Because of the last time Kang Shaonan took Lan Meng back to the Kang family villa, after returning home, he was still not very much to see Mr. Kang. But after all, he is a child of the Kang family, and only comes back once a week, so he can't be driven out of the house every time. Therefore, apart from Mr. Kang, no one showed excessive behavior towards him. After dinner, Elder Kang called the eldest grandson directly into his room. Prepare to teach your grandson a good lesson. The rest of the family watched Kang Shaonan and Elder Kang walk into the room, and they all sweated for him. After all, when Elder Kang got angry, it was not something ordinary people could bear.

As soon as the door of the room was closed, Kang Shaonan looked at his grandpa with a smile, and helped him to sit down on the sofa. Elder Kang gave him an angry glance.

"Tell me what the **** is going on?" Elder Kang sat down on the sofa with a cane. He didn't get furious as he thought, but looked at Changsun in a steady voice.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" Kang Shaonan asked, sitting opposite his grandpa, pretending to be a fool.

"Don't pretend to me, I'm not sure about your little abacus? Tell me what's the matter with you and Yu Xiao? And that Lan Meng, what is she here for? You transferred her specially What are you doing?" Speaking of the character of his eldest grandson, Kang Shaonan, Mr. Kang is still quite confident. He gets angry outside, and that is just to show others. As for the girl Lan Meng, he knew that he was not an ordinary female soldier.

Kang Shaonan raised his hand and scratched his scalp, looking at his grandfather grinning and complaining: "Jiang is really old and spicy! Grandpa, you are amazing! Nothing can escape your eyes!"

"Go ahead, what's going on?"

Kang Shaonan looked at his grandfather and knew that it was not a matter of a day that he could become a superior commander, so he had no need to hide in front of his grandfather. He cleared his throat and explained the cause and effect of the matter to his old man.

Listening to his grandson explain the ins and outs of the matter, Mr. Kang smiled with satisfaction: "Well, I did a good job! But Aunt Yun's line must be fastened! She is a dead end now, and she is still a mother. She will definitely try everything. How to get revenge! But this way, Shaoxi will suffer! Alas..." He read the letter left by Kang Shaonan when his granddaughter ran away last time. . But to his relief, fortunately, at the last moment, his granddaughter finally saw everything.

The prodigal son will not change his money! As long as she knows her mistakes and corrects them, she will always be Kang's child!

Speaking of her sister, Kang Shaonan's eyes darkened: "I think there should be news of her in a few days. Don't worry too much! If she helps the police solve the case this time, she will definitely get a reduced sentence."

"Hmm... I hope so..." Old man Kang nodded heavily.

On the night when Kang Shaonan returned to T City, Aunt Yun also sneaked into T City with his subordinates Yi Feng and Luo Yi. The car that drove from W city entered the police's sight as soon as it entered T city. After thoroughly grasping the location of the three people, Zhuang Junjie led a large number of police forces and quickly surrounded the three people. In the hotel, all three were arrested and brought to justice. Zhuang Junjie didn't expect things to go so smoothly. He brought all three people back to the bureau, preparing for a surprise interrogation overnight. What he didn't expect was that the first round of interrogation had just begun, and an unexpected situation gave everyone a blow!

Of the three people brought back tonight, none of them are real criminals!

Aunt Yun is a woman, and her thoughts are more careful than men. Before entering T City, she was ready. Using coercive and lure methods, she found three people who were about the same figure as herself and the other two people, and dressed them carefully. After the three people drove away, she took Yi Feng and Luo Yi from another road god. Unconsciously entered the T city.

In fact, Elder Kang is right. Aunt Yun is now at the end of her life. She has lost her son and husband. She is more anxious to come back for revenge than anyone in the rich family before, so her risk index is higher. Zhuang Junjie also realized this a long time ago. He originally planned to wipe out her and the helpers she brought before she could gain a foothold in T City, but he did not expect that he still underestimated the opponent's strength.

An unexpected arrest revealed the intention and actions of the police.

In the first time when the mission failed, Zhuang Junjie thought twice and quickly called Kang Shaonan to get a clear picture of the ins and outs of the matter. Kang Shaonan didn't blame anything, after all, Aunt Yun spent ten or twenty years beside Fu Jiawang, and her thoughts and methods must be much higher than those of ordinary people. He urged Zhuang Junjie to increase surveillance of Ming's villa from now on. Of course, Shen's villa, which is connected to him, also strengthened its defense. As for the Kang family, Mr. Kang is a commander, and the guards around him are not vegetarians. I believe Aunt Yun is so confident that she would not dare to take him. As the principle of ruling the human body by the human way, the target she is preparing to start must be Yu Xiao and her two children.

