Earthy Superstar

Chapter 715: :You are sick?

The attitude and tone of Yuan Heng's speech was obviously an expression of dissatisfaction, with some disdain, which could be heard by individuals, and the instructor naturally couldn't bear it.

For a while, the atmosphere became tense.

Zhang Yifeng, Liu Yuan, and Guo Xiaoxi stood upright, but they couldn't help but look at Yuan Heng, who was on top of the instructor.

Du Haibo glanced at Li Tiezhu seemingly, and Li Tiezhu glared back.

Du Haibo's eyes: aren't you very good? Don’t you like to be nosy? Yuan Heng stabbed you as an improper bird? You can't move after being trained? Yuan Heng is not as good as that.

Li Tiezhu's eyes: I beat you to death!

Du Haibo was still sulking, but he didn't dare to look at Li Tiezhu again.

The instructor stood in front of Yuan Heng and stared at him: "Did you not show it? I think you are very disdainful."

Yuan Heng strangled his neck: "No, you are wrong."

Li Tiezhu couldn't help but smile, this guy owed it too, but he was different from Du Haibo. Among the real recruits, he is always indispensable, but he is usually cleaned up and obediently, and he is easy to be appreciated afterwards. But Du Haibo was different. He had to be squeezed out and targeted for retirement just by stepping on his hat.

The nature is completely different.

The program also recorded a confrontation between the instructor and Yuan Heng, and then skipped it by an interview. In fact, a lot of things happened here.

The instructor said: "I read it wrong, I heard it wrong? Is your tone not obvious enough?"

Yuan Hengliu was angry: "It's not obvious."

Instructor: "Du Haibo, is his tone obvious?"

Du Haibo: "Not obvious."

Instructor: "Zhang Yifeng, is it obvious?"

Zhang Yifeng: "Report! It's obvious to be honest, he is not convinced."

Instructor: "Did you hear it? Others also heard it."

Yuan Heng: "He is getting older and he got it wrong. Du Haibo is close to me and he got it right."

Guo Xiaoxi: "Puff~"

Instructor: "Zhang Yifeng, Liu Yuan, and Li Tiezhu rest in place. Yuan Heng, Du Haibo, Guo Xiaoxi, get ready for push-ups!"

The three of Yuan Heng collectively showed unhappy expressions, glanced at the director team, and they could only get down and do push-ups.




"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two, three, four..."

"What's the meaning?"


"Aren't they eight?"

"Sorry, as soon as you speak, I forgot where I counted. Then start from the beginning, one, two, three, four..."

After several minutes, the three talents stood up tremblingly, Guo Xiaoxi admitted that he was unlucky, but the other two were even more unhappy.

After the instructor confirmed the rest, Yuan Heng stared at the instructor angrily.

Du Haibo arched the fire and said, "Isn't this playing with us? Brother Heng, he deliberately troubled you."

Yuan Heng got up and walked to the program group: "I don't want to record it anymore."

Du Haibo beamed his eyebrows: "It's okay to change the instructor, let's go and put pressure on the director team together."

Li Tiezhu stood up humbly.

Du Haibo was so scared that he sat on the ground, Yuan Heng also shivered: "What are you doing?"

Li Tiezhu said, "It's nothing, I just think this instructor is pretty good."

Yuan Heng: "..."

Then, he also sat down to rest, giving up the idea of ​​making trouble.

Li Tiezhu is good at convincing people with physics.

Later, when interviewed by the program team, Yuan Heng still looked upset: "He has been targeting me, and I don't know why!"

Then he said: "Why do you want to be convinced? Of course not! To be honest, it's quite uncomfortable."

In an interview, the instructor Xie Tian said: "He is an untamed wild horse. Let him adapt to the character of a soldier. Don't talk to me about recorded programs. Here is my soldier. There is no room for bargaining."

