Earthy Superstar

Chapter 756: : Social bullying

Jin Hean was able to chat with Wu Litao, probably because of his similar age. There is a generation gap with Li Tiezhu, four or five years old. Moreover, Li Tiezhu's exaggerated fame and popularity also made him a little wondering how to deal with Li Tiezhu.

Wu Litao helped Jin Hean feed the ducks and said, "Are your geese still divided into breeds?"

Li Tiezhu said in the vegetable garden: "Genius! That's a duck, and it is the goose who is about to attack you."

When Wu Litao turned his head, he saw two big white geese killing him at the same time. He didn’t take it seriously and prepared to feed, but he was bitten by the geese so painful that he left the pot and ran, all the way to the back of Li Tiezhu in the vegetable garden. .

"Master, help, this duck is so fierce!"

"This is a goose!"

The two geese didn't give up, they chased and killed them, bypassing Li Tiezhu to chase Wu Litao, the latter could only run away in embarrassment, after all... it really hurts.

After running around again, Wu Litao said, "Master, why don't they bite you?"

Li Tiezhu held his hands behind his back: "I greeted them just now."

Screen playback.

Two geese rushed over when Li Tiezhu was walking around the vegetable garden. Li Tiezhu grabbed his neck from left and right, and violently lifted them up, saying, "My name is Li Tiezhu, please take care of them."

Then, he let go of the two geese, and the geese ran away.

Another picture is earlier when Yang Feiyue came to the door of his house. Two geese were ready to attack Yang Feiyue. Yang Feiyue blocked it with a doll, his eyes were sharp, and he squeezed one to death when there was a big disagreement, and the two geese also persuaded. NS.

Wu Litao: "Master, what should I do?"

Li Tiezhu: "Turn around and kick them and beat them, they won't treat you as a thief."

Wu Litao: "Be a thief?"

In any case, he still believed, and turned around to beat the two fat geese back, and the two geese cried a few times, and then... turned around and went away to bully the ducks.

Wu Litao walked over rubbing his painful calf, "Master, they are bullying and afraid of being tough, aren't they?"

Li Tiezhu squatted on the ground, graduate student Jiang: "No. They are guardians of the nursing home, and they have the same meaning as raising a dog."

The goose is loyal and can guard the door. When a stranger comes in, the goose will scream, and will chase and bite when they see sneaky eyes and eyebrows.

Wu Litao didn't believe it: "But, they can't bite people, and they will be killed if they encounter a thief."

Li Tiezhu: "Dogs don't necessarily bite people to death. The main reason is that they dare to bark and go up, acting as a warning. If it is a thief, it is too late for the goose to bark and run, and there is still a chance to kill the goose?"

Wu Litao nodded, not knowing which muscle was wrong, and said: "Stewed goose in iron pot!"

Li Tiezhu glanced at him: "It's almost the same for you to stew yourself in an iron pot."

Wu Litao said: "Master, do you think the younger sister is stupid? I won't be able to pick someone up. I heard from Lao Jin that I have been out for more than an hour."

Li Tiezhu got up and walked back: "Among the three of us master and apprentice, she is the smart one."

Wu Litao followed closely: "Impossible, I am the smartest."

Li Tiezhu: "If you are really smart, you won't come to this show with me."

Wu Litao: "What do you mean?"

Li Tiezhu walked out the far door: "You'll know later."

Jin Hean and Li Tiezhu met at the door and decided to go out and look for the two people. As a result, just after crossing the bamboo bridge, they met two silly people who had returned by bike.

Brother Liang: "My cousin didn't follow."

Yang Feiyue shouted: "There is no big cousin!"

Then, the two saw Li Tiezhu and Jin Hean.

Zhen Nailiang was immediately embarrassed, and shouted: "Zhu Zi, you go swimming in the river, I have waited for you for a long time and I haven't seen you."

Obviously he walked out of the place, and he was also thick-skinned. Of course, this is because he and Li Tiezhu met early and met in several shows, so they are friends.

Li Tiezhu was not used to him either, and rushed directly.

Zhen Nailiang hurriedly got out of the car: "Brother Zhu, I was wrong! I was really wrong. I went to swim in the river and I went! It was the two of us who took the wrong path. When we arrived at the entrance of the village, you had already left."

Just kidding, Zhen Nailiang is also a person who has been infinitely challenged. Although he is always punished, he still knows Li Tiezhu's fierce name.

Although Li Tiezhu is not in Wutiao, Wutiao is all about Zhu's legend.

Jin Hean was dumbfounded, the patriarch of our haha ​​house, is he so statusless?

Yang Feiyue was so excited, he ran over to Li Tiezhu without relying on the car, and gave a hug: "Master--"

Li Tiezhu: "I'll go, it's heavy! Not bad, not bad!"

Yang Feiyue let go of Li Tiezhu: "The food has been good recently! I don't need to dance yet, and my wife often takes me to dinner, hey!"

Wu Litao came over and said, "Junior sister, pay attention to your image, don't shame me and Master."

Yang Feiyue: "What do you call me? You should call me senior sister! I entered the teacher's door first."

Wu Litao: "I am older than you, and I am the brother."

The two are not strangers either. After the program of Wu Li Taoist teacher Li Tiezhu was broadcast half a month ago, the two tore them up, and they have been pinching on the Internet until now. Yang Feiyue’s fans firmly support Feiyue being the world, and Wu Litao’s fans crazily recognize Wu Litao as his junior.

It's also normal. Those who like Yang Feiyue's wonderful female artist will basically not dislike Wu Litao's sand sculptures.


"Brother Liang is so humble..."

"After all, I have been challenged infinitely. Dare to provoke Li Tiezhu?"

"Brother Serious is equal to three Sun Lei."

