Bai Chichi smiled and said to Situ Qing: "Yes, yes, of course I know you are, but I am not! Think about it, before you and Chen Yuan, and Mengran, there are even earlier... .."

"I didn't say this to let you open up the old account!" Situ Qing wanted to stop Bai Chichi, but because he couldn't move, he could only watch her and waved his hand.

"Isn't it? Oh, yes, when it comes to Chen Yuan, I don't know how she is!" Bai Chichi's face darkened.

Situ Qing frowned, "In fact, there is one thing I haven't told you."


"Didn't I arrest a person named Xiaoye in my mission this time, he is the master behind the whole thing."

Bai Chichi nodded: "I heard something from Xiao Zi."

"The grievances between Master Xiao and us have been around for a long time, but these are not the main points. I will have time to tell you slowly in the future." Situ Qing adjusted his posture a bit. He was actually quite tired lying down.

Bai Chichi looked at him: "Then what is the point?"

"The reason why I was able to catch Lord Xiao this time is because Jusao provided very reliable information, coupled with the anonymous information in my mailbox from time to time, these are of great help to us and can be said to be the most critical."

"Sister Ju, I know, but that anonymous?" Bai Chi tilted his head, feeling a little strange.

"Yes, anonymous. But in Situ Group, there are so many talented people, I let the IT department go beyond the source of this news."

Bai Chichi saw Situ Qing pause for a while, and she sat upright nervously.

"We found it."

At this moment, the little baby moved, and Bai Chichi hugged the baby and patted and coaxed him, still singing nursery rhymes.

Situ Qing laughed: "You are so cute now, if only you can take a picture!"

"What do you do when you take the photo? Is it really like those crazy babes who show people our private lives everywhere?"

"It's not enough to expose your baby, you have to expose your wife!" Situ Qing said without hesitation, making Bai Chichi look at him with contempt.

Seeing that the baby was asleep again, Situ Qing continued to talk to Bai Chichi: "After searching, the IP address of that anonymous email was found in our city, and then through the efforts of the Internet police, guess what, it turns out The person who provided us the news was actually Yu Beibei, that is, Chen Yuan."

"Huh?" Bai Chichi was taken aback.

Situ Qing let out a sigh of relief: "Chen Yuan used to be Xiao Ye's subordinate. I knew a lot of his inside information. I should have thought of this long ago."

"It turned out to be like this! So Chen Yuan was indispensable for catching Lord Xiao this time?" Bai Chichi didn't know what it was like.

It seemed that Chen Yuan was really lost. Not only did she fail to take action, she also helped Situ Qing in turn.

"Of course, it's a pity that I was injured. Otherwise, I can find her right away. I can't tell now, and she may have left." Situ Qing felt a little regretful.

Bai Chichi is kind and treats anyone in the same way. Although she doesn't know what Song Zhen said to Chen Yuan before she died, she thinks that Chen Yuan has experienced such a tragic incident, psychological imbalance is absolutely OK. Understandable.

"We can invite her far away!" Bai Chichi also wanted to find Chen Yuan back, because now Chen Yuan is no longer the person who threatened her.

Besides, Chen Yuan is still Bai Chichi's half-sister, and now there is such a cute little baby in the family. As an aunt, Chen Yuan should have appeared.

"From yesterday to today, do you see where there is a little free time in the distance? He is already very hard running up and down, and I can't bear to make him tired again." Situ Qing knew that Situ Yuan was almost two days and two nights. No eyes closed.

Bai Chichi thought about it, too. Now that Xin Xiaozi is pregnant again, Situ Yuan should enjoy his own happiness.

"Then what should we do? Did this make Chen Yuan completely disappear from our lives?" Bai Chichi sighed.

Seeing her expression like that, Situ Yuan comforted her and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you get it back when I get better, but you must think it over. Don't think of those things in the past after seeing Chen Yuan. Come."

"Who do you call me? Am I the kind of person who bears grudges? And Chen Yuan is lonely and helpless in this world. I am her sister, so I should take care of her!" Bai Chichi was a little unhappy. She knew that Situ Qing was still minding the jealous questions in the past.

Of course Situ Qing would mind. It was Chen Yuan that caused a rift between him and Bai Chichi. Now if Bai Chichi's consent was not obtained, he would not really go back to Chen Yuan in private.

If you want to thank Chen Yuan, it's better to say it in person.

"You are not, I can't speak, take care of it!" Situ Qing smiled and coaxed Bai Chichi.

"Do you know that you can't speak anymore?" Bai Chichi shook his head and struck Situ Qing's hand angrily.

Situ Qing looked at her: "I treat Chen Yuan like my sister. If she is willing to come back, I will only have an extra sister-in-law, which is very good."

