Dayong looked at Jusao and said embarrassedly: "How can I enter the mansion compound of Situ's house with my status? Not to mention seeing Bai Chi late!"

"Don't underestimate your abilities so much, you can do it!" Jusao smiled and patted Dayong's shoulder, and then calmly pulled a leaf from a green broad-leaved plant next to her and wiped her hands.

"Sister Ju, you praise me too much, I really can't help it..." Dayong said with a sad face.

Jusao's face changed: "Do you dare to violate the meaning of the above? Be careful, I am afraid you will somehow break your arm and lose your leg!"

"I dare not dare, I am, oh, well, I will try my best!" Dayong was shocked.

Xiao Ye's power and courage are aware of, and he also knows that if he is not obedient, it will definitely end badly.

In comparison, although it is difficult to see Bai Chichi, it is better than offending Master Xiao.

After weighing the pros and cons, Dayong could only nod his head obediently.

Only then did Jusao laugh again: "Don't worry, that person Bai Chichi is very kind, it shouldn't be difficult to see him, you can go to their house for a few laps if you are fine, there is always a chance!"

"Well, just Jusao, can you give me some funding? I have to buy some decent clothes. It's a high-end residential area." Dayong reached out.

"Okay, as long as you complete the task, it's easy to say." Jusao readily took out a few hundred yuan bills from her trouser pocket this time and stuffed it into Dayong's hand.

But she immediately said: "This money can be used for special purposes, if you use it to buy white noodles, don't blame me for being polite!"

Dayong laughed and said, "How could it be? I have no other strengths. I still know how to be trusted by others."

"You know what you are interested in! Don't say, your kid's acting skills are really good, and he fooled Qin Xuesong, he didn't doubt you at all!" Jusao praised Da Yong.

"That was, when he came to see me, I said it really sincerely. Everything was to help him pursue Bai Chichi. He felt that my kindness was too late, so why would he doubt me?" Dayong triumphed, not thinking Shame and pride.

Jusao gave him a disdainful look: "Come on, you are really hitting a snake with a stick if you say a few words! Give you some sunshine, and it will be bright again!"

"Excessive humility equals pride, isn't it?" Dayong stood up while putting the money in his pocket.

"Don't be so mean, do your business well!" Jusao walked to the door and opened the door.

It seemed that this was going to see off the guests. Dayong had to go out, but after a few steps, he turned back and said to Jusao: "Situ Qing is not a messy master. If he finds out that I'm doing a ghost, he will not Will trouble me?"

"Are you afraid? Don't worry, you know what Xiao Ye's means!" Jusao's eyes were full of admiration and fear.

Dayong nodded: "That's true, but if I am in any danger, please ask Sister Ju to find someone to settle it for me."

"Go away, you're so timid before you leave, what else can you do?" Jusao's face suddenly sank.

At this time, two villagers walked over from the alley, Jusao raised her voice and said to Dayong: "Brother, come and see your sister more when you have time. This time, if you have something to do, I won't keep you. Go slow!"

Da Yong heartily laughed: "Okay, big cousin, I will come often when I have time in the future!"

Walking out of Jusao’s farmhouse, Dayong went to the underground mall and bought a piece of clothing. It looked a lot better, but his face and his movements still showed that he was a somewhat sick person.

Situ Qing's home is not so easy to get in. If you are dressed in tatters, you will definitely be suspected, so Dayong is still a bit clever.

After he was cleaned up, he went to a small restaurant to have a good meal, to embolden himself, and then he came to the block where the Situ family mansion was located.

I don't know if Bai Chichi is at home now or what she is doing, Dayong is very nervous.

Jusao said that Bai Chichi is a beautiful person, and because of his innocence, he is very kind. It should be easy to listen to others.

I hope so, if Bai Chichi was as cunning and insidious as Jusao, Dayong would really be nothing.

Looking outside the courtyard of Situ's house, only a few servants came in and out, and the gardener was cleaning the fallen leaves. Dayong did not see Bai Chichi.

Because Jusao showed him the photos, Dayong knew what Bai Chichi looked like.

After waiting for a long time, Dayong's drug addiction was about to come up, he kept yawning, his nose and tears flowed down.

"Forget it, I was seen this way, and it is not convincing to say anything! Let's find a place to solve the problem first." Dayong said to himself, then turned and left Situ's house.

In the afternoon, Dayong came out of the courtyard again.

This time he was lucky, and Bai Chichi came to the yard for a walk after lunch.

Dayong took a closer look, and Bai Chichi seemed very relaxed and comfortable, sitting under the ginkgo tree wearing headphones and listening to music, still flipping a book in his hand.

It seems that her life with Situ Qing is very moist, Dayong thought, if it makes you so comfortable, I won't feel comfortable!

As long as you, Situ Qing, and Qin Xuesong continue to have contradictions, I will be considered to have completed the task, so beauties, a lot of offenses!

