Earthy Superstar

Chapter 746: :My Goddess

Why did it go up again? What did i do? What did the cat do? Obviously, it has been almost two months since the first month of the first month. Why did the degree of domestication suddenly rise? I also... I didn't tame her very much, so I sent a WeChat chat video, the frequency is not high.

This is unscientific!

However, this system and domestication are unscientific, so unscientific is actually very scientific.

What Li Tiezhu is worried about now is another thing... won't it become 99.91% in two days? Then it's really a dog!

It's just curiosity. Li Tiezhu is very satisfied with the cats now. Is there any difference between 100% and 99%? There shouldn’t be a big difference, now the cat is fun enough, and it’s a little scary to be obedient.

Therefore, Li Tiezhu was purely curious about the degree of domestication, and then automatically skipped it.

After all, the degree of domestication is 100%, and the system reward is only the upper limit of 10 points of intelligence. It is of little significance. Li Tiezhu's current IQ of 109 is too much, and he is too smart to be a pure person.

On the contrary, another value of the system surprised Li Tiezhu. With the three episodes of "Real Man" and two episodes of "Mushroom House" broadcast, Li Tiezhu's variety show achievement value has reached 23,134 points, which is more than 20,000.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for the variety show achievement for unlocking the "Falling Clouds" Medal, which rewards 20 intelligence points. 】

[Current remaining intelligence: 81 points]


Not bad, this is real money, much better than the upper limit of intelligence.

Returning to the guest house of the Northwest Program Group, Li Tiezhu returned to the room. Wu Litao hadn't returned yet, he smiled, and the guy couldn't help himself. During the last rest, he said that he slept in the guest house for three days, but he went fishing in a pond in the village and was found to be driving him off.

Li Tiezhu lay down on the bed, ready to sleep, but couldn't fall asleep.

This trip home was tiring and tiring, like a math exam when I was studying, my brain hurts. It turns out that smart people are so tired, so it's better to be a fool!

Li Tiezhu brushed it up on Douyin and said that the brain consumes one-third of the human body's energy. It's really not too smart. If you are stupid, it is energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

Do it.

Minus 10 points from the intelligence value and save it.

Current intelligence value: 99 points

Remaining intelligence value: 91 points

Li Tiezhu's original clear brain suddenly became confused a lot, and his consciousness became a little slower, but Li Tiezhu felt much more comfortable, perhaps because he was used to it. Then... he fell asleep.

Sure enough, the fool's sleep quality is good.

Li Tiezhu wanted to go downstairs to eat, but Leng Ba made a video call, and Li Tiezhu answered.

"Master! Hehe~"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I miss you, hehe~"

"Are you a rabbit wearing Lengba's human skin mask? Heh heh!"

"Slightly~ My film is almost finished."

"Isn't it about three months of shooting? Why is it so fast?"

"Actually, the filming of the literary drama is finished, and we are going to be out on location next. Our location is in Xijiang and Qinghai, so I can come to see you, by the way... Laojun!"

"What labor?"

"It's the laboring army! It's hard work, brother Bing, ha."

"Don't mix with Song Zhu'er, you have become neurotic. Also, stay away from the rabbit, she... is poisonous."

"Don't like it? This is an interesting soul!"

"I still think you were more normal before."

"Sure enough, what you like is only the body."

"What is it with?"

"Are you now living in Haishi County?"

Lengba asked suddenly.

Li Tiezhu nodded and said, "Yeah, I went to the new unit the day after tomorrow. Everyone hasn't come back yet. I stayed at home panicking and came here first. It's cold at night here. If you come, remember to bring thick clothes. Forget it, you are from Xijiang, I remind you what to do."

Lengba suddenly said softly, "I'm also in Haishi County."

Li Tiezhu was surprised: "What are you doing here?"

Lengba: "Filming, the show crew is not ready yet. We have to wait for several days in the county town. Since you are back, my sister can come to work."

Li Tiezhu: "Really?"

Lengba: "Of course it is true!"

Just kidding, Leng Ba insisted on choosing a few alternative locations here because Li Tiezhu was here.

