Kang Shaoxi's affairs with the rich Zihao were settled very quickly, because the rich Zihao's image was good and his family background was also there. Both Mr. Kang and Kang Zhenguo were very satisfied with the only uncle of the Kang family. The rich Zihao is a man who specializes in dealing with things. He has been to Kang's house only a few times, and he has won the love of Kang and Kang Zhenguo. The parents of both sides also chose a good day to sit and gather together. They are both people in the business world, and they all talked about it. In this way, Kang Shaoxi and Fu Zihao got engaged within a few days and became veritable unmarried lovers.

Of course, the two people’s engagement made the city’s headlines the day after they got engaged. After all, they represent the marriage of two groups.

Kang Shaoxi's friend Shen Xinrou was once very puzzled about this matter. Kang Shaoxi explained to her that the rich Zihao had nothing to do with her. But she promised to her friend that she would still take care of Shen Xinrou and her elder brother, so please rest assured.

After Yu Xiao stayed in the hospital for a few days, he was taken home by his parents. In Ren Zhiping’s words, the doctor felt that Yu Xiao’s body was fine, as long as he went home to recuperate and strengthen nutrition. Yu Xiao didn't think much about it. Besides, being in the hospital was also a torment for her. She felt better when she returned home.

During Yu Xiao's return home, Uncle Ming and Shen Yimo had visited her, but they were rejected by Ren Zhiping for various reasons. Of course, Yu Xiao didn't know about these things. Jingya has always felt guilty because of Yu Xiao’s miscarriage. She wanted to go to see Yu Xiao with An An, but An An felt that Yu Xiao’s mental condition was not very good, and wanted to comfort Yu Xiao after Kang Shaonan came back. , Wait until she feels better.

For others, a month’s time came in the blink of an eye, but for Yu Xiao, the month when Kang Shaonan left, it was like years. Whether walking or sitting or lying down, Yu Xiao missed Kang Shaonan more and more day by day. The closer to a month, the more and more tormented this kind of miss. Yu Xiao couldn't wait to sleep at night. When she woke up, she saw Kang Shaonan standing in front of her in the blink of an eye. But it was just an imagination, Kang Shaonan never appeared.

On the day when Kang Shaonan called Yu Xiao for a whole month, Yu Xiao had a miscarriage that happened to be twenty-five days away. During the time when Kang Shaonan was away, Yu Xiao counted the days every day, and today is the whole time. Thirty days. He said that as soon as he came back, he would come back to see her as soon as possible, but she didn't call back from 6 o'clock in the morning to 10 o'clock in the evening. Her mother Ren Zhiping urged her several times and told her to take a break at this time. Yu Xiao closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. But when her mother left the room, she couldn't help but open her eyes, her ears stretched out, listening to the movement of the door. At twelve-thirty in the morning, she couldn't support it, and then she closed her eyes and fell asleep deeply.

I don't know how long she slept, Yu Xiao started to have nightmares again. She kept shouting in her dreams, but she exhausted all her strength, but she couldn't shout. In a daze, she felt as if she had fallen into a warm embrace, with a big powerful hand gently tapping behind her, and a familiar and pleasant voice softly comforting her ear.

As if to find safety to rely on, Yu Xiao gradually calmed down, and completely entered a sweet dream in this warm embrace...

Because she slept too late last night, Yu Xiao slept until ten o'clock the next morning. When she opened her eyes, she clearly felt the hand on her waist, a masculine breath that was too familiar to me. Haunting around her breath, her eye sockets suddenly moistened, and tears poured out in an instant: "Kang Shaonan...Is that you?"

After a month of suffering, she didn't even dare to move, for fear that she was in a dream. If she moved, he would disappear.

"Baby, my husband is back!" Kang Shaonan slightly lifted up and kissed her cheek lightly.

When his familiar voice rang in her ears, she slowly turned around, tears streaming down her face when she looked at Kang Shaonan in front of her.

"Baby, don't cry..." Kang Shaonan stretched out his hand and took her lightly into his arms, lowered his head and kept kissing her forehead and her soft hair.

"Husband..." After waiting for 30 days, he finally looked forward to him back. Yu Xiaomeng turned around, holding Kang Shaonan and wept loudly: "I'm sorry...Kang Shaonan...our child..." Yu Xiao cried silently Although she was looking forward to the stars and the moon in her heart, she felt that she owed him the moment she really faced him, because she didn't take care of herself and lost their children.

"Baby, my husband knows... My husband knows... It's not your fault... It's your husband's not taking care of you... It's all your husband's fault... Baby, don't cry..." Listening to Yu Xiao's cry, Kang Shaonan The voice choked up, holding her tightly in his arms and kept comforting.