"Mrs. Situ!" Dayong walked to the iron gate of the yard and rang the doorbell.

Bai Chichi didn't hear it at all while wearing headphones.

It was Zhang Ma, who answered the door call.

"who are you looking for?"

Dayong smiled and said, "I'm looking for Madam Situ, Madam Bai Chichi."

"Chi Chi? Who are you?" Zhang Ma asked vigilantly, because Dayong's face was not a good person.

"Please tell Madam Situ, that I am Qin Xuesong's person, and I want to talk to her about something." Dayong knew that Qin Xuesong and Bai Chichi had an unusual relationship.

Mother Zhang knew Qin Xuesong, but she also knew that Situ Qing and Bai Chichi had been unhappy several times for Qin Xuesong, so she was a little hesitant to tell Bai Chichi.

"This matter is very important, it concerns Mrs. Situ's family." Although Dayong is shameless, he still has a good grasp of psychology.

This is also the experience accumulated over the years.

Sure enough, when Zhang's mother heard about Bai Chichi's parents, she couldn't make the decision for her and didn't see Dayong, so she quickly said, "Then you wait."

"Hey, thank you!" Dayong said sweetly.

Zhang Ma came to the garden, walked to Bai Chichi's side and patted her gently. Bai Chichi took off her earphones and smiled and said, "What's wrong, Zhang Ma?"

"Late, someone is looking for you!"

"Look for me? Who?" Bai Chichi felt a little strange.

Madam Zhang pointed to the entrance of the yard and said, "Just waiting there. I saw the video footage is a stranger, but he said he belongs to Qin Xuesong, and he also said that the things to be discussed are related to your family."

"Really?" Bai Chichi stood up in surprise.

"Late, it's not that I talk too much, that person doesn't look very serious, if he is a liar, it would be bad." Zhang Ma felt that Da Yong was scornful, and it was related to Qin Xuesong, which might cause family disputes.

Bai Chichi took a deep breath and said, "It's okay, Zhang Ma."

"Then you can talk to him here, and I will water the flowers in the back, so I can take care of you if I have anything to do."

"Good." Bai Chi nodded.

After getting her consent, Zhang Ma opened the door.

After bringing Dayong to Bai Chichi, Zhang Ma really went to the rose bushes behind and picked up the faucet to pretend to water.

"Mrs. Situ, hello." Dayong smiled and stretched out his hand.

Bai Chichi gently shook him: "Hello."

"This time, I'm here to apologize specifically to Madam!" Dayong said sincerely, bowing his head with a begging look.

"Why?" Bai Chi asked inexplicably.

Without saying a word, Dayong slapped himself a few big slaps, blushing from the slap, and Bai Chichi stepped back in fright.

Mom Zhang rushed over, pulled Bai Chichi behind her, pointed at Dayong and said, "What do you want to do? Get out of here!"

"Old man, don't be afraid, I beat myself to vent my anger to Mrs. Situ!" Da Yong said with a grin, and it looked like he was hit hard.

"What's your anger? Are you crazy!" Madam Zhang said angrily.

Dayong swallowed a mouthful of water: "Well, I cut the gas pipe of Mrs. Situ's family last time!"

"What?" Bai Chichi was taken aback.

"I, I did this for a reason, because Qin Xuesong is kind to me." Dayong deliberately stopped talking.

Bai Chichi said to Madam Zhang: "Mother Zhang, let me talk to him alone."


"Don't worry, old man, I will never do anything to Mrs. Situ, just say a few words!" Dayong hurriedly swore to the sky.

Zhang Ma had no choice but to withdraw, but still did not go far.

"Okay, if you just apologize to me, don't say it." Bai Chichi said with a frown.

"It's not just an apology, I just want to tell my wife that this matter is my own opinion, and it has nothing to do with Qin Xuesong, Brother Qin."

Bai Chichi looked at him: "I believe he will not ask people to do such a thing."

"Yes, at that time, my brain was too hot, and I actually did something inferior to a pig and a dog. I regretted that my intestines were green." Dayong shook his head, regretting the original appearance.

"Forget it, it's all over, but fortunately, my parents didn't have any troubles, you can go." Bai Chichi felt that the brave explanation also showed that he was repenting.

Because Bai Chichi had always been forgiving and forgiving, he didn't want to pursue the past.

As long as I heard that it had nothing to do with Qin Xuesong, that was fine.

"Okay, Mrs. Situ, I don't ask for your forgiveness. I just ask you not to blame Brother Qin. He really didn't know it. I did it without telling him! Later, he came to see me in the bureau and was ruthless. He scolded me!" Dayong's voice trembled as he spoke.

Bai Chichi sighed and said: "You have been punished now. There is nothing to forgive or not forgive, but Cedar has been wronged."

"Yes, this is what I am most worried about! Brother Qin really wants to be nice to you, really!"

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