Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1055:  Mystery Mine

The flowers in the pipe flickered, and smoke rings were spit out from Ian's mouth. The old man rode on his thin horse, knocked the ash in the pipe and said to Alan next to him: "I've been to the ghost place in the Shadow Land three times. Even if it is daylight, it is as quiet as a tomb. Yes. When my teacher took me for the first time, I was not afraid of adult jokes. I almost peeed on my pants. After I came back, I didn’t feel like doing that with a woman in bed. It took more than a month to recover. ..."

"Because of that trip, I saw Shadow Fiends. Those demons that haunt the darkness and shadows and easily tore the horse's belly with sharp claws..."

No one has made specific statistics on how big the Coldridge Mountains are. However, it is recognized that this mountainous area is extremely deep, and it is also the largest mountainous area after entering the northern border. The guide of Frostwind City usually follows the spiral staircase after entering the mountains, which is a rolling mountain road that undulates around the mountain. From the spiral staircase you will enter the Greystone Canyon, where the terrain is relatively flat. After passing through the gorge, you can leave this mountain in two more days.

As for the Shadow Land, it is a low valley located on the other side of the spiral staircase. The road is wide, but because it is located in the shadow of the mountain, this low valley is terrifying for many years. There is no sunlight even in the daytime, as Ian said, the valley is like a huge grave. Shadow Demon is a special product of Shadow Land. Those humanoids with long hands and long feet who are good at climbing over mountains do not like sunlight and hide in Shadow Land all year round. Occasionally, they flee to other areas just to hunt prey. Shadow Fiends will only appear after sunset. Of course, in the Shadow Land, you may encounter them even during the day.

This route provided by Ian can be said to be an alternate route for the guides of Frostwind City. If there is no need, they would never want to go to the Shadow Land, let alone pass through the Akabi Promenade. It was a long and narrow rift valley, and Akabi was the **** of death in the local legend of Frostwind City. Akabi is in charge of death, so the rift valley is named after it, which is also called the valley of death.

Every few years, there will always be a large number of animals in the mountains die in the Akabi Promenade for unknown reasons. People have even witnessed a large number of mountain black sheep leaping into the rift by suicide. The people of Frostwind City are called the sacrifice of the **** of death. People believe that even if they don’t die, they will be plagued by bad luck.

When it comes to the Akabi Promenade, one has to talk about the underground tunnel. That is another ancient legend of Frostwind City. It is said that the ancestors of Frostwind City accidentally entered a cave in the Akabi Promenade and knocked on the underground door. They entered a magnificent underground world, which is located at the bottom of the Coldridge Mountains, with an ancient and magnificent city. The underground city is distributed in a long and narrow shape, and the other end of the city is far away from the mountains and can enter the other end of the northern land.

It is worth mentioning that some ugly cave-dwelling creatures exist in that underground city. They occupy this underground tunnel and occasionally appear on the Akabi Promenade through a passage connected to the ground, but for nearly a hundred years No one has actually witnessed them.

"We call those things cavemen..." Papa Ian changed a pack of new tobacco leaves and said: "On the walls of the temple, our ancestors described it like this. These ugly and dirty things walk like people. They have twisted facial features and sparse hair, eat corpses and even live

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page). They even eat themselves. We are fortunate that these terrible creatures are declining, but God knows how many groups they have. "

"They linger in the tunnel, staying with the shadows, singing above the flesh and blood. They guard the tunnel and refuse all visitors..."

Ian told poetry-like words, and finally said: "My lord, it is said that there are even more terrible demons in the underground tunnel. That is the master of the caveman. These things guard the dungeon. I hope we pass through Akka. It’s better not to run into them than on the promenade."

After Alan finished listening, he quickly exchanged glances with Lucy in the carriage. It can be seen from Lucy's expression that Her Royal Highness and he are thinking about the same thing. If what the ancestors of Frostwind City said is true, then the so-called underground tunnel is likely to be a relic, similar to the land of the king snake or the tomb of the blood king. It's just that it hides deeper, so far it is still undetected.

Over time, Allen found that the light above his head was getting dim. The mountain peaks on both sides also gradually moved higher, and the sunlight began to fail to reach the ground, and the road ahead was shrouded in dim light, as dim as sunset. The temperature dropped significantly, and the atmosphere became more and more depressing. At this time, the team just moved forward in silence, no one spoke, only the sound of wheels rolling across the ground.

They have entered the land of shadows.