In fact, in this month, he had almost no time to think about his little wife. In the virgin forests of the border area, except for all kinds of snakes and beasts, they are those fierce and treacherous desperadoes. You are a little distracted, and the possible consequences , Are all devastating. Fortunately, this mission was under the command of Kang Shaonan. He squatted for twenty days and finally hit the opponent's seven inches. In the final time, he gave the opponent a fatal blow. A huge drug cartel was killed in one fell swoop. Smashed. However, Kang Shaonan was also hit in the arm by a desperado during this operation. After treatment in the hospital, regardless of the doctor's instructions in the hospital, he asked the driver Xiao Zhang to drive him back to T City overnight.

On the way, he used his mobile phone to call his younger brother Kang Shaobei. At that time, he just wanted to know where his little wife was. He didn’t expect that his younger brother Kang Shaobei told him a heart-wrenching news-his little wife. Wife, miscarriage!

The moment I hung up, I felt unspeakably sorry for my little wife. He is really not a qualified husband, his wife was pregnant and he disappeared for a full month! I really can't imagine how the little wife, who had a weak personality, got through it. When he walked into Yu Xiao's bedroom, he saw her frowning tightly through the moonlight, and seeing the painful expression on her face, should he be having nightmares again? He lay down beside her distressedly, took her into his arms carefully, and comforted her softly, perhaps because she felt his presence, she actually slept soundly.

Yu Xiao shrank in Kang Shaonan’s arms and cried for a long time. The depression for nearly a month made her feel uncomfortable. At this moment when she really saw Kang Shaonan, all the grievances poured out like a flood, and she cried in his arms. It's a fun and dripping.

Kang Shaonan just hugged her body lightly, patted her back with his big hands, bowed his head and kissed her little by little tears. One month is too long. Although there are relatives by his side, he knows that what she needs most is herself!

"Baby, I'm sorry... it's all husband's fault... baby... don't cry..." He kept apologizing in her ear while kissing the tears on her face.

Yu Xiao shook his head desperately in his arms. It was her walking without looking ahead that caused her to fall off the stairs. How could he be blamed? Hearing his sorry words, she cried more fiercely in his arms...

I don't know how long it took, Yu Xiao's voice gradually lowered, and in the end, only Kang Shaonan kept sobbing. Kang Shaonan gently pushed her away, took the paper towel on the bedside and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, bowed his head and kissed her eyes, the tip of her nose, and her pink lips...

"Baby, don't blame yourself anymore, you know? Listening to you crying like this, your husband's heart was broken by you. This is not your fault, it only means that the child has no fate with us, he may think My mother is still too young to be ready to welcome me, so this time, I will go back to my hometown and wait for the next time!" At the end, Kang Shaonan deliberately said the child's voice to comfort his little wife.

Yu Xiao looked at him and blinked his red and swollen eyes, then looked at him dumbly and asked, "Do you really blame me?"

Kang Shaonan was amused by his little wife's words. He held her small face and said guiltily: "My dear, why should I blame you? The wrong person is me. My wife is pregnant, so why run to have a meeting? I am the one who should be punished the most. As long as the wife is not angry with her husband, the husband will be content. How dare you blame you?"

"But...our child...you like children so much..." Yu Xiao kept sniffing and watching him choked and said.

"Children will still have them. We have a chance. Stop crying. As long as you keep a good mood at any time, our children will come soon."


"Of course it's true! When did your husband lie to you?" Kang Shaonan finished speaking and gently kissed her lips...

Because of Kang Shaonan's comfort, Yu Xiao's mood slowly improved. She shrank her body in Kang Shaonan's arms, smelling his unique breath, and felt a very solid feeling in her heart.

He is back! Everything will gradually get better, right?

Yu Xiao put his face on his generous chest, letting his unique masculine aura surround him. But after sniffing, she felt that the smell was a bit wrong, so she sucked her nose hard, it was really wrong! !

He has an indescribable smell from the hospital!

She raised her head and looked at him puzzled: "What does this smell on you? How do you feel like you have just returned from the hospital?"

He smiled: "I went to the hospital to see a comrade-in-arms before I came back last night. That's why I smelled something?

"Really?" She stared at him in disbelief, but she didn't see anything unusual after watching for a long time.

"Of course it's true! By the way, which cafe did you fall from?" When calling, the younger brother Kang Shaobei was a little vague, and Kang Shaonan could only ask his little wife.

"What are you going to do?" Yu Xiao blinked in confusion.

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