Earthy Superstar

Chapter 708: : Recruits assembled

The final result was that Li Tiezhu did not bring any assistants, because he had no assistants at all, only bodyguards.

But goose, you don't need to bring bodyguards to record "Real Men". After all, it is the site of the uncles of the JF army, with bodyguards? It seems a bit of a waste of money. Is there any safer place in this world?

Hei Wa'er and Mong Dun'er's hopes of going to the world fell through, so they had to pack their things and fly back to the United States for vacation.

Li Tiezhu packed up the luggage that had been messed up by the staff again, full of excitement, and waited to record the show.

In fact, Li Tiezhu has never been so excited when he participated in any show, not even his debut "Super Sound".

At the beginning of that show, he participated in a daze. In the middle, he pretended to be a takeaway boy, tied Tony, raised a cat, and was eliminated... He was actually in a daze and persecuted the whole time. The IQ is not high, so Li Tiezhu didn't realize that he had created a miracle until he won the final.

But "The Real Man" is different. For him, it is a real journey to realize his dreams.

May I ask, can that boy not be excited before he "enlists" in the army?

This is a feeling that is hard to describe. There is excitement, worry, pride, and hesitation, but there is no cowardice.

Li Tiezhu hated this "enlistment" time is too short, a year and a half is great.

That night, Li Tiezhu suffered from insomnia for the first time in his life. Can I suffer from insomnia even if I am so stupid?

At first, he thought he had become smarter by mistakenly adding an intelligence value. After checking, he found that the IQ was still 90, which was caused by a real instability and too much excitement.

Therefore, in order to ensure a better condition tomorrow, Li Tiezhu put Songzhuer into seventy-two changes.

Li Tiezhu continued to play a few shuttles until Song Zhu'er had been directly stunned and fainted on the spot, consuming part of his excess energy, and barely fell asleep.

The next day, Li Tiezhu was full of energy and rushed to a certain military base in the west with the staff of the program team.

After getting off the plane, I have to take a car for more than two hours.

In the car, the program crew continued to film and played some videos called "Interviews with Relatives and Friends" to Li Tiezhu. These videos were not specially made by the program team, but after contacting those people, they asked them to record what they wanted to say to Li Tiezhu and send it to the program team.

The first video is Wu Jing's video.

Li Tiezhu took the lead in complaining: "Which kind of relatives and friends is he? If he is not a relative or a friend, I have a normal relationship with him."

At the beginning of the video, Wu Jing said to the camera: "I knew Li Tiezhu must say that we have a normal relationship, and I don't deserve to be called a group of relatives and friends. Hahaha! Did I get it right?"

Li Tiezhu was shocked: "Is this a video connection?"

Wu Jing: "It's not a WeChat video. I know you too well, so I know what you will say. Although we have cooperated less frequently, I personally admire you very much. You are this."

Said that Wu Jing gave a thumbs up.

"However, the military camp is not a fun place. You have to be mentally prepared. The last time I went to special forces training in "War Dragon 2", the skin was all worn off. I only found out when I went there. No. Picking someone out of them can compare me to a scumbag. Therefore, I teach you experience and must work hard. Of course, you are in an ordinary army, which is almost comparable to me, but the attitude Still have to be correct."

The video is over.

Li Tiezhu curled his lips: "This uncle is here in Versailles, can we go to the special forces?"

It's the chubby young lady worker: "No, you are not worthy."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

In fact, Li Tiezhu was very grateful to Wu Jing, he was much more reliable than Cheng Dalong. Although he didn't have much contact, he was as helpful as Hong Dabao.

When he agreed to guest appearance in "The Wandering Earth," Wu Jing told him to guest appearance in other movies. This was a kind of "reciprocity".

In Wu Jing's words, the movie has a circle. Like Wu Jing, Li Tiezhu is a helpless and emergent thing, so he will definitely be frantically vilified and abused.

Appropriate guest appearances and cheering for other forces and bigwigs will help improve the relationship, and the most important thing is to make your situation more stable.

So Wu Jing participated in "Mountaineering" and "The Wandering Earth", and Li Tiezhu went to "The Wandering Earth" and "Crazy Alien".

The second relative is Cheng Dalong? ? ?

Li Tiezhu was shocked: "When does my master care about me? This is... unscientific!"

Cheng Dalong: "Don't be ashamed of me! If you go to the army, you can train well and be a good person. Being able to go is the greatest recognition of you. Don't think that you can float away when you are red. Compared with our soldiers, what are you? Not really."


Li Tiezhu immediately complained: "I'm going to'join the army' instead of labor reform, right? Master is too nervous."

He wanted to say, I'm not your son, do you need to be a good man and change his face? Well, this can be regarded as Master’s ardent expectation...

The third is Han Hong, who specially wore military uniforms with military ranks. It can be seen that she was very careful in recording this short video.

Han Hong stood upright and said, "Recruit Li Tiezhu! Come on! Come on!"

The words were short, but I don’t know why Li Tiezhu’s nose suddenly sore, because he knew that Aunt Han Hong was discredited on the Internet some time ago. This is not the first time, and it will not be the last.

The water in the public welfare sector is too deep.

Miss sister asked: "What's wrong with you? Are you touched? Anything you want to say?"

