Earthy Superstar

Chapter 461: : Crosstalk Tennis

"CCTV, CCTV! Good evening, audience friends, this is the French Open women's singles semifinal live broadcast by Sports Channel. The two players are the American teenager Stephens and our Chinese teenager Zheng Yanzi. Let me explain today. This game is Li Xiaona, who won the Australian Open women's singles championship!"

On the screen of    is a red tennis court. Two figures, one in black and one in white, are warming up to serve.

The narrator said: "Although they are both young players, the age gap between the two players is quite big. Stephens claims to be second to Serena Williams. He is twenty-five years old this year and is ranked 22nd in the world. And our players Zheng Yanzi is only 19 years old this year, but he has been in the finals of the four major tennis tournaments for several years in a row. This is a very impressive result. Her current ranking is 47th, although she is far away from the opponent. There are some gaps, but we still firmly believe that she will not be intimidated by strong enemies. What do you think of Xiaona?"

Li Xiaona has always been blunt: "Don't look very much! Yanzi must win. It is well known that Yanzi was eliminated by Serena several times. Therefore, if she can't even beat Stephens in these years of hard training, then she will always fight. But Serena, the championship is always a fantasy."

   "But the Chinese players are not as powerful as the black players, and the opponent is known as Serena Williams II."

   "We Yanzi is also known as Oriental Sharapova!"

   "That's because it's beautiful."

"No! It's strength! Being beautiful is also a kind of strength. The opponent will be jealous. Really! I don't know the man. Anyway, every time I meet Sharapova, I am very excited. impatient."

   "Haha, Xiaona is so humorous. Ah! We saw that Yanzi specially wears a big red wristband today, which has never been done before. Hope that red can bring her luck!"

   Just then, the game started. Zheng Yanzi threw the towel and took the tennis racket to the court. At the same time, she raised her left hand and kissed the red wristband.

   commented: "It seems to be a very meaningful wrist brace. I haven't seen it before. Has Xiaona ever had a similar item before?"

   Li Xiaona: "Yes! I lost and beat my husband, and I won and kissed my husband."

   commented: "Uh...good! Let's watch this ball, the first game is Zheng Yanzi's serve."

   Roland Garros Stadium is full of seats today, after all, it is the semi-final.

   Many Chinese fans also came to the scene. Most Chinese or overseas students raised banners to cheer Zheng Yanzi.

   Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer were submerged in the excited audience. The two were also very nervous, for fear that Zheng Yanzi would lose again. Before the game, Zheng Yanzi was in a bad state.

   She is a little anxious, as the media said, because Stephens has the title of Serena II, which makes her more stressed. She was unwilling to lose to Serena, even more unacceptable to lose to Stephens, even if the opponent ranked higher than her.

  The ups and downs in her mentality have caused great fluctuations in Zheng Yanzi's training and competitive status.

Last night, when I went to see Zheng Yanzi, after learning about his situation, Li Tiezhu secretly bought the last item in the system mall, a lucky wristband worth 66 points, and gave it to Song Zhuer. Jeong Yanzi.

   At that time, Shochikuer joked: "Oh~ I ran with you all day and night, and I didn't know that you also quietly prepared a gift!"

   Li Tiezhu was speechless, he bought it temporarily in the system, what should I say?

   Zheng Yanzi is magnificent: "What? Are you jealous? What kind of zoo is there for this measure?"

   Song Zhuer turned around and hugged Zheng Yanzi: "When will you join the organization?"

   Zheng Yanzi: "Go!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The match was extremely anxious, Shochikuer was yelling in anxious manner, but when the match started again, she could only keep quiet.

   Li Tiezhu couldn't understand, he only knew that this was a two-win match in three sets. Two hours later, the total score was one to one.

   And the third game reached the sixth game, and the score of the game was three to two.

According to Shochikuer, Stephens relied on a vigorous return to catch the ball and broke a serve of Zheng Yanzi, and this game was Stephens's serve. This is called a serve win. If Stephens wins this game In the round, she won two to one and was promoted.

   And Stephens's strong serve made Zheng Yanzi, who was already exhausted, tired to parry. The quality of the ball was not high, and he quickly dropped two points, 0:30.

   lose one more ball and lose.

   Fortunately, at the critical moment, the effect of the lucky wrist brace appeared, and Stephens almost sent an ACE ball. Zheng Yanzi did her best to block the ball with her racket, but the flight line of the ball was very low and she was about to fall into the net. However, the tennis ball jumped on the net and turned over.

   Zheng Yanzi, who was struggling to get a point, raised her hand to signal her apologies.

   The game continued. After that, Stephens's serve quality was not very good, and Zheng Yanzi succeeded in a straight draw. Finally, Zheng Yanzi broke serve in the last round, three to three, and entered the tie-breaker.

   The players took a break between games. Zheng Yanzi ate half a banana, drank a drink, went to the coach on the sidelines and nodded and walked back. Then, he shook his fist somewhere in the stands with a firm expression.

   close-up shots also captured her movements.

   Commentator: "Yanzi seems to be interacting with the audience. Oh! It's Shochikuer! She used to go to Yanzi competitions, oh, and Li Tiezhu."

