Knowing that she had no choice, Kang Shaoxi stood up with a gun, and walked to Aunt Yun nervously. Aunt Yun stretched out her hand neatly to take the gun in her hand, thrust it around her waist, and then quickly turned around and went out. When Kang Shaoxi walked out the door, she found that the people who had been standing on both sides of the room monitoring her had long since disappeared. Seeing Aunt Yun walking away, she immediately followed quickly.

Two people left the lobby of the villa one after another. The car had already been prepared in the yard. Aunt Yun walked to one of them. Someone had already opened the door of the car. Aunt Yun sat in neatly, turning back to signal Kang. Shaoxi sat beside her.

This is the first time Kang Shaoxi has come out of this villa since he came to the United States. The courtyard of the villa is very large, and it took a long time for the car to leave the gate of the courtyard.

Looking at the unfamiliar scenery on both sides, Kang Shaoxi asked Aunt Yun next to him nervously: "Aunt Yun, where are we going?"

"From today, don't ask what you shouldn't ask! Don't say what you shouldn't!" From the moment Wang's Wife turned into Aunt Yun, all the kind side on Aunt Yun's face disappeared. Instead, he said no. The chill out.

Aunt Yun's words caused Kang Shaoxi to close her mouth immediately, and did not dare to say a word along the way.

The car stopped for about an hour. Kang Shaoxi was not in the mood to admire the surrounding scenery, but silently followed Aunt Yun’s side. Seeing that everyone next to her looked respectful and respectful to her, her heart was raised again. Up.

Aunt Yun took her to the living room of the villa. When the two walked in, someone had already been waiting there. As soon as Aunt Yun sat down, the person next to him immediately handed a kraft paper bag and placed it respectfully in front of Aunt Yun.

Aunt Yun glanced at Kang Shaoxi, and said coldly: "Open the bag!"

"Yes!" Kang Shaoxi quickly picked up the kraft paper bag, opened it, reached out and took out the contents, and placed it in front of Aunt Yun.

Aunt Yun looked at her and smiled, beckoning to her to sit next to her, "Look at who the people are on here?"

Kang Shaoxi sat down tremblingly, and took a stack of photos to look carefully. Looking at the smiling face in the photo, her face became more and more nervous. In the photo, it was clearly her family. There are grandpa, father, mother, elder brother, second brother, second sister-in-law, younger brother

, And even Yu Xiao and two newly born nephews...

"It seems that you are really not taken seriously in this family! Look at how happy the Kang family members were during the period after you disappeared. You are just a dispensable person in the family! If you are dead, no one will come to you!" Aunt Yun looked at her expression and leaned against the back of the sofa with a mocking face.

"No! No!" Kang Shaoxi shook his head desperately when others said that to him.

"No? Why have you been missing for so long and no one from your family came to look for you? Even if you can't find it here, at least they should be a little sad about your disappearance? Look at their smiles, like Is it sad?"

"..." Kang Shaoxi held the photo tightly, disappointment spread in her heart infinitely, tears rolled in her eyes, and she couldn't say anything.

"Do you know why they don't care about you?" Aunt Yun stopped her smile, looked at her coldly and asked.


"Why? You can see why for yourself!" Aunt Yun stretched out her hand to take the pile of materials handed over by her men next to her, and threw it in front of Kang Shaoxi.

Kang Shaoxi was stunned, looking at the pieces of paper in front of her, she didn't know what kind of content would be on it, but driven by curiosity, she still picked it up and looked at it page by page. Her eyes widened, she stiffened her head and looked up at Aunt Yun on the sofa next to her and shook her head again: "Impossible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Don't deceive yourself! You are not a child of the Kang family at all! This Zhao Youping is your biological father! Look at these photos, this is evidence that your mother went to find Zhao Youping after you disappeared! And this A few photos, Zhao Youping did come to the United States to find you, but in the end he ended up to no avail!"

"Impossible! If I were Zhao Youping's daughter, how would my brother explain it? He and I are twins!" Kang Shaoxi didn't believe Aunt Yun at all. If she really was Zhao Youping's daughter, she was born with herself. How does Kang Shaodong explain?

"This is very simple! Kang Shaodong is an orphan picked up by your commander's grandfather. Kang Shaodong's real father died while performing a secret mission, so your grandfather took him back home. At that time, your mother gave birth. It didn’t take long for you to report the twins, mainly because you don’t want Kang Shaodong to know your life experience. It seems that this secret is indeed well concealed! If you still don’t believe it, here is a DNA test result to prove it. You and that Zhao Youping are your biological father and daughter!" Aunt Yun said as she handed her a copy of the information.

