Earthy Superstar

Chapter 479: : Technical work

  Chapter 475 Technical work

"In the mountains, the morning is still relatively cool. Until noon, the sun will be exposed to the sun, you know? Exposing! Expose you and me directly, and then there will be two pigskins floating on the grass! Human tragedy! Hahaha... …Is this the result you want? Brother pig!"

  Chen Chichi sat down on the ground, and seriously reasoned with the little black pig.

  Little black pig: "Hmm..."

  Chen Chichi: "Speak well and speak Mandarin."

  Black Pig: "Humph..."

Chen Chi smiled awkwardly: "Hahaha! As a member of "Let's Run", we were bullied so badly by the four animals in Li Tiezhu's dormitory last time, tearing up the famous brand...Seckill! Are we embarrassed? Emeralds! Wang Zulu Let’s take revenge today, okay? Let’s destroy their base!"

  Black Pig: "Humph..."

  Chen Chichi: "Yeah! Why didn't you wear your headscarf in such a big sun? It's okay, I will make one for you."

  Speaking, Chen Chichi found a few grasses on the side of the road, weaved them into a green grass ring, and hung them on the pig’s head.

  Chen Chichi smiled and said: "Look! The emeralds! We are also equipped with all the equipment, go find Li Tiezhu for revenge."

  The little black pig is also magical. After putting on the green hat, he became a lot better, and was led by Chen Chichi to obediently walk along the dirt road.


  "What the **** is the two pigskins? Chen Chichi is also pigskin?"

   "Wang Emerald: No! That's not me, I'm not so cute."

   "Chen Chichi is too cheap, right?"

   "Wang Jolü will be **** off seeing this show, right?"

  "Welcome to Chen Chichi, the king of the broken waist."

  "Excuse me, where did the pig come from?"

   "Chen Chichi is too ghost!"

   "Sure enough! Only with Chen Chichi's new show can I consecrate..."

   "If Chen Chichi is to challenge infinitely, he will definitely be a big winner."

  "This pig alone can explain the problem..."

   "Look! The pig was persuaded by Chen Chichi."

  On the other side, the display screen known as the miraculous mirror lit up, and familiar music played.

  Chen Chichi sent a video call.

  Li Tiezhu is still doing bamboo art, Qin Tao is cutting branches, and Zheng Yanzi is alone in the river catching fish.

  Qin Tao dropped his axe to connect to the video.

They already knew from the audience selection session of the previous issue that the guest of this issue was Chen Chichi, and the director Sun Xixi announced the results in the morning. Eighty-five percent of the audience chose to have Chen Chichi's waist injury relapse. .

  The reason is very simple. Anyway, he will never work. It's better to let him go directly to a natural disaster.

  The video is connected.

  Chen Chichi’s iconic laughter: "Hahahahaha... Dear friends, how are you?"

  Qin Tao: "Not good!"

  Chen Chichi: "I am happy to see that you are not good, Taozi, you seem to have lost weight. Tie Zhu, are you weaving bamboo? Haha! Guess what I brought you?"

  Li Tiezhu said: "Brought a rice bucket! You are just a rice bucket. Tell you, we didn't eat."

  After the shooting of Four Ha the year before, Li Tiezhu and Chen Chichi have a very good relationship, so they speak very straightforwardly, without obliviousness.

  Qin Tao: "Yes, we caught the fish for breakfast by ourselves."

  Chen Chichi: "You look down on me, don't you? Then I'm not here anymore. Let me tell you this. I brought Qin Tao's favorite things."

  Qin Tao: "Guo Dalin?"

  Guo Dalin is Qin Tao’s partner and his favorite person in Yunde Society.

  Chen Chichi: "Huh? He, does he count things?"

  Qin Tao disappointed: "Yes, he is not a thing."

  Chen Chichi: "Hahahaha...Don't explain, I will record this section and send it to Darin! Come on, let you see your new primitive partner."

  The camera moves down, and the head of a cute little black pig appears in the camera.

  Qin Tao jumped up instantly: "Brother Chi Chi! You are my brother and my uncle! I love you."

  Chen Chichi: "Little Green, called Brother Tao, he will cover you from now on."

  Qin Tao danced on the spot, with scorching eyes.

  Li Tiezhu put down the bamboo mat he was weaving, walked over, and said, "Brother Chi Chi, where are you black pigs? The program crew won't let you bring things in."

Chen Chichi looked dazed: "It was the program group who stopped me before and took away the Jinmen hemp flowers and a bag of pearl rice I brought you, and then asked me to go to the big carousel to draw a lottery. Most of the rewards were very good. Low, one steamed bun, three steamed buns, half a catty of noodles, five pieces of sweet potatoes...I just turn around and switch to a live pig, hahahahahaha... Isn’t it handsome? Speak loudly!"

  Li Tiezhu's bloodline suddenly changed: "Handsome! So handsome! Brother! Let me tell you this! You come this time, I will let you do a little work, I am the bastard!"

  Chen Chichi smiled iconically: "Hmm haha! Although this pig is very cute, it is not so enthusiastic! That's it, get ready to meet me! It will be there in a few minutes."

   "Hey! Hung up!"

  Li Tiezhu hung up the video call, then rubbed his hands and looked at Qin Tao: "What are you doing in a daze? Black pig! The pig is here, you are good at it, hurry up and prepare!"

  Qin Tao: "What are you going to prepare? Give birth to the pig? The pig can't be pregnant before it is an adult..."


  Zheng Yanzi flew up and kicked Qin Tao: "Boiling water!"

