Earthy Superstar

Chapter 713: :Foot Wash

In view of the popularity of Li Tiezhu in the military camp, the program group has not yet turned it into a feature film. He originally only invited two photographers to follow up to shoot the highlights, but it turned into a feature film. Not only that, the program team also interviewed several fanatical soldiers.

A certain veteran: "Of course I know Li Tiezhu. I like the song "The Heart of the Dream" the most. Three years ago, I watched "Things about the Rabbit That Year" and cried. I admired the seniors so much! Then I came to serve as a soldier. , The most powerful thing is that I wanted to cry when I heard the Charge... However, the way of war has changed so much now that the Charge has been cancelled..."

A recruit: "I watched "Soldiers Assault" in an Internet cafe, eh, that's... I skipped classes in high school and went to the Internet cafe to spend the night... Seeing me enthusiastically, anyway, I didn't get good grades, so I came to the soldier."

A certain female soldier: "Li Tiezhu is so handsome! I thought he was a retired soldier...what? Xiao Xianrou? Huh~ Liu Yuan? I don't know him."

Good guy, I have interviewed so many people, but I only picked Li Tiezhu's iron powder to release it and mess up.

Then there is the scene of Li Tiezhu and the monitor working out. Of course, the focus is still on Li Tiezhu.

For example, when Li Tiezhu took off his shirt and went to the bench press, the program crew was very shameless and gave Li Tiezhu a close-up from the side, including Li Tiezhu's profile and chest. The eyes of the audience will inevitably focus on Li Tiezhu's dark but muscled chest and the bean soaked in sweat.


"Welfare has been issued!"

"Take a screenshot!"

"Sisters, what are you doing in a daze? Licking!"

"What a fan! Ahem, I mean his lips..."

"I believe you, puff~"

"Yeah, so fan and pretty!"

"Song Zhu'er is not strong, it didn't make it black."

"I didn't want to be so serious when I took off my clothes, and I couldn't see it at all when I put on clothes."

"Let go of that barbell and push me~"

"Are these female fans crazy?"

"It's still our male fans who are reserved."

"What can you do if you are not reserved? Can you also lick the screen?"

"Sisters, just lick it! Brother, I'm fast forwarding, Li Tiezhu makes people feel inferior..."

I don't know when Li Tiezhu started to have a lot of female fans, and the degree of madness and mental disability were not much worse than those of them. But what is peculiar is that Li Tiezhu's male fans are not disgusted, and the relationship between the male fans and the female fans is quite harmonious. It may be because Li Tiezhu is not handsome, and the female fans are not jealous when licking the male fans. Instead, they use this to laugh at Li Tiezhu.

After all, being handsome is innate, there is no way, the figure and the three views can be shaped, and the male fans will not feel desperate.

What? You say talent?

Stop making trouble, go to sleep, no one in the entire entertainment industry is as talented as Li Tiezhu. When a fan is a fan, he is just blowing, like a fart.

After working out, Li Tiezhu went for another kilometer at night before returning to the dormitory to take a bath.

In fact, this is also their "privilege."

After all, it was just a recording of the show. Li Tiezhu's training intensity was less than half that of regular recruits.

There is no morning exercises, no queue drills, no all kinds of weird tricks. Therefore, they are not really recruits in military training. Otherwise, they will start to study after dinner. How can there be so much time for free activities?

Too idle is a problem, especially during the recruiting period.

Du Haibo and Yuan Heng are just too idle.

The recording of the show was over a long time ago. Originally, the program team suggested that the guest house outside the barracks should arrange beds for them. Usually recording a show is just an act of sleeping and waking up.

Many programs are indeed operated in this way, but this time it is a military camp, which is different.

Li Tiezhu, Liu Yuan, and Zhang Yifeng strongly requested to live in a military camp to experience life, and try not to allow assistants to enter the military camp, at least not in the barracks. Therefore, all six of them can only live in the military camp.

Therefore, at night, there was nothing to do. Du Haibo and Yuan Heng went to the nearby recruits’ dormitory and didn't know what the picture was.

Then he was taken away by the picket...

There were three charges, one, smoking the recruits and organizing crowds to smoke; two, telling stories about stars in the barracks; third, seriously disturbing the study of the recruits’ internal affairs regulations.

Two hours later, the two talents were put back, dingy, and apparently being severely trained by the debut. It seemed that the two were still a bit unconvinced.