Kang Shaoxi took it in disbelief, and looked at the 99.99% result above, once again stunned.

It turns out that she is really not Kang's child! No wonder, she has been missing for such a long time, no one came to her!

Seeing the changes in the expression on Kang Shaoxi's face, Aunt Yun knew that these materials had already worked, and continued: "If you don't believe them after reading these materials, then I can only say that you are really too stupid! So self-righteous! Do you really think of yourself as a member of the Kang family? In fact, there is something you may not know..."

Kang Shaoxi looked up and stared at Aunt Yun eagerly and asked, "What's the matter?"

Aunt Yun smiled: "Your grandfather and Kang Zhenguo know your life experience, but everyone is silent and pretends not to know. Of course, your two brothers and younger brothers don't know. I tell you, don't really treat yourself As a dish, you are actually at the Kang family, nothing! Maybe in their minds, you can’t even keep up with the Kang family’s servants, because you will inherit part of the Kang family’s estate, but for the servants, then There is no such worry at all."

Kang Shaoxi's lips twitched a few times, and finally raised her head to stare at Aunt Yun and asked, "Why tell me this?"

Aunt Yun spread her hands and smiled: "We are all smart people, so I won’t go around! I give you two options: one, destroy the Kang family together! Second, cooperate with us and you will get All property of the Kang family!"

"Destroy together? You... what are you going to do?" Even if Kang Shaoxi had the strength, such words would be too frightening for her.

"The Kang family owes two lives to Liu Ye. The Kang family can only understand this grievance with everyone's lives. Of course, in the process of destruction, Liu Ye will definitely swallow most or all of the Kang family's property! If you choose the first path, then you are the first person to die in the Kang family! As long as you choose the first path, I can fulfill your wish within a minute!!"

"No! No! I can't die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!!" When she heard Aunt Yun's words, Kang Shaoxi covered her head and shook her head desperately. She has finally survived until now, and her desire for life is getting bigger and bigger. . Since she is not from the Kang family at all, then she has no reason to be buried with the Kang family.

"That means, are you ready to choose the second way?"

"..." Kang Shaoxi was taken aback when he was asked, his eyes fixed on the ground, as if hesitating.

"I tell you, I don't have much patience to play this game with you! I count three! If you still don't make a choice, I can only think that you have to choose the first one..." Aunt Yun said He pulled out the gun and coldly pointed it at Kang Shaoxi's eyebrows.

"I, I, I, I choose the second one!! I choose the second one!!" Aunt Yun's shot made Kang Shaoxi almost shocked and replied hurriedly.

"Very good! From now on, everyone in the Kang family will be your enemy!"

"I, I, I want to make a provision... can it?" Kang Shaoxi looked at Aunt Yun timidly and asked.


"Can you... let go of my mother?" She could be cruel to other people, but she still couldn't do it to her mother Liu Xiaoyun.

"It's not impossible to let her go, but it depends on your performance! If you go back halfway, the Kang family will die first!!"

"No! No! I listen to all of Aunt Yun!"

Kang Shaoxi came back from the United States, which is definitely a happy event for the Kang family. As soon as she received a call from Kang Shaoxi from the United States, Liu Xiaoyun was overwhelmed with joy. During this year, she looked forward to the stars and the moon, and even went to the temple for so many times. Now, it is finally I heard good news. In order to welcome her daughter's arrival, Liu Xiaoyun deliberately redecorated her daughter's room from the inside out, and all the furniture was replaced with the latest models. Even the clothes in the big closet are brand new. Deep down, she always felt that her daughter must have suffered a lot in foreign countries, so she couldn't wait to buy her everything.

Just before the flight that Kang Shaoxi took arrived, she asked the driver of the family to drive herself to the airport early, staring at the exit without leaving. I was afraid that I was not careful and missed the opportunity to pick up my daughter. Of course, Kang Zhenguo, Kang Shaonan, Kang Shaobei and Kang Shaodong came with her this time. After all, Kang Shaoxi has been missing for a year, and it is impossible to say that she is not worried about her.

As soon as Kang Shaoxi walked out of the exit with the crowd, he saw his mother Liu Xiaoyun, his father, two older brothers and his younger brother Kang Shaodong. Looking at the family in front of her, her body was slightly startled. She hadn't expected her family to take her home so grandly. But what can this show? During the year she was missing, no one went to the United States to find her. Thinking of her experience in the United States, her eyes went dark completely.

One year, she was no longer the former Kang Shaoxi!

Since the Kang family didn't want her, she didn't need to care about family affection anymore!

From now on, she will live for herself!

But despite the thoughts in her heart, a happy smile appeared on her face, and she ran towards the family excitedly.

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