"The three masters and apprentices finally met in victory!"

"Of course it is the first to get started, Yang Feiyue is the senior sister."

"Wu Litao is just going to die every day."

"Wait and see! Yang Feiyue will blow him up on the spot."

"There is one thing to say, one thing about Wu Ren Kung Fu, Wu Litao is the weakest of the three masters and apprentices."

"Fantastic girl Yang Feiyue."

"Wonder boy Li Tiezhu."

"I have to say that Li Tiezhu and Yang Feiyue look so alike."

Yang Feiyue said, "Did we invite you? Wu Litao, let's go! Go now, there is no more rice at home! No idlers!"

Wu Litao: "I brought you meat, a lot of meat, ten catties of beef, and a large piece of pork belly..."

Yang Feiyue's eyes flashed a green light: "Ah? Ah! Really? That's fine! For your filial piety, stay."

Li Tiezhu: "Go in, it's weirdly hot outside, Feiyue, you didn't apply sunscreen?"

Yang Feiyue: "Forgot."

Li Tiezhu took the two apprentices and walked back: "Brother Liang, go in, too, sun poison, don't get heatstroke. Then who? Please help Feiyue get off the bicycle."

Jin Hean looked blank, and forced him in a low voice, "Brother Liang? Did Tie Zhu ask me to help me get the car?"

Zhen Nailiang pushed the bicycle on the bamboo bridge: "Otherwise? Who else?"

Jin Hean smiled bitterly, went to help the bicycle that had fallen on the ground, and said, "Who is the owner of Haha House?"

As soon as Li Tiezhu appeared, he instantly occupied the absolute C position in the Haha House, even if he didn't speak much.

Zhen Nailiang turned her head and smiled weirdly: "Second brother, forbearance, he is Li Tiezhu!"

Just like this, the two humble resident guests followed behind with their bicycles silently.


"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Laughing to death."

"Brother Liang is too terrifying."

"Then who is okay?"

"Poor Xiaojin, don't be afraid, hard steel Li Tiezhu!"

"Don't die, right?"

"That's Li Tiezhu!"

"So, serious brother's bandit can already be used to stop crying?"

"The three masters and apprentices are all social symptoms! How to break it?"

"Indeed, unless it's a mushroom house, the guests of the general show really can't live."

Yang Feiyue took Li Tiezhu to "home", tweeting non-stop, entered the door, pointed to the chicken tied to the fence by the door and said, "Master, have you seen it? This is our pet!"

Zhen Nailiang walked by pushing the car: "It's called Wangshun."

Yang Feiyue: "It's a dog left! A dog left! Big brother!"

Brother Liang: "Right, right, the dog is left."

Li Tiezhu studied the chicken, and said with emotion: "Yes! The name is similar to me! The temperament is also very restrained, and he looks like a cultural chicken."

Yang Feiyue said, "Yeah, my name is similar, but fortunately I am not called Yang Yuejin."

Wu Litao: "Then I want to call Wu Aid Korea?"

Yang Feiyue said, "Didn't you train and debut in the South League? You belong to the reactionary, the puppet army! You should call Wu to cast into the enemy!"

Wu Litao: "I..."

The opponent's firepower is too fierce, so avoid the edge for the time being.

Li Tiezhu pointed to the two geese and said, "What are the names of the two heroes?"

Yang Feiyue: "I haven't had time to get it, Master, please give me a name."

Li Tiezhu said, "It's better to call Ji Fei Gou jump, the bigger one is called Ji Fei, the smaller one is called Gou jump."

Yang Feiyue clasped his fists: "Good name! Master really has a brilliant literary style!"

The Jin He'an people who parked their bicycles are all numb, and the three of them are masters and apprentices. What kind of monsters is this Nima!

The eldest brother Zhen Nailiang has a good mentality: "Brother Zhu, please come inside, sit down and drink tea."

Yang Feiyue: "We don't have tea, only tap water."

Brother Liang: "..."

Wu Litao glamorously pulled Yang Feiyue to the refrigerator and opened it: "Look! Ten catties of beef, a chicken, a large piece of pork belly, and a few spare ribs! How about? Brother talk about loyalty?"

Yang Feiyue: "Junior brother's filial piety is commendable!"

Li Tiezhu said, "There is also a duck, which is best for making soup."

Yang Feiyue: "Where is it? Duck."

Wu Litao reminded in a low voice: "Master, you remember that, the duck is too expensive for you to buy."

Li Tiezhu said: "Shut up the evildoer! Late brothers, please help me with a duck next to the beef and pretend that we bought a duck."

Wu Litao: "Can this also pretend?"

Yang Feiyue suddenly realized, pointing to the group of ducks in the yard and said: "Oh! P two, anyway, there is a large group of ducks, no one can find two less."

Wu Litao: "Kill... kill the duck?"

Yang Feiyue disgusted and said, "What's the matter? When I went to the mushroom house the year before last, I killed my wife. She didn't dare to kill anyone with legs, I was thinking about cutting off the legs. Asking Madam to kill, she still dare not..."

Wu Litao looked at Li Tiezhu: "Really?"

Li Tiezhu: "Your elder sister kills chickens wisely, so she doesn't blink her eyes, just learn a little bit."

Wu Litao shook: "Junior Sister is mighty."

Next to him, Jin Hean asked Zhen Nailiang in a low voice: "Brother, is it not good to kill ducks?"

Zhen Nailiang: "Ting Zhu's brother, it's a big hit!"

Jin Hean’s eyes popped out, really? Are you a liar?

But I saw that the teacher in the later stage really gave a duck in the refrigerator in the film, a duck that is out of the low-level taste-the little yellow duck!


"Fuck! Li Tiezhu brought a Zhou Chunyu to Haha's family!"

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