Kang Shaonan smiled slightly and looked at Shen Yimo without any dodge.

He has never been a person afraid of challenges!

Yu Xiao, who was standing next to Kang Shaonan, didn't know that a simple handshake was a silent contest between two men. In the end, I don't know who let go first. Shen Yimo looked at Kang Shaonan with a smile, and said quietly: "Yu Xiao is a good girl, be optimistic about her, don't let anyone take advantage of her, otherwise, you are just her boyfriend." It was a calm tone, but transparent. With a full provocation.

Kang Shaonan smiled indifferently, stretched out his hand to embrace Yu Xiao and replied softly in his arms: "I really hope that this opportunity will make her more confident in herself.

"Really? Unexpectedly Mr. Kang is such a confident person!"

"I've always been confident! Mr. Shen, it's nice to meet you. Today, Xiaoxiao and I have something to do. Let's go ahead."

"it is good!"

When Kang Shaonan took Yu Xiao's hand and walked towards his car, Shen Yimo also sat in his car silently, started quickly, drove out of the square, and disappeared into the neon night...

Kang Shaonan took his young wife to the side of the car, opened the door for her, and watched her sit down, then closed the door and went around the front of the car into the cab.

"Sorry for making you wait so long..." He rushed over before get off work time, but she asked him to wait here for two hours.

Kang Shaonan listened to the little wife's words and turned his body to the side, looking at her with a scorching smile: "So...should you make up for me?" After speaking, he leaned over to her, when his lips were about to touch. She suddenly stopped.

Yu Xiao looked at him with a sweet smile, stretched out his hand to wrap his neck and actively kissed his lips, and even took the initiative to hold his lips and **** the kiss forcefully.

Her initiative gave him a surprise in his heart. His little wife finally became civilized. He reached out and took her into his arms and held her back of the head. He deepened the kiss fiercely.

Missing is the catalyst of emotion, both for him and for her. Within a week, they missed each other deeper...

When the kiss ended, her cheeks were full of red, and her big eyes were shining brightly in the faint light, which made his body move. If it were not for more important things to do, he really wanted to ask her here.

"Kang Shaonan, where are we going now?" She blinked her eyes to look at him, and her smile kept blooming on her face.

It was only a few days, but she felt that she hadn't been so happy in a long time. He came back, and her world began to become sunny again.

"Go and buy something for the honeymoon..." He pressed another kiss on her lips, feeling satisfied, then let go of her and started the car.

"Don't you have it at home?" What else do you take for your honeymoon? Isn’t it enough to bring money?

"Silly girl..." He rubbed her hair fondly, stepped on the accelerator lightly, and the car drove towards the mall.

Yu Xiao didn't know what Kang Shaonan was buying, and she didn't want to care about it. Anyway, she just needs to be by his side. He bought a lot, but she didn't remember what he bought either...

When the two returned home, it was already time for dinner. Except for the servants, everyone else went back to the bedroom to sleep. Kang Shaonan asked the servants to rest, and went into the kitchen to make a quick dinner. Yu Xiao has been sitting in the dining room, looking at his busy figure with his head raised, and sometimes smiling silly...

After dinner, Kang Shaonan cleaned up the kitchen and led his wife back to their bedroom. As soon as he walked in, he couldn't wait to close the door, bend down to lift her up, strode to the side of the bed and gently put her in the big bed.

In a week, he finally tasted the pain of lovesickness. Not being able to sleep with his little wife in his arms every night has become more and more torture for him. Thinking of her, I can't sleep at night.

As his body pressed up, she put her small hand on her chest and reminded him shyly: "Didn't you say that we will be on the plane tomorrow morning? Everything hasn't been cleaned yet."

"Baby, I can't wait, I'll clean up when I'm done..." He lowered his words and covered her lips, his tongue arrogantly pried away her teeth, and plunged into her mouth with unprecedented enthusiasm , Wantonly plundering her breath, tasting her sweetness...

The clothes on his body were stripped off piece by piece by him, and her jade-like skin was finally exposed to the air, burning his eyes. This kind of her is like a lychee that has just been peeled, fresh and tender, and those big eyes looking around, seeming to take away the human soul. And her pink lips, with a seductive luster against the light, people can't help but want to kiss Fangze...

Such her, for him, is a fatal temptation...

This night, Yu Xiao leaned in Kang Shaonan’s arms, sleeping soundly, soundly...

Early the next morning, Yu Xiao was woken up by Kang Shaonan, got up quickly, washed and changed clothes. After eating a simple breakfast downstairs, the two said goodbye to their families, got in the car driven by Kang Shaodong, and went straight to the airport...

