Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1012:  Miss

The night was soaked in the mountains and forests, and the world was shrouded in darkness. Under the cold moonlight, you can see that some luminous plants in the mountains and forests begin to emit various colors. From the sky, the mountains and forests are not completely dark, but are dyed with blue, red, purple and green fluorescent light. Of course, the most dazzling light is the fire in the caravan camp. Several bonfires are raging, almost dyeing the sky red. The beasts of this world are not afraid of flames and light, on the contrary, too bright fire light will attract the attention of some wild beasts. People who have walked in the wilderness for many years know that if there is not enough strength to protect themselves, it is best not to light a fire at night. If you want to make a fire, you have to find a relatively hidden place in the cave, for fear of attracting the attention of dangerous beasts.

At this moment, in the dense forest far away from the camp, there were quietly more eyes with different colors. They wandered in the mountains like ghosts. Once they stopped, they would watch the fire in the direction of the camp. There were just a lot of wild beasts circling the camp, but no one dared to jump on it. Animals' intuition makes them smell danger, especially in the eyes of certain beasts that are particularly sensitive to the source force, they can clearly see countless flashing sparks floating in the camp.

Those sparks seem to be faint, but they give the beast the dangerous feeling that it will cause a prairie fire at any time, so these smart guys often just take a few glances and then obediently detour. Because they know that there is something they can't afford to provoke in the camp.

Allen circled the camp and returned to the campfire. He released his breath along the way, enough to scare away the beasts in the night. This method is very common when living with wolves. Snow wolves will patrol their territory. The difference is that what they leave behind is their own smell.

At this time, the wild boar in the mountain forest had been roasted, and Fares and Rick were using a long knife to cut off the roasted meat slices, and then divided them into everyone's hands. The size of the wild boar in the mountain forest is not small, but the hundreds of people were divided all at once, and even Alan was only divided into a few pieces, not much more than ordinary soldiers. The wild boar is grilled so that it is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, constantly dripping oil out, exuding an attractive meaty fragrance. Allen just wanted to feast on, and his eyes went dark, and someone blocked the fire and stood in front of him.

His eyes fell on two straight long legs first, and as his eyes raised, he saw a perfectly curved waist. Then came a pair of tall twin peaks, and then Yili Ribbon's somewhat angry face. She threw the plate of roast meat at Alan’s feet, and said loudly, "What is this? Wild boar? Something that untouchables eat! I've had enough. You stayed in that **** dark place for so many days. Forget it, now I'm allotted this hard-to-swallow food! This is an insult to me, listen. I want bread, milk, jam, and fruits and vegetables in the car. I don't ask for a rich dinner, but At least, give me something to eat!"

Seeing Elise, Allen remembered such a person. After entering the Dark Land at that time, Iris and Edward stayed together in the stockade of Dark Spear. Afterwards, Ellen made an appointment with Joey, received two bandits of Wolf Warriors and Black Feather, and gathered bands of thieves, almost non-stop dealing with one thing after another, but I forgot Iris. Now that the proud woman stood in front of him again, it reminded him that he had promised to **** Elise to Sardinia.

The background of this proud woman, Elise, is certainly not simple, as can be seen from her being honored as a guest of honor by Horne. But she

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) What we do now is not pride, but arrogance. Alan's face sank, and there was a bit of chill in his eyes. He slowly tore off the barbecue on the plate, slowly put it in his mouth and chewed it, his eyes were fixed on Iris, looking at a woman. Flames rose in his eyes.

Her chest rises and falls sharply. To be honest, this picture is very attractive, but now people by the fire don't want to appreciate it. Everyone could see that a storm was brewing, the men silently ate the barbecue on the plate, and no one was so stupid that they ran into the storm. Elise almost burst into flames in her eyes, from childhood to adulthood, no one dared to confront her like Ellen, or even make her embarrassed in public. Almost instinctively, she swiped her hand to her waist, and the red whip tied to her waist was swept out immediately, sweeping away the dinner plate in Allen's hand. Alan snorted and reached out to catch the whip.

Elise pulled back, but the red whip didn't move in Ellen's hands, but fell straight. She angrily said: "What do you mean?"

Alan said coldly: "I should ask you this sentence, noble Miss Elise?" He stood up and said in a deep voice, "I don't care who you are and what kind of identity you have. But now You are in my caravan, then you have to follow my rules. If I assign you barbecue, you don’t want to eat it. That’s okay, as long as you are willing to be hungry, no one will care if you eat or not. A piece of barbecue. But please respect others. Food that is difficult for you to swallow may be food for others to survive. You can skip eating, but you can't spoil other people's food!"

