Earthy Superstar

Chapter 594: : It's all blamed on the rabbit

At this time, Tuyaya was practicing morning exercises. She was forced by the counselor to do more exercises. Although she was not a native of Xichuan, she grew up in Xichuan. She speaks the Xichuan dialect too fluently, which leads to her poor basic skills in Mandarin lines and is in urgent need. Plus practice.

While practicing, Zhao Liya stared at Xu Jiazhen who was feeding Li Tiezhu not far away.

A classmate said: "Awesome, right? First-rate licking skills!"

Zhao Liya shrugged and did not answer.

She had heard all kinds of rumors about Xu Jiazhen kneeling and licking Li Tiezhu on Nortel, but she knew that these rumors were not enough to compare with the facts. As the initiator of the Piyou Project, Zhao Liya hid her merits and fame deeply. .

Want tea with my Tie Zhu?

I have let you be brainwashed into a peerless dog!

After practicing morning exercises, Zhao Liya left without any intersection with Li Tiezhu, because she was very busy. Turn around and send a message in the zoo group:

"Lengba and Sister Mi quarreled not fiercely enough, so work harder! In addition, Song Zhuer remembers to stand Xu Jiazhen up. It's very simple, except me, you can expose it, and let them guess whether it is true or false! Anyway, the end is We win, and the winner defines everything! In the end, Hua Tianyu added another fire, and he couldn't help it anymore."

Today's melon is extraordinarily sweet.

This was not the first time Li Tiezhu had eaten melons, nor was it the first time he had eaten his own melons. It used to be Songzhuer's main battle, and he slumped back to eat melons. But this time was different. Even the stupid Li Tiezhu found that things were strange, as if a large airtight net was covering the sky, making people breathless.

Regarding the scandal with Lengba, Yang Mi, and Xu Jiazhen, Li Tiezhu didn't feel any pressure, because they were all behaved.

The melon is here again.

In the morning, Leng Ba and the King of Hua Ge had just had sex. Leng Ba killed the King of Hua Ge. The King of Hua Ge had a reasonable and evidenced analysis. Leng Ba and Li Tiezhu had a leg. Leng Ba said that it was rumored that the King of Hua Ge had a surrogate. The boy with a bad road, Hua Ge Wang strongly refuted and found evidence-Li Tiezhu's apartment in Donghai was under the name of Lengba.

Strictly speaking, in fact, neither Lengba nor Hua Ge Wang showed evidence that they could really nail each other, but the two openly tore each other as if they were beaten up with chicken blood.

The people who eat melon are happy.

Li Tiezhu is also a little bit unable to sit still. After class, he is holding his mobile phone to read the news, and the students around him also cast strange glances at Li Tiezhu, but he didn't notice it.

At the same time, the people at the school cast weird glances at Song Zhu'er and Xu Jiazhen, but something terrible happened. Song Zhu'er and Xu Jiazhen came to class hand in hand, becoming intimate.


You only tore each other publicly last night! Isn't it ethical? Insult our IQ?

Li Tiezhu was also dizzy, and was forced to ask by three animals in the dormitory, he knew what a shit!

So when get out of class was over, he went to Zhao Liya's classroom and took her out to ask her.

Zhao Liya is as stable as an old dog: " wait and see! This is not hurting the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred, this is called retreat for progress. Believe me, we will not be hurt at all, and The opponent will be annihilated, of course, this will have to wait for you to defeat Animo before you can decide the outcome."

Li Tiezhu became even more dizzy, and could only nod his head. After all, he must also believe in Zhao Liya's IQ.

Don't look at her laughing like a fool, but she's actually very good at it.

But what does this have to do with Ai Dajin?

At this moment, Li Tiezhu received a call from his agent Zhang Xiaomeng.

"Hello? Brother Meng, what's the matter?"

"Ai Dajin? He asked me to go to the Phoenix Channel to chat? Tomorrow? Why?"

"Oh... he's from there? My husband knows? But, why is it Phoenix Channel? It's still live broadcast? Of course I don't persuade, just go!"

"Okay, I see. I'll go!"

Sure enough, he was hit by the rabbit again.

After hanging up the phone, Li Tiezhu first sent the news to Song Zhuer. After some analysis by the five beauties in the zoo, the context of the matter became clear.

Probably, the other party saw Li Tiezhu’s backyard on fire, and Hua Tianyu, who had formed his own sect, also fought with Li Tiezhu. They felt that they had a good chance, so they forced Li Tiezhu to go to Phoenix Station’s famous show "Huashan On Sword" pk.

The zoo supported him to go and threatened to create favorable external conditions for him.

("Huashan On the Sword" is a virtual program, which can be brain-filled as a combination of Qiang Qiang and Xiao Shuo)

Obviously, it was to suppress Li Tiezhu. After all, many people know that Li Tiezhu is not smart, and "Huashan On the Sword" is a live broadcast.

The other party wanted to take advantage of the chaos to take advantage of the fire and let Li Tiezhu lose thoroughly.

Li Tiezhu agreed. He couldn't persuade him because the name given by the other party was that Ai Dajin, a senior musician, personally analyzed the reasons why Li Tiezhu was not popular with his peers and helped him out of the predicament.

If Li Tiezhu refuses, it is a manifestation of a guilty conscience.

This trip is set, and it is an important battle.

