Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 995:   joke

Joey was so solemn.

In his vision, the space where the young strong man was located was majestic, and the terrible heat continued to rise with the rise of Yuan Li. Only the heat of expansion urged all the rainwater in the tens of meters square around Allen's location, turning it into a continuously spreading gray and hot smoke. And the vermilion sword that was raised was even more sparkling, and in terms of its appearance, it was much higher than the destroyer in his hand.

The only thing that can be held now is the advantage of the source power level. However, there are only two levels of difference, even Joey himself knows that suppression is very limited.

At this moment, he had to admit that he was indeed old.

Then, from Joey's breath of source strength, there was a sharp aura as sharp as a blade, and a light blue flame came out from the old man's chest. The strands of blue light continue to wander, forming a running wolf pattern. Anyone familiar with Joey knows that it is his imprint "Blade Fang Wolf". The engraving was activated, and slices of cyan light floated around Joey's body, and the cyan light condensed into paper-thin but unusually sharp blades of Origin Force. These blades are like willow leaves, flying around Joey, and as Joey sprints forward, the willow blade raises back. From a distance, it looks like a few blue banners!

Needless to say, that must be some kind of Joey's ability. Judging from the form and the trajectory of movement, it should be a combination of offense and defense. After making the judgment, Allen held a faint smile on his lips. The Chi King shook slightly, sparks all over the sky suddenly gathered, and then exploded, like fireworks. At the moment when the spark exploded, King Scarlet cut it off, and an invisible blade gas immediately shot from the blade's blade, breaking through the air.

In the big duel, a continuous rain curtain suddenly appeared in space. The rain was spurred by the sword qi, and Chi Wang Dao Jin came to Joey's eyes in an instant, blasting his brows!

Joey yelled at his feet, and the pale green willow blades all over his body whirled wildly around him in a specific trajectory. Pieces of willow blades formed up and down swirling, grinding and obliterating Alan Yao's knife energy like a grinding disc. Allen's sword burst into pieces, and Joey's willow blade disappeared. The source forces of the two sides rushed into each other to generate a series of explosions, and the green fire flickered around Joey, which made his face light and dark, just like Joey's mood at the moment.

Blocking Allen's sword aura, the Willow Blade around Joey also disappeared by a third. However, Joey's power surged, and pieces of Willow Blade regenerated, filling the vacancy again. Allen squinted his eyes, knowing that Joey’s ability is extremely long-lasting +★style_txt; good, if you want to use external force to kill his willow blade, it is undoubtedly fighting against Joey’s source power equivalent, which is really unwise .

Allen made a decisive decision, his mind moved a little, Chi Wang hummed lightly, and the three-inch Zhuguang escaping from the blade suddenly turned into black and red explosions. Suddenly, the heat of the space rose by another three points, large swaths of steam slowly floated into the air, and the blade of the Red King burst into flames and burst out several meters like a pillar of fire. Suddenly he gathered it up again, and finally wrapped the blade, turning the Red King into a burning flame blade.

Allen leaned forward and reached the extreme speed in just a few steps. His entire upper body is almost level with the ground. King Chi pointed to the ground and was dragged forward by Allen. The explosion on the knife pulled out a black and red fire curtain in the air, bursting into flames, forming a flame flag nearly 100 meters long!

As his eyes fell on the flame flag, a hesitant look flashed across Joey's face, and then he let go of the destroyer in his hand.

Located on the stone bridge on the south side, the wolf thieves made a series of whispers that they could not help themselves. Gunn's expression was extremely solemn. As Joey's adopted son, Gunn knew very well that the old man's real combat skills were not on saboteurs. The warhammer has more intimidating effects, but in the past, when encountering unequal opponents, Joey can still eat the opponent with a saboteur. The warhammer was only discarded when he was in a duel with Wes back then, but it was the only thing that the warhammer was discarded for Joey at the end of a blow like this is today.

The engraving of the wolf on Joey's chest reappeared, and the old man scratched it with both hands, and his fingertips ejected blue flames. These cyan rays were full of determination, and as they threw, there was a string of noise around Joey. The old man's eyes were locked and he dragged the flame flag straight towards Allen, calculating the distance. Suddenly his body was short, his feet bent high, and his whole body leaped off the ground, like a wolf pounced on its prey, and swiped at Allen in the air.

With his hands interlaced, his fingers pulled out an x-shaped cyan light blade and slammed it down at Allen.

Alan squinted his eyes, his body stopped abruptly, moved sideways and bounced away, avoiding the light blade that fell in the air. The blade of light was printed on the ground, and the hard ground was etched silently, clearly engraving the traces of ten paw prints.

Joey landed and spun around. His center of gravity was placed extremely low, his left hand inserted into the ground, and a large piece of rubble was lifted towards Allen. Hundreds of large and small stones smashed head-on, and Allen pulled the King Chi and swept it out. The flame blade spewed black and red fire, swept out a cloud of fire and wrapped the gravel in it. As soon as these stones entered the fire cloud, they melted in an instant, and the fire cloud swept through, and only scattered residues of sparkling fire debris fell to the ground.