A fool could see it, Yuan Heng stopped talking, he was just a thorn. Du Haibo is amazing. He is obviously a soft guy who kneels down to the stick, but when he has a certain status, he feels that the album does not respect him, but he swears, and he dare not reply when he is scolded.

"Damn! If you want me to say, just move out and live, isn't it just recording the show? There are only a few shots of getting up and going to bed. Let's just take a day and record all of them."

After Du Haibo returned, he threw his armed belt to the ground.

The squad leader is showing Li Tiezhu, who is soaking his feet, the stones he collected during training in the Gobi Desert this year. He is also a fan of Li Tiezhu. In fact, even the instructor is also a fan of Li Tiezhu. I just like the stuff with oily noodles.

These two people were taken away by the picket, and I was embarrassed not to say anything. When they came back, they cursed and didn't say anything, and dared to throw the armed belt?

Squad leader Jin Wudeng was angry when he said: "Pick it up!"

Du Haibo was a little fictitious. He took a look at Jin Wu and then looked around. He didn't find the camera crew, only a few fixed cameras in the room. He said, "What are you doing? The catalog is over, what is it? Deep well ice!"

Jin Wu: "Pick it up! You don't need to wear this uniform if you don't like it. If you wear it, you must respect it."

Du Haibo smiled: "Fuck! Really treat yourself as a cadre? Don't take a **** and take photos, cut...I'm sick! The clothes are on me, so I want to throw them away."

Yuan Heng also laughed, but did not act excessively, just sitting by the bed, taking off his shoes and socks, and watching the show.

Liu Yuan and Guo Xiaoxi were a bit stunned. The elderly Zhang Yifeng, who had already gone to bed, was in the mud and asked them to take a step back.

Jin Wu had nothing to do. If he were a real recruit, he would have kicked the opponent to the ground. The opponent dared to say a few words to insult the uniform, and his belt would have been drawn on the opponent's mouth.

He himself had seen this in the new barracks, and he had done it after he brought new recruits. Although... it is explicitly forbidden, but who the **** can bear it?

However, the other party is a celebrity, an entertainer, and only came to record the show, not the big-headed soldier under his hand.

So although Jin Wu was angry, he was also scrupulous.

Jin Wu still looked directly at Du Haibo and suppressed the recruits with his eyes and aura, which was the most common way.

But who is Du Haibo?

There are no ordinary people who can get to his level. Therefore, the cowardice and cowardice during military training during the day are all performed by performances. This person has set him to act for ten years, and he is familiar with driving lightly, but when there is no camera facing him, he has another face, rebellious and even a little arrogant.

Actually, who is not?

Zhang Yifeng has already lay down before the time is up. Guo Xiaoxi has also taken back the charger he turned in very strongly. It is Liu Yuan to be honest. He is dreaming about the feeling of touching a real gun tomorrow. He is innocent. .

Li Tiezhu soaked his feet in hot water. He was very comfortable, and he felt a little like going to the toilet.

Jin Wu took a deep breath: "Pick up the armed belt and put it away according to the rules."

Du Haibo didn't want to cause trouble either. He was only caught and trained by the picket, so he didn't intend to make trouble again. Although he looked down on Jin Wu, it was a barracks after all.

At this time, Yuan Heng teased: "You must listen to the squad leader’s orders! Du Haibo, don’t treat the squad leader improperly, or you will be vomiting tomorrow, hahaha."

Du Haibo immediately blushed, but he dared not tear his face apart with Yuan Heng, and threw his hat on the ground: "Of course I listen to the squad leader's order!"

Then, bending over and picking up the armed belt, without picking up the hat, he came and stood at attention in a mocking manner: "Report the chief! I picked up the armed belt!"

The chief shouted loudly.

Jin Wu was embarrassed: "There is also a hat."

Du Haibo took a step forward: "What?"

He stepped on the hat with his foot.

Jin Wu gritted his teeth: "Hat!"

Du Haibo: "The hat is off, you let me pick up the armed belt, I bend over, ha, the hat is off."

Jin Wu: "..."

Yuan Heng snickered on the side, Guo Xiaoxi ignored it, and Zhang Yifeng rounded out a few words at random.

The youngest Liu Yuan was nervous: "Boge, you can be soft, after all, we are here to join the army, besides, this is a military uniform, it is very sacred..."

Du Haibo: "Holy shit! Isn't it just a hat? I've never worn such a cheap hat. I said that I came to record the show. You can be on our show. Jinwu, you are burning incense, do you think Come if you want? Don't take yourself seriously, otherwise, you'll have to get out tomorrow."

