And she just liked it, but she never thought about what would happen after she liked it.

I didn't even think about what two people really need to face and experience together to be together.

"Boss, open the door." At this moment, Gu Sen's voice sounded outside the door.

Kang Shaonan opened his eyes abruptly, and walked to the door a few steps to open it.

Looking at the things Gu Sen was holding outside, he reached out and took some things and quickly placed them on the floor of the room.

These devices are the best, and the weight is quite reasonable.

"Is everything complete?" Kang Shaonan asked, looking at Gu Sen who was crouching aside fiddling with the equipment.

Gu Sen nodded, inserting the thread in his hand where it should be, and finally holding a plug and asked: "Where is the power plug?"

"There is a plug under the sofa." Kang Shaonan said, **** the sofa behind Gu Sen.

"Okay." Gu Sen nodded, bent over and plugged in the plug and turned on the device: "Now check the location of Xuexue."

"Gu Sen, Xinrou's family is very good, maybe you can be a new starting point with her." Looking at the busy Gu Sen, Kang Shaonan said suddenly.

He knew Gu Sen and knew that Gu Sen would not be the kind of person who survived by women.

But sometimes it is also a kind of helplessness.

Shen Xinrou's family background is very good. If Gu Sen can be with her, maybe he can relax with the family situation a little bit.

When Gu Sen heard this, a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Boss, if a man has to rely on his beloved woman to do things, then I would rather not love her."

Shen Xinrou behind the door was in shock when she heard these words.

Just now she knew that Gu Sen liked her, but she didn't hear Gu Sen say it personally, and she was still "beloved"!

"I didn't say let you rely on a woman, but use her life experience to ease the relationship between you and your family, so that you will be less obstructed with her afterwards." Kang Shaonan said softly.

Kang Shaonan has always heard of Gu Sen's family. Only he knows how hard Gu Sen has worked over the years.

But even so, the family still didn't treat Gu Sen better because of this.

So now Shen Xinrou's appearance may be just an opportunity.

"Boss, don't mention this matter again." After Gu Sen refused in a cold voice, he turned on the device and quickly tapped on the keyboard with both hands to check the location of Xuexue.

Kang Shaonan looked at this, sighed helplessly, and said nothing more.

Shen Xinrou behind the door closed the door quietly and returned to the bed to sit down.

Just in that second, she seemed to have met Gu Sen again.

But, I seem to like him more...

"Beep..." A very low voice sounded. If it wasn't for the purpose of listening, outsiders wouldn't notice it at all.

After this sound was made, Kang Shaonan's eyes flashed, and he quickly took out the phone and gave Gu Sen a look.

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard Li Changan's voice coming out: "Where is Xuexue, what do you want?"

"Hey, speak!"

"Talk about what you want!"


Li Changan said more than a dozen sentences in a row, but there was no sound from the phone.

After the call was hung up, Kang Shaonan hurriedly looked at Gu Sen: "How is it, did you find the address?"

"The call time is too short to find the time." Gu Sen shook his head helplessly and said: "And there is no sound coming out of it, and the background behind it cannot be magnified."

"It's not easy to look at this group of people." Gu Sen glanced at Kang Shaonan and said.

"Beep..." The voice rang once, and Kang Shaonan looked at the phone and didn't speak.

"Boss, Xuexue sent a text message here." Li Changan went straight to the subject. After receiving the call just now, he was in a state of anxiety.

Things that Xuexue might encounter constantly flashed in her mind. They had received too many such tasks, and there were many girls who were kidnapped by...

So that after being rescued, life always follows this stain.

A stronger character is just a psychological shadow, but if the character is stronger, it is no different from being unsaved.

With too much knowledge about these things, Li Changan is completely unable to do what a soldier should have in the face of danger.

"Come here now." Kang Shaonan was silent for about two or three seconds before speaking.

He couldn't be clearer, if Li Changan was left alone, he might do something impulsive.

After Li Changan agreed, he quickly hung up.

"Xuexue sent a text message." Kang Shaonan said to Gu Sen.

"SMS?" Gu Sen didn't understand. The phone call just now was clearly because the other party was uncomfortable. Shouldn't he ask for it at this time.

But he was monitoring the entire call just now, and the other party did not speak at all.


"Boss, is it possible that Xuexue made this call by herself?" Gu Sen said.

Xuexue's kidnapping came too strange.

This approach can only make sense with Xuexue calling for help, although it is likely to be just to lure the enemy.

"It's not impossible." Kang Shaonan nodded, regardless of whether Xuexue was kidnapped or not.

This is strange.

It is very likely that Xuexue called for help.

