Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 976:   betrayal

"Gurus, what are we going to do? Joey went out with a lot of wolves, and we can't escape if this continues." Margaret raised her pale face and said uneasyly. She looks pitiful, like a delicate flower that needs care.

Gurus was in his prime of life. Hearing the helpless tone of the woman in his arms and the blood in his chest, he patted Margaret's powder back and said, "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements for today."

Margaret was relieved.

The two of them have moved to a warehouse in the barrier, where grain and flour are piled up, and there is a faint smell of grain in the air. There was noisy voices outside, but it was surprisingly quiet in the warehouse, so quiet that Margaret wanted to close her eyes. But she didn't dare to let herself go to sleep like this, so she tried her best. At this time, I heard a strange night owl yelling outside www.zhu (pig) (pig) (island) (novel). Margaret's face became three-pointers whiter, but Gurus showed joy: "Here."


"Gro, I told him to arrange horses and food for us so that we can leave the barrier on a mountain road that only I know. You are waiting here, Margaret, I will come as soon as I go." Grus kissed the woman on the cheek He said.

Then he walked out of the warehouse and saw a man pulling two horses standing under a stone fence not far away. That was Gros, the powerful subordinate of Gurus, who had given him the knife of the Shadow Burial Killer. Gurus trusted him very much.

Gurus whistled softly.

Ge Luo, who was full of flesh, immediately looked towards the warehouse, grinning with a rough smile, and then led the horse to the warehouse.

"I haven't been found, brother?" Gurus walked over.

Gros hugged him with his hands open, and said, "Of course not, Gurus. Margaret is here."

"Yes." Gurus patted the man's thick back, and frowned suddenly: "Gro, why are there only two horses? Didn't you say that you should walk together?"

"I don't plan to go anymore." Grot's muscles trembled.

The moment his muscles were shaking, Gurus knew that something was wrong. Without thinking about it, Guruston exploded with a huge momentum, shook Groo away, and asked with a deep expression, "What does this mean?"

Grohe laughed, didn't answer, just backed away. Then the stone fence behind the two suddenly exploded, and the rocks shot up. A huge figure rushed from behind the stone fence and roared: "Gurus, you traitor, you have betrayed our father and also betrayed. Wolf Warrior. I declare on behalf of my father that you will be sentenced to death and I will execute it!"

The man who rushed over like a bull had a very strong physique. His arms were thick like the thighs of an adult man, his muscles were stretched, and his naked upper body had dozens of scars. There was an unnatural redness on his skin, and his two eyes were bloodshot.

"Zach the bull?" Gurus narrowed his eyes slightly. Of course he knew this adopted son who was also Joey. Of Joey's three adopted sons, Zach has the most insensitive head, but his loyalty to Joey is beyond doubt. It's impossible for the bull to find this by himself. Gurus looked at Gro and roared, "You betrayed me!"

"And you betrayed all of us!" Gro also rushed towards Gurus. He was the closest. As long as he restrained Gurus, Zach would have to stay here forever as soon as he reached this war wolf hero.

Gurus didn't know this, he even heard more and more footsteps begin to gather in this direction. He must act immediately, otherwise he won't have to go anywhere.

Yuanli roared in his blood vessels, and Gurus' chest radiated light, quickly condensing into a mark. It was a palm, a palm with five fingers spread out, even though it was a simple pattern, it gave birth to invisible domineering. Gros knows Gurus's abilities more clearly. The imprint of this war wolf is a savage tear, and the most terrifying ability is shock and tear. In countless battles in the past, Gro has witnessed many opponents being bombarded with dust by Gurus's shock, or bleeding unstoppable under tears, eventually losing blood to death.

So as soon as he saw Gurus activate the engraving, Gro knew it was time to desperately. He inhales, and when he exhales it turns into a thunderbolt. This was not a normal violent shout, rushing forward with a sound of Yuanli sound from Gro Yuanli, but it was not Gurus, but the warehouse behind him.


Gurus roared, his fingers pulled out a blood-red pattern to catch Grey's sound. The blood pattern of the five fingers is an attack with the ability to tear. The tear not only gives Gurus's five fingers the sharpness of a sword, but also can cause damage and interference to the source power. Opponents who are often hit by the tear will not be able to close the wound with the source force due to the interference of Gurus's ability, so that the blood flow will not stop, and eventually they will lose too much blood to death.

Now Gurus grabbed it with his five fingers, and he shredded Gro's voice. When looking at the man again, Gro quickly backed away, and his figure crossed with Zach the bull. With the help of Gro's voice howling, Zach has already rushed. Zach slammed into Gurus like a red-eyed bison, and Gurus immediately climbed to the strongest peak. With his fingers closed, his fists pierced the bull with a crackling violent tremor. Get out.

This sound was too familiar to Gro, it was a shock from Gurus. Blasting is the use of source force to oscillate the air, so that the air is compressed at a certain point of the target and then burst out awe-inspiringly, achieving an explosive killing effect. Gurus is already very skilled in the use of this ultimate move, he can even send the shock into the opponent's body and then detonate, this trick has been tried repeatedly.

Now with shocks against Barbarian Bull, even Groo doesn't know whether this trick will work for Zach.

But what does that matter to him.

Gurus's iron fist hit the bull's head.

The ground under the feet of the two of them smashed away from several huge openings, and the sand blasted from the cracks, and the clamor suddenly filled.

Gurus was hit by a bull~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but Zach looked like a okay person, and even he himself was a bit unsure of why Gurus’ shock was of no use to him, because this Zha Ke forgets to hunt Gurus for a while.

Gro was scared to death.

He saw a ball of gray light bursting out from behind Zach's head, stretched instantly, and turned into a long gray arrow that burst into the air. Ge Luogang wanted to evade, his chest shook, and the gray arrow broke in. Then, Gro felt his chest swell suddenly, and the source force and blood in his body were ignited like fuel by the flame.

The explosion of Gurus was the flame.

It turned out that his goal at the beginning was not Zach, but himself. When Ge Luo understood this, his chest exploded and a large amount of plasma sprayed out. Ge Luo's left shoulder was almost broken, and he fell straight on the spot, so angry!

Zach heard the muffled explosion behind him, looked back, roared immediately, turned and rushed towards the warehouse. Unexpectedly, before hitting the warehouse, the warehouse blasted itself down. Obviously, Gurus smashed the load-bearing column of the warehouse. He shut Zac out of the door, screaming with anger. When Joey's other adopted son, Gunn, arrived with a group of evil wolves, Gurus and Margaret were long gone.

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