Earthy Superstar

Chapter 767: : Boss

"Okay! You can go in."

Li Tiezhu was very knowledgeable, eating ice cream and leading Zhang Zifeng to the small courtyard of the mushroom house.

And when the show is playing here, the progress bar almost can't hold up. This group of people is still burning, although it is funny, but after listening to it for a long time, it will become crooked.


"Space bomb hahahaha..."

"Laughing to death in the middle of the night."

"Like a grandma's tea party."

"I have forgotten how the space bomb originally sang."

"I want to hear Li Tiezhu sing the space bomb."

"Serious brother, isn't he coming?"

"It's halfway through this episode, Li Tiezhu hasn't come yet?"

"Really abducted my sister."

He Ling said: "Let's have another version, how about a quarreling version?"

Liu Mei: "Good!"

Chen Chichi is already exhausted, so what is it? He raised his eyebrows: "Hey! Look, there are lights, it's photography lights, who's here?"

Everyone turned their heads to look around.

He Ling: "Sister must be back."

Peng Yuchang: "My brother Zhu is back."

After speaking, Peng Yuchang ran to move the bench, very well-behaved.

He Ling got up and went to the gate of the courtyard to greet him: "Huh? Who is the little black charcoal outside? Why doesn't his face turn on the light?"

Huang Sanshi picked up his glass and drank beer and smiled: "The boss of the mushroom house is here, everyone is ready to pick up! Haha!"

Chen Chichi also got up and took a cup and began to pour the wine: "Hahaha...My calamity is here, everyone, remember to protect me."

Ou Nana was surprised. It was only Li Tiezhu. The show looked silly and a little cute. Why are these people like enemies? It's not the devil.

Liu Mei was also curious: "Tie Zhu is so much a child, you can arrange them all."

Onana nodded again and again: "Yes."

At this moment, Li Tiezhu ate ice cream and walked in: "Hello, Teacher He, Aunt Liu Mei! Hello, Teacher Huang..."

After saying hello, Peng Yuchang handed over the chair, Li Tiezhu sat down, Chen Chi brought a glass of wine, and Li Tiezhu took it.



"Tie Zhu is finally here again."

"Why did the previous ones say it again?"

"Boss is okay?"

"Peng Peng is so cute!"

"Chen Chichi is also empty, afraid of being cursed by Li Tiezhu."


"I remembered the time Chen Chi was barefoot."

"My sister is so sticky!"

Elder Lang, Zheng Yun and Xu Han have already left. The only guests left are Liu Mei, Tuba, Ou Nana and Chen Chichi.

Liu Mei: "Oh! This battle is okay. Both dogs will go to meet him personally."

Don't say, H and O are enthusiasm, otherwise they are afraid of being stewed by this stuff.

Huang Sanshi said: "A superstar! Of course it needs a big scene."

Chen Chichi squinted at Li Tiezhu, having a nasty seizure: "If you read it correctly, this thing you eat is called ice cream."

Li Tiezhu: "Want to eat?"

Chen Chichi watched Li Tiezhu not speaking.

Li Tiezhu also looked at him.

Others find it inexplicable, what are these two people doing?

Then, Chen Chichi took the ice cream in Li Tiezhu's hand in a tortoise-speed motion, walked back to his position and sat down silently, took a wooden spoon and ate the ice cream: "Well, if I tasted it right, it is indeed ice cream. "

Ou Nana frowned: "Brother Chi Chi, this is what Li Tiezhu has eaten."

Chen Chichi: "What does that matter? We are friends who eat noodles in a bowl! We all wear underwear. The international superstar Li Tiezhu is my buddy!"

He was talking about the recording of "Hahahaha". The two of them had a good relationship, but Li Tiezhu naturally rejected him, saying that his feet would have his feet, so Chen Chichi said that Li Tiezhu was his calamity.

Onana asked Zhang Zifeng quietly: "Are they mocking Li Tiezhu?"

Zhang Zifeng shook his head: "They often do this, and they like to make fun of my brother, because only then can they take advantage of it."

Onana: "Really?"

Li Tiezhu over there said seriously to Chen Chichi: "Brother Chichi, you can eat less ice cream, you will grow fatter."

Chen Chichi looked unlovable: "It's over! You said I'm gaining weight, then I'm definitely gaining weight!"

Huang Sanshi: "Because Tie Zhu Crow's mouth is it?"

Chen Chichi smiled bitterly: "It's not as simple as a crow's mouth, it's poisonous, it's a prophecy! Li Tiezhu's words are...the way he speaks! Never fail! He should be the host of the weather forecast."

Li Tiezhu: "It's easy to choke when you are eating, so be careful."

Chen Chichi: "Eating ice cream will make you choke? You tease me...cough cough, cough ~ cough cough cough..."

Chen Chichi choked to death before he finished speaking.

Everyone looked at Li Tiezhu in surprise.

Ou Nana exclaimed: "This is too amazing, right?"

Zhang Zifeng smiled: "It's a small scene."

He Ling asked: "Tie Zhu, how does it feel to come to the mushroom house from Haha Farm?"

Li Tiezhu scratched his head: "Why does Teacher He take his own humiliation?"

He Ling: "Puff..."

Li Tiezhu: "It feels like, um... I press the fast forward button in my life, and I suddenly changed from a young man to an old man. There are all young people in their twenties."

Huang Sanshi said, "Are you suggesting that we are old?"

Li Tiezhu: "I didn't hint, I just said it straight."

Liu Mei: "Hey! How did this kind of people survive in this circle? All these are popular?"

Huang Sanshi said: "If Peng Peng had spoken like this, I would have killed him a long time ago. Li Tiezhu is different...I can't beat him."