Li Tiezhu said: "Aunt Han Hong is such a nice person, why are there people hacking her? Can I scold her?"

Miss Sister: "No."

Li Tiezhu: "Then I have nothing to say."

The fourth person turned out to be the high school head teacher, the little prince against the wind?

This is unscientific!

The hair of the little prince against the wind has grown out? In the Mediterranean, his head was, black, thick, jet-black hair, which looked particularly abrupt and... funny.

The little prince against the wind said, "Li Tiezhu, I am very dissatisfied with you! What do you mean by writing that song "The Wind Is Up"? It made my new student sing this song in front of me every day, forcing me I went to plant the hair, and the two-month salary is gone... If you do not perform well in the army, it depends on how I clean up you."

Although Teacher Li worked hard to make himself humorous, the power of the class head was huge.

Li Tiezhu shrank his neck subconsciously. Although it has been almost two years since graduation, the little prince Yu Wei still survives. Every Spring Festival, Li Tiezhu has to entrust an old man who works as a security guard at the school to give Mr. Li some sausages and bacon and other New Year goods.

The young lady from the program group: "I still like your class teacher's previous hairstyle. I saw it on TV, hahaha...huh..."

Li Tiezhu: "Our teacher Li has always been handsome, it has nothing to do with hairstyle, temperament can't be hidden."

Miss Sister: "Puff...Li Tiezhu, you're so funny when you talk nonsense..."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Was it you who broke down yesterday? Isn't it? Are you twins?

Miss Sister: "Ha ha ha ha..."

Li Tiezhu: "What are you laughing at?"

Miss Sister: "Laugh at you, haha, so cute."

Li Tiezhu glared at him: "Are you humiliating me?"

The little sister said with a chubby face: "Yes! Zhuer told me, don't be afraid of you, she said you are a fool, which is good to everyone."

Li Tiezhu: "Thank you!"

Miss Sister: "Now, there is half an hour to arrive at the destination. You can read the information of the other five guests. Would you like to see it?"

Li Tiezhu: "Be reasonable, I don't really want to know...I am not as popular anyway."

Miss Sister: "Okay, you don't want to know, then I will let you see."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

What did Song Zhu'er say to this little fat girl yesterday? The whole person is in a frenzy.

The first guest to be broadcast is Guo Xiaoxi, who has been a literary soldier for many years and is considered a veteran. He is forty years old this year, but he looks pretty good.

He said: "I am a veteran and I hope to be a benchmark."

The second guest is 33-year-old Yuan Heng, an actor who graduated from the show, not too popular, but also well-known.

Yuan Heng: "I'm a free and unruly person. Obedience to these two words is a great burden for me... Pain mask. But it's okay, the pillar will help me, he is so powerful."

Li Tiezhu didn't have much contact with Yuan Heng, but because of the second sister, the relationship was a little closer. Of course, Li Tiezhu and the second sister were actually just the same, especially after experiencing the torment with Hua Tianyu, there was even less contact.

The third veteran actor Zhang Yifeng: "Guo Xiaoxi, Yuan Heng, Li Tiezhu, can't I finish what they can do? No preparation is needed, no need at all."

This old gentleman is fifty-eight years old this year, but he often exercises and plays basketball and his body is very good.

When filming with Mi Bingbing, even Ma Zhen's difficult moves were performed.

The fourth person to appear is Liu Yuan, who is the same age as Li Tiezhu. Last year, he successfully entered the movie circle with "Tang Detective" and has gained a lot of rewards. His appearance video is very cool, obviously after careful attention. Designed. He was blindfolded and assembled toy guns on the coffee table in the living room ~ ~ looks pretty cool.

Liu Yuan: "The desire to grow up is to grab tanks and these military equipment. This should be a boy’s dream since he was a child... I have been having insomnia these days, the kind of excited but nervous contradiction. What will I see? Guns, or you can touch tanks, etc. After thinking about it, I can’t fall asleep after tossing around in bed... I also called Zhu Ge, hahaha... We are almost the same, he also suffers from insomnia."

Liu Yuan and Li Tiezhu are relatively familiar, and they have been in variety shows together. Because they are both young people, they are naturally more related.

The fifth is Du Haibo, a 30-year-old host of Xiangnan TV, with a strange smile on his face. Li Tiezhu can't remember what he said, because he was vomiting and couldn't help it.

"My God! Let's forget the fifty-eight-year-old grandfather, what the **** is this fat guy? Isn't this show a national defense show? How funny?"

Miss Sister: "What you are saying now is likely to be cut into the feature film."

Li Tiezhu said, "What am I afraid of? No, the teammates you picked for me... are too broken, right?"

But what can be done?

This is a variety show after all. You can't always pick male artists of the right age. You need to consider the differences and collocations of age, personality, and type. So, in the final analysis, this is a show, not a real military.

Li Tiezhu was a little disappointed.

Before long, the minibus stopped at the entrance of a shopping mall, and the recruits assembled for the first time. Artists arrived one after another, gathered on the side of the road in a small town to say hello, the instructor ignored them and directly began to roll their names.

"Du Haibo!"

"Du Haibo."

No one answered.

The scene was a little awkward.

At this time, Du Haibo on the second floor of the mall was eating dessert, his face trembled with fat, and shouted: "Wait for me, I'll get down in a while, Ma, this is too delicious..."

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