Classmate Qing...what a weird name, Wen Ruo looked at Situ Qing inquiringly, and then dropped his eyes again.

She didn't want to show her thoughts too clearly, the embarrassment of being rejected by someone she liked was something she couldn't bear.

She knew that he cared about her as much as Situ Yuan, but she always felt that it was guilt for her parents, guilt for her, not love.

She wished that Situ Qing had love for her, but it was a pity that Luo Hua deliberately flowed ruthlessly.

Or, he and Situ Yuan are affectionate, but she doesn't dare to act rashly, for fear that her brother will be at odds.

Last night, Situ Yuan suddenly showed her love, but she declined.

Maybe the two brothers didn't know, but in fact, she made a clear distinction. She knew clearly that she liked Qing, not Yuan.

"She looks like a very simple and lovely girl. I like this character." Wen Ruo said softly to Situ Qing, with a yearning for light in her eyes.

Looking at Wen Ruo in front of her, she still felt like a gust of wind would blow away, and Situ Qing regretted it.

If she wants to, let him go to heaven and earth for her. Unfortunately, he really didn't know what he had to do to make her happy, as enthusiastic and lively as Bai Chichi.

She wants to get close to that idiot. In fact, that idiot really affects people. Even he was affected by her. Perhaps she could also influence Wenruo subtly?

Since he can't do it, let her try.

"If you like it, she will become friends with you. She is really interesting."

He used "her" twice in a row, which shows that they are really familiar.

Situ Qing is not everyone willing to approach, this teacher, their relationship is really unusual.

A trace of bitterness passed through her heart, and her face was still smiling faintly.

"Yeah, it seems interesting. Thank you Yuan for helping me, he is bothering."

"Always so polite, we are all a family. Far to you... he likes you very much."

how about you?

She lowered her head and smiled slightly.

"Qing, you go to work."

She is always like this, why can no one know what she is thinking?

Situ Qingduo wanted to hear her say: "I like him too."

Or she can say, I don't like him, it's you who I like.

She would always only give him a sigh, a weak sigh.

I don't know what kind of answer Wen Ruo confessed last night, Situ Qing opened his mouth and wanted to ask, but in the end he didn't ask.

Today, he really wanted to see Wen Ruo, and he was too worried, so he took the opportunity of giving her a skirt to talk to her.

In the future, he will minimize contact with her to avoid being jealous and unhappy.

"I'm going to work."


When he left, she closed the door and sat back in front of the bay window to look at the acacia in the yard.

After Bai Chichi finished the lesson for Xiaoying Xiaotao, he took the initiative to find Wen Ruo and knocked on her door.

"Shall we go outside for a walk?" Bai Chichi asked, and Wen Ruo nodded with a smile.

She thought, Teacher Bai is a lively person, she must not want to sit in the room like her.

The yard of the military area is very quiet, with green trees everywhere, shady, they walk around casually, chatting casually.

Most of the time, Bai Chichi said in a noisy manner, Wen Ruo listened quietly, nodding and smiling, which was her most common gesture.

She felt that men would like a girl who is full of energy like Bai Chichi. Unlike her, she herself doesn't like her own temperament.

At lunch, Situ Baichuan went out, only Bai Chichi Wenruo and Xiaoying Xiaotao on the table.

Seeing their sister Bai's screaming, Wen Ruo was envious.

Because of her character, although she likes the two children very much, she is not very close.

It was Bai Chichi, taking care of Wen Ruo everywhere, for fear that she would not have enough to eat, and forgot that she was the master and she was the guest.

In the afternoon, Situ Baichuan called and asked Liu Ma to call everyone in the Situ family, asking everyone to have a dinner together, saying that he had important things to say.

Even Situ Yuan in the army was notified and asked him to take two hours of leave.

Generally, there is nothing particularly important, and the Situ family would not be so inspiring.

He instructed that it must be executed.

When it was time for dinner, Situ Baichuan arrived home first, followed by Situ Qing and Situ Yuan.

"Dad, do you need Bai Chichi to avoid it?" Situ Qing asked his father in a low voice, Bai Chichi was an outsider anyway.

"No, sit together."

Everyone sat down at the dining table, and the dishes were all ready. When Jiang Tingting and her mother arrived home, a family meeting would be held.

Situ Yuan was a little strange to Bai Chichi's appearance at the family banquet. Could it be that Qing had already indicated at home that she would be with Bai Chichi? His probing eyes turned to Bai Chichi from time to time, Situ Qing's face sank, and he was very dissatisfied with her brother.

He looked at Bai Chichi from time to time, worried that she would be uncomfortable sitting among the family, and occasionally glanced at Wenruo seemingly.

If Wen Ruo only chatted with Bai Chichi next to him, everyone could see that the two felt a little bit at first sight.

Situ Baichuan watched a group of juniors silently, approving of Bai Chichi's affinity.

Before long, Jiang Meilian and Jiang Tingting arrived home together.