Elise's chest heaves more and more.

"Also, hasn't anyone taught you that to respect others is to respect yourself?" After Allen finished speaking, he let go of the whip. For people like Elise, the power of these words can be more painful than cutting her.

Sure enough, Elise was like an angry lioness. She took out a money pouch from her clothes and threw it at Alan’s feet, yelling, “Don’t say so arrogantly, I just don’t eat your wild boars and bring what I want. The money in it is yours. If it's not enough, I still have it here, how about it!"

Allen shook his head and said, "Even if you give me more money, don't even think about buying a piece of bread. At least, this is the case with me."

"You!" Elise was trembling with anger. She even said a few "OK" without even picking up the purse, so she turned around and left, and went into her tent.

Alan snorted, it's not that he has never seen a noble person. Not to mention it, let's just say that Lucy is noble enough to be the queen of Ida Huaxing. No matter how big Elise is, can she be bigger than Lucy? He can tolerate a woman's pride, willfulness and even occasional unreasonableness. But if you are like Elise, then don't think he has a good face to show him.

Lucy next to her shook her head and smiled: "You are too fussy."

"I'm just teaching her how to get along with people." Allen said disapprovingly: "We are still two days away from Sardin. If we don't kill her, you can stand this way, but I can't stand it. ."

"I think she is not bad. It is only because of her temperament or the environment she grew up in. That's why she has a temper. When she was in the Blackwood Forest in those days, this Miss Elise also taught Abel a few fighting moves. , I didn’t see how domineering she was at the time.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) So much patience is true..." Lucy tilted her head.

Abel next to him also nodded, and the young man awkwardly touched the back of his head and said: "It's no wonder that Miss Elise is impatient, I'm stupid, I can't remember so much at once."

Allen sighed, and said, "So blame me?"

"I really blame you, you are a man. Just accept it when you see it, after all, she is a woman, and she always has to go down the steps, don't you? So let her be embarrassed in the eyes of everyone, and I will be angry for me." Lucy picks up He lifted the money pouch on the ground and put it in Ellen's hands and said, "Go and return it to her and bring her something to eat by the way. Are you really going to make her hungry? This is not a gentleman's doing."

"Yes, I'll listen to you, your honorable majesty." Allen bowed exaggeratedly, picked up the purse and left.

He came to Elise's tent, and through the fire in the tent, he could see the figure of the woman sitting inside, sulking. Allen put the money pouch and the dinner plate with a few pieces of barbecue on the grass, and said, "I will put the money and barbecue here for you. It's still the same sentence, you can eat or not. Just a word for me Don’t vomit, Miss Elise, not everyone is born like you, noble and beautiful. What I said just now was not easy, at least before I was ten years old. A piece of barbecue that you look down on, I But you can work hard for it!"

The figure in the tent shook visibly, and Allen did not wait for her to answer, and left after speaking.

After a while, a hand stretched out the tent. First, I got the money pouch back, and then Iris in the tent hesitated before reaching out and taking in the barbecue. She first sniffed it in front of her nose, then tore a small piece of pork into her mouth and chewed slowly.

On the second day, the caravan pulled out of camp and continued towards Sardinia. Elise was still full of arrogance that day, and she didn't take the initiative to get close to anyone. It's just that she eats whatever is given to her today, and doesn't lose her temper like last night. Lucy saw it in her eyes and smiled and said to Allen: "Look, the eldest lady has a lot of temper."

Allen shrugged his shoulders and said, "Just do whatever she wants. Anyway, when I get to Sardin, there will be nothing wrong with me."

On this day, the caravan left the forest and turned to a relatively flat plain ~www.wuxiaspot.com~In the evening, the caravan set up a camp on a low slope. After eating dinner, everyone returns to their tents to rest to restore their strength and continue their journey tomorrow. Not knowing how long he slept, Allen suddenly opened his eyes. He didn't hear any unusual movement, but he had an instinct to tell him that something was going to happen.

Almost at the same time, Edward's voice rang out of the account: "Get up, we have guests here."

Edward's tone was heavy, and he was obviously not kind. Allen picked up the Scarlet King, got out of the tent and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Just now a Bronze Blade from You Ge reported that about a hundred miles to the northwest, there was a horse team coming towards us."

"The horse team? This is probably not a business traveler in the middle of the night."

Edward hummed: "Of course not. Why have you ever seen a caravan drive in the middle of the night? What's more, according to the report of Copper Blade, all the opponent's horses are covered with cloth. This is a typical robbery style, right? And the opponent's goal is clear and straight. Refer us. I have asked Fares to prepare. It looks like it will be quite lively tonight."

(End of this chapter)


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