Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 988:  Steel Titans

The general dismounted.

Potala raised his hand, and the unable soldiers and cavalry surrounding Allen and his party withdrew ten meters away to make room. Allen raised his head and glanced, pulling the corner of his mouth, and softly said with a voice that he could only hear: "Just get away this distance? Not enough to see."

At this time, Father Milo and Gurus on the carriage got out of the carriage together. Gurus' complexion was already much better, he looked at General Potala, his eyes fell on Allen again, his eyes heavy. Joey once evaluated Potala, Weiss, and Black Oriole, three powerful men who are as famous as him. Among them, Potala has the highest evaluation. General Potala, with his combat skills, was really a fierce man who charged forward. Joey once said that if Potala is given a suitable battlefield, the impossible leader is most likely to hurt him.

Although it is only possible, for Joey, the evaluation of Potala is already very high. After all, in Joey's eyes, Weiss and Black Oriole were not qualified to hurt his villains and women.

For Joey's evaluation, Gurus' words are still in my ears. But even Joey flees under that young and powerful man. How can General Potala be his opponent?

Gurus still didn't forget the amazing scene during the day. Even though he had the courage to rush to the insurmountable mountain, in Gurus' heart, he never thought that Joey would be injured and would even run away. This is even more incredible than his betrayal of War Wolf.

The atmosphere in the room became dignified, and the evening light that had almost fallen to the horizon seemed bleak and weak at this moment. Gurus saw that Allen's hands were repeating clenching and relaxing movements, and his eyes fell on the scabbard on Allen's back. King Chi was quietly inserted into the scabbard, showing no sign of getting out of the scabbard. Gurus took a deep breath. In the eyes of that man, Potala was not qualified to let him use a knife?

As soon as this thought came to mind, Allen disappeared. The naked eye could no longer capture his movements at this moment, only perception made Gurus "see" Allen flashing to Potala.

The two were twenty meters apart, and Allen was there in one step!

Allen slammed his foot, and his force was born from the ground, and his right fist swung toward Potala and hit his chest. The fist broke through the air and gave birth to a dull accent, which made Potala's heart sink. That is how heavy the punch is to produce this muffled sound of heavy objects breaking through the air. Potala's light blue eyes closed into "⊥style_txt; a seam, and put both hands on Allen's boxer, trying to stop him. However, both sides touched their fists, Potala's eyes opened sharply, and the whole person was involuntarily knocked back by Allen.

There was a series of crackling noises in the air, and the moment the two sides met each other in short-handedness, I don't know how many collisions occurred, and a suffocating wind suddenly blew up in the field. In the frantic airflow that spread to the surroundings, Potala's entire cloak rose forward, almost wrapping him up. The general retreated violently, his legs plowed a deep ditch in the ground, and stepped on two smoke dragons!

There was a rush of shouts.

There was a mess behind the unable, and Potala smashed into a passage. Brada slid out nearly a hundred meters before stopping, and his thick back hit a towering old cypress. The blood cypress made a series of dense cracks, the bark cracked and cracked, the giant tree vibrated, slowly dumping, and pressing Three or five ten-year-old saplings were broken, causing a lot of noise.

Potala shook her palm, her palm was flushed, and there were bursts of needle-like tingling. He snorted, his momentum soared, and the wood shattered the leaves behind him, and a tornado suddenly skyrocketed. The gust of wind dissipated in an instant, and a tall phantom appeared behind Potala. The phantom veins gradually solidified, forming a mighty projection of half-length body in strong armor and holding a large shield and long sword.

"It's a steel titan! The general has released the projection!"

"Now that white-haired boy should cry."

Seeing Potala release the projection, the unavailable fighters suddenly rushed to cheer their generals. The three executive officers looked at me and I looked at you, but no one smiled. They are not as optimistic as those fighters. The other party has not even activated the engraving, but has forced Potala to release the projection. The strength of the two sides can be seen.

But Potala was expressionless, he took a long breath, and the water-like luster passed over his whole body. The luster is similar to metal, and this layer of luster wraps the Potala from head to toe, like a metal armor. When Allen's perception touches that piece of streamer, it gives feedback such as shock and hardness. It can be seen that Potala's source force barrier is not simple, it should belong to some special ability.

Allen expected nothing wrong, and the metal streamer on Potala was his ability to "shock the armor". Possessing the two attributes of high defense and concussive deflection, Potala raised his hand to catch it, and a large piece of golden light emerged from the void, and then gathered between the general's hands, wrapping Potala's arms and palms. The lights flickered and throbbed, making a soft hissing sound, giving people an unusually sharp feeling. After the armor, it is a sharp blade that breaks the armor and kills the enemy. The ability of "sharp cutting" forms an energy cutting jet on the surface of Potala's hands, and its sharpness is far from comparable to that of ordinary swords.

At the same time, the shock armor and sharp cutting are activated. Now this posture is the complete combat state of Potala.

Potala hooked his finger at Allen: "Come again."