Finally, Li Tiezhu interviewed: "Fight against the instructor? It's no big deal, because he will pay the price. I personally think that soldiers should obey unconditionally. Of course, I can't do well myself and often do stupid things."

Then came the training of gun-holding and shooting postures. Yuan Heng continued to perform various stabs, from time to time, and found out all kinds of high-sounding reasons. The instructor had no choice but to record the program, he could only make sense.

But in just half an hour, Yuan Heng exploded more than a dozen times, and no one could bear it.

Then, the instructor's voice was completely dumb.

To be honest, Li Tiezhu is a little hairy. After a good training, it was very uncomfortable to be dismantled alive by him.

The training in the afternoon is finally over. Tomorrow we can go to live ammunition shooting. Everyone is very happy, at least behaving very happily, queuing to eat in the cafeteria.

Du Haibo and Yuan Heng leaned together and muttered: "The instructor's voice is dumb, hahaha..."

Yuan Heng: "Awesome, right? If I say a word, he will say ten things, and continue tomorrow, just make him dumb, hey!"

Du Haibo: "High! It's really high."

Yuan Heng: "You also dance occasionally, don't be the same as me. We want to bloom more!"

Du Haibo counseled: "I'm not as good as you, you are eloquent and smart."

During the meal, the squad leader gave Yuan Heng a reason, saying that he should not contradict the instructor like that, and that many questions should be humbly accepted.

In the absence of the instructor, Yuan Heng didn't buy it. He didn't eat twice as soon as he pushed the plate.

Squad leader: "What's wrong? Did you say that you were unhappy?"

Du Haibo secretly said, so powerful! Can I go on a hunger strike? You must, I'm so starving, I can't get enough of this meal, so I asked the assistant to buy two more trotters at night, and then the whole beer.

Yuan Heng said: "My stomach is uncomfortable and it hurts."

The squad leader thought he was playing his temper and didn't care, but then Yuan Heng covered his stomach and his face became pale.

"What's wrong? Does it hurt?"

Yuan Heng: "It should be that enteritis has committed again."

The monitor dropped his chopsticks: "I will take you to the infirmary."

Yuan Heng couldn't bear it and said, "No, you can eat first."

Li Tiezhu wiped his mouth, set up Yuan Heng and left: "Squad leader, let's eat, I'll eat well, I'll take him."

The two found the medical office, took the medicine, thanked the military doctor and were about to leave, and saw a soldier on a bed infusion. It was not someone else who was the instructor who had trained them to death this afternoon, Xie Tian.

Yuan Heng was stunned.

Li Tiezhu went up and asked, "Instructor, what's wrong with you? Are you too tired to lose glucose for fun?"

This guy's brain is pumping again.

The instructor said hoarsely: "Get out!"

Li Tiezhu sat down on the side of the bed, "Is it sick?"

"Ah! My hand..."

It turned out that Li Tiezhu sat down on the instructor's hand.

"Sorry, sorry!"

"Why do you have such a hard butt? Are you getting more fitness? You have never touched such a hard one!"

"You still have a hobby of touching other people's ass? How about! I haven't gone to fitness tonight. Instructor, do you like fitness? Together!"

"Fuck. I'm sick, so he's so fit."

"What? Instructor, are you sick?"

"You are so sick."

"I'm not sick, you just said you were sick."

Yuan Heng on the side laughed out loud, rubbed his nose, and looked at the instructor not embarrassed: "You...have a cold?"

Instructor: "High fever, inflammation of the tonsils, and a certain celebrity yelled out of smoke from his throat."

Yuan Heng was even more embarrassed and took out a box of medicine: "Then... instructor, I will ask you to take medicine."

Instructor: "..."

Yuan Heng: "Can you eat the anti-inflammatory? You should not die."

Li Tiezhu: "Of course he can't die, but he has come to get some drips. He should have also taken the medicine. The medicine for the army does not cost money anyway."

Yuan Heng: "If you don't spend money, do you also get sick?"

Li Tiezhu: "I'm not as weak as you guys."