This guy was scolded badly by the chief. There was no way. The rank of the man was really high. He was tempted and could only endure it, but when he returned to the dormitory, the ordinary soldier Jin Wu vented his anger.

Li Tiezhu stood up and stood in the basin.

Du Haibo glanced at Li Tiezhu subconsciously: "Brother Zhu, what's the matter? Isn't the water hot enough?"

He didn't dare to provoke Li Tiezhu. Just now Li Tiezhu stood up and frightened him.

Li Tiezhu said, "Boge, the military uniform is sacred. Isn't it appropriate for the hat to fall on the ground?"

Du Haibo immediately bent over and picked it up and put it on the bed: "It's just a hat. I blow it hard. I still have a military cap from the South Bang country. It's so cool. I bought it! It was worn by my idol before enlisting in the army. It's better than this thing. Much better."

Jin Wu glared at him, Du Haibo was not a bird.

Li Tiezhu stepped on the water in the basin and said, "Is that the dragon of power that you knelt before?"

Du Haibo stepped forward and said, "What? Do you like him too?"

Li Tiezhu: "He is not worthy."

Du Haibo: "Uh... everyone has different tastes."

Li Tiezhu walked out of the basin.

Du Haibo: "Don't you wipe your feet?"

Li Tiezhu picked up the water basin and said, "Isn't this a towel without feet?"

Du Haibo: "That's right! Why did you send out a towel? Too bad! It's better than the army of Nanbang Country..."

Jin Wu rushed over in rage, wanting to speak.

Li Tiezhu said, "Boge, can you pour the footwasher for me? You see, I didn't wipe my feet either."

Du Haibo's expression suddenly changed, no matter how much he was a senior, and in front of so many people, did Li Tiezhu go crazy? Even if you ask Liu Yuan to pour the foot wash for you.

Du Haibo turned his head and said, "Jin Wu, you go and pour Tie Zhu's footwashing water, and get a towel for wiping your feet by the way...Ah! Aw..."


A large basin of foot washing water poured directly from Du Haibo's head, and his whole body was soaked.

Du Haibo was dumbfounded, looking at Li Tiezhu in horror and anger.

Li Tiezhu with a naive expression, holding the empty basin high, shaking on Du Haibo's head, dripping the last few drops of foot washing on top of his head, then... grinned:

"Thank you! Boge."

【Ding! Serious value plus 1...]

Thank you mom!

Du Haibo was roaring in his heart, his anger rushed into the sky, but an inexplicable fear made him calm down. There are many people who have bullied in this life, and they have made a lot of madness, but they are all people whose reputation and status are obviously inferior to him. He dare not like Li Tiezhu.

Coupled with He Ling's care, he has never been bullied in the circle, at least he has not been humiliated face to face. This is... the first time.

Therefore, he was completely dumbfounded.

Yuan Heng and Liu Yuan also followed, this is a military camp! Even if it's not a military camp, you can't bully Du Haibo like this, right? He is covered by Teacher He.

The thoughts are similar, but the perception is quite different. Yuan Heng thinks Li Tiezhu is too domineering, while Liu Yuan only thinks that Brother Zhu is really cool, and he also hates Du Haibo's act of stepping on the military cap.

Guo Xiaoxi said: "It's over! Tie Zhu, it's over..."

Zhang Yifeng is still an old-school man after all: "This is the real army! The army is a melting pot, the leader is right."

Jin Wu is the stupidest one. He looked at Li Tiezhu and then at Du Haibo, feeling a little scared. If he encounters an enemy, he is not afraid, but this is not an enemy! Why is Du Haibo also a well-known artist who was directly drenched in footwash by Li Tiezhu, how did this end?

The chief sent him to this show because he valued him, knowing that he was polite and courteous, and could be strict or gentle. Now that things are happening like this, how can it end?

If Du Haibo can't bear the humiliation, he will make things worse...

Li Tiezhu moved suddenly.

Du Haibo was about to pluck up the courage to scold Li Tiezhu, and when he saw Li Tiezhu move, he quickly covered his face in fright: "What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Li Tiezhu didn't do anything. He just sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his feet on his trouser legs, and then moved on to the bed.

Du Haibo was upset, for fear that Li Tiezhu would beat him. He had heard a lot of legends about Li Tiezhu from Teacher He, many of which were caused by him.

