Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1059:  The Hall of Giants

The dark red fire cloud tossed up and down like a banner, sweeping across a shadow demon. ?? E Xiao? said??? All the shadow monsters swept by the fire cloud were still moving, and then their bodies dispersed, and the part that was in contact with the fire cloud instantly annihilated the matter and directly turned into nothingness. As soon as the pressure in front of Allen was reduced, the shadow demon fell and saw the shield wall formed by the Warriors of the Mountain King. As soon as he saw Alan, the two sides of the warrior separated, Alan lifted the knife and passed through, the shield wall closed again, and then there was a sharp claw scratching the shield surface.

After the line of defense, Alan saw Edward. He pointed at the enemy from time to time, and a whirlwind blew up in Shadow Fiend. The shadow demons were brought out of balance by the whirlwind, and the infantry's muskets would shoot at them in one round. Edward did not directly participate in the battle, but used his ability to continuously interfere with the attack of Shadow Fiend, creating opportunities for the soldiers on the side. Another whirlwind was released, and a dozen shadow monsters were directly rolled up in the air, and then fell down and caused a burst of chaos. Edward sighed and said, "We won't be able to defend for long, they still have reinforcements."

"I just learned that I miscalculated and thought I could eat them." Allen smiled bitterly, and resolutely said: "Prepare to break through, I hope I can get rid of them."

Edward shook his head and said: "That will be even worse for us. I have just asked Ian, except for the Baiyan Cave. There is no other place in the Akabi Promenade that can limit the number of shadow monsters, at least for today's journey. Not in it."

"But sticking to it is not a solution."

"I know, so I have to find another way. There are many natural caves here, and there may be passages between the caves."

"You mean, transfer from here to other caves?"

"Probably that's what it means."

As the two talked, howling sounded from behind the line of defense. Allen looked up, and new shadow monsters appeared on the cliffs on both sides of the Rift Valley. They crawled on the cliffs like electricity, like ash tides coming from both sides against the mountain wall. Above the line of defense, the Inchfire Archer began to shoot toward the cliff, and the gray tides on both sides continued to have shadow demons falling down, but unfortunately the blanks swept by the fierce fire rifle would soon be filled by other shadow demons.

It was as if the shadow demons from the entire shadow land swarmed into the rift valley.

Allen immediately ordered the Inchfire Archer to leave the upper grotto, otherwise, as soon as the gray tide arrives, that little manpower will be overwhelmed instantly. Fares roared so that the line of defense began to close into the cave, intending to use the cave space to limit the offensive of Shadow Fiend. After the Inchfire shooter came down, they retreated to the back of the defense line with Lucy and Adele, quickly replaced the magazine and raised the gun on standby. At this time, the shield wall of the mountain king had retreated to the cave entrance, and the gray tides of the Shadow Demon hit the shield wall time and time again, but repeatedly in vain. From time to time, strong men such as Lola and Regis crossed the shield wall and rushed into the Shadow Demon Grey Tide to relieve the pressure on the line of defense.

At this time, a wisp of lime lifted from the top of the cave, and King Alan Chi lifted it up and looked over the cave entrance with bated breath. Suddenly a shadow demon poked out its head. Just as it stretched out its head, its head blossomed and was shot and bombarded by a shooter. Then the heads of Shadow Fiends came out, and they attacked from above the cave. Chi King shook it down, and Allen yelled, "Fire!"

The fierce fire rifle roared again, a rain of bullets swept over the cave, and the Shadow Demon was constantly being swept down. Even if the Shadow Demon that was swept down was not dead, it would be made up by the soldiers below and killed. Allen asked Lucy's second female command shooter to withstand the Shadow Demon attacking from above, and he rushed to the defense line by himself, standing at the forefront of the defense line with Regis to withstand the Shadow Demon attack. The Shadow Golem kept attacking like crazy, even Alan felt a lot of pressure. The ugly and gray faces almost occupies the entire line of sight. All Allen can do is mechanically swing his arms out of the sword, the Scarlet King explodes and spit out, cutting down a piece of Shadow Demon every time he passes. But even so, the shadow demon seemed endless, and the source of power was consumed like a flood of opening gates.

"Retreat! Retreat!" This is the third time Fares has ordered the line of defense to retreat, which also freed up nearly ten meters of the cave entrance. However, as it progressed inward, the space of the cave gradually narrowed, making the line of defense further tightened, making it difficult for Shadow Demon to break through. The blast on Allen’s knife has disappeared. At this moment, he must save even the source of the blast of the blazing red king. He carefully uses every point of source force and squeezes every point of physical energy, just to have more on his own ground. Keep a minute and a few seconds.

The ground vibrated slightly at this moment, and Allen cut off a few heads and took a breath as he looked out of the cave. The two trolls were dragging the war mallet and rushing forward, and the war mallet plowed across the ground, lifting the gray shadow demons on both sides. Allen pointed in the direction of the troll: "Adele!"

The scream died down, and the troll on the left flew out with his entire thigh and knees, and at the same time lifted a large piece of flesh. The sound of the sniper rifle vibrated in the cave, shaking people's ears endlessly. The troll staggered and fell over, suppressing the dozen shadow monsters in front, and exposing his big head at the same time. Adele was not polite, and shot the troll's head again. The big guy's head exploded immediately, and he died on the spot without even screaming.

