Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1030:  The cemetery changes (1)

To the northwest, Sardin City is a hilly land. At the end of the horizon, you can see a solitary mountain range, the mountain range is roundabout, and the peaks are separated from each other to form a valley, where is the famous valley of the dead. The valley of the dead is locked with dense fog all the year round. From the sky, the valley is almost shrouded in a cloud of gray-white fog, and only some sporadic shadow outlines can be seen vaguely.

There is only one road from the valley of the dead to the city of Sardin. The original name of the road is no longer remembered. People now only know that this road is called the beginning of death. This is a very apt name. After the Empire opened the Tomb of the Blood King, the death rate in the Valley of the Dead has remained high. Once you set foot on the road to the valley of the dead, you will undoubtedly stand at the starting point of death.

Even so, there are still countless teams of adventurers flock to the cemetery of the blood king every year, using their blood and even their lives in exchange for every step in the cemetery of the blood king. There is a very famous saying in the cemetery of the blood king: whether you are a brave or a coward, here you will only be the real winner if you live to the end.

This is what every adventurer who goes to the cemetery of the blood king is most often said, and as long as you go and return, whether you have gained or not in the cemetery, you can become a hero in your own circle. .

Pass the starting point of death and reach the valley of the dead. You will find that the Hell Mountain where the cemetery is located is surrounded by a circle of military camps. Every adventurer who enters the blood king’s cemetery must pass through this military camp. This is the horned deer legion in the emerald stag army. The General Iron King Gangde is in charge and is responsible for monitoring the graveyard of the Blood King. The army that guards and monitors the cemetery is changed every three years, and this year is the last year that the Jingjiao Deer Army guards the cemetery.

After passing through the camp where the horned deer army is located, you will see the entrance of Hell Mountain to the graveyard of the Blood King. Now the first ten floors of the blood king's graveyard have become public places, especially the first to fifth floors. These floors are where the empire provides supply points for adventurers. At the same time, there are shops, blacksmith shops, auction houses and other places for adventurers. In addition, there is a battlefield hospital opened by the Empire on the first floor of the cemetery. Unfortunately, since this hospital was opened, the death rate of the cemetery has not dropped much.

After all, adventurers have now entered the cemetery under the tenth floor to explore. Once dangerous situations appear in those unknown areas, they are often fatal. Few wounded can return to the first floor and enter the battlefield hospital for rescue.

As for the sixth floor of the cemetery, it is the office of the Adventurer Association, the large mercenary group based in the cemetery, and the ancient ruins investigation committee. In general, the first to sixth floors of the cemetery can be freely entered and exited, but from the seventh floor, idlers are prohibited from entering. That means to go to the seventh floor, you need a pass issued by the empire to enter.

The seventh to tenth floor of the cemetery is the research site of the Ancient Ruins Investigation Society. The team of adventurers who want to go to the bottom cemetery still need to pass through a specific passage when passing through these floors. If they enter the research site of the investigation committee at will, they may be interrogated or even arrested by the Jingjiao Deer Army.

At night, on the sixth floor, a blacksmith shop near the entrance to the lower floor was blazing with fire, and a shirtless middle-aged man was beating a sword embryo. Every muscle up and down the man's body was trembling regularly with the action under the firelight, and the sweat beads all over his body seemed to have coated him with a layer of oil, and his every movement was full of beauty of masculinity and strength.

When the last hammer was hit, sparks spurted from the stove, fell on the man, and lifted up a cloud of blue smoke. The man put down the hammer and iron tongs, picked up a pottery cup next to him, wanted to drink water. When the cup was raised up, he realized that there was no drop of water in it. He shrugged and just about to fill himself with a glass of ale, he heard footsteps coming from outside the door. Then a timid voice asked: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Lowen's smithy?"

The man put down the pottery cup, turned around and said indifferently, "I am Lowen."

At the door stood a pair of young men and women, both of whom were fighters in terms of their costumes. The slight difference is that the young woman is still carrying a musket. It was the woman who asked, and she was pleased when she heard the words, and said to her companion: "Look, I said this must be Mr. Lowen's iron shop."

The man named Lowen frowned and asked, "What's the matter with you? It's so late, I won't take business."

The male warrior’s face was disappointed, and the woman begged, "Mr. Lowen, please help us. We will join the expedition team organized by the Reaper’s mercenary group tomorrow, but not long ago, my friend’s sword broke Please be sure to help him repair it, and we will pay you enough money."

Lowen smiled playfully: "Pay me enough money? How many, I want a thousand gold coins, can you get it?"

