Earthy Superstar

Chapter 882: : Bai Pier

Li Tiezhu went to the TV station in the car of the program group, and the recording was about to begin. Of course, what was recorded was not the formal singing session, but the interaction between the guests.

This does need to be recorded in advance, otherwise, it will be fake if the freshness is gone. After all, the singers’ acting skills...

The main feature of this season's "I Am a Singer" is that there are two big playlists, one old and one young, and the young one is naturally Li Tiezhu.

As he dominated the pop music scene for five consecutive years, and won two Grammy Awards, Li Tiezhu has become a new generation of pop king, and his contemporary singers are not on the same level as him.

The true debut is the pinnacle, and the madness has been the pinnacle.

Five years is a long time span.

Before Li Tiezhu appeared, the Chinese music scene had entered a decade-long period of decline. It can be said that he carried the entire music scene on his own.

This is not the king of heaven, what is the king of heaven?

That's not even Li Tiezhu's influence in the fashion industry, variety shows, and film and television circles.

Therefore, at the beginning of the show, when introducing Li Tiezhu, he said:

"His previous ambition was to be a contractor, and his biggest wish was to win the project of Faxiaojia Pig Farm. Unfortunately, he failed to fulfill his dream and entered the music scene instead. A person’s success or failure...doesn’t matter! What’s important is that he uses his talents to contribute to the Chinese music scene. Since his debut, he has dominated the pop music scene for five consecutive years, and he has brought back two Grammy trophies for the Chinese music scene! It is the mudslide in the Chinese music scene—Li Tiezhu!"

Li Tiezhu appeared on the stage: "Eh? What makes my gains and losses unimportant? Co-authored, am I here to work as a contractor in the music scene? You also added some ideas, and the program team will make it clear to me. Otherwise, I will tie the director..."

The picture turns into snowflakes...



"It deserves to be a serious brother."

"Is it okay to tie up the director? I wanted to see him tie Hongbo five years ago..."

"Hong Bo: I'll take you to debut, are you tied me?"

"What are you **** for? Huh~"

"Brother Zhu really came to the music scene to be a contractor. Let's take a look at the quality of those songs."

"Three albums in five years, it's already very hanging!"

"Every album is an absolute classic!"

"Four! Do you look down on "Royal Engine"?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

"It is indeed four albums in five years, and Tie Zhu has released a new album."

"Yeah~ This guy usually makes up for music shows, unless a new album is about to be released."

"Set a string of firecrackers to celebrate."

"Crack, crackle, crackle, crackle, bang, bang..."

As the number of seasons of "I Am a Singer" increases, more and more singers who have participated have participated again, so the audience will not complain. What's more, Li Tiezhu is here to sing original songs, and the audience is eager for him to come year after year.

As soon as the screen turned, the music teachers began to comment on Li Tiezhu:

"He is a singer who writes and sings on his own. There is no mediocre work in his impression, which is extremely rare among the great gods of the past."

"Li Tiezhu is a real genius. Don’t look at him as stupid. Peerless geniuses are usually different from ordinary people in their daily lives. They are unique. Tiezhu’s music has been very mature since his debut, and his style is changeable. We have not yet I have seen a singer-songwriter who is more versatile than him..."

"It's hard to imagine that he has achieved such amazing achievements when he is less than twenty-two years old! He participated in the show and sang original works, which is what I am most looking forward to this show..."

Teachers’ comments... **** doesn’t make sense, it’s not professional at all, it just lasts for a long time.


One week before the competition, the singer's lounge.

Li Tiezhu knocked on the door, and the uncle inside said lazily, "Please come in."

Li Tiezhu walked in carrying a bag of tea that was a specialty of his hometown, and said, "Hello teacher, a small gift is not a respect."

Liu Le took it quickly, and the two were already very familiar. When Li Tiezhu won the title of "The Good Songs of China" last year, his mentor was Liu Le. Therefore, Liu Le is a real one, one of Li Tiezhu's teachers in music.

Liu Le: "What's the situation?"

Li Tiezhu: "I was dragged over as soon as I got off the plane..."

Liu Le put on a mask instantly: "Hide me away!"

Li Tiezhu: "I came from Kyoto."

Liu Le just laughed and said: "That's pretty much the same, what's your situation? I don't see you on the list of show crews!"

Li Tiezhu: "Isn't it because some guests are abroad and can't come? I was temporarily pulled in to make up the count."

"Are you still making up? You are still called making up something like this?"

"Is you with me just to make up the number?"