Yuan Heng: "..."

The instructor raised his hand tremblingly: "Get out!"

Li Tiezhu: "Oh, then you lose two more bottles, anyway, no money."

Yuan Heng wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't save face, so he said something and took a good rest and left.

When he went out, Yuan Heng said: "The instructor should not have a fever long ago. When training us during the day, are you bracing it?"

Li Tiezhu said, "I don't know, it might be because of your anger."

Yuan Heng: "Do you think I'm particularly annoying?"

Li Tiezhu: "Yes."

Yuan Heng: "Can't you be more tactful?"

Li Tiezhu: "Then you can ask again."

"Do you think I'm particularly annoying?"

"Huge **** annoyance! I didn't touch my guns enough, and I didn't do the last thing to jump over the obstacles with the gun. Isn't it your trouble?"


Yuan Heng would not be angry with Li Tiezhu. Although he didn't have much contact with him, because Li Tiezhu died of Hua Tianyu, he naturally had a good impression of Li Tiezhu.

After returning to the dormitory, Li Tiezhu rubbed Yuan Heng's stomach. Enteritis can be relieved by massage.

At first, Yuan Heng was very embarrassed.

After a while, the others came back after eating, the monitor handed a packaged vegetarian dumplings to Yuan Heng:

"Vegetarian, it's a bit cold, it's not a big problem. When you feel hungry, soak in boiling water, soak it softly before eating."

Yuan Heng: "Thank you..."

The squad leader took out a small plastic box the size of an egg: "Chili dipping dish, you Jiangxia, should have some spicy. But your stomach is uncomfortable, don't dip too much chili."

Yuan Heng: "Thank you."

Suddenly, Yuan Heng felt a sense of embarrassment, of course, it was only a flash.

Du Haibo waited for the squad leader and Li Tiezhu to leave before sneaking over and whispered: "I told the program team to have them replace the squad leader and instructor. They were a bit hesitant. Let's do something tomorrow. It's almost the same. "

Yuan Heng: "How?"

Du Haibo: "I'll vomit again, you have a fight with the instructor. How about?"

"You can vomit if you want?"

"Drink more If you drink too much water, you will be prone to vomiting. I was taught by an actor. That's how I vomit when acting."

"Uh... are you so special..."

"It's so witty, isn't it? When the instructor is gone, I will find a chance to try Li Tiezhu. He is not easy to do."

Du Haibo gritted his teeth.

Yuan Heng said: "I...I think about it, think about it..."

Du Haibo said again: "When I went out to live at night, my assistant bought a lot of food and beer."

Yuan Heng: "No. I feel sick, so I'll stay in a dormitory."

Before long, the squad leader came in with a landline phone. After recruits enlisted in the army, they had to call their family members to report safety. Of course, this is only a part of the program. In fact, everyone can bring their mobile phones back to use at night, and it is impossible to isolate these artists from the world.

Li Tiezhu was the first to call. He asked, "Whose call?"

Monitor: "Phone at home."

"My dad? Or Zhuer?"

Zhang Yifeng picks things up: "It depends on who you think is more important."

Everyone laughed.

Li Tiezhu said: "Then I'll call Song Zhuer, and record the show. My dad is just as unreliable as me. Calling my dad can easily lead to a show accident."

Liu Yuan: "Brother, why would you think that Sister Zhu'er speaks reliably? Ha ha ha..."

Everyone burst into laughter, and the squad leader clapped his thighs with laughter.

Li Tiezhu was speechless, but he could only dial out. No one answered for a long time. He smiled embarrassedly: "Maybe I'm going there again."

Everyone was smiling, but the phone was connected.

Song Zhu'er's voice: "Luo Feiyan, grass mud horse! I know it's you, just slightly ~ grass mud horse!"

For a while, everyone in the room was stupid. Is this really a well-behaved songzhu?

Li Tiezhu shouted: "Shut up! It's Lao Tzu."

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