Li Xiaona said: "With the support of two good friends, I believe Yanzi can be more brave! At this time, it is courage and change. After all, everyone's physical strength has bottomed out. Now is the time for the bayonet to become popular. I must grit my teeth and insist on the Lord!"

Commentator: "Yes! The competition is too tense. Let's talk off the topic and relax. I believe many people don't know. In fact, Li Tiezhu and Zheng Yanzi are high school classmates, and they are still at the same table. It is said that the two have a good relationship... "

  Li Xiaona: "But I heard that Li Tiezhu bullied Yanzi."


   "In the previous training, Yanzi was still young, and always complained that she was bullying her at the same table, it was Li Tiezhu."

   "Uh... I didn't expect that Li Tiezhu would bully people so honestly? It should be a misunderstanding, right?"

   "Then I don't know, I know that Yanzi seems to hate him."

"It might be all right later, kid. The other, Shochikuer, was studying in the United States and often went to Yanzi's rice net competitions. The two became friends. What's even more surprising is that Later, these two friends of Yanzi also became boy and girl friends. It's's no coincidence that a book!"

  Li Xiaona: "But I still think that Li Tiezhu and Yanzi match better."

   Commentator: ", didn't you just say that the relationship between the two is not good? How would you ask me to pick it up?"

   Li Xiaona: "Just chat, don't worry too much, the game has started, the tiebreaker, the most important thing is the momentum! Come on, Yanzi."

   Zheng Yanzi worked very hard, very hard, but still not satisfactory.

   Ten minutes later, Zheng Yanzi fell behind 2:5.

   It was Zheng Yanzi's turn to serve. She adjusted her breathing and forcibly excited herself, but she was already exhausted.

   When it comes to serving, it is when the audience is quiet. This is the basic quality of watching tennis.

   But, a voice yelled: "Send her backhand! Backhand!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Li Tiezhu, who didn't understand the rules, shouted directly from the stands. Song Zhuer couldn't hold it.

   The global live broadcasts all focused on Li Tiezhu.

   Regardless of whether it is live or in front of the TV, the first reaction is, who is this person? So unqualified?

   look again!


   Ainpela Lee? Teacher Li speaks, whatever!

   At the scene, the originally despised audience members laughed when they saw Ainpela Lee’s intersecting shouts on the big screen.

   Even someone shouted:

   "Impera Lee!"

   International superstars get the same treatment, right?

   Zheng Yanzi was stunned, then smiled, turned the racket in her hand, and walked in the direction where Li Tiezhu was, meaning, you can do it!

   The audience burst into laughter.

   Li Tiezhu finally sat down anxiously.

   Commentator: "This...I am too anxious for my friends. I can't blame Li Tiezhu for not understanding the rules."

   Li Xiaona: "Li Tiezhu just doesn't understand the rules, what's there to explain? But what's the matter? One time and two years of familiarity! Make a big problem. Look at how Yanzi plays this ball! Do you want to hit the center line? Hey! Backhand..."

   "Good shot! A backhand sneak attack, successfully scored."

   "Li Tiezhu...has done a good job."

   Zheng Yanzi who scored also smiled, shook her head, and then pointed at Li Tiezhu in the stands with both hands.

   Li Tiezhu replied with an OK gesture.

Narrator: "This is probably the legendary cross talk tennis! Haha! Regardless of whether Yanzi wins or loses in the end, she is worthy of our respect. After all, she is only nineteen years old, and she has not yet arrived in terms of physical strength, technology or experience. Peak, the future can be expected..."

   Li Xiaona sings the opposite tune every day: "I hope she will win when she loses, and then talk frustrated!"

  Sure Zheng Yanzi's second serve forced the opponent to make a mistake. She went online and directly smashed the score.

   These two **** allowed Zheng Yanzi to play aggressively, scoring consecutively in the two rounds of the opponent's serve, and soon the score came to 6:5.

   Zheng Yanzi led by one point, and she served the ball.

   As long as you score, you win.

   match point!

   patted the ball twice, Zheng Yanzi looked at Li Tiezhu in the stands, and Li Tiezhu raised her right hand.

   Zheng Yanzi nodded.

   Song Zhuer said: "What do you command blindly? What if you lose?"

   Li Tiezhu: "It is my responsibility to lose, she is less stressed."

   "Huh! Disgusting."

   "Are you sick? What's wrong with me?"



   "Slightly omitted."


   A strong serve, Zheng Yanzi directly made a big angle on the right sideline.

   Stephens could not catch up, did not receive the ball.

   Referee: "OUT!"

   Zheng Yanzi immediately raised her hand to challenge Hawkeye.

   Soon, the challenge result came out. One-tenth of the ball was on the sideline. Zheng Yanzi scored this ball and defeated Stephens 7:5 in the tie-break and advanced to the final.

   In the stands, the Chinese audience suddenly went crazy.

   Song Zhu'er also jumped up and yelled, Li Tiezhu thought to himself, this lucky wristband seems to be really useful.

   Zheng Yanzi on the court knelt on the ground and cried. Then, she kissed the red wristband again and wiped her tears to shake hands with the opponent and the referee. She won.

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