Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1046: caveat

Alan sat in the room with a bandage on his body and smelled of herbs. He has removed the eternal guard, only a coat behind him. The coat was left open, allowing Nari to change his dressing to heal his injuries. The changed bandage was stained with blood, and there were some unnatural black spots in the blood, which was a phenomenon after the toxins were discharged. Eric's pair of scarlet daggers were soaked with a strong toxin, but Allen had a natural resistance to the toxin after drinking the blood of the king snake. Coupled with the unusually overbearing power of the sky fire, after a day's rest, the poison in his body was almost cleared.

After returning from Sharp Howling Forest yesterday, Clerk Graham and Arkham’s people came to visit one after another, but they all made Allen turned away on the grounds of rest. But today, Allen wanted to visit someone.


Ellen was flipping Eric's blood red dagger in his hand. The dagger was originally a pair, but the other one and Eric were burned by the sky fire, only this one was intact. The toxins on the dagger have been cleaned by Nellie. The dagger is exquisitely crafted and its whole body is dark red. Hopefully, there is blood flowing in the meantime, and the blade of the dagger has a subtle curvature, which makes it more flexible in turning. There is a golden pattern on the knife body, which does not look like gold wire inlaid in the later stage, but the original texture on the material of the knife body.

At this time, Nari finished the work in her hands, her face crimson tied the bandage with a dark knot, and then she stood up. She just half-kneeled on the bed just now, almost sticking to Ellen, this ambiguous posture made Neri's face burst into flames. Now leaving Allen's side, but a little reluctant.

Allen put down his dagger, buckled his clothes, stood up and said, "Let someone prepare a car. I'm going to the General's Mansion."

Nellie left the room with an "um".

After a while, Allen got into a carriage. Regis and the twin knights accompanied. On the carriage, Milu and Mila looked like two curious big girls, pointing to the scenery outside, smiling from time to time. The two were almost carved out of the same mold. Sitting together was like looking in a mirror. If they weren't familiar with their characteristics, it would be difficult to distinguish them.

Regis was sullen, and the young man was so upset about what happened before, and even vowed never to drink again. It seems that his first drinking experience left a big shadow on him. Allen squinted his eyes, and suddenly slapped Regis's thigh with a hard slap. The boy was startled and almost jumped up before frowning, "What are you doing!"

"What am I going to ask you?" Allen said to Nunu, the twin sister on the opposite seat, "You see two such beautiful girls sitting across from each other. It's very rude for you to ignore it."

Milu and Mila covered their mouths and chuckled. They were about the same age as Regis. During the journey before, I got along well with Regis. From the strangeness when they first met, the three have become friends. On weekdays, the xinxing of young people is always easy to mix. But today Regis was depressed and naturally silent all the way. Now that Allen said this, he couldn't help turning his face away and said, "I'm not so heartless like you."

Allen knocked on his head and said, "I learned this from Adele."

The two sisters chuckled when seeing Regis touching his head and fangs again.

Allen reached out and clamped Regis’s head and said, “Please, how old are you this year, don’t be sentimental like an old man.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page). You should be glad that you are still alive, otherwise how could you still see such a beautiful girl as Mirumira. Yes, we have sacrificed many people. But if you feel ashamed of them, you have to live well, otherwise you will waste their sacrifices, right? "

"Also, because we are still alive, we can do more things. For example, now, I'm looking for someone to take care of this account. So you see, only those who are alive can do these things. If they are all like If you are so depressed, who is going to ask for an explanation for those who have died." Alan let him go after speaking, and said, "If you still can't cheer up, then you can go back to me."

Regis gritted his teeth and said, "Don't think about it!"

"That's right. Oh, here it is. Come on, brother." Allen jumped out of the carriage and looked up at the gate of the General House.

This time Arkham didn't meet Allen in the fighting arena, and an officer led them to the lobby of the main building. A moment later, General Arkham came to the living room Shi Shiran. Seeing Alan Arkham said indifferently, "Sir Alan is back."

"Does the general hope I won't come back?" Allen asked with a smile.

Arkham's eyes stunned: "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, just talk casually." Alan raised his hand, and Milla passed Eric's dagger into his hand behind him. Allen put it on the table again and asked, "I want to ask the army to see what this is."

The officer of the Bear Armour put the dagger in front of Arkham's table. Arkham glanced at him, his eyes twitched, and said calmly, "Sir Alan has found the wrong person? I'm good at leading soldiers to fight, but when it comes to weapons Identification, then I am a layman."

