Earthy Superstar

Chapter 744: : Be smarter

In fact, after these things happened, Li Fugui and his wife knew that it was bad, and they would definitely cause serious trouble to Li Tiezhu, so the guilty conscience is natural. They are short-sighted, but after they have done something to create a very bad impact, they still barely see the situation and know that they are in trouble.

Of course, it was all hindsight.

Li Tiezhu rubbed his eyebrows. He was not clever, but his insights in the past few years have come up, so he must look farther.

"Sit down! Old man, mom, second uncle, third uncle, all sit down and say."

Everyone then went to look for plastic benches to sit down one after another. They didn't dare to sit on the sofa, and it was not considered inferior. It was true that these people were guilty of conscience and embarrassed to be too close to Li Tiezhu.

Liu Xiaohua also found a small Mazha and sat down with her left arm in a cast.

Li Tiezhu glared: "Which one is calling you to sit down?"

Liu Xiaohua stood up obediently and did not dare to speak. Before he dared to take a mouthful of a dog, that was because Li Tiezhu didn't care about it, but she is still a little bit compelling today.

If it were in the past, Liu Xiaohua had to roll her eyes and even secretly curse, but today she dare not, really dare not.

After all, I just talked to Zhou Xingxing on the phone. On the phone, Master Xing scolded her and threatened to let her fend for herself if Li Tiezhu couldn't manage her.

Master Xing said a very heavy sentence-to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor!

At first, Liu Xiaohua felt that Master Xing's thoughts were very stupid, but when she thought about it later, her hair was horrified. It seems that she has done something wrong, Zhou Xingxing is also her Bole and teacher.

This matter will have an impact on Li Tiezhu, but it won't be too great, and it's hard for Liu Xiaohua to say.

After all these things, Li Tiezhu didn't participate and was worthless. On the contrary, her Liu Xiaohua had always been the thickest shit-chucking stick.

Of course, what really scares this group of people is that these things have been circulated on the Internet, and public opinion has become unstoppable. Li Tiezhu’s family has so many weird deeds in an instant that they were sneered at by netizens, let alone. It was also used by Li Tiezhu's enemies to coerce and fuel the flames.

These people not only attacked Li Tiezhu, but also Liu Xiaohua. With Liu Xiaohua's outstanding performance in "The Actor in Place", they also blocked many people's way, more than Li Tiezhu. People who can compete with Li Tiezhu for resources have a lot of energy, but the number is much smaller than that of Liu Xiaohua.

Song Zhuer said that when you encounter problems, start simple and solve them. The more things you have, the more you have to be patient. She said that this is called stripping and cocooning, which is the same as taking off a girl’s clothes. It's hard...

The words are rough but not rough.

Li Tiezhu first looked at his second uncle and third uncle, and said, "You don’t need the second and third uncles to help this matter. Fortunately, you didn’t bother, otherwise it would be more serious. But thank you for thinking about my old man in your heart. It's enough. I will play for two more days in Shudu, and leave the rest to me."

The second uncle is an old farmer who grows Chinese medicinal materials.

The third uncle went south and north to do business, but he was a bit angry, and he wanted to help his eldest brother Li Fugui to vent his anger.

Li Tiezhu said: "If the third uncle can manage this, it's okay, I don't care."

The third uncle had no choice but to bow his head.

Then Li Tiezhu looked at Li Fugui: "Old man, can the steel bar be sold out?"

Li Fugui was very embarrassed, and twisted: "My tricycle stool was a bit slow, I was caught up, and the steel bars were dragged back by the school. I didn't sell any of them!"

Li Tiezhu was speechless, thinking that when he stole steel bars at the construction site, Li Tiezhu pedaled and towed. The old man was really not good at it.

The story of Li Fugui's stealing steel bars was spread on the Internet, but the video was not sent out. It was only at the stage of "rumors", but it was still very bad.

"Brother Meng! Help me ask the school leaders out for dinner at night."

Zhang Xiaomeng tapped the keyboard and gestured to Li Tiezhu with an OK gesture. In fact, he got in touch with the school leader after he came yesterday. Otherwise, the video of Li Fugui stealing steel bars would have spread all over the Internet.


What is this so called? Is the current superstar his father stealing steel bars?

Are you ashamed?

However, this matter is fairly simple. In contrast, Liu Xiaohua and the little prince against the wind are worse off because they hit the muzzle of the gun. This year’s new policy banned illegal tuition classes outside of school, and Liu Xiaohua and the little prince against the wind have special identities because of Li Tiezhu. This has caused a lot of trouble.

Li Tiezhu said: "Liu Xiaohua."

Liu Xiaohua: "I am here."

Li Tiezhu said, "Have you called Master Xing?"

"Do you know that?"

"What did he say."

"He...he said I was too pushy and shouldn't pass the report to Douyin."

"You are not honest, then...I don't care about you, the next thing..."

"Brother! I was wrong."

"to be honest."

"Lao Zhou scolded me, he said..."

Liu Xiaohua had to recruit truthfully.

Li Tiezhu said, "Write down what he said when he scolded you, sort it out, and find Brother Meng to polish you up, then turn to the spoken language and go live on Douyin to apologize."

Liu Xiaohua: "Oh."

"Do you know what the subject of an apology is? It's the central idea."

"You should not deceive your master and destroy your ancestors, Lao Zhou said."