Li Tiezhu dried his feet, sat cross-legged on the bed, and said, "Boge, you don't want to pour the footwashing water for me, just say it, why do you spill it all over the floor? Pay attention to public health!"

You did it yourself!

Du Haibo was embarrassed and angry, but was afraid to say anything to Li Tiezhu, shaking with anger.

Li Tiezhu: "There is a mop behind the door."

After speaking, Li Tiezhu picked up the small box beside the bed, picked out a black and white stone the size of an egg, and said to Jin Wu: "Squad leader, where did you pick it up? Like a panda, there are also in the Gobi Desert. Such a stone? It looks completely different from other stones."

Jin Wu was still stunned, and said: "This was not picked up in the Gobi."

Others have also become weird, and Li Tiezhu will teach others, even if it is still so calm, it is simply a humiliation to Du Haibo.

But what can Du Haibo do?

Dare to beat Li Tiezhu?

He can't beat it.

Du Haibo angrily picked up his mobile phone and ran out of the dormitory.

Jin Wu nervously said, "What to do? What to do?"

Others also looked at Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu took the stone and fumbled, and said, "What should I do? Get out if you don't want to record the show! Two-legged toads are hard to find, and three-legged men are hard to find? If he gets out of work, let the show directly tell him I just want to go back to host "Happy Camp". Backhand I will call Luhani or Wang Xiaokai to fill the seat. Which one is not more famous? He can come to the show simply because he is the host of Xiangnan TV. Otherwise, he is completely unqualified. "

The others looked at each other, is Li Tiezhu so domineering? I haven't heard of it before.

Liu Yuan said: "Boge might just be angry for a while..."

Li Tiezhu sneered: "A man who kneeled for Nan Bang, is he still a man?"

Liu Yuan didn't speak anymore, and he knew about it, so after he enlisted in the army, he didn't talk to Du Haibo at all, but it was a reaction.

Jin Wu patted Li Tiezhu on the shoulder and said nothing. He is indeed our idol, awesome! This matter, I can blow ten years after returning to the special team!

Then he explained: "This stone is pebbles, washed out by the water, and it is very round. You see, the stone next door is blown out by the wind, and the stones corroded by the wind and sand are all oddly shaped and uneven..."

Li Tiezhu: "Cobblestones? We also have them there. I picked up a stone almost exactly the same as this one when I was a kid. I remember that only we have this kind of black and white pebbles."

Jin Wu: "Where is your hometown?"

Li Tiezhu: "In the mountains."

Jin Wu: "That's not right, I belong to the capital of Shu, and we also have it, but it's very rare, right? Anyway, I only picked this piece in the river..."

Li Tiezhu: "Could it be Nanhe?"

Jin Wu: "How do you know?"

Li Tiezhu thought for a while: "Seven years ago?"

Jin Wu: "Six years ago, do you know that?"

Li Tiezhu told Zhao Liya and him as pen pals about the panda stone being thrown away. Jin Wu checked the address and found that it was almost the same. He immediately returned the stone to Li Tiezhu, and Li Tiezhu even thanked him.

Several other people began to applaud. Isn't this a coincidence? Everyone is the same as hearing books.

At this time, Du Haibo came in with a grieving expression and handed the phone to Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu ignored: "Squad leader, Stone will give me a gift. I will release a new album in two months. I will send you one at that time."

Jin Wu: "Thank you! Call..."

Li Tiezhu looked at Du Haibo.

Du Haibo was very angry: "Mr. He!"

Li Tiezhu smiled and took the phone: "Hello? Teacher He! Hello, what? "Mushroom House" is filming again? In southern Yunnan? Good place, good place! When is the last issue? At the end of June... Maybe I have time. , Not necessarily. It depends on the situation then!"

Having said that, the politeness is over.

Teacher He said a lot on the phone, Li Tiezhu only listened patiently, and did not answer, just humming twice.

The others also held their breaths and listened carefully to Li Tiezhu's call. This is a big deal. The first day of military training caused an accident. How will you get through the next forty days? Moreover, the other party is still Mr. He's person, this show is a show on Shonan TV!

Jin Wu was even more anxious. He was not afraid of being driven back. He wished that he was afraid that Li Tiezhu would be implicated.

He is not stupid, knowing that Li Tiezhu saw him scrupulously and deliberately vented his anger.