"That's the case. I think this dagger is so special and the material is even rarer. General, if I look for an appraiser at the auction house in the city, can I tell the origin of this weapon?"

Arkham squinted his eyes, and the officer next to him gave a light cough and said, "This seems to be one of the two blades of Feifeng. Feifeng is the weapon of the earl of Tiger Shark Harbor."

Allen nodded and said, "Finally, there are people who know the goods, so the general would like to know where I got this Scarlet Blade."

Arkham said in a deep voice: "Okay, Viscount Ellen, just say what you want. You don't need to be circumspect."

"Well, since the general is so straightforward, then I'm not afraid to say it straight." Allen stood up, stretched out his hand, and Fei Feng on the Arkham table jumped into his hand. Allen turned to Feifeng lightly and said: "Yesterday in the Howling Forest, I ran into the **** Earl Eric, and he also confessed himself. What happened to my people in the city and the death of the trembling snake are all related to it. And all of this was aimed at me. Fortunately, I had some luck and finally came back alive. After I came back, I had a few questions that I could not figure out, so I wanted to ask the general for advice."

Arkham snorted, "I can't help you."

"The general, don't be too busy to refuse, maybe you can really help me." Allen put up a finger and said lightly: "The **** earl's territory is in Tiger Shark Harbor, but he has appeared in Moser. One. The Count of Strength comes across the border, will the general not know?"

"Fart, where is Eric going? Does Lao Tzu follow like a spit-worm, how do I know he will come to Moseol!"

"Isn't the general trivial to say that? Even I know

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) It is not a trivial matter for a strong Taoist to cross the border, don't the empire know this truth. Okay, even if I take a ten thousand steps back, I will be a general without knowing Eric's whereabouts. This question has been exposed, so I ask the general for the second question. When I went to the Howling Forest, the Green Algae Hotel was garrisoned by the Bear Armour, but even so, one of Eric’s men easily took my woman out of the hotel and used it to threaten me. Allen asked sharply, "How does the general explain this matter!" "

"What do you mean!" Arkham finally took the case: "Alan Viscount, are you suspecting that I have something to do with Eric?"

"Yes, if that's not the case, why would the Bear Armour be useless. Do you want to tell me that the elite of the empire can't even look at a woman!" Allen tit-for-tat.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became full of gunpowder, Arkham's short hair was upside down and his eyes widened. Allen did not show weakness, his sight was fierce. After a while, Arkham snorted coldly: "No matter what you think, I have nothing to do with Eric. You doubt as much as you like, and see off!"

Allen laughed: "Actually, this matter is not difficult to investigate. If I were Eric, if I had to tell the general to deal with me, the general would probably not buy his account. Then Eric's greatest possibility is to say Move the general to let him do things cheaply. For example, if you don’t go into the details of what happened in Moses Orley, you can let his people leave the hotel easily. Of course, I believe the general will not sell Eric’s favor in a few words, so we The earl must have given the general some benefits. So as long as you check the earl’s recent asset changes, you can probably see some signs, don’t you say so, respectable General Arkham?"

"You are slandering an empire general!" Arkham roared.

"It's not a slander, it's just a reasonable speculation. Of course, I will investigate and test my inferences." Allen said calmly: "What I want to tell you is General Arkham. Whoever it is, if he wants to To deal with me, you have to be prepared to be countered by me. Eric is an example, and there will be more such examples in the future. I sincerely hope that the general will not be one of them."

With a gesture, Allen took Regis and a few people away. The domineering figure made the corner of Arkham's eyes twitch. After Allen left, Arkham's roar ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the sound of a string of objects shattered in the living room.

On the return trip, Allen was sitting in the carriage playing with Fei Feng. He smiled and said, "Arkham must be furious now."

Regis frowned and said, "Are you sure he was involved in this matter?"

"I'm not sure, but Arkham's suspicion is definitely not small. Without him, it would be difficult for Eric to do whatever he wants in Moselori. Of course, as I said, now it's just a guess. We have no substance. The evidence. But for Arkham, and even some people in the Imperial Department, I think this is enough to warn them."

On this day, Eric’s body and the Scarlet Blade were delivered to the sheriff of Moserol. The sheriff invited Graham with a cry of tears, and Graham reported the incident to him like a fire Mr. Mayor. After walking in their hands for a while, Eric failed to deal with Alan in Moselor, but lost his life so quickly that it fermented and spread across the empire.

ps: Be more respectful first, ask monthly ticket for reward~~

(End of this chapter)


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