Earthy Superstar

Chapter 495: : Convince people with virtue

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The white boy was about sixteen or seventeen years old. He was very tall but very thin. He smiled, "Do you think you are humorous? Yellow pig..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly slapped Li Tiezhu.

Zheng Yanzi, who was about to translate, was shocked.

I saw that Li Tiezhu held his hands on his back, leaned back easily, and then shot out like lightning.


The white boy was beaten and turned around, staggering back two steps, a little confused.

And Li Tiezhu had already put his hands on his back and smiled: "I told you that it's not right to hit someone! Does it hurt? Do you feel so angry? Does it feel embarrassing? Look, you don't like it yourself. Being beaten, why do you want to beat others? This is very immoral!"

"Oh Magad—"

At both ends of the carriage, many Americans, including several Asians, were watching the excitement. At first, they were gloating, until Li Tiezhu slapped a loud slap in the face.

The white boy was beaten up and speechless.

Two other white boys rushed up and punched Li Tiezhu.

Bang bang bang ......

These two were also beaten up, Li Tiezhu almost couldn't see clearly, they didn't know how many slaps they had suffered.

Li Tiezhu backed his sign language and said earnestly: "Look! First of all, it's wrong to beat people, and secondly, how can weak chickens like you have beaten others? I heard that in your activity, you usually target the old, weak, sick, and disabled. Choose me? Do you look down on me?"

In the basement, the bosses of the Doomsday were all stared at.

"How did he do that?"

"I didn't even see him make a move."

"Oh, my God, this is Chinese Kung Fu!"

"He is Bruce Lee II!"

"Hey! Don't forget, his master is Jack Cheng, so of course Li is also a Kung Fu master."

"So powerful, why didn't he do it first? Still let those little **** laugh at him?"

Aoting looked unpredictable: "This is Eastern wisdom. You must communicate in advance before the battle, try to avoid unnecessary battles, if the zombies can speak... I mean, even if the battle is inevitable! We must stand on the side of justice. , Justice is undefeated! And, I always feel that Ain Peila is not fighting for the sake of fighting, wait and see! He must have deep meaning."

Elon was skeptical: "Isn't he just relying on his own kung fu to deliberately humiliate those punks?"

Aoting: "It's superficial, it's superficial! There is a Chinese idiom: stop war by means of war."

Allon said, "I think Lee is in trouble. That **** seems to have practiced boxing."

The three white men were afraid of being beaten, and one after another asked the remaining little black babies to help. He is not tall, but very strong, with explosive muscles, like a little calf.

The mobile phone is stuck on the subway pillar, so all four people can move around freely.

Little Heiwa twisted her neck, squeezed her fists, and walked over: "Today you are dead, yellow-skinned monkey."

As he said, he charged a straight punch.


Li Tiezhu did not hide, and slapped him out with a strong slap. Instead of hitting him in the face, he hit his neck artery.

Obviously this one is the most aggressive, and Li Tiezhu will not get used to it.

Little Heiwa gritted her teeth, endured the severe pain, and turned her head: "Boy, you completely irritated me...oh..."


Li Tiezhu slapped another backhand. With this slap, he exerted all his strength and exerted force diagonally upwards.

It looked like a slap in the face, but in fact it was a half-clenched fist with his right hand, hitting the opponent's left mandible from the bottom up accurately.

Little Heiwa weighed nearly two hundred catties, but she was stunned by Li Tiezhu's jump. When she was in the air, a tooth flew out with bloodshot eyes. Then, smashed to the floor of the carriage, the three white youths trembled with fright.

In the basement, all the bosses of the Doomsday Party looked straight and covered their faces:

"Oh! Shet..."

"I saw the black boy's tooth was blown away!"


"I don't think that guy can stand up."

"God, Lee should go fight WWA."

"It's terrible, Li put his hands on his back again and smiled. Is he the devil?"

Li Tiezhu came to the three white men with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "Look, violence can't solve the problem. It's wrong to hit someone!"

The three white teenagers nodded repeatedly, not daring to speak.

Li Tiezhu smiled again and helped the black boy up, and patted him friendly dust that didn't exist on his body. Then, he continued to carry his hands and asked with a smile:

"Friend, what have you learned from what you just did?"

Zheng Yanzi smiled and translated, she had never been afraid from beginning to end, because she had known how fierce Li Tiezhu was in fighting for so many years.

There was a muddle in the black man's mind: "I, I, I..."

Li Tiezhu said kindly: "It doesn't matter, you think about it slowly, and you want to understand."

The black man looked at the three white partners and asked for help.

The white man who was beaten first covered his face and said: "We shouldn't attack you, sorry sir, please let us go! We were wrong."

Li Tiezhu's hands behind his back: "What's wrong?"

White man: "The fault is that I should not attack you."

