Earthy Superstar

Chapter 772: : Embarrassed

In an interview later, Wu Litao said: "Seriously, if someone else puts a snake on my face, I will definitely beat him up. My master has plenty of martial arts, so I have to bear it. It's really scary. , The kind of fear that is in the bones, maybe it is natural, I have been afraid of snakes and spiders since I was a child... Later, after holding the snake for a long time... I became numb."

Wu Litao was really numb and his eyes were dull.

Li Tiezhu said, "What are you afraid of? You dare to even dare to command the leader."

Wu Litao: "At least he doesn't bite."

"Don't bite?"


The instructor smiled and walked over and took the snake: "After taking the first step, you are brave enough! You are great Wu Litao. Of course, thank you Master."

Wu Litao's feet were soft, and he lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

Li Tiezhu kicked him: "Hey! Do you want to pee in the woods?"

Wu Litao had this intention, but when he said so, he could only save face and suffer: "Don't pee!"

"Liu Yuan and Yuan Heng prepare."

The instructor continued to ask people for training. After seeing Li Tiezhu's rigorous work, the two of them became courageous, and they could hold back a snake on them.

After a while, the training came to an end. The instructor asked Li Tiezhu:

"Did you catch a snake when you were a kid?"

Li Tiezhu: "That's too much! You know Zheng Yanzi? Tennis Grand Slam champion, she caught a snake in the mushroom house in the second season. I taught her!"

Liu Yuan: "Isn't it? Are those sisters so fierce?"

"Normally, she can hit three like you."

"I go……"

Li Tiezhu suddenly asked the instructor: "I heard that special forces have training to eat raw snake meat?"

Liu Yuan: "Brother Zhu, you are too much!"

Yuan Heng also said: "This is a snake! Is it still eaten raw? It's illegal!"

Zhang Yifeng: "Hey, it's really not illegal to eat snakes, as long as you don't eat protective ones, that stuff is not as expensive as a wild frog."

Wu Litao's legs were still shaking: "No, right? Instructor?"

Instructor: "In fact, this training is available, not only for snakes, but also for raw beef, rabbits, voles..."

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly, and they all blamed Li Tiezhu for talking a lot.

The instructor said: "Tie Zhu had eaten raw meat, right?"

Li Tiezhu said: "Ah! I have eaten it in the filming of "Soldiers Assault". At that time, I bought some bamboo mice as voles. For the effect, they were really eaten. I, Li Zhixuan, and Lu Bo have eaten them."

Yuan Heng: "Are you so hard in filming?"

Li Tiezhu: "That's work."

The instructor said: "The training of eating raw meat is not given to you, mainly because of your affordability and the audience's affordability."

Yuan Heng: "That's good, that's good."

Wu Litao sat back on the ground again, scared to death.

Liu Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief, but he was a little dissatisfied, always feeling underestimated.

Li Tiezhu didn't force it either. After all, he had eaten raw meat, so he didn't feel any burden at all, and there was nothing special besides the bad taste.

Next is the simulation training of pretending to be hidden.

Everyone likes peekaboo games.

In this round of the game, Li Tiezhu had the best disguise, but he didn't win and was the first to be discovered.

Because he hid so well and was stepped on by Zhang Yifeng.

The old man also jumped and said, "Eh? I felt a sense of stomping on my feet! He didn't make a sound when I jumped up, it must be Li Tiezhu."

Guo Xiaoxi: "I will try, I will try..."

Li Tiezhu stood up with an unhappy expression: "What should I try?"

At dinner, a dozen people sat around to eat.

Li Tiezhu wiped out most of the noodles by himself, and everyone else was shocked. The monitor hurried to get another one.

That night, when everyone was sleeping soundly...gathered urgently.

The six artists reacted quickly this time and quickly put on their clothes and walked out of the tent lined up.

Wu Litao: "Also come this trick? Haha..."

Yuan Heng: "Each time we enter a new army, we are assembled urgently on the first day, treating us as fools?"

Li Tiezhu said, "It should be because of your good spirits on the first day, and you will assemble for two days after training. I'm afraid you won't be able to survive. After all, there are still two uncles in our team."

Zhang Yifeng: "Li Tiezhu, your uncle!"

Li Tiezhu: "Yes, you are my uncle."

Guo Xiaoxi: "Hahaha... Then I am your second master Guo."

After the assembly was completed, the company commander began his passionate speech again: "In the middle of the night in the wilderness, play a game with everyone! Entertaining, just treat it as fun! If you want to play, have fun and have fun. a little!"

Everyone suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Each group was taken away by the patriarch and went into the woods without lights...

There were soldiers lurking on the road coming out to scare them.

Wu Litao and Yuan Heng yelled and were extremely scared. The two uncles who lived enough to live were very calm. Liu Yuan clenched his teeth and insisted, and Li Tiezhu looked bored.

It's true that you can't see anything, but those who walk the night in the countryside know that it's not completely black, and the road can be distinguished from the outline of the vegetation and the mountain.

Li Tiezhu said, "Fortunately, I didn't go to the front, otherwise when they came out to be scary, I was afraid I couldn't help but punch them."

Wu Litao: "My legs are weak."

Liu Yuan: "Brother Zhu, why are you so brave?"

Li Tiezhu said, "Because there are no ghosts in this world! There are at most snakes here."

