Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1001:  Change the future

Looking up from the sky garden, the interior of the golden firmament, with the support of virtual technology, presents a scene of white clouds flowing and sunny sky. Seeing such a scene, even people became a little lazy. Windsor Bello squinted his eyes and turned back to the cup of coffee on the carved round table. She gracefully picked up a silver spoon, stirred it gently in the coffee, and put milk and sugar cubes in her hand, then put it to her mouth and took a sip.

"How does it taste?" Vig asked with a smile.

"So-so." Windsor Bello said casually. Although the Marshal's evaluation is not high, such a cup of coffee is expensive in the city. The coffee is freshly ground with coffee beans, and the coffee beans are provided by the Ministry of Agriculture. In this space fortress, it is a special luxury item, which is not available everywhere.

Of course, you can also drink coffee in other restaurants in the city. It's just that they are all brewed with instant coffee powder, so their worth can't be compared with the cup in Windsor Bello's hands. Windsor Bello put down the cup, crossed her fingers with her hands, and looked at Vig with her chin, "So this time, will you come to buy me such a cup of coffee?"

Weige said, "Of course not. You also know that some of the infrastructure consumables in Buluocheng have been provided by our family for many years. This time, a large number of consumables have been delivered to Buluocheng. I will also come together."

"Oh, this kind of trivial matter still needs Mr. Vig to go out in person? Isn't the poisonous tarantula in your shadow spider usually responsible for the escort?"

Vig laughed and said nothing.

Windsor Bello almost wanted to slap herself. She didn't want to mention the personal affairs of the two of them. Now Vig made it clear that the **** was the second one, mainly thinking of seeing her in the city. She did well, digging a hole and jumping inside. Windsor Bello sat up straight, changed the subject and said, "What's the situation on Babylon?"

"Not very good." Vig sighed softly. "In fact, besides wanting to see you this time, I also want to give you a suggestion. But my elder brother gave you this suggestion."

"Mr. Randy?" Windsor Bello took his hand from the table and asked, "What does he suggest?"

"Actually, you don't have to be so facing the enemy, even if you don't like this suggestion. Forget it, don't mention it, I will reply to him when I go back." Vig shook his head and smiled.

Windsor Bello put his hands down slightly embarrassed, squeezed the tabletop and said: "It's okay, you can listen to it."

Vig glanced at her and said, "That's okay. Brother meant that you and I are married."

"Marriage?" Windsor Bello's volume suddenly increased by eight degrees, and the table in front of her and the tables and chairs around the sky garden buzzed and trembled. Several waiters in the distance were even more dizzy and pale. They didn't recover until Windsor Bello put away her inadvertent killing intent. Windsor Bello slapped the table with a palm: "Go back and tell Randy, don't even think about it! Even if the old guy agrees, I won't count, I am Windsor Bello. Want to ask me to agree, first ask my endless battery! "

Vig raised his hand in a gesture of surrender, and smiled bitterly: "That's why I said just now that there is no need to raise it, I know you will have such a reaction. The eldest brother has not formally raised it to your father, but I was asked to test your opinion first. "

Windsor Bellow just sat down with a grunt.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Vig leaned forward and said: "But this time is different. Maybe you should really think about it. It doesn't matter if you don't like me, we don't even need to be a husband and wife. Just go through the scene. , Put out the relationship on the bright side. After that, you will continue to be your greedy wolf marshal. I will continue to run the family business and have nothing to do with each other. What do you think?"

"That's not okay." Windsor Bello frowned and asked: "What happened?"

"Actually, you should have heard of it too, right?" Vig's expression gradually condensed: "It is about the distribution of military merit in the interstellar battlefield last time. Our Excellency the President gave Beskod a great honor."

Windsor Bello lightly said: "First-class military service, plus a cloud iron star, Mobit is really big. But what does this have to do with your Smith family, and what does the marriage between you and me do?"

Weiss sighed: "Isn't this obvious enough? The President suddenly pushed Beskod to the forefront of the storm, for what was it, to make other aristocratic families jealous. To make Beskod a target of public criticism, Mo Your Excellency Bit, is to lay the roots of the aristocracy's internal strife. More precisely, the Federation has already set out to eradicate our eye-catching stones."

Windsor Bello showed surprise and nodded in agreement: "When I first heard about the military service distribution on the battlefield of Eden, I already felt that something was not quite right. But I never thought that the president would make such an calculation. I thought such a thing would come later. I really don’t know how he planned it. It shouldn’t be the time to do these things now?”