  Qin Tao: "Oh! I am good at this."

  Sun Xixi didn’t go well today, because he was in the grass. After cursing for a long time, I remembered that it was the vestiges of his time when he smashed it last week. Then, he was not going well all day, eating breakfast, bit his tongue, and walked his feet.

  When he was upset, he saw Chen Chichi walking with the black pig.

  Sun Xixi: "Teacher Chi Chi, welcome to "Oh Huo Primitive". Today you have a back injury relapsed and cannot do any work! I hope you will pay attention, otherwise..."

  Chen Chichi: "What about otherwise?"

  Sun Xixi: "Otherwise, this pig will be attacked by wild wolves. When the time comes, hum..."

Chen Chichi: "Wow! You guys are too cruel, right? They are so miserable, and you still do this kind of trick? I... I like it too much! Come on! Think of shameless tricks, hehe! I like watching A joke of Li Tiezhu."

  Sun Xixi: "..."

  Black pig: "Hmm!"

Chen Chichi led the black pig to the camp by the river and saw the busy three Li Tiezhu: "Hahaha...I thought you were miserable, but I didn't expect you to be so miserable! Hahahaha...there is no house, This is a true primitive!"

  Li Tiezhu: "You got the pig?"

Chen Chichi ignored him and said to the audience: "Hello, audience friends, the serious brother Li Tiezhu who has swept all major variety shows has today?! It is true that there is a reincarnation in the heavens, who has been spared by the heavens... Although my waist was broken today, But I'm extremely hilarious! Wow ha ha ha..."

  Li Tiezhu gave him a white look and asked Qin Tao: "Is the water boiling?"

  Qin Tao: "It's almost open."

  Li Tiezhu clapped his hands and stood up: "Come on! Kill the pig."

  Black Pig: "Hmm..."

  Chen Chichi was also taken aback: "What? What the hell?"

  Li Tiezhu said innocently: "Kill the pig! The black pig you brought."

  Chen Chichi: "It's still a child, only 80 catties, and it can grow to 200 catties in another half a year!"

  Li Tiezhu: "Our program has only been recorded for three months, not half a year."

Chen Chichi: "That can't be killed! The sheep I brought to Mushroom House, Tianba! They raised them until they died and they didn't kill them, you... Be a happy pet, carefree, and a bib account..."

  Li Tiezhu: "Look, how are our conditions compared to the mushroom house?"

  Chen Chichi: "Uh... it's a little bit short of it, but you can't get angry with a pig? If you have the ability, you can kill Sun Xixi, he is much more fat than me."

  Li Tiezhu: "Murder is illegal."

  Chen Chichi: "……"

  At this time, Zheng Yanzi said: "Black pork is delicious, can also make sausage and bacon."

  Chen Chichi lost his morals in an instant: "I'll be here for two days, can I eat sausage and bacon?"

  Zheng Yanzi: "The bacon must be smoked and air-dried. You can't eat it anymore. Sausage is fine. After all, fresh sausages taste good."

  Chen Chichi said: “As the saying goes, I don’t go to **** and whoever goes to hell, Xiaolu will leave it to you! I’ll go in and lie down for a while.”

  Little black pig: "Hmm..."

  Chen Chichi saluted: "Little Green, see you in the next life! Come on! Primitives!"

Chen Chichi is very good at acting. He limped towards the hut with his hands on his waist, and then lay on the bamboo bed covered with hay...Playing on the phone, this show is really easy, thank you audience friends for choosing me for a waist injury !

  Only a row of bare bamboos was on the ceiling. The tarpaulin was removed by the show crew in the previous issue, but it happened that the light was very good, and Chen Chichi played the game "Dream of the Three Kingdoms".

  On the other side, Li Tiezhu and the three have committed a hardship. How can this pig be killed?

  There are only saws, hoes, kitchen knives, axes, and knives in the house. None of them are suitable for killing pigs.

  Qin Tao said: "Just behead the axe directly!"

  Zheng Yanzi said: "Too cruel. Let's cut the throat with a kitchen knife."

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "Qin Tao, are you still the young owner of a pig farm? Killing pigs is a technical job. In general killing of pigs, you need to keep the hips high and the head low, pierce the throat with a sharp knife, and stab it directly. Break the pig’s heart so that bloodletting can be achieved quickly and the pig suffers less pain."

  Little black pig: "Hmm..."

  Qin Tao: "I can only deliver pigs and provide postpartum care, not kill pigs. What's the matter? Am I proud?"

  Li Tiezhu: "Go! Let me think about it, we don't have sharp knives's a bit troublesome."

  Dididi... mirror" rang.

  The three of them saw that it was a video call from Luhani.

  Li Tiezhu frowned and thought, and said: “Maybe he sponsored today’s airdrop, Sao Zhu, to answer the phone, Xiong Er tied the pig to the woods over there to eat grass.”

  Qin Tao slides through the video.

   "Hello, Taozi? Where's Tie Zhu? Oh, I saw it, hahaha... I watched the last issue last night, are you too miserable? Brother, come to save you."

  Li Tiezhu: "Save what? Have you chosen the airdrop?"

  Luhani said: "What airdrop? I'll bring you something, I'm almost there, look."

  As soon as Luhani turned his phone, it was the scene of this mountain that appeared.

  Li Tiezhu was overjoyed: "Are you here too? What did you bring?"

  Luhani: "I won't tell you, get ready to pick up! I'm hanging up."

  The call was interrupted, and Li Tiezhu frowned. There are actually two guests in this issue? What can Luhani bring? Will there be a pig knife?

  (End of this chapter)

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