There are many branch roads in the Shadow Land, and the environment has not changed significantly, and the light in this area is dim, so it is easy to get lost. However, the guides of Frostwind City did not rely on the geographical environment to recognize the way in the Shadow Land, they depended on the direction of the water vein. Ian stopped from time to time to dig up the dirt, smell or taste. The residents of Frostwind City are not natural guides. Experienced guides like Ian will accept some students before retirement and pass on their experience and knowledge.

Ian's knowledge of discerning the trend of water veins was also taught by his teacher. Whether you are looking for a water source, or in a complex environment like the Shadow Land, as long as you grasp the trend of the water veins, you will basically not get lost. Ian doesn't go to the Shadow Land much, but you can find the exit by following the water vein. For this, the old man is quite confident.

Only in the evening, Ian stopped more and more times, and an anxious expression began to appear on his face.

"What's wrong, Old Ian?" Allen stopped the team and walked to the old man.

Ian was pulling apart a piece of soil. He lay down on the ground like a pilgrim saint, tasting the humidity of the soil. Then he stood up and said gravely: "I'm not so sure, sir. I seem to be lost, and change the original trend like a water vein. Although I haven't been here for a long time, I still remember the general direction of the exit. . But now, the water vein that I have tracked no longer flows to the position I know, it goes elsewhere."

Allen was startled and asked, "Will the water vein change its trend?"

"Yes, but this process is very slow. It is impossible to do without hundreds of years of effort. And the last time I came to Shadow Land was only ten years ago. In such a short period of time, the water vein should not change, unless ..."

At this time Edward came to the two of them and whispered to Allen softly: "There is weirdness, we found a mine in front."

"The mine?" Ian almost didn't jump up

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Come: "Impossible, there is nothing worth mining here in Shadowland, except for stones!"

Edward shrugged, unwilling to explain. Allen patted him on the shoulder: "Go, take a look."

Sure enough, they didn't go far. When the team turned a corner, they could see a mine field appearing under their noses.

At this time, it was finally dark.

From the curve, you can see a mine submerged in dim light. Facing the curve is the gate of the mine. One side of the gate is fixed on wooden bolts, and the other side is scattered on the ground, covered by thick ash and gravel. An iron plate on the gate was constantly shaking by the wind, and the text on it was smoked so that it was not clear. On both sides, there are wooden walls two meters high. The wooden walls have collapsed in some places and appear to be impacted by external forces.

There is a tall wooden building behind the wall, which looks like a sentry tower. The roof of the wooden building collapsed on one side, and there was a flag on it that was only half burned.

Going through the gate, you can see a reservoir. The pool was overflowing, and a diversion channel was bent to the hillside. Then Allen saw the manger and the horse stalls in the back, the slabs of wooden houses, a warehouse half collapsed, trolleys falling apart, simple ground rails, and so on.

The caravan followed him and entered the mine. Looking at the abandoned mine, Ian opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't believe his eyes. The team stopped in front of the wooden houses. The row of wooden houses looked very crude. Some houses have collapsed, but most of them are still intact. The room is not comfortable, but it is enough for a night. Allen intends to let the caravan stay here tonight, and Fares began to arrange staff for the night.

Allen called Regis and brought a dozen soldiers to check the rest of the mine. This mine seems to have just been abandoned, and from the traces of the building, it seems that it has been attacked by something. Many buildings have signs of sharp objects on the outer walls, and many places have burn marks and scattered musket bullets. and many more. Of course, there are a lot of blood stains, most of which have turned into dark patches, and some are even mixed with lime. It is difficult to tell if you don't look carefully.

As for those mine caves ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the interior has already collapsed and been blocked by falling rocks. Some tools could be seen scattered among the rocks, but no corpse was seen. It made this mine look unusually "clean", but lifeless.

"What exactly is being mined here..."

Allen walked out of a wooden building. The wooden building seemed to be where the foreman lived, but they could not find any records of the mine. I don't know if it was taken away or destroyed. Back at the wooden house, Ian said anxiously: "My lord, we shouldn't stay in this place. This makes me feel very uneasy. Maybe we can find another place for the night camp."

"Father Ian, you also see everyone is tired. And the night in the Shadowlands is so deep, I don't think it is a good idea to drive in the dark at this time." Allen shook his head and said, "Let us tonight. Spend the night here, and I will send additional manpower in case of accidents. You can rest assured."

Hearing what Allen said, Ian no longer insisted. He just glanced at the mine and smiled bitterly: "Under the eyes of Shadow Demon, I can't sleep."

(End of this chapter)


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