Earthy Superstar

Chapter 487: : Doomsday Light

Looking up at the kitchen, Odin’s eyes became more determined by the dark but scented exotic food. He thought he was fully prepared, but I never expected Ainpela Lee to use "Fak The show "Primitives" kicked him hard in the ass.

I... don't have the ultimate meaning of survival!

On the computer screen, Ain Pera Lee was introducing his beans to the fat and thin guests, soaking the beans for twelve hours. For this reason, he came to the show one night in advance.

Aoting’s eyes suddenly changed: “I’m still wrong, big baby! So the soybeans need to be soaked, um! It’s still too late now.”

Muttering and paused the oil tank video, he went to soak soybeans.

Odin, who once loved chainsaws, is now fascinated by the mysterious wisdom from the ancient East. They are so natural and so magical.

It's ridiculous, after the end of the world, where can I find electricity to recharge the chainsaw?

Moreover, after the end, everyone is to live, but not only to live, we must rebuild the glory of mankind!

To live is not to live, but to live for construction and development.

Aoting, the big tattooed man with a bald head, knelt on the kitchen floor and carefully took out the small pink bucket and began to soak the beans. Because he was too focused, his hands were pinched into orchid fingers.

His knee hurts a little, and he can't help but think, damn, why do only East Asians squat in Asia?

This is discrimination from God!

After soaking the soybeans, he returned to the room and glanced at the medals and medals of various survival competitions on the wall. He suddenly felt that his cheeks were hot. As a steadfast doomsday pie, it is really shameful that he spends his good time on hunting, fighting, and eating all kinds of bugs.

A truly powerful doomsday pie, after the doomsday comes, should gracefully gnaw smoked sausages and fight with zombies, should lie in the ruins in the most beautiful wooden house and stew mushrooms, should use chopsticks when others eat raw meat and insects. Pick up a piece of trembling tofu...

This is truly powerful!

Odin Jabbar is one of the backbone of the U.S. Doomsday. The Doomsday believes that the end will eventually come, and the entire planet faces a restart.

They even built secret hideouts in the mountains and deserts, hoarding various tools, weapons and compressed food. Even under Oting's own two-story building, there is a basement that contains enough things for him to resist the zombie invasion and survive for three months.

However, now Odin's thinking has gradually changed, because the program "Fak Primitives" has given him new inspiration. He has added condiments and fuel in the basement, and of course cooking utensils.

Who knows after all?

What if... what if zombies are delicious?

Spicy zombies, boiled zombies, zombie sausages, zombie mushroom soup, charcoal grilled zombies...

In this way, the food problem is solved, and the zombies can be used as fuel or something if they are air-dried. If they are hard enough, they can even be used as building materials. It is a wonderful cycle!

Thanks to Ainpela Lee for giving me inspiration.

Aoting returned to the computer desk and did not immediately watch the show. Although he was very curious about the tofu production process, he was a rigorous person.

He took out the thick notebook, which read:

"Apocalypse Lee Apocalypse!"

"Thank you, you are the real doomsday light! If we can survive, we will build a temple for you!-Dawaliu."

Turning to the latest page, Odin wrote:

"Tofu is made by soaking dried soybeans in water for twelve hours..."

After making detailed records, Oting took out a plastic bag, took out a few carefully trimmed tobacco leaves from it, wrapped them up carefully, then inserted them into the pipe, lit a lighter, and slapped them twice.

"Ahem... It's really good! The cigar from the East, although the taste is a little bit off, this is the cigarette that men should smoke. I must recommend him to other members of the Doomsday. Well, a gift from Western Sichuan... Great leaf smoke!"

Smoking dry cigarettes, Oting continued to watch the program on the computer, and paused from time to time, taking out a notebook to record seriously, as pious as a believer. And on his chest, there is a pendant hanging in the image of a heroic character in an oriental anime—the calabash doll.


Before Li Tiezhu started to make tofu, he heard the sound of a donkey and ran out of the yard to take a look. He was overjoyed.

Yi Xing was startled: "Brother! Your expression is too hideous, I'm afraid, and the donkey is also afraid, hahaha..."

Huang Sanshi: "I'm afraid too. I'm so scared that my saliva will almost flow out."

He Ling: "I was so scared that my stomach groaned."

Li Tiezhu went up and slapped the **** of the donkey: "Hello! My name is Li Tiezhu!"

Donkey: "Yeah~"

Li Tiezhu looked at Huang Sanshi: "You brought it?"

Huang Sanshi: "I got the lucky draw in the Easy Star lottery, right? Teacher He and I are relatively inferior. I got a bottle of rapeseed oil, and Teacher He got two cans of oranges."

Zheng Yanzi came to ride the donkey, but the donkey refused, and even wanted to kick her. When she was backhanded, the two slapped her and beat the donkey to doubt life.

At this time, she glared at the donkey and said, "Everything we smoked is very good! Rapeseed oil is what we need most now. We are tired of eating lard. Tie Zhu wants to go to the mountains to pick tea and fruit by hand. It’s oil. Canned food is even better! What we lack most is a bottle that can be bees."