Soon, the news spread like wildfire.

The voice on the Internet is very messy:

"Don't go, Tie Zhu, the husband knows you will do it!"

"It's obviously a Hongmen Banquet."

"If there is no ghost in my heart, why not go? What is your Li Tiezhu afraid of?"

"I always feel that Li Tiezhu's red is inexplicably red..."

"The truth becomes clearer the more you argue."

"Perhaps, Brother Zheng is not serious at all, and his era is about to end."

In the afternoon, the war between Lengba and the King of Hua Ge escalated. Hua Ge Wang solemnly declared that he has no children and no surrogacy, and will initiate a prosecution against Lengba. Leng Ba said that he had never taken care of Li Tiezhu during the game because of personal feelings, and there was no black-box operation. He threatened to sue the King of Hua Ge.

At this time, a very tricky question appeared:

Lengba didn't take care of Li Tiezhu because of personal emotions, so you just admit that you have an emotional entanglement with Li Tiezhu?

Hua Tianyu pointed out this bug in an instant.

Yang Mi followed up and asked: Li Tiezhu came out and said something! Lengba blew herself up.

Lengba: "The personal feelings I'm talking about are appreciation. You are saving others by yourself. Don't think I don't know your little mess!"

Hua Tianyu cuts in perfectly: "Obviously someone has been brainwashed by Li Tiezhu, and I feel sorry for Sister Mi."

Yang Mi: "Do you want your dog to feel bad? Abnormal! I know more than a dozen, do you want me to explode?"

Hua Tianyu was immediately confused, what the hell? Aren't you two fighting in a nest, am I here to assist? Why are you scolding me?

The scene became very chaotic for a while.

After discussing with the team, Hua Tianyu issued a statement again: "Currently single, no girlfriend, and no idea of ​​falling in love. I love my fans! As a pure musician, I don’t know how to play with other people’s feelings. If there are artificial rumors, you will receive court flyers."

As a result, Hua Tianyu has issued two statements in one day:

One, no children.

Second, there are no women.

The two statements dealt with two different "defamations", which seemed invulnerable, but they were full of loopholes.

In the words of smashing Zhao Liya with a rabbit, if you directly expose his old bottom, he will admit it generously. If you recognize it together with the woman, it is not a big problem. This matter must first let him stand, and then throw it out at the right time, so that it can really hit the opponent, and the black-bellied rabbit will be fine.

So, surrogacy and lingering flowers are all false offensives to force the other party to make a "promise"!

After that, Lengba and Yang Mi did not attack King Hua Ge again, but began to spray each other.

Various people have also appeared on the Internet, beginning to spray Li Tiezhu from all angles. Most of the logical reasons are far-fetched and not worth refuting.

Let a group of people who eat melons feel confused, who should they believe?

"You're not ruthless enough, I'll help you edit it. Really, you won't be swearing."

"Are you my boss!"

"I don't have a useless man like you, get out!"


Lengba stuck out her tongue.

Yang Mi held Lengba's mobile phone editor Weibo scolded herself, and said: "The tongue is so long! Tsk tut, Tie Zhu is blessed!"

Lengba hugged Yang Mi.

After Yang Mi sent her own message, she **** her mobile phone and started to yell at her. In the entertainment industry, it was true or false. She said: "This time I have a talk with Song Zhuer, we can help Li Tiezhu, but the next time the movie will let you play an important role. Let's not make a loss-making business! You, it is time to enter the movie circle, all day long. Just know it!"

Lengba struck her chest: "Wow..."

No one knows that when they tried their best to eat melons and brains up all kinds of scripts that Yang Mi and Lengba turned against each other, these two beautiful girls were fighting together on the sofa.

Blame the rabbit!

Ai Dajin didn't expect that Li Tiezhu would agree to follow him on "Huashan On the Sword" so easily. The various damages he had prepared early would not be used, but he was aggrieved.

Phoenix Channel is also biased towards China, but he has a characteristic, that is, he can tolerate unsocial remarks.

This TV station cannot broadcast directly in China, but it can be watched live on the Internet.

This is a preset battlefield!

After watching the chaos on the Internet closely, Ai couldn't help but scold the pig teammates angrily: "Don't push too hard! Moreover, the navy must be justified and well-founded. Why are there so many brain-dead remarks on the Internet? Is it scolding him? Or scold us? Don't black out for the sake of black! Remember our goal."

The pig teammates were speechless, they thought it was Ai Da's stupid thing.

Because no one could guess that Tuzha would find Hei Li Tiezhu by himself, the situation became extremely chaotic for them.

Finally, Ai Da tightly said: "In short, restrain yourself. Before I hack Li Tiezhu, I must stay sensible. With Hua Tianyu in check, the problem is not big. With him, we have enough leeway. After all, he and us Not in the same group."

But shortly after Ai Dajin finished speaking, Hua Tianyu exploded.

The last nail was removed, and Li Tiezhu had no obstacles anymore, just waiting for Animo to be hardened in "Huashan On the Sword" tomorrow!

Ai Dajin was stunned!

Everything came too fast.

But... Tomorrow is the day with Li Tiezhu's "Huashan On the Sword", what happened?

How did Li Tiezhu, the "people betray their relatives", get rid of Hua Tianyu?

It's actually very simple...Bunny smashed!

(See "The Writer's Words")

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