Earthy Superstar

Chapter 742: : Report safe

Early the next morning, Li Tiezhu took Huang Sanshi, Du Haibo, and Wei Jia for a five-kilometer run. Wei Jia accompanied Du Haibo on a show, showing that he was guilty and brave after quitting "The Real Man" in an attempt to restore his image.

Li Tiezhu and Huang Sanshi are necessary for physical fitness every day, so an unknown scene appeared.

Du Haibo couldn't run five kilometers, so he was ready to run two kilometers, just enough to get enough shots, and Wei Jia was about the same.

In addition, they also asked Huang Sanshi and Li Tiezhu to help in the shots, probably together to take the shots that ran out, and then shot the shots that ran back together.

Huang Sanshi agreed, but Li Tiezhu refused.

Wei Jia also wanted to persuade Li Tiezhu.

Du Haibo was guilty at first, because he saw Li Tiezhu's horrifying eyes again, which was the same when he showered him with foot wash that night.

He said to Wei Jia: "Forget it, let's run with Teacher Huang."

Wei Jia was rather upset.

Li Tiezhu said: "Let me play a supporting role for you, do you think it is appropriate? Boge?"

Du Haibo hurried away Wei Jia: "It's not appropriate, it's not appropriate, if you are busy with you, we will just mess around..."

Huang Sanshi smiled happily: "It's okay, Tie Zhu, you can run away. I will stay with them."

In fact, Huang Sanshi knew in his heart that the beam formed by Li Tiezhu and Du Haibo was a matter of face. Li Tiezhu did not give enough face to Du Haibo, and Du Haibo could not really reconcile with Li Tiezhu anyway. But Li Tiezhu looked down on Du Haibo. Yesterday, he just gave in and did a face-saving project. Today, Wei Jia wants to force Li Tiezhu to decorate Du Haibo.

Li Tiezhu's **** fissure, no, stupid!

In the beginning, the amateurs dared to be **** Yehenala and Wang Feng. Can you still hold Li Tiezhu today? I'm used to bullying newcomers.

It was true that He Ling didn't get up, and the two of them lost their minds.

Huang Sanshi discovered that he didn't even listen to what he said to Du Haibo last night. No, Du Haibo is okay. He was afraid that Li Tiezhu would not do anything, but Wei Jia seemed to be a little bit too deep, and...too much self-esteem.

Of course, these will not be recorded in the feature film, it doesn't matter.

Li Tiezhu carried a few bricks on his back alone, completed a five-kilometer cross-country, and then returned to the yard to do a set of thong-back punches.

After Huang Sanshi accompanied the two of them to act, he also returned to the mushroom house.

As soon as he entered the yard, Wei Jia panted and said, "Tie Zhu is really amazing! It is also five kilometers, but Tie Zhu finished the load-bearing run before us. After the run, he still has the strength to punch. Young is good! Well, the mind is simple too!"

Huang Sanshi gave a hehe and glanced at Du Haibo, only to see that this guy was shaking with fright and pulled Wei Jia's clothes.

Li Tiezhu hit a set of punches, crackling with every move.

After finishing the fight, he said: "Didn't you run two kilometers? Just Mr. Huang ran five kilometers, and at the end, I will accompany you to perform a shot of the run at the same time."

Although knowing that these could not be included in the feature film, Wei Jia still felt hot on her face. Li Tiezhu really didn't give any face.


The wooden windows of the girls' dormitory were closed.

Just now Zhang Zifeng was still watching Li Tiezhu punching inside, and when he heard the outside tearing up, he quickly closed the window in fright.

She glanced at Wu Xien who was still asleep, and thought, if Sister Zhu'er was here, she might have to hold her pillow to smother the accomplices of the two guys outside, and then go out and kick the two.

Thinking of the scene, Zhang Zifeng couldn't help laughing.

She knows the character of Sister Zhu'er too much and is very envious, but she can't learn it.

Wei Jia gasped, not only tired from running, but also out of breath, she also wanted to find fault with Li Tiezhu.

Huang Sanshi walked out carrying the tea cup and two eggs, and said to Wei Jia, "I made some rice crackers. Haibo and Wei Jia. If you are hungry, go and take them by yourself. Brother Zhu, come, come, I will give You made double rice gruel and two chickens, haha, knowing that you have a lot of food..."

Said this, Huang Sanshi handed the teacup spoon to Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu said thank you, drank in the yard, and said, "Is this stuff expensive?"

Huang Sanshi: "Normally. It doesn't taste good, isn't it? But we also have to advertise! I'll come or you?"

Li Tiezhu began to peel the eggs: "It's up to you, it's really awful."

Huang Sanshi laughed, and chatted with Li Tiezhu about the allusion of Tongbei boxing, and then made a perfunctory advertisement. Then, he took the cup that was emptied by Li Tiezhu to wash, and said:

"Brother Zhu is going back to the army again today. You have a rest and I am cooking today. My brother Zhu is also miserable. After so many years in the mushroom house, he comes most frequently, but he has never eaten my cooking. Ha!"

"Thank you! Teacher Huang."

"Look! Still saying thank you, come to the mushroom house and cook, it has been carved into my Zhu brother's bones. Can you eat enough?"


"Why don't I give you a whole bowl of noodles or something?"

"No, I'll eat coconut later."

"Okay! Anyway, you won't be out of sight. You are really hungry. You can eat our dog."

"It's not a dog, it's okay to be small."