Li Tiezhu: "Then you come to me, and I will send you the location."

Lengba: "Hmm. Ah!"

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, hiss... it's okay."

"Oh, let me find you by sending me a message. The guest house here is too broken. The main reason is that it is not soundproof. You cry loudly and it is inconvenient."


Li Tiezhu got up, took some toiletries and a change of clothes, and left. Song Zhuer was still too weak in combat power, and there was no sense of accomplishment in the midnight of the fight, so he just happened to find the cat to complain. I haven't seen each other for so long, and I am more willing to welcome you than a cat.

The old masters and slaves are not out of sight.

On the other side, in the suite of the only four-star hotel in the county, Lengba screamed again: "Uh-hhhh... let go, it hurts!"

Next to it is the cat's natural enemy-the rabbit hit.

Although he didn't show up and didn't speak during the video, Tuzha was always there, pinching Lengba from time to time.

"Bah! It is inconvenient to cry too much, you are so evil."

Zhao Liya looked at Lengba disgustedly.

Lengba is different now. Before the cat was officially closed, she was a bit shameless, so she was bullied so badly by Zhao Liya. But now she is no longer a human being, is she still afraid of Zhao Liya's humiliation? Anyway, everyone was half-hearted, and she still participated in the resuscitation ceremony of the rabbit. Several animals witnessed the rabbit's broken seal and turned into small animals.

Who humiliated whom?

Sure enough, Lengba put down the phone and sneered: "Wrong, it's not that you are us, we are so evil. When a certain one was broken, it screamed so miserably, tsk tsk, terrible, scared us all stared. Look hard."

Zhao Liya threw herself at Lengba and started tickling her. This is a trick she learned from Li Tiezhu. Lengba loves to cry and laugh. Soon she was bullied by a rabbit and almost laughed.

At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

The second girl stopped frolicking, all surprised, came so quickly? How anxious is the master?

But, open the door to see if it is really Zhang Linlin?

Lengba and Zhao Liya were amazed, why did he come again,

Zhang Linlin was also surprised, didn't it mean that Zhao Liya and Lengba didn't deal with it? How are they together? How to implement the QJ plan that I have planned for a long time? We must coax Zhao Liya away!

After Zhao Liya recorded "The Good Songs of China", she also began to look for filming. After all, the knowledge she learned in school felt superficial and needed practical verification. And the last thing she lacks is resources, so she came to this crew. Zhang Linlin is the male protagonist, Lengba is the female protagonist, and Zhao Liya airborne the female number three, squeezing the goddaughter of a certain investor by default into female four.

At the beginning of April, the female was still looking for Zhao Liya's fault on the set. She was slapped twice by Lengba's backhand. She cried and went back to complain and was beaten by her godfather. The next day, she had a swollen pig face to apologize and do. The nose is crooked.

Therefore, even though Zhang Linlin was dissatisfied with Zhao Liya's light bulb, he didn't dare to say anything and could only outsmart it.

After half an hour, Zhang Linlin had already said all the good things and bad things for a long time, and Zhao Liya just didn't leave.

Sweat came out of Zhang Linlin's forehead, struggling!

He said: "I really have very important things to discuss with Lengba, can you go back first? And, it's so late, won't you go back to your room?"

Zhao Liya is very cunning when she thinks about it, and she never speaks her words: "Why do you always want to distract me? Don't you have any thoughts about Lengba? QJ is against the law!"

Zhang Linlin sighed, does this woman know how to read minds?

However, QJ is breaking the law, I know, but QJ Lengba doesn't break the law. She doesn't seem to be afraid of this. I want to try it too. The medicine is ready.

Think about it, say you can't say that.

Zhang Linlin said: "This is an internal matter in our company. You are an outsider. It is inconvenient. I found that some of the artists in our company are eating inside and out, and I am afraid that Sister Mi will not believe me, so I have to discuss it with Lengba."

Zhao Liya said: "Well then, let me avoid it first."

After speaking, she got up and walked out of the suite, and closed the door.