"Then you must remember this matter." Bai Chichi felt a little bit sour in her heart. She was so happy, but Chen Yuan didn't know where she was going to wander.

"Okay, I remember." Situ Qing solemnly agreed to Bai Chichi.

Then he took out his cell phone: "Let me call Qin Xuesong and Luo Hui'an first. I don't know if Chen Yuan and Luo Yi still have contact."

"You reminded me, hurry up, hit it!" Bai Chichi heard Situ Qing's words, and a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared.

Chen Yuan's relationship with Luo Yi was actually very good before. If they hadn't been obsessed with revenge, they might have become lovers.

Situ Qing smiled and called Qin Xuesong first.

"You know, I'm a father!" Situ Qing said proudly as soon as he got on the phone.

Qin Xuesong was stunned.

"When did it happen? I left some things in the past two days, why did I give birth so late?"

"Where are you going to say hello to you when the baby is born late? Don't hurry over and congratulate us!" Situ Qing was in a good mood.

Qin Xuesong couldn't help laughing: "I'm very happy, right? Listen to your tone, it must be the mother and the child! I'll be back by the fastest plane!

"Of course I'm happy. I gave birth to a son late, so you are so handsome!" Situ Qing said proudly.

Qin Xuesong shook his head speechlessly: "You are a president, don't be like me, you have the same tone as a gangster!"

"The president is happy! Come to drink Xi Bar, and reward you for your job as a godfather!" Situ Qing's words surprised both Bai Chichi and Qin Xuesong.

It seemed that he had completely let go of his prejudice against Qin Xuesong, and also gave such an important position to Qin Xuesong.

Bai Chichi felt that this was the open-mindedness of a man, and it was also what she most hoped to see.

"That's for sure, don't go back!" Of course Qin Xuesong was also very happy, and he was anxious to come back to see Bai Chichi and the baby.

When Bai Chichi became pregnant, Qin Xuesong had always been with her. After the joys, sorrows, sorrows, and joy, this lovely baby was what everyone expected.

"I regret it? When did Situ Qing regret it? But you have to hurry up, it's out of date!" Situ Qing hung up the phone after speaking.

Bai Chichi smiled and said to him: "Are you really going to let Cedar be the baby's godfather?"



"That kid has a lot of ancient houses, worth a lot of money!" Situ Qing laughed.

Bai Chichi said angrily and funny: "When did you become such a bargain? I sold my son for a few houses!"

"Stupid wife, can't you tell the joke? Qin Xuesong is actually a very good person. I misunderstood him before, and I am still willing to live with him peacefully in the future!" Situ Qing put a smile away and became serious.

Bai Chichi was very moved in his heart, Situ Qingzhen had already let go of his former grudges. After he became a father, he became more sensible and mature.

"Okay, now it's Luo Hui'an's turn." Situ Qing smiled and patted Bai Chichi's head.

Luo Hui'an was of course very happy to hear that Situ Qing and Bai Chichi's children were born. He has always been concerned about Bai Chichi.

However, because it was a week earlier than the due date, Luo Hui'an was still surprised.

"Is it a young master?"

"Yes, I also have a son now." Situ Qing said happily.

"Congratulations! But I am in Sichuan now. I will let Luo Yi go over and see the delay first. This is really great!" Luo Hui'an thought very thoughtfully.

After hearing these words, Situ Qing thought that if he saw Luo Yi, he could also inquire about Chen Yuan's affairs, and of course he happily agreed.

"Okay, you let him come first!"

After hanging up the phone, Situ Qing said to Bai Chi Chi, “Chi Chi, Luo Yi will come over in a while. It’s not good for you to sit like this all the time. How about being in a ward?”

"Are you crazy, you are a surgeon, and I am an obstetrician, how can you be in the ward?" Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing in surprise.

"I said yes, it is not difficult." Situ Qing asked Situ Yuan to come in, and then said a few words to him.

Situ Yuan smiled and said, "Your request is too much. I don't know if the hospital can agree to it."

"Go to the dean, he will definitely agree!" Situ Qing said confidently.

Situ Yuan shook his head and walked out.

"Is it really possible?" Bai Chichi was a little skeptical, which hospital has such a precedent?

"Relax." Situ Qing only said two words.

At this time, Xin Xiaozi and Bai father and mother who were waiting outside also came in, and they all knew about Situ Qing's unreasonable request.

"You are so imaginative!" Xin Xiaozi went to hug the baby as soon as he came in.

"The dean is my old chief, I know him too well, and he has always been humanized!" Situ Qing said with a smile.

Father and mother Bai heard his arrangement and thought it was good, but it was a bit out of compliance.

"Dad, Mom, this way our family is in the same ward, so it's convenient to take care of it, isn't it?"

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