Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1062:  Betrayer

? "What change?" Allen heard curiosity.

Lucy's hand passed the branches and leaves under the rose flower in the middle: "The Jarno crystals will respond according to certain specific rules. Simply put, after understanding their feedback mechanism, they can store the information in the crystal. Information is extracted through instructions. Crystals can be stored for a long time, especially Jarno crystals. Thousands of years are no different for them. So in the Golden Rose era, Jarno crystals were applied to various fields, the most of which is the information field ...... Yeah."

She suddenly whispered, it turned out that the fingertip was pierced by the crystal, and a drop of blood hung on the thorn of the rose flower. The blood did not drip down, but penetrated into the crystal. After the blood entered the crystal, the natural lines in the crystal actually reacted, and each crystal filament radiated a misty brilliance from the inside out. In an instant, the crystal filaments in the crystal wall lit up one by one, from bottom to top, from the middle to the two sides. In the end, the wall was brilliant, illuminating everyone's face under the wall.

Lucy stepped back two steps, squinting her eyes and said: "It seems that this crystal wall uses the Idahua star's genes as instructions..."

"It may be the genes of the royal family." Allen added.

At this time, the **** the crystal wall slowly opened her eyes. It was a dead thing, naturally it wouldn't open and close his eyes, but the crystal girl's eyelids could move. When they rose, the girl who had been sleeping for thousands of years gradually woke up. In the girl's eyes were two golden lights, two golden lights shot out from the eyes, quickly drawing a rectangular pattern in the air. When the light joins, the space inside the rectangular shape becomes concave, which is like a piece of broken glass, in which the scene of the temple is shattered, revealing a space with strange colors.

"It turns out to be the folding door of space. This is the space technology of the Golden Rose era. Go and see where this door leads." Lucy looked excited, and did not forget to hold the Golden Rose in her hand.

Alan stretched out his hand to hold her, and King Akade was out of her sheath. He smiled and said, "It's not the time when ladies are first. I'll find the way."

He walked into the space door first, then Lucy and Edward, and Lola and Nelly at last.

It feels very strange when passing through the space door. There is a feeling of trance, like just waking up from a long dream. When his feet hit the ground, Allen could see a piece of floor under his feet lit up. Then the bright light quickly split into several rays, which spread out radially from him. After the light reaches a certain end in the darkness, it rises from the ground to the air, and then stretches on both sides to form several light beams. Thousands of rays of light were scattered above the beam of light successively, and the rays of light intertwined to form a surface, and finally the shiny surfaces lit up. When Nelly walked into this space, a hall made of crystals appeared in everyone's eyes.

This hall is so huge and empty. Huge crystal pillars that need more than a dozen people to hold together propped up the dome of the hall. In the middle of the hall, there is a crystal throne on which is sitting a corpse. The corpse had only bones left, and the hollow eye sockets stared at the space in front of him, as if penetrating time and looking at a certain moment in the distant time. The corpse wore a gorgeous robe with a bright red background and embellished with crystals and gems. There is a crystal plate between his hands. The pattern on the surface of the crystal plate is the same as the crystal wall in the temple, just like a miniature version of the crystal wall.

All crystal filaments in the crystal hall exude dim brilliance, which makes the light in the hall bright but not dazzling. Lucy walked to the corpse, bowed slightly, and stretched out her hands to gently take the crystal plate. With crystal

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) After the experience of the wall, she reached out and touched the cluster of rose flowers at the bottom of the crystal plate. No surprise, there was a slight pain in her fingertips. The girl opened her eyes. No light beams fired this time, but the ground in front of the throne rose silently, and stopped at Lucy's chest. There is a recessed area on this high crystal platform, the shape and size exactly match the crystal plate in Lucy's hand.

Lucy put the crystal plate on the high platform. As soon as the crystal plate was put in, a circle of light around came up and spread, extending from the crystal platform to the floor, and finally the light in the whole hall flickered regularly. After the light flickered several times, a soft light rose on the edge of the crystal platform. When Lucy reached out to touch the light, the lights of different colors made completely different sounds.

"This time?" Allen looked at the few rays of light.

"This time the instruction is obviously a sound, I think about it..." Lucy stretched out her hand and flicked the light. Several ethereal and beautiful notes sounded in the hall, but there was no change. Her Royal Highness was not surprised at all, she played different notes again, but without exception ended in failure.

Lucy frowned: "What would the password be?"

"Is there any music that Empress Qiangwei likes?" Allen asked suddenly.

Lucy raised her head, and Allen walked around the crystal platform and said: "We saw a statue of a woman when we entered the city, and there was a hymn of the empress in front of the temple. Obviously, the builders of this city were very much With sincere respect."