Alan pulled the corner of his mouth, still did not activate the engraving, but secretly activated the natural disaster circuit, using Karin's heavy quality ability, so that the hardness of the bones of the arms could catch up with the alloy. He squinted his eyes and flashed an electric flash, but instead of rushing towards Potala, he flashed to a blood cypress tree. Reaching out and catching it, his five fingers penetrated deeply into this hundred-year-old tree. With his fingers bent, he lifted it up, and the ground kept shaking, and the blood cypress that needed two people to hug each other was so rooted for Allen.

In the mud and dust, Allen used the tree as a gun and threw it at Potala. The cypress pierced through the air, emitting a thunderous whistling sound, and pressed hard towards Potala. The general snorted, his hands danced with a golden halo and hit the cypress tree, and a series of cracking sounds immediately sounded. The blood cypress tree seemed to be sawed by a chainsaw, and the bark and tree powder flew around, torn to pieces under the golden halo of the general.

Allen squinted his eyes and became objective about the cutting jet between the general's hands. Those two cutting jets are indeed not easy, Allen asked himself, I am afraid that even the alloy armor "Eternal Guard" worn next to the body probably cannot withstand several rounds of cutting. He didn't dare to be careless, the sky fire current in his body began to move according to a certain rhythm. When all the flame patterns appeared on Allen's body, a blush rose in the surrounding space, sparks scattered all over the sky, and the temperature rose again and again.

The Unable Warrior and the three executive officers were shocked. At this moment, even ordinary people could clearly feel the heat wave pushing around with Allen as the center. The space where Allen is located seems to have erected a furnace, the temperature is high enough to melt gold and iron!

Alan raised his hand to catch it, and under the force of the source, a blood cypress hummed and trembled ten meters away on the left. He was picked up in the air and flew towards Allen. When the cypress volleyed, there was no fire and smoke from the tree, and then the fire flickered, and dozens of fire streams sprang from the big tree from the inside out. The sky was gushing, and the blood cypress disintegrated. The tree body was peeled off by the sky fire, and those fragile parts were turned into ashes by the sky fire, and only a section of the most solid tree core remained.

Allen held the burning tree core and pushed forward. The core of the tree disintegrated again, forming dozens of burning wooden knives lasing towards Potala. This hand was learned from Hoy’s tens of thousands of grass as a gun, but Alan's accuracy in the control of the source force is obviously still somewhat different from Hoy's, and he can only extract the hardwood of the tree into dozens of wooden knives. If Huoyi is allowed to come, at least hundreds of wooden guns will be drawn, and the power will be very different.

But Potala didn't dare to take it lightly, and the material of those wooden knives was nothing but the most solid part of Cypress. But during the flight of the wooden knife, the burning fire on the knife continuously pressed into the knife body, causing the wooden knife to give birth to vermilion flame patterns. In this way, every wooden knife is full of source power, how can it be ignored? The general's eyes sharpened suddenly, he didn't retreat, but instead moved forward, dancing with both hands towards the flame-patterned wooden knife that hit the sky.

Two **** of golden light danced with his hands, and every time he met a wooden knife, the cutting jet in the golden light would shatter it. But the sky fire source power in the wooden sword also exploded, even if the sky fire source power contained in each wooden knife was limited, dozens of fireballs were exploded around Potala. The muffled sounds of the explosions one after another, the eyes of the audience in the forest looked straight, when the last wooden knife exploded. The audience clearly saw that Allen smashed into the explosion flame, and then Potala's roar sounded in the flame.

After coming down, Potala suddenly knocked out of the flames. The cloak on his body had been ignited by the sky fire, looking embarrassed, but he had not received any fatal injuries. However, the golden light between his hands was no longer there. At this time, the general was standing still, but Allen had flashed to his side. Allen suddenly shorted and swept his legs, and immediately kicked the general out of balance. He put his hand on Potala's arm and pressed hard, and then smashed the general to the ground.

Potala was suffocated for a while and finally reacted. Alan had sat on him, and then raised and lowered his fists, with a muffled accent that made the scalp blast! Potala can only cross his arms ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to block Alan's punch. The two fisted with each other, making a low and violent scream, knocking on everyone's heart like a drum, and everyone's heart beat hard. Then Allen kept repeating the movements of lifting and banging with both fists, and the audience was frightened by the frequent knocks.

With the two as the center of the circle, the ground surface quickly cracked and spread to the outside in the sound of frequent collisions. After hitting hundreds of punches in one breath, Allen finally stopped, but the two of them had already hit three points, and a round hole with a diameter of three or four meters appeared around them. When Allen raised his fist, the metal streamer on Potala flashed twice and declared to disappear. His shock armor was brutally smashed by Allen's heavy fist!

Allen smiled at this moment: "Now you believe it?"

A bitter smile appeared on Potala's face: "If I say no, I'm deceiving myself."

Allen stood up and reached out to the general. After hesitating for a while, Potala gritted his teeth and squeezed Alan's palm, and the latter pulled him from the ground.

At this time, it was dark.



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