Sanduo is the most suitable, more suitable than the company's high success.

The slogan of Gangqi Company that had been chanted many times has gradually changed from the initial noisy and ridiculous to the most firm creed, supported by Xu Sanduo's belief:

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

The fire of this play is not caused by the tears of those little girls, they are still watching their idols, or they are powdering the fresh meat of those beautiful men.

But in the north and south, many rough guys stared at the screen silently and wept, some quietly, some heart-piercing.

Isn't this a comedy at first?

Li Tiezhu, your uncle!

So, two brushes, three brushes...ten brushes, everywhere. Many loyal audiences are veterans or serving soldiers.

One day, when CCTV was interviewing a border guard, it followed them through the hills more than 5,000 meters above sea level. They were eating and sleeping in the wind, but they were happy, frostbitten, hungry and lonely, and they could not cause any hindrance.

After patrolling for half a month, when they returned to the camp, the first thing they did was set up the stove, turn on the computer, and watched the replay of "Soldiers Assault" together.

When the reporter interviewed a 19-year-old soldier why he likes to watch "Soldiers Assault", his face was red and cracked with cold and was full of smiles:

"Don't give up, don't give up! This is us!"

"People need to be meaningful when they live, and to be meaningful is to live well."

This scene touched a lot of people, how can there be any quiet years? But someone is carrying the weight for you.

It can be said that "Soldiers Assault" is gradually no longer a purely popular TV series. Its profound and positive social impact is its most fundamental and powerful feature.

Another week, Xu Sanduo refused his father's request to take him back, and chose to be a volunteer. He was used to this place and liked it too.

After that, Xu Sanduo, Wu Liuyi and Chengcai participated in the selection of the top soldiers of the whole division. The audience was again full of expectations for Li Tiezhu's future. He will definitely be able to enter the special forces!

However, when Gao Cheng, an imaginary enemy, discovered the disguise of a veteran of the Seventh Company, he couldn't bear to let him be eliminated and pretended to drive around and leave without incident.

The veteran behind him sat up stubbornly, hesitated for a while, smoked his laser target and eliminated it.

Gao Cheng drove back and left with the silent soldier.

At this moment, the audience finally understood the pride of the soldiers of the Gangqi Company and the pride of Gao Cheng in daily life.

In the end, the audience got their wish and Xu Sanduo entered the A team. After a lot of setbacks, he became the top player in the team.

On June 2, the last episode of "Soldiers Assault" was broadcast.

A confrontational act began, the scene returned to the beginning of the first episode, Xu Sanduo fell from a high altitude. But in the end Xu Sanduo rescued Wu Zhe and Chengcai to help Team A turn defeat into victory, and Yuan Lang also invited Chengcai to join Team A again.

Chengcai and Li Tiezhu hugged each other, tears streaming down their faces with excitement, and then the whole film ended.

This day is Saturday.

The lights in Li Tiezhu's studio were brightly lit, and there was cheers in the huge conference room.

Zhang Xiaomeng, Li Tiezhu, Song Zhuer, Wang Xiaokai, Wu Lei, Li Zhixuan, Sun Xixi and others are all here, and everyone is waiting to witness the emergence of the miracle.

In the penultimate episode of last night, "Soldier Assault" has reached more than 90 million viewers, setting a new high, and it depends on whether it can achieve another success tonight!

No matter higher or lower, "Soldiers Assault" has created an almost unshakable viewing miracle.

In this new era of squandering and glamorous eyes, under the impact of mobile networks, small videos, and fragmented entertainment, it is a huge miracle in itself that it can almost double the ratings record.

Everyone in the crew of "Soldiers Assault" is a hero, but the biggest heroes are the loyal audiences.

After the initial cheers, everyone calmed down again, because after ten minutes, there will be rough broadcast data.

Wait and wait, Shochiku's wait is impatient, the news finally arrived.

Zhang Xiaomeng held his mobile phone, and his voice was trembling with excitement: "Two TV stations and one live broadcast platform have a total broadcast volume of one hundred and thirty million. That’s awesome! We have broken through one hundred million! The first and only one is broken. 100 million TV series!"

Cheers and screams sounded again.

Li Tiezhu was very calm, and he was rewarded by the system again.

【Ding! Side missions, military-themed drama series missions are completed, the highest live broadcast volume is 100 million, the reward is 200 points of intelligence, and the senior singing skill is rewarded. 】

Two hundred points?

This is too embarrassing, right?

Li Tiezhu couldn't believe it, this was the most reward he had ever received from the dog system.

Coupled with the previous record sales and the award of music achievement exceeding 10,000 points, the "deposit" is simply not too generous. Obtained the "Bright Blade" medal, rewarded 30 points of intelligence, and opened the item mall LV1.

Therefore, Li Tiezhu's data is now particularly luxurious, luxurious to extravagant.

Current intelligence value: 95 points. (Up to 109 points)

Remaining intelligence value: 305 points.

Music achievement: 12142 points.

Variety achievement: 5941 points.

Film and television achievements: 8298 points.

Douyin fans: 88.11 million.

Cat domestication degree: 98%.

[Main Mission Five: The box office has exceeded 10 billion, the intelligence value is 66 points, and a pair of lucky rubber shoes will be rewarded. 】

Possess abilities: mental damage skills (passive), absolute sound perception, advanced singing skills, intermediate acting skills

Props: Obedient X3

Li Tiezhu focused on checking the props mall Unlike the art of selling songs and movies in the system mall, the props in the props mall are actually physical, but there are not many products and they are also very expensive.

Peace symbol: 55 points.

Charm ring: 88 points.

Lucky Bracers: 66 points.

There is one and only one of these commodities, and they will disappear after you buy them. The effect is also very single, like the name, the increase effect can only be said to be general, but it is better than nothing.

Li Tiezhu directly bought two, a peace charm and a charm ring, which cost 143 intelligence points and the remaining intelligence points 160 points.

This was bought for Song Zhu'er and Leng Ba. He also knew that this kind of props had limited effect on him. After all, he was a systematic person, and the real benefit was that it could bring a certain aura to other people.

Song Zhu'er and Leng Ba paid the most to Li Tiezhu, and suffered a lot of "harm". Because of Li Tiezhu, the two people suffered a lot of impact in their careers.

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