He saw that the armors on the two of them were mostly painted and damaged. The musket behind the woman was even more wrapped with cloth strips. Their clothes were practical and simple. He's seen too many adventurers like this, most of them are the freshly made birds or the unhappy guys. Judging from their situation, it should belong to the latter. Since the mixture is unsatisfactory, naturally he can't get a thousand gold coins.

Sure enough, the male soldier's face was flushed immediately, and he pulled his female companion and said, "Let's go, he is obviously blackmail. I can buy a better weapon for a thousand gold coins!"

The woman shook her head and said sincerely to Lowen: "Sir, we have heard of you. You were also a warrior, didn't you? I think you can understand that every weapon is the most precious partner to a warrior. He has been with him for seven years with this sword in his hand. For him, this sword is very important. If we have a thousand gold coins in hand, he will be willing to give it to you. But we don’t have it now. Can you please count it as a bargain? Some. We only have two hundred gold coins in our hands. This is all our property."

"Two hundred gold coins?" Lowen smiled. He squinted his eyes and said: "Well, I don't need the money. If you are willing to carry the gun on my back, then I will help your friend fix the weapon, how about? "

"No." The male soldier shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's go look elsewhere."

"You leave it to me." The woman smiled, "Here, there is no better master than Mr. Lowen. Since he wants this gun, I will give it to him." Then she said to Lowen. : "I agree with your proposal."

Luo Wen nodded and beckoned: "Then you come in and show me the sword."

The woman first handed the gun on her back to Lowen, and when it was placed in Luowen's hand, her eyes were full of reluctance. The man sighed and handed Lowen a long sword. Luo Wen pulled it out, and as expected, only half of the long sword remained, and the fractured surface was covered with fine lines. Lowen checked it carefully and said, "The damage is very serious. If you want, I can give you a new sword and promise to be better than this one. Your sword, to put it bluntly, has no repair value. Even if it is repaired, the quality is not as good as the original, not to mention that you are not a good sword."

The male fighter seemed to deliberately make things difficult for Lowen and said: "I want this one!"

Lowen shook his head and said, "Do whatever you want. But young people, although people have to have their own principles, they are too stubborn to insist on principles. That gun is also pretty good for your companions. Precious, you could have used it for a better sword. But out of your stubbornness, you will only get a sword of worse quality than the original one, which was a waste of this lady's painstaking efforts. "

The man was startled, looked at his female companion, then lowered his head and said, "Thank you for your advice, then let me listen to Mr. Lowen. Please give me a better sword, as for her gun. I hope I can leave it with you temporarily. Here, I will redeem it with a thousand gold coins!"

Lowen didn't answer, and went straight into the house. After a while, he brought a sword. The style of the long sword was very ordinary, but after the male fighter tried it, he found that the weight of the sword was moderate and it was very easy to use. Under the fire, the sword's body had a flame-like luster, and the material was much higher than his original one. While the male warrior tried his sword, Lowen handed the gun to the woman and said, "Since you cherish it, don't hand it over easily. You know, sometimes once you lose it, you can't find it again. "

The woman was startled: "The thousand gold coins..."

"Forget it, I'm not bad for this money. Besides, the sword in that kid's hand was originally made by a customer. It's just that the customer went to the cemetery on the 11th floor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I never came back. I put it on and left it to your companions, but it would make it work as a starting point." Lowen yawned and said: "Okay, you can leave now, I will close the door and rest."


The two adventurers were about to say goodbye, when suddenly several screams sounded outside the iron shop, followed by a series of beast roars, and the expressions of all three people in the iron shop changed. Lowen ran out, just as a man hurried past his iron shop. Lowen caught him and asked, "What happened?"

The man pointed to the back and said with a trembling voice: "It's the Red Wolf, here it is, they are here!"

Then he shook Luowen's hand away, and shouted as he ran: "It's not good, the red wolf is coming up, it is coming up..."

Lowen looked at the shadow of the entrance to the seventh floor, and he could feel that something was staring at him. Then there was a shadow rushing out of the shadow, its dashing posture was full of wildness, and it rushed straight to Lowen by the iron shop door. The man yelled and rolled into the iron shop. The thing rushed into the air, its body whirled on the ground and stopped, then pressed its center of gravity and slowly walked towards the iron shop.

The fire in the iron shop was shining on it, and it could be seen that it was a wolf-shaped monster, with a head as big as a calf. No hairs all over the body, only a red mane growing from the head to the back. The monster's head has four eyeballs, its fangs are all over, and the long tongue that comes out of its mouth is also covered with contractible thorns. It scratched the ground with four claws and drooled at the people in the iron shop.

The eyes of the two adventurers were protruding, and the male soldier couldn't help but said, "Why are the red wolves here? Are they not sentries on the 11th floor?"

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