Liu Mei: "Hey! You survived like this!"

Chen Chichi came slowly, grabbed the conversation and said: "It's more than a stop! He bullies people everywhere, even an honest person like me can't escape his clutches."

Liu Mei: "..."

Sluts are hypocritical, don't insult honest people here.

Peng Yuchang's smile has always been so cheap: "Old uncle, you are the standard target of Zhu Ge! Meet all standards, hahahahahahaha..."

Huang Sanshi and He Ling laughed at the same time, Peng Pengzhuhua is serious, gratifying.

Chen Chichi: "Why?"

Peng Yuchang: "There are so many ugly talks and no work. Hahahaha..."

Chen Chichi: "..."

Peng Yuchang laughed vaguely: "Hahahahaha..."

Chen Chichi silently took a bite of ice cream: "Invite me to play on your show. What happened? Humiliated me in public?"

Li Tiezhu: "Because the audience likes to see you being humiliated!"

Chen Chichi hesitated to say something and stopped: "Haha...Ignore you, it's all bad guys."

Everyone burst into laughter.

Onana held Zhang Zifeng's hand: "Wow! Tie Zhu is so cool!"

Zhang Zifeng: "You have to be careful."

"What should I be careful about? He won't even bother me, right? I'm a girl."


Then everyone began to sing. Liu Mei’s son Touba was amazing, but the musician Ou Nana was as good as the singer.

Li Tiezhu was forced to comment: "Good-looking girls are basically not good at singing, except for Zhao Liya."

He Ling makes a face, is this too dare to say?

Zhang Zifeng suffocated a smile, have you learned a lot, right? Sister Nana, who said Li Tiezhu is not a girl?

Ou Nana looked shyly: "Aha, am I really good-looking? No, maybe? It's probably because of makeup..."

Zhang Zifeng: "Ah...this..."

After Ou Nana sang the song, she sat back and asked Li Tiezhu, "Brother Zhu, are you really good or not? They all say you are a fool."

Li Tiezhu: "I am a fool, not a blind man."

"But they say you are blind."

"Yes, I can only distinguish between the beautiful and the ugly with the unfamiliar. Therefore, I am more accustomed to dealing with people like Xu Shanzheng and Peng Peng."


"Good-looking people are the same, but ugly people are different."

"Then can you distinguish Song Zhu'er from other actresses?"

"In the beginning, I didn't make the distinction clearly, but I listened to the voice, but after a long time together, I was able to distinguish it."

"When can you tell the difference?"

"Almost... after being together."


She wanted to ask if she could distinguish Lengba and Gunaza, but she held back when she was on the show.

Li Tiezhu said: "Zhu'er has taken me to see a doctor, saying that this is called physical cognitive impairment, and it is linked to IQ."

Ou Nana wanted to ask again, how did you fall asleep to a group of beauties, of course just thinking about it. As a native of Baodao, Ou Nana has been in contact with the entertainment industry since she was a child, and is definitely much more vigorous than the mainland, and her thinking is far more advanced than Zhang Zifeng.

Zhang Zifeng felt a little bit sour when he saw that they were talking about each other, and said, "Brother, you are not stupid at all, that's because they don't understand you."

Li Tiezhu: "You don't know me either, I can cry myself stupidly when I am stupid."

Zhang Zifeng thought, that's right, such as what I just said outside.

Ou Nana said, "Isn't this stupid? It's so cute! Brother Zhu, do you know me?"

Li Tiezhu thought for a while: "Listening to Liu Yuan, he said that you are a musical genius."

Ou Nana: "How can it be so exaggerated! Zhu Ge can really talk."

Zhang Zifeng's pupils quake, huh? Can my brother talk? Are you afraid that you have been poisoned? sisters! My brother is best at invisibly casting Gu, and he almost gave me Gu.

Then, it was Li Tiezhu's turn to sing. He sang a famous song "People Like Me".

Ou Nana's eyes loudly applauded.

Then came the K song for the elderly, and the young people couldn't get in.

Ou Nana and Zhang Zifeng were sitting on the swing, whispering, it was Ou Nana who was inquiring about Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu and Chen Chichi were sitting in the corner drinking, drinking old Baigan.

Early the next morning.

Li Tiezhu ran for ten kilometers and went to Haha's home to give them the noodles that they hadn't finished eating in the mushroom house. Before the group of people woke up, Li Tiezhu put down the noodles and ran back, and returned to the mushroom house with Huang Sanshi who had run five kilometers.

"This time is really the last run in Manyuan Village!"

"Teacher Huang, you really lost a lot of weight."

"Right? The result of exercise."

"No, it's because I don't have a permanent residence in the mushroom house."

"Your uncle! You fed me 20 kilograms of fat the year before last. I used it for two years, but I haven't completely reduced it yet..."

"time flies."


"Don't be emotional, let's make breakfast first."

"Haha, then I will go to rest. There is an iron pillar to be happy!"

Huang Sanshi happily went to drink milk and feed the ducks, chatting with Liu Mei who had just gotten up.

Li Tiezhu is busy working on breakfast in the kitchen alone. He is used to it. As long as he has a kitchen, he can't help but do it. At Haha Farm, that is the greatest restraint.

Here Liu Mei said: "Tie Zhu is really healthy! He works hard and cooks deliciously."

Huang Sanshi: "I just ran five kilometers. He ran ten kilometers. I was almost falling. He was still alive and well."


"This kid, really. Since the first time I came to the mushroom house, I have taken the initiative to cook. No one has ever let him cook. I rely on self-consciousness. I can rest when he comes, haha."

"That's great! The one in my house... hey! I guess I will sleep until noon again."

(Finally, I have finished adding the owed more. Is there any more to be added?)

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