Li Tiezhu smiled, "No! Think about it again. Don't worry!"

Another white man: "We should not attack Asians, they are right, it is our fault."

Li Tiezhu nodded deeply: "Hmm! Very good! Anything else?"

Teenager: "Also? Still more?"

Li Tiezhu said painstakingly: "Recognizing mistakes will not make you better. You have to think carefully about how to be a useful person to the country and the people."

The last white boy said: "We will never attack Asians again! And... all our money will be given to you."

Li Tiezhu: "Are you humiliating me? I kindly taught you the meaning of life, but you humiliated me with money?"

", I don't."

"How do you rank in your class? Are you sure you will be admitted to college?"

"Failed to pass the exam."

"Knowledge changes destiny! You should study hard, don't fight, don't steal, don't lie, so you will be respected wherever you go!"


"Ah for what?"

"We understand, study hard, don't fight, don't steal, don't lie, and be useful to society!"

"Well, I'm very relieved."

"Can we go now? Brother!"

Li Tiezhu looked at the black baby again: "They understand, what about you?"

Heiwa's words leaked: "Read hard, don't fight, don't steal, don't lie, and be a useful person to society!"

Li Tiezhu shook his head.

Hei Wa was shocked and took a short step back, afraid of being beaten. He had practiced boxing and had a deep understanding of the opponent's strength. He knew that even if he was five, he might not be the opponent of this minion.

Li Tiezhu said: "The most important thing for you is to fill your teeth first! Then go home and admit your mistakes to your mother and promise to be a proud child for him."

Heiwa was taken aback suddenly: "Thank you!"

In the basement.

Aoting flared his teeth and danced his claws: "Look! Look! I know! I knew Li must have something different. He was not angry and taught them how to behave. How noble it is! If zombies understand humans, I Are willing to influence them!"

Elon: "That's how you... look at the problem? Don't you think this thing is weird?"

Others nodded their heads. The most terrifying thing was that they knocked you down with a punch, helped you up, smiled and asked what you learned from this incident, it was... so evil!

Oting said: "This is the gulf of civilization, a terrible misunderstanding! I urge you to read "Selected Works of Mao" more."

Over there, Li Tiezhu nodded in relief, and he felt very fulfilled as he watched the four unscrupulous teenagers who had met unexpectedly in a foreign country repenting. Convincing people with virtue is so easy to accept, you see how sincere they are.

The subway is here.

"Let's go!"

Li Tiezhu smiled and waved goodbye to them.

The four squirmed around with their heads in their arms.


Li Tiezhu roared.

The four of them were stunned, they wanted to run but didn't dare to run.

Li Tiezhu pointed to the mobile phone clipped on the pillar: "Take the mobile phone away. Children play less with their mobile phones and read more."

A white man ran over with his mobile phone and fled: "Thank you, thank you..."

Li Tiezhu sat back in his seat again and waved at the American people watching the excitement from both sides, with an expression of not being too grateful to me.

Zheng Yanzi finally couldn't help laughing, Li Tiezhu was still "sincere" as always.

Soon, the video of "Li Tiezhu assaulting a U.S. citizen on the U.S. subway" exploded across the world, arousing lively discussions among overseas netizens with diverse opinions.

Li Tiezhu looked at these comments and thought of a picture he had learned in the textbook. The process of human evolution from gorillas has a total of six or seven forms of changes. Now the comments of netizens are like six or seven forms coexist... Orangutans, great apes, apes, Homo erectus, primitive humans, Homo sapiens, modern humans, all.

So, human beings just evolved in appearance? No IQ?

Some Asians commented like this:

"Li's counterattack is full of provocative meaning. He humiliated the three white men in this way and will make us Asians living in the United States face greater dangers and challenges..."

Some people of African descent leave a message like this:

"Ain Pera is an out-and-out racist. When he hit the three whites, he was obviously restrained, but when he hit the African Americans, he hit twice, and he was very powerful."

Some Europeans say this:

"This incident is the epitome of China's bullying of the world. A Chinese star can attack unarmed U.S. citizens unscrupulously, and they will treat other countries in the world in the same way."

On the contrary, there are Latinos who can't stand it come out and speak bluntly:

"Hey! Guys, find out that this is a live broadcast of ‘slapping Asians’ initiated by the four Americans. This is racial discrimination! Lee is just self-defense."

Then, this comment was bombarded by all kinds of people:

"Go back to Nanmizhou!"

"Brown monkeys are as disgusting as Asians."

"As an Asian, but I am from the U.S., I am opposed to bullying U.S. people with crooked nuts. I love the U.S.!"

"I'm of African descent, and I support slapped Asians because they took away jobs that should have belonged to us. Is this wrong?"

"This person must be a spy who has been bought!"

"Expelling the brown monkey! Expelling Ainpela Lee! The great U.S. does not welcome low-level people like you!"

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