Earthy Superstar

Chapter 804: : The Legend of God

What Zhang Yi didn't know was that Li Tiezhu made him the number one male only because... he was cheap.

It doesn't make any difference between acting as a male second or a male to Li Tiezhu. Anyway, they are all films directed and written by him. Moreover, being a director is tired enough, and it's a little bit easier to be a little bit easier.

Unconsciously, the concert has been going on for more than two hours.

Time goes by in a song.

Justin sang a song "Uncommon Characters" and collaborated with Yang Feiyue on a song "Chinese Language".

Well, Yang Feiyue is in charge of the rap part.

They are here to buy Li Tiezhu's rest time.

At this time, Li Tiezhu was in the background eating shochu and ironed his hairy belly. It was cool, singing and other things were too easy to get hungry, just like moving bricks.

Hearing the two singing, Li Tiezhu wiped his mouth and was about to go on stage again.

At the same time, Tengger, Han Hong, Luhani, Chen Yisen, Song Zhu'er, Zhou Qian, Wu Litao, and Yi Xiaomao all stood up next to the hot pot. They were also ready to play, and the next big show.

Besides, after eating for two hours, they were all full.

On stage, Fang Bo was suddenly in high spirits and interviewed Justin and Yang Feiyue:

"This is the first time you two have worked together?"

Justin: "Yes! It's an honor to work with Koi."

Yang Feiyue is different: "What's the honor? I've said that I can't sing, you must let me sing..."

Fang Bo: "Did you sing yet?"

Yang Feiyue pointed to Justin and said, "No! He insisted on letting me sing during the rehearsal. I didn't. I was only in charge of the rap part. My master is Li Tiezhu! Don't be afraid of him."

Justin covered his face and thought: My elder brother is still Li Tiezhu.

The audience was also full of laughter, and Yang Feiyue was also a social patient.

Fang Bo said: "Feiyue, you are a singing group debut, don't know how to sing and are so confident, isn't it a bit too much?"

Yang Feiyue said: "Are you still a singer, can you sing?"

Fang Bo: "Why don't I, I have also been a specialist..."

Yang Feiyue: "There are other actors, do they know how to act? The acting skills are worse than me. The lines say one, two, three, four, five, and there are people who will come to the scene to change the face of AI. I can't sing because of my innate condition. , I can’t find the tune of the five tones, how can I not learn it, blame me?"

Fang Bo: "Uh..."

Yang Feiyue continued: "I can't dance, but I practiced hard, and I can barely keep up with the rhythm. I also studied singing very hard. Can I learn how to do it? You can say that I have a problem with my business ability. But I can’t say that I have a problem with my attitude. My attitude is very good! This is my job, and I will try my best to do it.”

Fang Bo dumbly said, "What you said is right, then go to rest first..."

Yang Feiyue: "Furthermore, when I first appeared on the show, it was just because I still had three thousand yuan a month's salary. How did I know that I would form a girl group? I want to sing? I want to dance?"

Fang Bo: "Don't blame you, don't blame you, take a break..."

I had known that I would not interview her a long time ago, like a machine gun, suddenly and endlessly, as expected, Li Tiezhu and Li Tiezhu are a natural pair of masters and apprentices.

Yang Feiyue: "I walk along, they let me dance? I talk out of tune, and they let me sing? What are their little brains thinking? Can I not cry? Can I not fight with the boss? ?"

Fang Bo: "Uh..."

Yang Feiyue: "However, they ate well, so I will stay."


The audience burst into laughter, and God's food was served well.

Justin: "Puff......"

Yang Feiyue: "Are you laughing at me?"

Justin: "Yes."

Yang Feiyue: "Uncle Bo, he laughs at me."

Fang Bo: "Puff ha ha ha... the whole audience is laughing at you! Don't pay attention to these details, your mission is complete, go back to eat hot pot, the audience will still watch your master sing."

Yang Feiyue thought for a while: "Oh."

Live barrage:

"I'm going... Fang Bo can't think about it? Dare to interview Koi?"

"Brother Bo was very eloquent until he met Li Tiezhu and Yang Feiyue."

"This wave of shock is comfortable!"


"Yang Feiyue is a thing, it's hard to tolerate it."

"The food was well served and stayed?"

"Too real."

"I want to laugh at sister Koi too."


After finally sending Xiaohua Yang Feiyue off the stage, Fang Bo wiped the sweat from his forehead:

"Huh... Yang Feiyue's boss is also a hard-working man! In the next half an hour, please enjoy the song "Hua Xia Non-stop". I finally have time to eat hot pot. See you soon!"

After speaking, Fang Bo stepped down.

On the contrary, the audience was dumbfounded, and the VIPs in the VIP seats were also at a loss. What song should be sung for half an hour?

Everyone has heard of "China Nonstop", less than five minutes!

Mapperny couldn't help but wonder: "What is Li Tiezhu doing?"

Majieke said: "You don't understand, Li Tiezhu will be a **** in the next half an hour."

"What's the meaning?"

"you guess."

"Love to talk or not."

