Earthy Superstar

Chapter 617: : Impact

  Chapter 611 Impact (monthly ticket plus 915)

  After Li Fugui took the seat of the co-pilot, he touched the seat, then tapped the center console, and said: "It's a bit expensive, but everything else is okay."

  In the back row, Aunt Liu said, "Where will Zhuer go to fight? Can we win the fight? Do we want to help?"

  Fights on the construction site were gone, so the old couple were not surprised at all. From their simple point of view, it is estimated that celebrities have to order "rebars" to make extra money. Doesn't it involve fighting to grab something?

  Similar to the emperor’s golden hoe?

  Li Tiezhu fastened his seat belt, started the car, and said calmly: “Don’t worry, she is very experienced, and she will surrender if she can’t fight.”

  Hearing this, the old couple calmed down.

  As for the reason for the fight, Li Tiezhu also had no face to say it.

  You should know that in the past year or so, Shochikuer has broken the gangster title of "Kyoto Little Taimei", often helping people in bars and discos. I didn’t fight much outside, but I wasn’t so restrained in school. The reason for this fight was...

  The dog raised by a girl in the class was reported to **** at the door of the dormitory of someone else’s class. The dog was caught by the school’s contact with the dog-catching team. The girl was also punished.

  So, as the monitor, Song Zhuer picked a weekend time and took a few girls from the dormitory to find fault and revenge.

  Anyway, the boys at Nortel are very friendly, but the girls always fight and spit out their hair every three to five. They don’t have celebrities at all, and they are more grounded than ordinary universities.

  Song Zhuer often plays the role of the leader. If he wins, he will show off his power. If he loses, he immediately admits to surrender. Backhand brings more people to take revenge. If he loses, he surrenders...

  For more than a year, Li Tiezhu has gotten used to it, and occasionally goes to watch the battle with Wang Xiaokai and the others. The boiling water room, laundry room, bathhouse, and commissary are the hot spots where team battles erupt.

  The car was driving on a congested road, and Li Fugui looked out the window with a nervous and sacred mood. This is the legendary capital!

   "Can you see Chengtian Gate here?"

   "I can't see it, we take the Fourth Ring Road, and Chengtian Gate is in the middle of Kyoto."

   "I want to see the flag raising."

   "Wake up at 4:30 tomorrow morning, I will take you there."

   "If you want it, you want it, you can record it with your mobile phone then, go back and show your second and third child..."


   "I will wear new shoes tomorrow to see!"

   "I want it."

  Li Tiezhu smiled and agreed to his father’s request. He still remembered the sacred expressions of the elders in his hometown when he was a child. Therefore, the rural people of Li Fugui's generation will not let them watch the flag raising when they come to Kyoto, for fear that they will regret it for a lifetime.

   Aunt Liu in the back row also seemed very excited, and even asked Li Fugui if she wanted to get a haircut.

  One and a half hours later, the car drove into the small villa under the name of Song Zhuer.

  The car hadn't stopped, Li Fugui jumped out of the car, as handsome as he was riding a tractor, after staggering two steps, Li Fugui turned around in the yard with his hands behind his back like saving face:

  "Guerre is still different from the earthen house built in our countryside? The drawings are all given by Zhuer, so it feels different!"

   Nonsense, the construction team in the countryside did not understand the drawings at all, and the building materials and levels were different.

  Aunt Liu was beating Li Tiedan. This product urinates in his brother's car, and he urinates even if he wears a diaper.

  Li Tiezhu hugged the iron egg, and Aunt Liu wiped the back cushion with a paper towel.

  Li Fugui came to the Porsche sports car parked on the other side, and said: "You should buy this cheap car. You two are completely enough. It is better to save money."

  Li Tiezhu said: "This car was bought for one million."

  Li Fugui's old face blushed: "Zhu'er is a star, what is a million car? You have to get enough temperament! You are like you, you are out of society, and you still dress up in darkness all day long."

  Li Tiezhu stopped talking, where was the old father who was so fond of him?

  So, love will disappear, right?

  At this time Shochikuer popped out of the house: "Uncle, Auntie! Iron egg! Come and hug Auntie!"

  Li Tiezhu handed her the iron egg: "It's my sister-in-law."

  Song Zhuer held Li Tiedan and invited everyone into the house, and gave everyone slippers: "Isn't the little flower here?"

   Aunt Liu was a little shy when she walked in the over-decorated and high-end house, wiped her hands on her clothes, and then went to pick up the slippers: “She’s going to take her final exam soon, so she won’t be able to come.”

  Li Fugui was not much better. After changing his slippers, he pulled Li Tiezhu and walked next to the wall: "Zhuzi, is their family rich?"

  Li Tiezhu: "Yes."

   Li Fugui stomped: "Hey! I knew that when I was preparing a gift, I would spend a little more money. I was afraid that the gift was too light for others to look down upon."

   "What are you preparing?"

  "Wild gastrodia, ginseng, saffron, deer antler..."

   "Are you here to sell medicine?"

   "Safe? Is it a bad idea to deliver medicine? Is there anything to be careful?"

   "Don't pay attention to it, just send it as you like."

   "I think Zhu'er is a big country and a good car. Their family is so rich. I'm afraid this marriage is not easy to talk about..."

  "Zhu'er bought these with the money she earned. Although her family is rich, she didn't use the money at home."

  "Really? This house may cost millions."

  "The price is now more than 30 million."