Kang Shaonan packed the luggage, and he asked his younger brother Kang Shaobei to help book the ticket. Even when he boarded the plane, Yu Xiao knew that their honeymoon destination was Suzhou, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. Not long after the plane took off, Yu Xiao fell asleep leaning on Kang Shaonan's shoulder. No way, he had been tossing for too long last night, and her body was a little overwhelmed, so sleepy, she had to take a good rest. Just this sleep, I fell asleep to the destination.

After getting off the plane, Kang Shaonan took Yu Xiao to the reserved hotel. In Yu Xiao’s subconscious, a prominent family like Kang Shaonan would definitely stay in a star-rated hotel on their honeymoon, but when he took her to stand in front of the hostel, she knew that the layout in front of her was unique, with rockery and greenery. Trees and a small courtyard in Suzhou with a long and small corridor are their camping sites.

On the way from the airport to here, she already felt the freshness and leisure here, as well as the unique ease from the ancient city. But standing in the small courtyard, looking at a few green trees, a few rockery, and the red-painted door of the moss all over the floor, she really felt the leisure that was different from T City. Fresh and elegant.

She really likes this feeling!

Putting away the luggage, Yu Xiao took Kang Shaonan out of the door without taking care of the rest.

"Aren't you tired? We can take a break first!" Although she slept on the plane for a few hours, he was still worried about her small body. Didn't hold back last night, is she really okay?

"I'm not tired, Kang Shaonan, this place is so beautiful!" Yu Xiao let go of Kang Shaonan's hand excitedly, walked along the old street, looking at the river next to the old street, and then looking at the shops next to the old street, the decoration is simple There are all kinds of gadgets in the store of Yu Xiao, and Yu Xiao walks in the past one by one, every one of them can't put it down.

Kang Shaonan followed Yu Xiao, watching her constantly excited since getting off the plane, that little face was full of sweetness, and his heart was also full. It is the peak tourist season and there are a lot of tourists on the road. Kang Shaonan is afraid that he will lose his little wife accidentally. He has been following her closely. He has a tall and straight figure and outstanding head. With his three-dimensional features, he is very in the crowd. Is eye-catching. But his sight only stayed on his little wife, took a photo of her with a camera, and saw that she had a favorite gadget, he helped her buy it behind him. After a short time, he had already bought it. pile.

It’s already time to eat. There are a lot of snacks on the roadside. Try a little bit of each one. Walking along the way, Yu Xiao is full. Tired of walking, I sat down on a lounge chair by the river, Yu Xiao happily nestled beside Kang Shaonan, quietly watching everything in front of him.

There is a small bridge in front, and visitors are constantly coming and going on the bridge, and there are painting boats passing by from time to time under the bridge. Yu Xiao looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him, and couldn't help but be stunned.

"Kang Shaonan, let's live here!" After seeing so much, Yu Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

The irritability and restlessness of T City were all cleaned up in the one or two hours she came here, as if she had relieved all the burden. She felt an indescribable sense of relief all over her body. If you live here, never go back to Kang's house, how great!

Of course, even if Kang Shaonan didn't tell her, she knew that it was just an imagination.

No matter where you go, home, you still have to go back.

"Like here so much?" Kang Shaonan smiled and rubbed her hair, seeing her happy and peaceful look, his mood was better than ever.

"Well, I really like it! It feels like the people here are living in a painting. They don’t fight for fame or fortune. Here you can watch time quietly passing by your fingertips and walk along the river with your loved ones. , Go shopping in small shops, what a beautiful life..."

Well, she has no ambitions.

But here, she really likes it!

"Then who do you want to walk along the riverside and shop with me?" Kang Shaonan smiled and looked at her.

"Of course it's you? Do you still want me to be with others?" Yu Xiao gave him a bit irritating glance.

"That means... I am your beloved?" He just asked her on purpose when she said that she likes to walk along the river with her beloved.

"Um..." Yu Xiao had forgotten what he said before, or was taken aback for a moment, then looked at him and asked, "What did you say?"

Although he liked him and became a well-known couple with him, but the word beloved seemed to be far away from him. Although she is not sure, she knows one thing very well. If there is such a day in the future, the person she hopes to walk with herself is him!

"Then I will take it." He grabbed her shoulders and smiled. Her rhetorical question made him feel a little disappointed. Such an uncertain answer hurt his heart somewhat. But it was lost. He knew it took time to fall in love with someone, and it was only two months since they met.

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