Kang Shaonan went to Ming's villa the next morning and told Lan Meng about the details. They were all set up properly before leaving T City with confidence.

Three days before Zhuang Junjie arrested the three Yi Feng and Luo Yi who looked like Aunt Yun and her men.

In the old town of T city, in a dilapidated residential building, a girl with heavy make-up, wearing a short skirt and stepping on ten cm platform shoes, followed a middle-aged woman who looked like an intermediary into the top floor 701 . The house is in the demolition area, so the rent here is relatively cheaper, because in this kind of place, if you pay the money today, maybe someone will move you out tomorrow. However, the girl with heavy makeup didn't seem to care about this. She looked around in the house and was quite satisfied with the house. The intermediary woman looked at the business and was inseparable. The next call was made and the landlord was called. Coming here, Sanxiali signed the contract, collected half a year's rent, and then handed over the keys to the house. The intermediary woman and the landlord quickly left.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, a taxi stopped downstairs by the residents, the door opened, and a 60-year-old, gray-haired old lady walked down from the inside. Looking at the dress and the tone of her speech, she saw Coming from the country, she got off the car with her, and there was a woman about 30 years old. She permed her curly hair and wore a little rustic clothes. The most important thing was her bulging belly. At first glance, I was pregnant for more than six months. Two people had just disappeared in the corridor, and the back door of the taxi came down again. A slightly muscular man appeared. His figure looked relatively burly and he carried some luggage. Looking at the size of the baggage, you know that you have brought some special products from your hometown, and took all the luggage. The strong man followed the old woman and the pregnant woman.

This old town used to be a relatively developed place. Before the new town was moved, many businessmen gathered here. There are everywhere in the world. Not to mention three people in this place, there are thirty. Will not attract the attention of others. What's more, an old lady, a pregnant woman, at first glance is a family, everyone is more lazy to pay attention.

The three people went all the way to the top floor. The pregnant woman took the key to open the door. The three men filed in. When the strong man carried the luggage in, the previous pregnant woman took the door with her hand. As soon as the door was closed, the healthy man put his luggage on the floor and ran into each room vigilantly. After looking around, there was nothing unusual before he returned to the living room. The pregnant woman, standing at the door, quietly observing from the cat’s eyes for a minute, there was indeed no danger, and she went to the living room sofa and sat down.

Zhuang Junjie certainly did not expect that at the moment he arrested Aunt Yun, the real Aunt Yun and his two subordinates had sneaked into T City quietly. That's right! This fifty-six-year-old gray-haired lady is the Aunt Yun who the police tried every possible means to arrest.

"Auntie Yun, what shall we do next?" The strong man is Yi Feng, who is under Aunt Yun.

While Yi Feng was talking, the pregnant woman next to her pulled off her fake curly hair with one hand, and pulled out a pillow from her fat clothes, revealing a slightly handsome face. He was Luo Yi who was brought back from prison by Aunt Yun. , Under Aunt Yun's meticulous dressing, he became an authentic pregnant woman. Hearing Yi Feng's words, he immediately took the words: "Does that still need to be said? Kang Shaonan killed Aunt Yun's son, and we can't make him feel better. Doesn't he have twins? Just tie those twins! Anyway! Both the Kang family and the Yu Xiao family are rich. Let's pay him a ransom first, and send him a good sum, and then bring Kang Shaonan over and take revenge! Aunt Yun, what do you think?" Luo Yi since prison Although it hasn't been a few days since I got acquainted with Aunt Yun, he has already felt strongly that this woman is not an easy master. So when he talks and does things, he tries to flatter Aunt Yun as much as possible.

Aunt Yun took out a cigarette, took a cold breath, and let out a burst of smoke. Then she narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "You two will monitor the Ming family and the Kang family. Just keep the place where the three people settled! I think the police will certainly not be indifferent, as long as they do, they will be completely exposed."

"Aunt Yun is still great! I'll be in charge of Ming's family! How about Yi Feng, you're in charge of Kang's family?" Luo Yi thought about it and looked at Yi Feng's proposal next to him.

Yi Feng glanced at him, frowning and replied with a gloomy look: "I don't need you to arrange what I do!"

Luo Yi swallowed his saliva, somewhat afraid of this burly man, and fell silent when he heard him say this.

"Ming family Luo Yi is here to monitor, the Kang family will not be used for the time being, Yi Feng, you go to find the whereabouts of Kang Shaoxi." Aunt Yun didn't mind, and indifferently ordered the two people.

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