"Hahaha! We are in the same class. Teacher He said one by one that they are pitiful and cruel. What's wrong with the pitiful?"

"The mutton smells!"

"Yes, hahaha..."

These two people are really more temperamental. Although it is not purely because of their temperament, they do match the three views.


"Teacher Huang really loves Li Tiezhu!"

"Is double rice thin, okay?"

"There are two more eggs. The others take the rice by themselves. There are no eggs yet."

"The mushroom house does not have the tradition of having breakfast, Li Tiezhu does."

"The army has such a large amount of exercise, of course, it must be full."

"Li Tiezhu is really suitable for mushroom houses."

"Do you want to cook?"

"At the time of Li Tiezhu's resurrection match, Huang Sanshi also went to the scene."

"Eating dogs? Are you serious?"

"It's better to eat small ones!"

"Brother Zhu won't be milking today?"

"Susu: I have become beef jerky!"

Wei Jia and Du Haibo witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and when they looked at each other, they could see the breath held in each other's heart, but they had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Huang Sanshi boiled eggs for Li Tiezhu alone, this treatment... is self-evident.

He Ling was still sleeping, and they really couldn't do Li Tiezhu, and Huang Sanshi was still pulling sideways.

Huang Sanshi personally delivered rice thin eggs, washed tea cups, and offered to cook on the initiative. These are just superficial things, but the information behind it is obvious-Li Tiezhu is no less than Huang Sanshi to He Ling. .

You two want to engage in Li Tiezhu on my site, first ask me if I can agree.

In this way, Wei Jia is no longer irritating, and Du Haibo didn't dare to provoke Li Tiezhu, and he was more honest now.

The two did not want to stay in the yard with Li Tiezhu, and ran into the kitchen watching Huang Sanshi cooking noodles.

This morning or at noon, Huang Sanshi was going to make old Kyoto noodles with mixed sauce, first to stir-fry. After adding two pieces of charcoal to the stove, Huang Sanshi said, "Tie Zhu's Tongbei fist was learned from a master in Kyoto. He has been fighting for three years. What do you think?"

Wei Jia didn't want to talk about Li Tiezhu, and said perfunctorily: "I don't understand boxing."

Du Haibo said, "I don't understand either, but Li Tiezhu really fought hard, and the two army instructors couldn't beat him."

Huang Sanshi said: "Zhao Wuzhuo is a master of Tongbei Quan. He practiced hard since he was a child. He once told me that Li Tiezhu's Tongbei Quan is very close to his level, a master level."

The two didn't believe it.

Huang Sanshi said: "Zhao Wuzhuo said this is talent, and Li Tiezhu is a genius in martial arts."

Then, Huang Sanshi talked about Li Tiezhu's writing songs, making movies, etc. It seemed boring and gossiping, but the topic always revolved around Li Tiezhu. Wei Jia and Du Haibo also understood that Huang Sanshi was looking at He Ling's face to improve them, don't mess with Li Tiezhu.

Tired of listening to Li Tiezhu, Wei Jia and Du Haibo were going to sell glue. They also brought along the younger sister Zhang Zifeng who memorized English words. The younger sister was reluctant, but she couldn't refuse, so she had to follow along.

In the feature film of this issue, there are a large number of shots on the road selling plastic. The effect of the show is very good, and the audience is also happy to watch, but Zhang Zifeng seems to be absent.

The barrage said: "The younger sister has a generation gap with the two uncles!"

By the time they went home after selling the glue, it was almost eleven o'clock and everyone woke up.

Wei Jia and Du Haibo are telling He Ling an interesting story about selling rubber. The two have a good understanding of each other, and they did not have the unpleasantness with Li Tiezhu in the morning. They also understand that they will never trouble Li Tiezhu again. Huang Sanshi has already hinted very clearly: You can't fight on the surface, but it's worse on the secret.

Zhang Zifeng bounced to drink water, then looked around with his eyes widened: "Where is my brother? Where is my brother?"

Peng Yuchang, who was burning in the kitchen, raised the tongs: "Here! Sister!"

Zhang Zifeng: "I said Brother Tie Zhu."

Huang Sanshi said in the pot: "Tie Zhu is gone, just left. He will go to the program team to report that afternoon, and he will have a meeting or something. It's too late to record the program tomorrow."

Zhang Zifeng said, silently he went to the refrigerator to scoop up a half cup of special yogurt and drank it. After going around the house, Li Tiezhu's box was gone, so he was sure to leave.

Then, she received Song Zhuer's WeChat:

"Thank you sister for taking care of you! Come on and review, sister Nortel is here to cover you!"

Zhang Zifeng did not reply, and quietly sat under the pergola to eat yogurt, and occasionally interacted with everyone.

After the meal, she went to the room to review again, very attentive.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Zifeng's phone rang. It was a call from Li Tiezhu. She immediately answered:

"elder brother!"

"I just got off the all the way is going well, I will report you safety."

"Why report safety to me?"

"You can talk to them by the way, if they ask."

"Yeah! You are going to the military camp to record the show, can you bring your mobile phone?"

"Yes, it can't be used during the day."

"Oh, got it."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Zifeng did not tell anyone else.

She suddenly remembered that Brother Zhu had called her when he left before.

On the other side, Li Tiezhu scratched his head. He used to call Zhang Zifeng to report his safety after leaving the mushroom house. Why did he ask why today?

Of course, it’s because of those few days without a mobile phone, it can’t get through at all!

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