He Ling vomited towards Yi Xing: "Tie Zhu went violently! He even squeezed oil by himself... It's better to have a mushroom house."

Yi Xing: "Hehe, of course, if I come to the 0th issue of this show, I think I might die."

Huang Sanshi: "Why do you want a bottle? Didn't you make a lot of bamboo pots?"

Zheng Yanzi said, "Make kimchi."

Huang Sanshi nodded: "Yes! There can be this."

Next, Li Tiezhu started to make tofu. The operation speed was very fast and there were not many shots. After all, domestic audiences are not very interested in the boring tofu making process, and prefer the interaction between guests and the acquisition of new items.

Not long after, Li Tiezhu had sent Qin Tao to the river to grind soybean juice, and Zheng Yanzi went up the mountain to pick green pepper. He is peeling sweet potatoes.

He Ling said: "Shall we eat sweet potato dry rice today?"

Li Tiezhu decisively shook his head: "No! This is used to make vermicelli, fern root powder. There are many ferns on the mountain. Let's go up the mountain to dig in the afternoon. Teacher Huang?"

Huang Sanshi, who was feeding the chicks, looked up: "Hey?"

Li Tiezhu: "Let’s keep it simple at noon, one pot of bean curd, one portion of fried bean sprouts, fried bacon with garlic sprouts, and two more sausages, how about?"

Huang Sanshi subconsciously walked towards the kitchen and took a kitchen knife to cut the sausages: "Okay!"

When he got to the water tank and washed the sausage with a bamboo scoop, Huang Sanshi reacted, "That's not right! Why did I start cooking? This is not my home court!"

Yi Xing smiled: "When Tie Zhu went to the mushroom house, wasn't it also natural?"

On the other hemisphere of the earth, when the macho Odin saw this, he narrowed his eyes. This fat man seemed to be extremely viable. Could it be that he is also a high-end player?

Not very similar, right?

When he saw Huang Sanshi cutting bacon skillfully with a knife, he knew he was wrong, and this one was really a master.

I saw that Huang Sanshi quickly cut the bacon into thin slices and went to the old bamboo house to take out half a catty of bean sprouts to wash.

The eldest girl Odin covered her head with her hands: "Damn! Did I miss something amazing? Why... Why can vegetables grow in a dark room? Still so tender and crispy! I don't believe this is magic. !"

Fortunately, the program team solved his puzzles.

The show was replayed. After the show ended a week ago, Li Tiezhu began to prepare for the arrival of the three people at Mushroom House. Half of the three catties of soybeans were used to make tofu, and the other half was used to grow bean sprouts.

Sprouting bean sprouts is a relatively simple matter, but it requires the help of the program team. During the period when Li Tiezhu is no longer there, the staff should always water the water and control the inflow of light, otherwise the bean sprouts will grow roots and leaves... …

The eldest baby paused immediately after reading it, and learned another magical skill from the East. It is said that a pound of beans can produce four or five catties of bean sprouts, and the condition is almost three catties. It is simply McGee-Magic.

Quickly take out a small book and write it down.

Then, making tofu started, and the eldest child was even more intently.

I saw that the fat man and Ain Pera worked very well together. They boiled the soy juice in a large pot, and then scooped the soy juice into the net bag holding the gauze (white shirt). Ain Pera swayed and fell on the beam of the room. Bracket.

"This step is filtering! Filtering the fiber in soybeans! It must be like this. It seems that tofu is made of fiber left in the pocket. They are coagulum..."

The big baby suddenly realized that she was about to start taking notes, and then she was beaten in the face again.

Bang bang bang ——

One person, one bamboo tube of soy milk, topped with sugar, and several guests drank freely.

Huang Sanshi asked, "Well, these bean dregs can be fed to the donkey! But Tie Zhu, do you have any brine? Or plaster will work, otherwise, how could this soy milk solidify into tofu?"

The big baby pen dropped: "Damn! The fiber is actually used to feed the donkey? Soy milk is the material of tofu? But, how can it be solidified? It sounds like a chemical experiment."

Li Tiezhu said: " But we have white vinegar, and the seasoning that Luhani brought last time is in it."

He Ling held the soy milk and suddenly said, "Teacher Huang, I know! This is our vinegar-watered tofu in Hunan, right? In addition to brine and gypsum, you can also order tofu with vinegar!"

Yi Xing: "Is vinegar OK?"

He Ling: "Mistress, are you from Xiangnan? I don't know that?"

vinegar? ? ?

In front of the computer screen, the notebook in the hands of the eldest child Odin Jabbar also dropped, and once again showed a suspicious expression of life: "No! It must be a joke. I have heard a famous Chinese saying that brine is a little bit of tofu. It’s okay if you haven’t heard of vinegar!"

The eldest baby is even more nervous. Watching a variety show, I can see that the thrillers and doomsday movies are terrifying and terrifying. If this is true, it will be a god-like invention. But he didn't dare to believe it. He always felt that vinegar was too common. It couldn't be so magical until...

Until the moment Li Tiezhu put the white vinegar into the soy milk in the pot, Bald Aoting grabbed his non-existent hair with both hands: "Oh Magad, Gad Pulis...Fak!"

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