Zhang Yifeng: "Hey? Let Tie Zhu go ahead and try?"

Guo Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Just don't beat people, they will feel more secure if you go ahead."

As a result, Li Tiezhu moved to the front, and the others grabbed the clothes of the people in front and walked forward.

Before Li Tiezhu took two steps, he smiled: "Hey? There is one here, which is not as good as Wu Litao's disguise. You just come to scare people like this? Isn't it too sloppy?"

But he said that there was a soldier lying in the grass on the side of the road.

Artists came forward to mock.

"Dude, have you waited a long time?"

"Cool down on the ground."

"Why don't you put some grass in your body?"

"Are we really blind?"

"Brother, it's not easy!"

After a while, the group walked back to the camp, talking and laughing.

The company commander came over curiously, but saw that the leader Li Tiezhu was holding three snakes in his hands.

Others only saw it, and backed away in fright.

Li Tiezhu handed the snake to the company commander: "Report! I picked it up on the road."

The company commander said angrily: "Pretend it."

It turned out that they put toothless snakes on the branches and on the ground to frighten the artists, but Li Tiezhu calmly caught three of them, and the others were missing. The scary plan failed, and those five didn't know how to swim snakes!

Wu Litao hid far away: "Master, when did you catch the snake?"

Li Tiezhu: "Catch it easily."

The scary plan failed, and the company commander waved his hand: "Disband, go wash and sleep."


the next day.

The crowd lined up on the grass by the lake and found that a new instructor had been replaced.

The new instructor said: "The first subject in today's training is fighting. What do you know about fighting?"

Everyone turned their heads to look at Li Tiezhu.

Wu Litao: "Report! I know martial arts!"

Li Tiezhu: "Report! He only knows how to embroider his legs."

Wu Litao: "..."

Liu Yuan: "Yeah..."

Wu Litao whispered: "Master, you can't dismantle my station."

Li Tiezhu said, "I'm afraid you will be killed."

The instructor really said: "Next, please Wu Litao come up and fight with me unarmed, don't have any scruples, really fight."

Wu Litao is eager to try, and there is a series of countless routines.

One second later, the instructor used a hug and locked his throat to successfully teach Wu Litao to be a man.

Instructor: "Does anyone else want to try it?"

Everyone looked at Li Tiezhu again.

Li Tiezhu didn't move or speak. He listened to the instructor. What does it mean to challenge the instructor at this time? He is stupid, but he doesn't know what is good or bad, and now his 99-point intelligence is not stupid anymore.

An veteran went up to fight with the instructor in a real fight, fisted to the flesh, and then locked his throat again, only to concede defeat.

Everyone is dumbfounded, this is too strong, right?

The next step is to fight against each other. One group fights against the second group. First, there is a group of two people who throw the second group.

Wu Litao and Liu Yuan are out.

Instructor: "Who will come out of the second group?"

Li Tiezhu stood up.

Wu Litao: "Report! Don't let Li Tiezhu come, he is too powerful."

Instructor: "Are you scared?"

Wu Litao: "Fear."

Liu Yuan: "Don't be afraid, we two throw him one, he can't fight back. If he is allowed to take charge of the attack in the next round, then Uncle Zhang Yifeng will be thrown to dust by him. This is a rare opportunity for you to beat your master. Chance."

Wu Litao: "Something makes sense!"

Thus, the competition began, and Li Tiezhu fell over in three minutes.



The two are very passionate, after all, they are young.

Li Tiezhu seemed to have no desire, his opponent was too weak, so he stood on the spot and took a stance. The two of them hugged their legs, locked their throats, and couldn't move him. After a while, the two of them lost energy and started to tickle.

In this round, Li Tiezhu didn't even move, the two of them were already exhausted.

In the next round, Guo Xiaoxi and Yuan Heng defeated Zhang, and they lost all of their strength. They finally took the father down, and it was very difficult to win.

Wu Litao was not convinced: "The one who was thrown always has the advantage! If I were the one who was thrown, I would not lose at all."

Instructor: "Li Tiezhu, come and tell him to shut up, one on one."

Li Tiezhu: "Okay."

Wu Litao was a little vacant, and when the instructor started calling, he turned and ran.

Li Tiezhu caught up with him in three steps, then he lifted it back and pressed it on the ground, pressing it down, and Wu Litao shut his mouth.

This is just a warm-up, and then the real fighting training.

But it had nothing to do with Li Tiezhu. The instructor called Li Tiezhu out—to be an assistant instructor.

The instructor even practiced with Li Tiezhu for a while, and tried his best to defeat Li Tiezhu. On the contrary, Li Tiezhu was able to do well, basically defensive, not attacking.

The water is very obvious.

Li Tiezhu was so much tougher than the instructor, he didn't rub the sand in his eyes, especially to Wu Litao.

After practicing fighting, it was kayaking, rope climbing, and cliff rappelling.

Li Tiezhu has accomplished all these projects best.

The last test was to climb the rope across the 85-meter lake. It was too difficult. Everyone else grinds over at the slowest speed. Only Li Tiezhu turned over when he got out of trouble. He gritted his teeth all the way. Hanged upside down and crawled over.

Then his hands cramped, for half an hour.

This is the most embarrassing time for Li Tiezhu in a physical event...

But I didn't feel ashamed, I just felt that I was very small. Compared with these special soldiers who slammed into the sky, he was really nothing.

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