"When Li Tiezhu was planning this show, he asked me to give him advice. Didn't ask you? Also, you don't understand."


The relationship between the two big guys is not good, they are fighting in various fields, and their brains are out.

Sun Lei was also muttering to Huang Sanshi: "Are you going to get another plane and tank out?"

Huang Sanshi: "I don't know, if it takes half an hour, it should be a skewered song."

He Ling: "What song can be skewered for half an hour?"

Huang Sanshi: "Li Tiezhu has a big move in every concert. I haven't zoomed in on it today. It's almost time to count."

The barrage is also a question mark:


"Is Li Tiezhu talking about cross talk?"

"Has half an hour been okay?"

"It should be cross talk, right? With Xiao Yueyue?"

"Mr. Guo and Teacher Lv are here, so go up and get together."

"It always feels like Brother Serious is going to work again."

"Same feeling!"

The stage lights dimmed.

A pleasant prelude, spreading like sea water.

Li Tiezhu’s singing sounded, and his figure was illuminated by the chasing light, on the left side of the stage:

Zhuolu's ice front melts

Yuji outlines China

Danqing does not see the years that have been turned on the road

At the same time, the central light was dimly lit, and a man in a fur skirt was digging into the wood to make fire. A few savages were trembling beside them, and in the darkness around them, there were monsters that looked like nothing, and some of their eyes were glowing with gloom.

Chen Yisen’s singing continued, and he was on the right side of the stage:

Engrave the Qiwen on the tortoise shell

Reproduce the myth of sericulture

Feng flew out of Qishan to the Muye battlefield

Suddenly, it succeeded in drilling wood to make fire. One torch lit up, and two torches lit up... Soon, dozens of torches lit up.


"This is to drill wood to make fire?"


"Li Tiezhu's back dancers are always so creative!"

"This design works..."

"Is this a rhythm from ancient times to modern times?"

At this time, the music suddenly changed, becoming bleak and simple.

It is by no means the tune of "China Never Stops", but it is very harmonious.

With the more torches on the stage, the light and the moon on the field, the monsters in the dark disappeared invisible.

Then, the stage was dimmed again.

Behind the stage, a huge big screen lights up, playing an old video:

A voice came from the control room: "Five, four, three, two, one, light up!"

On the Red Arrow launcher, China's first rocket ejected flames and slowly lifted off.

The staff in the control room wept with joy, some applauded and cheered, and some hugged each other.




"This video is so exciting."

"Isn't this the modern version of the Flintlocks to make fire?"

"Salute to the ancestors."

"When the rocket lifted off, my scalp was numb."

"My whole body is numb."

"I also have general anesthesia."

"Ashamed, I'm half numb..."

The video ended, and the big screen went into darkness.

Han Hong’s voice came:

Flowers blooming and falling flowers blooming and falling

The long river

A myth is a wave

A myth is a teardrop

You are in the gathering

I am in the gathering

You and I pass by in a hurry

On the stage, the torches and savages have disappeared. Several people wearing coarse cloth and animal skins, an elder is knotting a rope and weaving a net by the river to fish, and then the elder takes people to catch wild boars and raise them in captivity.

Li Tiezhu sang:

Sunrise sunset sunrise sunset

Song of the long years

A drop of bitter wine is a book of history

A drop of blood is a monument

You are calling

I am calling

Joy, anger, sorrow and joy are all songs

The stage was dim, the big screen was lit up, and several "old news" were being played. Ten years ago, my country built the most meat freezer, and the South China Sea science and technology fishery made great progress. A few years ago, China's total meat consumption ranked first in the world. The meat consumption per capita in China is close to the level of developed countries...


"New song?"

"New song, new song..."

"It seems that I sang a few sentences when I was on that show?"

"It should be that one!"

"Look at the subtitles, the title of the song is "The Legend of God"."

"Who is that fishing and hunting?"

"Fuxi, one of the three emperors."

"The Suiren clan just now is also one of the three emperors."

"Look at the rhythm, the next one should be Shennong."

"We can afford to eat meat every day now, it's not easy..."

"I don't like fat meat yet!"

Han Hong:

Look at the mighty smoke of the ages

Hope rushing with dreams

The entrustment of dreams entrustment of dreams

The entrustment of hope dreams rushing to dream

On the stage, a person trekking through mountains and rivers, looking for various plants, and putting them in his mouth to taste. Sometimes poisoned, sometimes bitten by a poisonous But he never stopped his footsteps... Walking, he went from a strong young man to an old man.

In the places where he walked, rice, millet, rice, wheat, sun, hemp, sorghum and other crops grew in pieces.

In the end, he died because of eating Guillotine.

Li Tiezhu:

Listen to people singing

Leaving only the grace of God

The legend of the **** The legend of the god

Leaving only the legend of the ethereal god

The stage was dim, the big screen lit up, and the man with pleated face said in an interview:

"I dreamed that my rice was taller than sorghum, and my ears were longer than brooms. When the sun got in the sun, my colleagues and I sat under the rice ears to enjoy the cool. I did have this dream! Later, I did it again. That field, not a field... it's a big tree with tassels on it..."

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