At this point, Allen's meaning couldn't be more obvious. Lucy thought hard: "I have read about the life experience of Empress Rose in the Royal Library, but historians didn't mention that Empress loves music... Oh, is it that?"

Lucy walked to the crystal platform again: "The Empress herself has no special love for music, but she appeared in the Royal Theatre once in her life. It was her favorite daughter, Princess Kravina, based on her experience. , A play was staged in the Grand Theater. The theme song of that play was composed by Princess Kravina herself, and the record described it as follows: Our respected queen loves the princess's tunes sincerely... What is that song called? Here comes..."

"Song of Roses!" Lucy's eyes lit up, and her fingers flicked in the rays of light, and a melodious music immediately sounded in the Crystal Hall. Even people who don't understand music theory can still hear a beautiful girl singing from the music.

After a song, the light in a corner behind the throne suddenly disappeared. Then a figure walked out of the darkness, it was a tall man. He has a majestic face, his red robe is dragging the ground, and he is holding a crystal plate in his hand. Although knowing that it was light imaging, the scene where the man appeared and walked was extremely real. Not only did Laura and Neri assume an offensive posture for a time, even the Akou in Alan's hand slightly lifted a few points.

Lucy whispered: "Don't be nervous, it's just the image recorded in the Jarno Crystal."

At this time, the man in the red robe spoke, his voice was low and sweet, like the bass played on a piano: "When you see this image, the guests from the homeland, Tallinn Aisha may have become history. Is it dusty? Oh, forget to introduce myself, I am the builder of Tallinn Aisha, Admiral Gertesz."

"This is a virtual image I recorded in Jarno Crystal. This crystal hall records all the information about Tallinn Aisha, including what I think should be recorded. Guests from homeland, you can

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Feel free to ask questions to extract any information in the Crystal Hall. "

Lucy nodded and raised the first question: "Tell me, Admiral Gertesz. Why did you build Tallinn Aisha and build it in the abyss of the mountain."

After a slight pause in Gertes' expression, he showed a sad look. He turned around gently, holding the crystal plate as if looking into the distance: "This is a heavy problem, my friend. If I can, how I wish I could escape this problem, but you must know the truth. We are betrayers, Yes, we betrayed the great Queen Rose and chose to exile ourselves."

"This matter must start with the Golden Tree Project..."

When Allen and the others entered the Crystal Hall, a low smile was heard from the caravan on the Temple Square. Before a few carriages, Sean and several businessmen were sitting in front of a brazier. The brazier was picked up from the ruins of a passing block. The basin was coated with a thin layer of grease. After being put into the fire, a blazing flame would be generated, but the grease in the basin was diminished. What material is it made of. Xiao En also joked that he would be able to sell a lot of money if he brought such a brazier to the imperial capital.

Now, a few men are listening to Abel's story of finding his way in a dark place. The young man picked up interesting things and said that when he talked about excitement, he danced his hands and made him laugh from ear to ear.

If Allen had not confessed not to speak loudly, they would have to laugh. Not far away, Ian squatted on the ground smoking a cigarette, the flames in the pipe were bright and dark. This light is really insignificant, but when it falls in a pair of eyes, the igniting light is infinitely magnified, almost as dazzling as the sun. The owner of the eye was squatting on the roof of an abandoned house, and just not far away, a faint blue band of light drifted past and shone on him.

He looked like a skinny man, skinny all over. Except for the exceptionally round and large eyes, the rest of the body is thin. The Ugly Light reveals his ugly and deformed facial features. If the beauty is so beautiful that it is difficult to describe it, then the ugliness is the same. He should have his own place but collapsed, only two nostrils appeared on his face. He has a crooked mouth and no lips. When he grinned, he can directly see the gums and the very sharp fangs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His hands and feet are also deformed, and his hands and feet have knuckles. Some are big and bloated, while others are small and thin.

A few loose hairs were close to his head, and the dirt on his body was constantly falling off because of his movements. He saw the fire in Ian's pipe, but the faint light made his eyes moist, and he felt a scorching hot in his eyes, making a vague sound like a curse. Then he leaped to another abandoned house next to him lightly, and began to sweep towards the temple.

Behind him, a series of thin figures kept climbing up from the edge of the city, these figures sneaking silently like ghosts in the dark.

p: This time it's really gone. The explosions in the past few days have broken my own explosion records. Thank you everyone for letting me find the passion when I first opened the book, rewards, and monthly tickets. It has been a long time since the essence is not enough, but I can just add it to the end that day. Although it is regrettable that I still can't make it to the top ten of the monthly pass, I still thank my brothers for their support. The normal update will start tomorrow. Of course, the previous addition and change conditions are still valid, so everyone can work hard if they have guaranteed monthly tickets, and my reputation is still OK~~

p: There will be outbreaks from time to time in the future, to give you some surprises, hey~

(End of this chapter)


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