   "Wow! I was so terrible..."

  Old man Li covered his chest, his feet floating slightly.

  Because of the limited living and working environment for decades, Li Fugui could not imagine the life of the rich. He had met the richest person, probably the contractor of Land Rover.

  Li Tiezhu helped him: "Old man, do you have paws? Playing spacewalking? Don't be chaotic. Our two fathers know a lot, but I don’t have a talent for dancing. Be careful, don’t throw your waist out!"

   Old man Li's voice was lowered: "Did you earn as much as her? I don't say the total. She acted at a few years old, definitely more than you. In one year, you can make a lot of money in a year?"

In the past two years, Li Fugui did not ask Li Tiezhu, and Li Tiezhu himself didn’t know how much money he had, so he didn’t say, he just gave Aunt Liu some money to save it. Therefore, Li Fugui didn’t know Li Tiezhu’s current situation. Wealth situation.

  Li Tiezhu was questioned, why did he ask such a profound question as soon as he met? He could only look at the teasing Song Zhuer on the sofa in the distance: "Zhuer, how much money did I make this year?"

  Song Zhuer: "Take off the more than 30 million donations, which is almost 360 million. Work harder this month. It can reach 400 million before the Spring Festival. It's the end of the year, and there are many endorsements and advertisements."

  Li Tiezhu said to Li Fugui: "Less than 400 million. She is much less than me!"

   Li Fugui's feet are even more vain, and the spacewalk is a little messy: "That's good, that's good..."

  In fact, what he didn't know was that with Li Tiezhu’s status as the top domestic and foreign trend, if he operates like other artists, not to mention 400 million, one billion is possible.

After a daze, Li Fugui stared at Li Tiezhu seriously, and asked, "Is there no money for ignorant conscience?"

  Li Tiezhu: "It's possible?"

  Li Fugui trusted his son. After being helped to sit down on the sofa, the whole person was much silent, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

  It was Aunt Liu and Song Zhu'er chatting very harmoniously, and the iron eggs didn't recognize the birth, and they crawled everywhere.

  Song Zhuer danced with her hands, showing off her brave and heroic posture with her future mother-in-law. Seeing her soaring spirit, there should be no defeat and surrender today.

   Then, Song Zhu'er cut the fruit, and Li Tiezhu made tea for the two elders, and went outside to carry the woven bag in the car.

   "The sausage is in that pocket? Wow this?"

  Li Tiezhu opened a woven bag, took out dozens of catties of sausage and bacon that his aunt had brought, and hung it on the kitchen balcony.

  The sky was getting darker, and Song Zhuer ordered a takeaway.

  The family went upstairs after eating. Li Tiezhu and Li Fugui drank small wine in the living room on the second floor, using small eight-dollar cups.

  Bring a bag of peanuts and three bags of chicken feet. Shochikuer sat down comfortably and filled himself with a glass.

  Li Fugui, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly became excited: "Yeah? Today, everyone is free!"

Song Zhu'er pouted: "Uncle! What do you say, have I persuaded you? We drink and drink are emotions, you say so! The heart of your daughter-in-law, who has not yet entered the door, cools down... Hey!"

  Li Fugui was a little embarrassed: "That's right! I said something wrong, I will punish myself for a cup."

  Li Tiezhu covers his face, the old man will suffer again today!

   "Old man, you drink less."

  "Don’t speak up, you turtle! Zhuer, Zhu’er, Zhu’er, has suffered since childhood, and after so much bitterness, he finally met you. This is called bitterness first and sweetness later!"

   "That is! Everyone said he was so lucky, hehehe..."

   "Come, let's go one."

  "Uncle, drink slowly and don't get drunk."

   "I'm happy! Do it!"


  Li Tiezhu found Aunt Liu, who was watching cartoons with an iron egg on the side: "Mom! I won't go to see the flag raising tomorrow. I have been on the plane for so long, so take a good rest."

   Aunt Liu was a little bit reluctant: "Why are you mumbling? Finally come back to the capital."

Li Tiezhu pointed to the two people who had already started punching over there, and said: "Look at this battle, the old man will have at most twenty minutes before he will be thrown over again. When they meet Song Zhu'er, the three of them will have to go together. After being washed white, don't say he is alone. UU reads and raises the flag, and waits to come back from Jinmen to read it!"

  Aunt Liu nodded: "I want it! Call you old man to drink less horse urine."

  Li Tiezhu said righteously: "It's nothing, it's a big deal, Zhuer will cook him sober soup tomorrow morning."

  Aunt Liu is shocked, Zhuer Tangtang is a big star, still have this ability?

Before he had time to explain, Li Tiezhu was educated by Li Fugui. He warned him to guard his morals, not to shame the Sichuanese, to fight for the five good things, and to hand over the financial power to the woman, etc...

   More than ten minutes later, when the old man started calling brother Li Tiezhu, Li Tiezhu knew it was almost there. So he had another drink with the old man, put it down strongly, and then carried it away.

  Li Tiezhu knew that the old man had been impacted today. He could obviously feel his father's desolation. The old man Li, who had protected and cared for him for more than ten years, showed a sense of powerlessness.

  In fact, when he came back sooner or later, Li Tiezhu used a concealment to delay the time by two years.

  Song Zhuer knew Li Tiezhu’s mind, so he got drunk Li Fugui directly, saving him of his crazy thinking.

  This kind of heart is commendable, what means...

  (End of this chapter)

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