The blue veins of Zhang Linlin's temple jumped, too excited.

At this time, Lengba poured water for Zhao Liya and Zhang Linlin, but saw that Zhao Liya had been gone for a long time.

Zhang Linlin saw the water and thought to himself, God helps me too!

He calmly talked to Lengba about the unwarranted charges of a certain artist in the company, and Lengba also listened carefully, because the artist did not deal with her, and was born with a bad feeling.

After listening, Lengba said: "Although you have said so much, there is no evidence after all! Sister Mi won't believe it."

Zhang Linlin looked around and said, "It's so cold, can Lengba shut the window?"

Lengba glanced at Zhang Linlin strangely, and went to close the window.

She said to her heart, it's almost summer, where is it cold? Isn't it too fictitious? This kind of man is definitely not good! At least, it's definitely not the kind of powerhouse like Li Tiezhu who can easily come to your heart.

Zhang Linlin quickly put a white pill in Lengba's water glass, and was shocked.

After the pill was like water, a large string of bubbles rose in the water, like a sprite that was even more unscrewed, and there was a slight squeaking sound. There was a problem at first sight! Moreover, after the pill was half melted, the dissolution speed slowed down a lot. At this time, Lengba had closed the window and was about to return.

Zhang Linlin hurriedly got up to block Lengba's water glass, eagerly making up the artist's gossip, with cold sweat on his back. If Lengba saw the abnormality in the water glass and called the police directly, it would be a big deal!

At this time, Zhang Linlin regretted it. He had known that he had tried it in private, but he didn't expect this medicine to be so unconcealed...

Lengba wanted to get around Zhang Linlin, but was blocked by him several times, she couldn't help but frowned, and sat on the sofa where Zhang Linlin was originally sitting.

Zhang Linlin was startled, and when he looked back, the bubbles in the water glass disappeared and the pills melted. Only then did he let his hanging heart go. I'm scared to death! Didn't he never think of QJ with bare hands like Li Tiezhu, but after seeing Lengba's martial arts on the set, he was a little bit weak. Is this Nima a woman with a waist injury?

Therefore, for the sake of insurance, he chose to use drugs to assist.

Lengba picked up the water glass and asked for water.

Zhang Linlin was taken aback again and hurriedly stopped: "This glass of water belongs to me, this glass is yours."

"Oh! Grumpy~"

Lengba drank half a glass in one breath, took out her mobile phone and started playing. Although she hated the artist, she would not tell Sister Mi, she didn't believe what Zhang Linlin said. In WeChat, she and the host set up location sharing. Seeing him getting closer, she couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Finally, I can cry again!

so happy.

Looking at Zhang Linlin in front of her, Lengba suddenly remembered the good massage scene that Ms. Mi had played last time. The thieves were irritating!

I'm drooling thinking about it.

Therefore, Lengba cocked Erlang's legs. Although Dayu was not as good as dredging in water control, he had to stop the dredging weapon before he got his weapon.

Fortunately, the master has arrived downstairs.

Thinking that it was even hotter, Lengba took the water glass and drank it.

Zhang Linlin was overjoyed and thought, according to the suspect's eldest brother, the effect of this medicine is quite strong, and it will be effective in ten minutes. Doesn't that mean...

He started talking about filming trivia again, trying to drag it for ten minutes.

Lengba listened absent-mindedly, her snow-white cheeks began to crumble, and her neck and earlobes slowly reddened. She felt a little eager to wait. Why isn't the master coming?

But Zhang Linlin was very excited, and finally, I can also QJ to my goddess!


The door was pushed open.

Zhang Linlin was so scared that she almost shrank the sun, but when she saw it, it was Zhao Liya who walked back again.

Zhang Linlin chased after him anxiously: "Why do you have the key?"

Zhao Liya ignored him, went into the bedroom, took her cell phone, and walked out of the room: "I didn't lock the door again, stupid."

Zhang Linlin: "..."

It turned out that I just came back to get my mobile phone, and it scared me to death. I thought it happened.

Careless, careless!