" have changed! You have become slick, you didn't have so many twists and turns before."

"What was I like before?"

"In the past, you would think that my braids are ugly and that I don't have a neck..."

"I feel the same way now, and you don't have a neck."


"If you don't believe me, try stretching your neck?"

"Not stretched."

"I'll help you stretch out, the cameraman pays attention to taking close-ups! One, two, three, leave you..."


Liu Le never dreamed that the first time he came to the stage of "I Am A Singer", the first talent to perform was to stretch his neck or be forced to stretch his neck.

Li Tiezhu pulled his chubby head up, and a huge force came from him, unable to resist.

Liu Le was abruptly pulled out of his neck by Li Tiezhu!

In the later period, the teacher was very considerate, and also marked it, from the torso joint to the lower edge of the double chin, the total length...

2.5 cm.

The barrage is so stupid:

"I lost my head..."


"Brother Serious, really serious!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

"Is 2.5 centimeters serious?"

"Add chicken legs later!"

"Hey, hey, pull the radish, puff, puff~"

"What good is it for you to laugh at me? Li Tiezhu!"

"Look at Brother Zhu's serious expression."

"Liu Le: yue~"

"Hahahahaha, I can't laugh anymore."

"This is Tie Zhu. I changed the corpse so early on the spot."

After releasing Liu Le's head, Li Tiezhu said seriously, "Teacher, you don't have a neck, but your neck is short."

Liu Le: "Go away! Go away! It hurts me so much..."

Li Tiezhu said, "So, I was suddenly arrested by the arrested young man. I was a little nervous about this show."

Liu Le rubbed his neck: "What are you worried about? This show is not easy for you? Isn't it, ah... writing songs! Singing! What is the difficulty? Haven't you been here?"

Li Tiezhu said: "But, I haven't thought of releasing a new album recently! I still want to release it next year."

Liu Le: "Then I will arrange homework for you. Just write an album for this show. Don't talk about your fans, Aunt Han Hong and I can't wait for you to release a new album. You're not good, you want to wait. next year?"

Li Tiezhu looked at the system and found that his intelligence was more than two hundred, he was so rich that he had never been so rich before, so he nodded:

"Well then, I'll just make a few songs."

Liu Le just said: "Hey! That's right! You're worried, who's not worried? Look at me, I'm so old..."

Li Tiezhu: "Yes! The loess has covered your neck."

Liu Le: "..."

Li Tiezhu: "Teacher, you continue."

Liu Le took a deep breath: "How come I am in my fifties..."

Li Tiezhu: "No, you are almost sixty."

Liu Le: "Director! Director? Just blast this thing away for me. He doesn't have me, and I don't have him!"

Li Tiezhu: "Why are you still angry? The age of the female artist is a secret. You are a rough man with a braid. Have you been in a secret? Is it pretentious?"

Liu Le was stupid, Li Tiezhu was not so fierce in the show last time.

That's because the status is different. One is the teacher and the other is the student. Now it's different. Everyone is a guest.

Liu Le was stunned for a while, then laughed: "Tie Zhu! Have you seen other guests?"

Li Tiezhu: "No, I will be here as soon as I arrive."

Liu Le: "Ah! Thank you for your interest. Now I have seen the loess buried in the neck. Let's also see the loess buried in the chest and the belly button. You can't favor one or the other."

Li Tiezhu: "Of course! I will visit every guest."

"Go ahead."

"But I still want to talk to the teacher about music..."

"I won't do it today, get to know people first, and then there will be opportunities to discuss and communicate."

"Yes! Then I'll leave first, teacher."

"Bon Voyage!"


"Fuck you!"

As soon as Li Tiezhu went out, Liu Le kicked him and locked the door behind him.

Liu Le let out a sigh of relief: "I'm so angry!"

Outside the door, Li Tiezhu touched his butt: "Hey! Teacher Liu Le is still so kind, so nice!"

The barrage was stunned, is that how you view the problem?

So... hardcore!

Li Tiezhu went to the room of the escape plan. He met them when he recorded "The Good Songs of China" last year.

There were a lot of people in their room, and Li Tiezhu shook hands and greeted each other and gave gifts.

When he held an aunt, Li Tiezhu was taken aback: "This is your agent, huh? Hello, hello! A little gift is not a tribute!"

The few people who planned to flee were all dumbfounded.

"She is not a broker."

"Tie Zhu, can you not even know her?"

"She is Teacher Qi Yu."