"Fart! It's too fake, no one will believe that you changed your mind so quickly, apologizing partly, partly quibbling. Just saying that you should not post the report on the Internet, and you should not let Teacher Ni lose your job and put it on the Internet. Everyone who pays attention to this matter has caused trouble. In addition, insist that you don’t want to make up lessons because it is...unfair."

"elder brother?"

"listen to me."


Liu Xiaohua took a peek at her mother who was going to tuition, and said, I still did nothing wrong!

Li Tiezhu added: "The point is not an apology, but a sophistry, saying that making up classes is unfair and shouldn't be done. This can trigger some social discussions, reduce concerns about your personal integrity, and divert attention."

Liu Xiaohua nodded, wondering.

Li Tiezhu ignored her and looked at the anxious Aunt Liu: "Mom! You are the opposite of Xiaohua, and reporters will come to interview you in the past two days. You only need to kill your own point of view, and spend money to learn what is right. More money, more knowledge, more scores! Liu Xiaohua should fight if he doesn't go to cram school, and even report cram school! Do you know?"

Aunt Liu thought that Li Tiezhu was talking angry, and it was obvious that the government had issued a policy, and tutoring was wrong.

She expects Ai Ai to say: "I'm still the same as Xiao Hua..."

"No!" Li Tiezhu told them that he was unreasonable and could only do it arbitrarily. "You have to say what I said. Just say what you thought at the beginning! Understand?"

Aunt Liu: "Isn't that going against the official tune? You have to be arrested and sent to a labor camp?"

Li Tiezhu was speechless for a while, what era is this special?

Aunt Liu: "The iron egg is still young, I can't leave him in the house..."

Li Fugui said: "Don't worry about reforming through labor, I have me at home!"

"Re-education through labor! Re-education through labor!"

Aunt Liu picked up the bench and killed Li Fugui. The old man shrank his hands on the ground and hugged his head, too skilled.

Fortunately, Aunt Liu suddenly remembered that Li Fugui's son was beside him, braked halfway, put the bench on the floor, and helped Old Man Li to sit on the bench.

Song Zhuer’s laughter came from the balcony: "Puffy~"

And Zhang Xiaomeng was also screaming, shaking his shoulders into the sieve.

Li Tiezhu feels even more embarrassed, but his family is like this ghost, what can be done?

He said: "To save Xiaohua's future, Aunt Liu, you must do what I said! Otherwise, Xiaohua will never be admitted by Nortel, and the chances of filming in the future will be pitiful."

Now Aunt Liu stopped talking, and silently agreed.

She was originally a rural woman who had no idea, and Li Tiezhu was the backbone of this family.

The last thing, and the hardest thing, is the question of the head teacher Li Feng. Because of Liu Xiaohua's show operation, Li Feng lost his job, the netizen would definitely point the finger at Li Tiezhu.

In fact, public opinion has now begun to develop in this direction, and it is progressively organized and premeditated.

Many people say that Li Tiezhu won the official golden statue, and there shouldn't be anyone in the entertainment industry risking the world to engage in Li Tiezhu. In fact, the opposite is true, because this circle is a game of capital.

Lao Ma once said: With 50% profit, it will take risks; for 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws; with 300% profit, it will dare to commit any crime. , And even risk hanging.

And knocking down Li Tiezhu and replacing him, or sharing the benefits together, is also a thousand percent profit.

There are so many desperate people in this world. Which banana man who can hold a huge amount of money is crazy?

Just as Li Tiezhu was thinking about how to appease the little prince against the wind, Liu Xiaohua raised her hand.

Li Tiezhu: "Say."

Liu Xiaohua whispered: "There is an online class called "Study and Tearing" who asked me to endorse and said he would give me 10 million a year. Can you take it?"

Li Tiezhu thought for a while and said, "You can pick it up if you miss."

It turned out to be the first to find Liu Xiaohua, not the evil gang, because the issue of "Mushroom House" that Li Tiezhu participated in has not been broadcast yet. The reason behind the news is too insensitive.

Liu Xiaohua didn't dare to speak, and she was frightened by the atmosphere on the Internet recently.

Li Tiezhu added: "Tell the things you have torn apart from learning on Douyin, saying that you think it's unfair to make up a class, so you rejected the 10 million offer. You have to choose your own person! You have to stand up, one Don''s just a drop in the bucket."

I also emphasized with Liu Xiaohua’s mother and daughter, Li Tiezhu took Song Zhuer and left home, leaving Zhang Xiaomeng to supervise Liu Xiaohua’s mother and daughter as Of course, the reporter was also in contact with Zhang Xiaomeng. Unscrupulous media naturally have no chance to reach them.

These are the directions that Zhang Xiaomeng and Song Zhuer have discussed, but Li Tiezhu changed some details to strengthen the conflict of views between Liu Xiaohua and Aunt Liu. The intention is also very obvious-to turn this family affair into a national affair! Let the netizens who like to argue about war with each other have a good debate! It's not about Liu Xiaohua's personal virtues and Lao Li' education.

On the way to the house of the little prince against the wind, Song Zhuer suddenly looked at Li Tiezhu curiously: "Zhuzi, why are you suddenly smarter? The look in your eyes is different!"

Li Tiezhu smiled bitterly: "If I tell you that I have added 20 points to my IQ, do you believe it?"

Song Zhuer: "I believe you a ghost! You said you ate Sister Zifeng, I still believe it."

Li Tiezhu shook his head and stopped talking. He had set a very strict IQ top line for himself, but it was counterproductive. This extra points can't be done!

Because, he learned from Song Zhuer that his family's troubles were being watched by the Kyoto circle.

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