But at this time, another troll had already rushed to the entrance of the cave, and the troll raised his war mallet and roared like thunder from his mouth. A hammer blasted between the walls of the cave entrance, and the mountain shook suddenly. The huge slabs of rock fragments fell apart, crashing down, knocking down and overwhelming the Shadow Demon who had rushed into the cave. The troll was still smashing the cave, and rocks continued to fall. Large and small stones began to block the light outside the cave. Suddenly the troll's chest was splashed with blood, Adele fired another shot, the troll was rushed back by the kinetic energy of the sniper shell, and its chest sank. Seeing that it was about to fall, a scarlet figure jumped onto the head of the troll, which was another Scarlet Shadow Demon. The Scarlet Shadow Demon inserted both hands and ten fingers into the sides of the troll's head, and fierce light began to appear in the troll's eyes.

When an unnatural redness appeared on the skin, the troll rushed to the entrance of the cave and smashed. It was shot and blossomed one after another, but the troll was not killed, and Adele even blasted off half of its head. When Allen saw this, regardless of the source of energy consumption, the Scarlet King swept across, and a vermilion ray swept through the hole. The large shadow golem broke and fell like a straw, and the light gleamed across the troll's waist. The troll was cut in the waist immediately, and his body slipped off. The half of his head looked at Alan with one eye, and stopped breathing unwillingly.

Allen slashed out with a sudden heartbeat, and finally a feeling of tiredness surged in his body. He almost wanted to lie down and sleep on it like this, but he didn't dare to let him sit down. At this moment, the ground vibrated again. Allen saw that the third troll charged forward, and there was no time for them to react. The troll hit the mountain wall at the entrance of the cave.

The entire cave shook violently, and the cracks of the avenue extended from the entrance of the cave, and countless sand and stones were scattered. Alan's eyes widened when he saw, and he yelled: "Back! Back, hurry!"

Boom! Under the impact of the trolls, the cave finally collapsed, and the huge boulders fell like rain, smashing the shadow demon to death and blocking the light. Allen retreated with the warrior, and went straight to the middle of the cave before the shaking finally stopped. But it was dim all around, until someone lit a torch, and finally let people see the environment in the cave. Allen slashed and killed the last Shadow Demon. He looked at the dense rocks blocking the exit and sighed: "Now we should be cavemen too."

Edward squinted his eyes and said, "This joke is not funny at all."

Fares settled down and the wounded soldier came over, knocked on the rocks and said, "Maybe we can blow them up."

Allen touched a crack with his hand, shook his head and said, "That will only make the situation worse. The mountain of Baiyan Cave is already fragile, but now it is knocked loose by the trolls. If we blow it again, it is estimated that the rocks will explode. Don’t fall, but buried us alive."

"What should I do now?" Lucy asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, there will always be a way, everyone rest first." Allen pulled her up and walked back. Fortunately, the cave was big and deep enough, and the caravan horses were gathered in a circle behind the cave. The middle field was covered with a marching blanket, and some wounded soldiers lay on it. Allen walked around among the wounded soldiers without saying anything, just tied the bandages and wiped off the bloodstains for them.

But when he lapped, the soldier's eyes were a little different. Allen patted Fares on the shoulder and said, "Let everyone eat and drink." He walked over to Sean and the businessmen. Sean saw him come and stand up. Allen swept over them and said, "We Will go out."

Sean nodded heavily.

"My lord! My lord!" someone yelled from behind, and Alan looked back, but Abel ran over. He panted heavily, but with a look of excitement, he pointed towards the back of the cave: "There is wind, there is wind there."

There will be air flow in free time, which is undoubtedly good news. Allen felt refreshed and patted Abel on the shoulder: "Go, take a look."

In the depths of the cave, Abel held a torch against a rough and uneven mountain wall. As expected, the flame shook as soon as the torch got close here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Maritans were most sensitive to air currents, and Edward immediately felt it carefully and nodded. "The wind comes from behind. I can feel it through the shock of the airflow. There is a huge space behind this wall. It's hard to say whether we can go out, but at least, we don't need to be buried here."

Allen drew out the Scarlet King and said, "Go back and I will try."

In addition to the explosion, the Chi King himself is also extremely sharp. After Allen was able to gain strength, three inches of Zhuguang popped out from the blade's edge, adding more sharpness. He walked to the wall and stabbed it down. King Chi easily pierced into the mountain wall, Allen drew the knife down, connected a few knives, and cut a square gap in the wall. Alan glanced at the people behind him, stretched out his hand and pushed gently, the rock fell forward with a clatter, and the sound of the rock falling on the ground continued to echo. Although it was dark in front of him, as Edward said, there was a huge space behind the cave.

Abel came up holding the torch and threw the torch into the darkness. When the fire light passed through this dark world, Allen saw towering huge pillars, which propped up this huge empty mountainside space, which seemed to be a stone hall where giants lived. Outside the cave, a stone path goes along the mountain wall towards the underground stone hall. When the torch disappeared into the darkness, inside the wall, everyone still did not recover.

At this moment, Ian, who was standing behind, squeezed out and murmured, "This is... a big underground tunnel?"

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