But in this case, she should turn off the voice on this side and turn on her voice over there, right?

"Li Changan will come over in a while, and then look at the content of the text message before making a decision." Kang Shaonan said after being puzzled.

After Gu Sen nodded, his hands continued to manipulate his equipment.

I hope to get some information before Li Changan arrives.

Even the call just now is being played repeatedly.

Constantly adjusting the background sound, but ultimately did not get any beneficial information.

"Boss, it's me." A knock came from outside the door.

Kang Shaonan got up to open the door, halfway through, he suddenly turned around and looked at Gu Sen and said, "Gu Sen."


"I remember you showed me something before, the one that asked for help at a critical juncture." Kang Shaonan thought of the invention that Gu Sen proudly showed him not long ago.

It is a small black button, which looks like a button.

That thing can store a message, click it when necessary, and it will be sent to the designated recipient.

If there is no special setting, it will alarm itself after pressing.

"En, what?" Gu Sen nodded, he remembered that thing, he was hit hard by Kang Shaonan before: "I brought this thing."

With that, he took out a few small black things from his pocket.

"I always think something will happen tonight, so I brought some over." Gu Sen handed the things to Kang Shaonan.

"Tune it..." Kang Shaonan didn't take the thing, just said to him.

Opening the door, Li Changan rushed in anxiously: "Boss, this is a text message from Xuexue to me."

Hand the phone directly to Kang Shaonan. This action should be to hold the phone on the road, and the screen stays on the information page.

The above is also the code word from before, which is a place.

"This is a place." Kang Shaonan said solemnly: "Xiao Li, go to transfer people, and prepare for your departure right away."

"Okay." After Li Changan received the order, he turned and left.

"Wait." Kang Shaonan suddenly called Li Changan.

"This place is arrange it, you have enough guns and ammunition, and you must bring your dagger." Kang Shaonan reminded me worriedly: "Order to go down, bring enough dry food."

"I'll study how to rescue them first, and you will come here to find me after you are done." Kang Shaonan finished speaking, and went straight to sit next to Gu Sen.

Li Changan nodded and left quickly.

"Boss, do you need me to follow along?" Gu Sen asked, seeing Kang Shaonan frowning.

Hearing this, Kang Shaonan shook his head. It's better to leave this matter to Li Changan, no matter what.

"You bring up the map of that place and show me." Kang Shaonan said, staring at the screen.

"it is good."

After a quick tap, a huge ruin-like place appeared on the screen.

The large and small buildings inside are not known how long ago they were built.

"This terrain is very complicated. Boss, I'm worried that Li Changan may not be able to..." Gu Sen said embarrassedly.

Li Changan's actual marksmanship is one of the best, but he is strategically weak. Although he is not a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs, it is not much worse.

How could Kang Shaonan not know this, so he needed to help Li Changan think about everything and let him execute it himself.

Kang Shaonan carefully looked at the map and discussed countermeasures with Gu Sen. It didn't take long before Li Changan came here again.

Kang Shaonan asked him to sit next to him and pointed his finger at an entrance on the screen: "After you pass, go in from here."

"Send ten people to explore the way in front, ten people behind..." Kang Shaonan's fingers kept moving on the screen.

Gu Sen cooperated with Kang Shaonan's arrangement and constantly manipulated the screen switching so that Li Changan could see it more clearly.

Half an hour later, Kang Shaonan let out a sigh: "Understand?"

"Boss, I understand!" Li Changan stood up and gave a military salute.

"Can you complete the task?" Kang Shaonan said.

"Yes!" Li Changan's eyes didn't blink. The arrangements Kang Shaonan arranged for him couldn't be said to be seamless, but it was absolutely impeccable.

It's no different from Kang Shaonan going there in person. If it's all like this and Li Changan can't do it, then he really doesn't need to be a soldier.

"Boss, I apply to leave immediately." With a plan, Li Changan felt anxious when thinking of Xuexue's smiling face, and wished to fly to Xuexue now.

"Yes." Kang Shaonan shook his head: "Your heart is not calm, this is a task, although it is not facing... but there is also a dangerous place."

"I ask you to stand up fifty coins at the same time on the road, otherwise you will have to come back to me even if you reach the destination." For the safety of Li Changan and those who are going to go together, Kang Shaonan gave a death order.

Once incompetent, the consequences...

"This..." This order made Li Chang'an a little worried. Fifty coins were completely impossible in his current situation.

"Don't go if you can't." Kang Shaonan said directly.

"Good!" Li Changan said, "Boss, I'm leaving."

"Bring this." Kang Shaonan took the thing from Gu Sen and put it in Li Changan's hands: "When necessary..."

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