"It is true. Just when I came, the negotiations between the Federation and Freedom Gate broke down again. I am afraid there will be war on the surface soon." Wig looked into the distance and said: "Fortunately, Mr. Horn Zeng met the owners of the three of us privately and expressed willingness to give up the development rights of Izumo Iron Star. In the end, the three of us took the lead and brought in more than a dozen families to develop Izumo Iron Star together with Bethkode. This somewhat resolves some contradictions, but it is ultimately the law of governance. In the final analysis, it lies in the attitude of the Federation. Now that Mobit has taken this move, arrangements for the nobles will definitely follow. For long-term consideration, we must Do something now. Otherwise, when the building is about to fall, it will be too late."

"Even if you and my two marry, it will not dispel the president." Windsor Bello said softly.

"Yes, but the Federation has always excluded our family members from political circles. It didn't matter before. The Federation did not interfere with the nobles and the family members did not participate in politics. Although this bottom line actually crosses the border between the two sides, In the end, I didn’t step on it to the end. Many times I just opened my eyes and closed my eyes. But this time the President’s intention is obvious, then we have to think about it. If the nobles and the military dignitaries overlap If it does, it will be relatively simple to operate in some aspects. Short-term or no effect can be seen, but if you look farther, it may not be impossible to receive a miraculous effect."

Windsor Bello sneered: "You want to be involved in politics and plan to use poison to fight poison. Make arrangements for a hundred years, so that when there is a chance in the future, you will change the arrangement of Mobit politically?"

"My eldest brother and I believe that this is the best for the Federation and the nobles, and it also minimizes the internal loss between us. In fact, Mobit will take Besko

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) Do you think it is because you have something to do with the young heir Bethkod? "Weige smiled indifferently: "Perhaps your Excellency has foreseen such harm, so he simply pushed Bethkod out. It's just that Mr. Horn isn't a fuel-efficient lamp, so he tried to retreat, making at least half of his arrangement to fail. "

"Well, I admit that you are indeed far-sighted. But why should I accompany you to jump into this pit?" Windsor Bello sneered: "My family is dead in name. Honestly, even if the family disappears, it will have no effect on me."

"Yes, for the time being, it has no effect. But Mobit has already attacked Bethkode. Can you be sure that he won't think of you?"

"What can he think? Dismiss me? Or transfer from Sirius? A joke!"

With the military merits and prestige that Windsor Bello has accumulated over the years, if there is no special situation, if Mobit easily dismisses her or transfers her from the legion, it will indeed cause an uproar. Vig knew this too, he said calmly: "Normal conditions are naturally impossible, but don't forget. Over the past year, the frequency of battles on the interstellar defense line has been 30% higher than the average of previous years. You are Marshal, don’t tell me you don’t know what this means. This means that the Yorton may have to organize a general offensive. My personal opinion is that the Battle of Eden is just the beginning. Especially considering that there are Barrs behind the war. In the manipulation, even the presence of the Black Emperor's personnel, then it is even more important to ignore it."

"The real battle may be coming. When the Yorton aliens launch a general offensive, rather than a single-race army attack. It is obvious that you, a Sirius, cannot defend the defense zone. At that time, not only the Golden Lion will intervene, the death spread or the Queen of Roses. The elite legions of the United States will also participate. At that time, the interstellar defense line was not the home of your Sirius family. In such a complicated situation, let alone Mobit, even I could easily perform some operations. For example, in intelligence. Doing tricks will make you win several defeats in Windsor Bello. At that time, if there are more operations within the military, it seems that it will not be too difficult to dismiss a marshal. Especially the defense zone and the old lion in ~www .wuxiaspot.com~Even if you shake your military spirit, I'm afraid it will only shake your Sirius own military spirit, right?"

Windsor Bello was horrified, but Vig's analysis was well-organized. It was not impossible that such a thing could happen.

Wig continued: "If something like that happens and you lose your family as a dependency. Do you think you can rise again with the old men of Sirius? Don't forget, if Mobit can bring you down and deal with your few The generals are also easy to turn around. Moreover, these people have their own family relatives and friends, and I am afraid that they have more concerns than you. Of course, if you are willing to be an ordinary person from now on, you can treat it as if I didn’t say these things. But Windsor Bello, you Will you be willing to be ordinary?"

"No, you've never been this kind of person. If you lose the stage of wanton publicity, I think you will feel more uncomfortable alive than dead?" Vig knocked on the table: "Then the problem is here. Are you willing to wait for this? If everything happens, then hate Mobit. Or join hands with us now to change the future of the Federation?"

Windsor Bello was silent, and Vig smiled: "Of course you can consider, but I only stay in the city for three days, so you'd better answer me as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)


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