Li Tiezhu said, my aunt's hand became harder.

Auntie's awkward smile finally eased.

Li Tiezhu said, "It turns out to be a music teacher, disrespectful! Isn't Mr. Liang Xiaobai becoming the music director this time? Hello, Mr. Qi Yu! Please help me to arrange for me in the future, I am very stupid..."

Qi Yu: "..."

She even suspected that Li Tiezhu was here to humiliate her.

Teacher Mao San, the lead singer of the Escape Project, came over and introduced Li Tiezhu in his ear: "This is Teacher Qi Yu from Daliwan, a well-known singing artist..."

Li Tiezhu was immediately embarrassed: "This... I'm sorry! Teacher Qi Yu, I really don't know you, don't mind. I'm sorry!"

Qi Yu smiled reservedly: "It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s normal for you young people to have never heard our songs, right? Li Tiezhu? In recent years, you have listened to popular songs. I think it’s been several years since you accounted for half of the popular songs. Are you thirty?"

Li Tiezhu: "Twenty-one."

Qi Yu: "..."

This Nima, instead of talking!

Twenty-one is old enough to be the grandson of Qi Yu.


"Too embarrassing, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

"It's really embarrassing, embarrassing cancer has committed me."

"Li Tiezhu has never heard that Qi Yu is normal. He is too young."

"Hahahaha agent."

"Li Tiezhu is a real Han Han."

"Only 21 years old? Why do I feel that I have been chasing Li Tiezhu for half a lifetime?"

"I made my debut at the age of 17, how tender it was then."

"When he was seventeen, Li Tiezhu was so tender... as black as he is now."


After that, Li Tiezhu went to the door with no face and no skin. The other singers knew or did not know, and Li Tiezhu was not afraid of embarrassment.

They are Wu Qingshan, Zhang Xin and Kostov, a young singer from Raksha Country.

It is worth mentioning that this Kostov, who is two years younger than Li Tiezhu, made his debut three years earlier than Li Tiezhu. He made his debut in a children's singing competition and is also a very capable singer.

Li Tiezhu didn't know that there were crooked nuts, but when he broke in with the tea leaves, he was confused: "Hello! It's resistant to tearing and spitting rice oil, so you can get through it?"

The young Kostov was also taken aback: "#@%&*%¥~*%..."

Li Tiezhu was taken aback for a moment: "Kicked with Japanese money, Gerun kicked."

Kostov's expression changed from dazed to ecstasy, and he jumped up and shouted: "Brother Robo never looses his belt, he is fascinated by the sun, and he is poking..."

Li Tiezhu: "Huh? You can speak Chinese?"

The translator helped to explain: "He won't, he only knows a few of your famous sayings, and he doesn't know the meaning yet."

Li Tiezhu: "So, is he so excited?"

Translation: "Little K is a big fan of yours. Originally, he didn't plan to come to this show. As you know, he will have to be quarantined for half a month when he comes. It was because Hong Bo lied to him that you were coming, and he decided to come. , I didn't really came."

Li Tiezhu was not surprised, and nodded calmly. In recent years, he has not gone abroad many times, and it is not too few. He often encounters situations where some foreign artists are his fans.

I heard that the sucker who plays football likes Li Tiezhu's songs very much. He often plays table tennis while listening to his songs.

Translation: "Oh, Xiao K said he wanted to take a photo with you, and also wanted your signature. When he came, he prepared a camera for instant imaging just to ask for your signature."

Li Tiezhu: "Sure."

Click, click, click, click...

After a random shot, Li Tiezhu began to sign and asked: "You don't sing well, what do you like me for?"

Kostov: "Because I like music, people who like music will love your songs! I watched your concert in the U.S. on TV, and the sound of that Chinese trumpet made me feel like I was on the battlefield... "

Li Tiezhu: "That's called Suona. UU Reading"

After perfunctory fans, Li Tiezhu finally returned to his rest room. He took out the Huami tablet computer that accompanied him for five years from his bag, which he bought during the final of "Super Sound".

At that time, Li Tiezhu and Yi Xiaomao shared a training room.

Li Tiezhu was about to copy the song, the door opened, and a familiar stranger walked in, tall and good-looking.

"Ah...Sister Liang Tian."


Liang Tianchao sat on the sofa with his hands, deliberately ignoring Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu scratched his head: "My agent or you this season?"

Liang Tian glared at the beads: "What is it called me? Do you despise me? Then I will go?"

Full of resentment, she has been holding back this resentment for three full years!

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