Jiang Tingting caught a glimpse of Bai Chichi sitting next to Wen Ruo, her eyebrows frowned, and the displeased expression was clearly written on her face.

"I'm so sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road. Tingting and I came back late, making everyone wait a long time." Jiang Meilian smiled guiltily, her eyes scanned everyone, and finally stopped on Bai Chichi.

Jiang Meilian smiled and hesitated, wondering why there was an outsider in such a serious family meeting. But still carrying her daughter quietly, a few steps walked to sit beside Situ Baichuan.

Bai Chichi also secretly glanced at Jiang Tingting, she was a little surprised that she appeared at the family banquet, but thinking about her address to Situ Qing, she guessed somewhat.

"Okay, when the people are there, I'll be straightforward. This is the most complete event from the Spring Festival to the present. I believe everyone here understands that there are very important things."

Situ Baichuan is full of aura, and he is the patriarch. Naturally everyone listens carefully to his instructions, and is secretly wondering what he is going to say.

"Situ Qing and Situ Yuan are already thirty, Wen Ruo is also twenty-four, and even Tingting is over twenty. Our children should get married. Meilian, what do you think?"

"Yes, Baichuan doesn't mention it, I want to mention it too. Qing Heyuan shoulders the heavy responsibility of inheriting the Situ family, so don't wait any longer."

Situ Qing and Situ Yuan didn't speak, and they knew that this matter would be put on the agenda sooner or later, but they didn't expect it to be brought up so formally.

"Do you have anyone you like? If not, I will invite relatives and friends to introduce them." Situ Baichuan looked at his two sons seriously.

After Situ Qing and Situ Yuan looked at each other, Situ Yuan glanced at Wen Ruo seemingly.

This look made Jiang Meilian happy, if both of them looked at Wen Ruo, she would not be able to mention it.

"Baichuan, in fact, it's not guilty to trouble others first. You see, Wen Ruo and Tingting have no blood relationship with them, and they have a deep relationship since childhood, right?"

Situ Baichuan nodded approvingly to Jiang Meilian, she didn't mention it, it wouldn't be good for him to mention it.

He also knew Jiang Meilian's thoughts, but Jiang Tingting was still young and somewhat domineering, and he didn't quite agree with it in his heart.

It's not easy to refuse her good intentions, so Bai Chichi sits here specially. If Qing agrees and refuses without a trace, no one's face will be hurt.

"Dad, I like..." Situ Yuan glanced at Wen Ruo again, and was suddenly interrupted by a faint voice when he was speaking.

"Dad, I always think that my surname is Situ. When Qing Heyuan is old, he should find a good girl to get married. There are too many good people out there."

Wen Ruo has always spoken less, so even if the voice is low at this time, everyone still quietly listens.

Jiang Tingting glared at her fiercely, saying, "Don't you want to do it yourself, just push it outside, really annoying."

When I don't know what's on your mind, you wish both men would give it to you, greedy.

No one thought that if the silent Wen would express his wishes so strongly and high-profilely, Situ Qing's heart sank and looked at her distressedly.

The sensible Wenruo must be afraid of embarrassment between brothers.

"Wen Ruo, you can think that your surname is Situ, and my father is very pleased. However, my father is not relieved to marry you outside. Qingheyuan is here today. You choose one, and my father is the master."

Time seemed to stand still, Bai Chichi really wanted to say something, don't choose Situ Qing.

She couldn't tell whether it was because he was **** and couldn't give Wenruo happiness, or because she had had so many "friends" with him, and she was jealous and jealous.

Situ Qing and Situ Yuan looked at Wen Ruo at the same time, and everyone's eyes were all focused on her thin lips.

Wen Ruo had never been noticed by so many people before, and his face flushed suddenly, extremely unnaturally.

She didn't dare to look up, she didn't dare to look at anyone, holding the tablecloth in her little hand, stirring desperately.

She was embarrassed. She was afraid that I would get hurt by saying that she liked Situ Yuan. This was Situ Qing's only thought.

He shouldn't let her continue to suffer, he shouldn't make her embarrassed, he should protect her.

In the silence of everyone, Situ Qing spoke abruptly.

"Dad, I already have someone I like. I like Wenruo far, and will protect her and love her."

There was a loud voice, and everyone focused on his face again.

Wen Ruo's face turned from red to white, and his heartache was beyond words.

Together with everyone's gaze, he looked at Situ Qing blankly.

He doesn't like her, he likes others, how clearly he said, she heard her own heartbreaking voice.

"Uncle, I know, you like Teacher Bai!" Sakura's voice broke the oppressive silence again, and it sounded so clear.

As a result, Bai has become a new focus.

Jiang Tingting was already angry at first, but now she was going crazy with jealousy. She stared at Bai Chi Chi like a knife, and almost got up to choke her neck.

Jiang Meilian was also taken aback, looking at Bai Chi Chi with a flushed face. Now, she somewhat understood why this outsider was present.

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