A long time later, Li Tiezhu said, “Little frog still wants to eat, but I don’t know what the schedule is. I’m in the barracks right now, you know. As for Du Haibo...I did it on purpose, of course, Mr. He. Any advice? It’s okay, you’re a senior, just say... um, um... oh... I’m sorry, you didn’t convince me, I don’t care if I do it right or not, I just want to do it. Haha, should Shonantai be banned? Me? Right? Everyone is an adult! If you are not happy, he can leave, or I will leave? Ha ha... Crayfish is not in season yet? No, please treat me, let’s talk... Come to Kyoto and I will invite you Eat roast duck, ok, goodbye!"

If it is said that He Ling was still a big mountain in front of Li Tiezhu three years ago, then now he is sitting on an equal footing, even if he debuted for almost 30 years.

After speaking, Li Tiezhu handed the phone to Du Haibo: "Let you answer it."

Then he said to Jin Wu: "When will you be discharged? Come to me, I have retired soldiers from the U.S. Devil and the Marine Corps. Then you can learn from each other..."

Over there, Du Haibo's arrogant appearance suddenly disappeared, and he nodded and bowed his waist in a humble voice: "I'm sorry, ah...yes...I know, I am, Teacher He, don't be angry, I...he, yes, yes, yes, yes. ..."

While talking, Du Haibo escaped from the dormitory, which is really shameful.

However, the more embarrassing is yet to come.

Hidden in the stairwell, Du Haibo listened to a reprimand on the phone, and at first he retorted a few words, but then he was speechless.

"Have you **** your brain? Do you mess with Li Tiezhu too? Don't talk back. If you think I can't cover you, you can stand on your own or change your family, I don't care. Damn! Anyone who has a more normal mind will know, Li Iron can't provoke, can't provoke! You are fine...Is it because I usually dote on you too much? I think of your good for everything? Ah? Don't you know what is going on with him now? Don't give me any military caps, Can military uniforms be blasphemy? If you are really a recruit, you will be killed. I will tell you, Li Tiezhu's doing this to you is already giving me face, do you know what happened to Xiao Zhen back then? Didn't you tell me about this? , If you want to do it yourself, if you don’t do it well, don’t come back..."

Du Haibo trembles at the hearing. This is the most ferocious and cruelty Mr. He has treated him in the past ten years. Even if he was reprimanded, he would try to help him, but this time...

Is Li Tiezhu really that scary?

He doesn't believe it.

However, he dare not bet.

Teacher He said that he has an "undefeated golden body" and that he is a future superstar predetermined by the senior management. What is this? What's up in the entertainment industry? Can this matter be settled?

What can we do?

Smoked two cigarettes at the top of the and it was so hot that Du Haibo could only return to the dormitory, took out the mop from behind the door and started mopping the footwashing water on the floor.

That's right, even if Jin Wu and Liu Yuan wanted to clean up before, they were stopped by Li Tiezhu.

Just wait for Du Haibo to come back.

Du Haibo cleaned the water on the ground, put Li Tiezhu's footbath back, and came to Li Tiezhu with an awkward expression: "Sorry, Li Tiezhu, I was wrong about this."

Li Tiezhu is playing six games with Jin Wu. I don’t know if there are any memories of children in Shuzhong when they were young.

Li Tiezhu lost miserably, still insisting: "Can't tell me."

The reason for not accepting it was because Li Tiezhu knew very well that this guy did not apologize to him at all, but was pressured by He Ling. Speaking of it, Li Tiezhu is bullying, but...This kind of thing sees bullying once, and Li Tiezhu doesn't have any morals.

Du Haibo turned to Jin Wu again: "Sorry squad leader! I shouldn't throw military uniforms around."

Jin Wu smiled and said: "It's okay! You can know what's wrong. Go take a bath and change your clothes. Don't catch a cold. You are artists and stars, but since you are here, you must maintain the awe you deserve, right? Okay, do. The wrong thing is not important, just correct it! Come on!"

It makes sense for the troops to send him to be the squad leader, really... warm.


Du Haibo turned to take a bath, and now he was still covered in footwash.

Li Tiezhu looked at Jin Wu. This man was really dignified. He should be hard and hard, and soft and soft. He admired him.

(Sorry everyone, I said in the group that there will be a four thousand words tonight, but the result is still six thousand five hundred words, haha! I asked you to spend more! It means that I am still more diligent... In order to reduce the update, make up enough Thousands of subscriptions, I am also drunk. I hope you will not be upset, 2996 are all ordered, just two days, get the boutique medal and start three changes!!!)

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