She didn't even lock the door? Will I leave a loophole in the operation later? No, I have to follow and lock the door.

Looking back, Lengba leaned on the sofa, her expression a little confused.

Zhang Linlin stood up and closed the door silently. As long as the door was closed, there were only two of them in the house. At that time, hehehe...


The door closed.



Zhang Linlin's hands are shaking, the goddess is mine!

Turn around, go on!


Zhang Linlin suddenly let out a scream and was frightened, because he turned around and found Li Tiezhu's black face close at hand.

"You, you, you... why are you here?"

"you guess."

"How did you get in?"

"The door comes in."

It turned out that when Zhang Linlin nervously followed Zhao Liya to get the phone, Li Tiezhu also entered the room and put things in the corner. Without being noticed by them, Li Tiezhu didn't come over until Zhang Linlin closed the door.

Zhang Linlin suddenly panicked: "What are you going to do?"

After the IQ returned to mediocrity, Li Tiezhu looked abnormally heavy (stayed) (forced): "Where is the toilet?"

Zhang Linlin's value is on the right, which is a little fictitious.

Li Tiezhu opened the door of the suite that had just been locked by Zhang Linlin with a cry.

Zhang Linlin: "The toilet is over there, and this is the main entrance."

Li Tiezhu: "I know, I just came in from here, I'm not stupid."

Zhang Linlin: "Then what are you doing when you open this door?"

Li Tiezhu: "Send you out."

After all, Li Tiezhu pushed Zhang Linlin out, closed the door and locked it.

Zhang Linlin stood outside the door, petrified, **** it! Damn it! Lengba is already full of spring, but he was kicked out of the room by Li Tiezhu. That guy dove in the magpie's nest...

Li Tiezhu closed the door and went to the toilet. There was a traffic jam on the road and it was suffocated.

Hushing out, Li Tiezhu went over to find Leng Ba and said, "What's the matter with Zhang Linlin? How come you meet me like a ghost? Huh? Where's Zhang Linlin? Oh, I was locked out of the room. I'll go get him. Call in..."

After the return of IQ, Li Tiezhu felt very at ease. He was afraid that Zhang Linlin would gain self-esteem, so he sent him out before hesitated.

At this moment, Li Tiezhu thought that Zhang Linlin had something to talk to Leng Ba, so he stood up to open the door and let him in, but was held back.

"The master is finally here! Hehe~"

Li Tiezhu looked back, how about people?

Oh, on the ground.

The crotch was cold, and I blamed the cat for being too proficient. Li Tiezhu pushed it and didn't push it, so he felt it calmly. He held Lengba's small head as a chicken and asked, "Does the waist still hurt?" "

Lengba: "Grumbling...Ha... Grumbling..."

Outside the door, Zhang Linlin was dumbfounded. He didn't even go in and couldn't get in. After a while, Lengba's faint cry came from the house, and Zhang Linlin's face changed drastically.

Suffer! It must have been given by Li Tiezhu...

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Liya was playing with her mobile phone and came over licking a popsicle.

Zhang Linlin: "It's nothing...Li Tiezhu came and kicked me out. I'm afraid he bullied Lengba inside. It seems...cry..."

Zhao Liya heard and heard: "It should be a massage!"

Zhang Linlin: "No, this time it must not goddess..."

Zhao Liya said: "What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Linlin: "Li Tiezhu bullied my goddess Lengba again."

Zhao Liya: "Do you like her?"



"I'm not It's obviously mine... I really like her, why should Li Tiezhu?"

Zhao Liya said: "Maybe people are really massaging?"

Zhang Linlin hesitated.

Zhao Liya took out a room card, opened the door to enter, then exited, closed the door, turned around and left.

Zhang Linlin catches up: "Is it... a massage?"

He didn't care about tangling the room card.

Zhao Liya shook her head: "It's not a massage."

Zhang Linlin collapsed.

(I ran to the hospital twice today and gave the child a blood test to get a report. The efficiency is too low. So today only 5,000 words have been updated. It is the least day since it was released. I am deeply ashamed...)

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