The fire cloud died down, and Joey flashed past the cloud. He almost stuck to the ground, using his hands and feet to pass through the fire cloud. Regardless of whether the clothes on his back created a hole in the heat wave at the edge of the fire cloud, seizing this rare opportunity, Joey spread his five fingers with his right hand and swept a paw across Alan's chest.

But there was no sound of cracking skin and flesh, the touch of the five fingers was more like grasping a hard metal, and even two nails cracked. Amid the sore grating sound, Alan's chest was full of sparks, and there was obviously a layer of personal armor under the battle uniform.

Joey's eyes showed surprise, and the surprise turned into fear again.

Allen closed the knife and picked it up. The flame blade slashed over Joey's shoulder, and the old man flew back, and took a continuous shot with his right hand on his shoulder, only to pat the explosion flames released by the red king. But there was a scorching odor from the shoulders, and the armor protecting the shoulders was melted by the explosion, making Joey's shoulders black.

Joey snorted, referring to the blade, scraping off the armor residue that had melted into the flesh, and even the coked skin. He didn't stop there until the wound on his shoulder bleeds. Then he tore off a sleeve, pulled out a few cloth strips, and tied the wound on his shoulder by himself. During the whole process, Allen let him do it, and didn't even intend to take the opportunity to make a move. Joey bit on the cloth strip and tightened, trying to move his lower arm, feeling little effect, and then said solemnly: "Who are you? Even if the Empire Heavy Corps Grizzlyback Armored Army, I can claw their standard heavy armor. Tear. But I couldn’t tear off your close-fitting armor just now. The armor that can make me useless is rare, and it is enough to be included in the famous armor. But there are only a few imperial name armors, and they are early There is belonging, there is absolutely no such person in there."

Allen smiled calmly. He wore the eternal guardian exchanged from the Federal Army next to his body. This personal armor did not have any special abilities. The hardness of the material is far beyond that of ordinary alloys, but the weight is much lighter than common titanium alloys. The materials and craftsmanship of Eternal Guardian should be ahead of the Heavenly Star by many times. Put in the Federation is only the exchange of the fourth-class military merits, but it can be thrown in the Bairegon Empire, but it is already a number of famous players.

Seeing the other person laughing without answering, Joey knew that he couldn't dig out any useful information. The old man's gaze fell on the flame blade in the opponent's hand again, and the armor was ignored. Even the scarlet long knife in Allen's hand could erupt with flames. It was no longer in the category of the famous sword, but a magic weapon! Joey's gaze became scorching hot, let alone killing Allen was a big favor to the adult, just the magical soldier in Allen's hand was enough to make anyone tempted. Joey licked his lips and said indifferently: "You challenged me, you just want to make your dark spear become the upstart of the dark land. In fact, I have an easier way, kid, to be my adopted son. Right. I promise that after death, the wolf and everything about me belong to you!"

There was silence in the duel, and then a series of discussions broke out. Especially on the stone bridge of Wolf Warriors, the bandits exclaimed again and again. The corners of Gangen's mouth twitched, first angry, then helpless. Joey made it clear that he didn't put him in his eyes, but after seeing Ellen, Gunn knew that ten of them couldn't compare to one Ellen. It was only natural that Joey would offer such a condition.

Allen laughed and laughed, making Joey's face gloomy.

"Is it funny?" Joey's voice was irritated, and the determination between his hands was uncertain.

Allen shook his head, put away his smile, and said faintly: "Of course it's funny, I'm not a three-year-old kid, do you think I will believe those words? Besides, I just fetch the things you said, why bother Be your adopted son. Although my father is not very good, but you are not qualified to replace him!"

Without waiting for Joey to answer, Allen beckoned: "Anyway, you are just procrastinating to recover the strength of the injury. It should be almost now, Joey is not dead. If you don't come up with some real means~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Today you are about to become a real dead person."

Alan said, Joey's face was still turbulent, but his momentum rose again. The space behind the old man began to see wisps of blue light, and these blue light continued to swim and interweave, forming a ghost of a giant wolf. The phantom gradually solidified, and the majestic aura escaped from the giant wolf, giving this projection a sense of existence. Allen looked up, and the original ancestor projection released by Joey was arrogant. The two long teeth that the giant wolf turned out from the wolf's kiss were terribly white, and sharp blades stretched from the wolf's tail and back. Those blades all flowed with metal-like luster, exuding full determination.

Looking at the giant wolf from start to finish, Allen nodded and said: "It looks good." Then his eyes flashed, and countless sparks in his pupils gushed out, and the world in Allen's eyes seemed to burn. A thick, hovering pillar of fire suddenly rose behind him! Not a source of light, but a real flame.

Void Skyfire!

In the sky fire, a wild roar rang out, as if an ancient beast was about to burst out of the flame.



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