Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1071:  Incoming

c_t;[Thanks to brothers such as manianlb, richiey9999, misty fashion, aidsu, **** phoenix, brother Xiang, etc. for their monthly rewards! I ran out of "essence" this week. I will make up for it on Monday! ]

"Calm down, Hulk. [For the latest chapters in this book, please go to $>>>cotton __花__糖__小__说__网

"Even if they are not from the Marquis of Peel, we can't ignore the fat man's words. Mayor, what do you say we should do?" Sitting on another wine table, a middle-aged man with bulging muscles Said. His brows are rough, but his eyes are surprisingly gentle.

"Paluo, we all know that the fat man is not joking. Although for some unknown reason, he asked us to move. But our ancestors have already succumbed once, and moved here from the high mountains. Do we high men have to succumb again? When the horse and sheep driven away by anyone? Besides, the ancestors sleep here, and we have a responsibility to keep them from being disturbed." The old man said firmly: "I will write a letter in the name of the mayor and send it to Austria. Lisgar, the emperor must give an answer for this. Their ancestors promised that the nobles could freely choose their favorite place to live. Has this promise been invalidated?"

"I'll go if necessary." Middle-aged man Palo said calmly.

The bearded Hulk raised his head and drank the strong drink in his glass, and said loudly, "I'll go too!"

Then there was a response from inside and outside the pub, and the mayor raised his hand to calm everyone down and said: "As for who I want to go, I have my own measure. Someone must go out, but not all of them. The town still needs young people. Stay behind to prevent the fat guy from coming in."

"If he dares to come, I'll pierce his **** with a gun!" a ten-year-old young man shouted.

"You better don't do this, Devon, it will only make things worse!" the mayor said loudly.

A man next to the young man pressed him back angrily.

"In short, the sooner this matter goes on, the better. I will write a good letter in the evening, and tomorrow, the selected person must set off immediately." The mayor stood up and announced: "That's it. Let's get together first. What should I do? go with."

Twilight slowly climbed up the hillside, and smoke began to rise in the town. Even if you were outside the town, you could see this scene. Allen had changed into clean clothes, dressed up against the scales, and put on a looser linen. He walked out of the tent and saw that Abel and Fares were catching and practicing, and he stood aside to watch the battle. Fares was using a one-handed knife, and Abel was holding a long sword, which Alan gave him.

The long sword danced as if in the young man's hand, and Fares was feeding him while pointing out which of his swordsmanship reads soon; Now Abel's footwork and sword skills are basically the ten dozen in the army taught by Allen. Abel usually practices diligently, and it looks a little bit like he just needs actual combat. Moreover, there are many strong people in the team. In addition to Fareth, Regis and Laura also taught this kid some fighting skills from time to time, which Abel benefited a lot.

At this moment Fares hurried forward, and the long knife was wringed away. In the end, Abel lacked actual combat experience, and he lost his sense of measure when he saw a flower. When he got back to this, the long sword had been strangled by Fares. The commander took the sword and handed it back to the boy, patted his shoulder to explain the flaws in the battle.

Regis just walked up and saw Alan yelling: "It's been a long time since I'fight' with you. It's all right, let's have a fight?"

Allen smiled and said, "Don't cry if you lose."

Regis said angrily: "I'm not a kid anymore!"

"It is also two years older than Biabert."

Along the way, not only Alan is growing, but Regis's combat power is also increasing. After leaving the underground tunnel, the source power of Regis, Lola and others had already increased by one level, but the time for the promotion of several people was different. Seeing Regis leaping for ‘desire’, Allen did not let him down, so he was invited to leave. Naturally, a soldier sent a long knife to the two of them, and the two of them circled the field half a circle, exerting force at the same time, and immediately collided with each other. Then there was a spatter of sparks and the steel screamed.

The men onlookers cheered and drew the girls and the girls of Lucy to come over. The fight was happily, Edward should not come, frowning when he saw this scene. There was a violent wind in the field, which forced the two of them away.

"I'm sorry to disturb the two of you..." Edward looked at Allen: "My lord, you must come here. We are in trouble."

Allen ‘handed’ the knife to the soldier next to him, and said to Regis, "I’ll fight next time," so don’t leave with Edward.

"what happened?"

"You'll know in a moment." Edward led him to the edge of the camp. A Dark Blade opened a package, and a head rolled out of it.

The deformed facial features and sparse hair were all familiar to Allen, and he called out in a heavy voice, "A caveman?"

"Yes, unfortunately, they seem to be thinking about us. Dark Blade discovered it. This is just an adult sentinel. Behind it is an army of burrowers. They are lurking in the shadow of the mountain. In, waiting for the sunset."

Alan pulled over the Dark Blade: "How many are these guys?"

"Many, sir, hundreds and thousands." The Dark Blade Warrior replied: "I took a look from a distance. They are in the shadow of the mountains, in the backlight of the hills, and they are numerous, all over the mountains, sir! "

"Damn it, these guys actually left Tallinn Aisha." Allen shook his head and looked at Dragonlance Town: "It seems we need to warn the people in the town, hope they won't blame us for causing such trouble. That's great."

The mayor heard a knock on the door just after having dinner. He opened the door. Outside the door was Mira, and the traveler during the day reads;. One of them is the silver-haired knight.

The knight called himself Allen, and the mayor invited them into the house.

Allen walked into the room, and the mayor kept looking at the baggage on Edward's hand, the cloth visibly bleeding. The mayor felt something strange and asked directly: "What's the matter with your lord?"

Allen sighed, took the burden on Edward's hand and opened it, and immediately the ugly head of the caveman slammed into the mayor's eyes. The mayor gasped and pointed to this head: "This...this is?"

"'Cave dwellers', this is what the ancestors of Frostwind City called them. They live underground, and we ran into their nest'caves' for some accidental reasons, which alarmed them. Here I have to go first. Everyone in Longlance Town said sorry. For no reason, these guys have already left the ground. According to the intelligence that my people brought back, these'cave' people are likely to arrive in this town at night... we give it to the town. Everyone here brought disaster."

The mayor opened his mouth and asked calmly after a while: "How many are they?"

"Many, mountains and plains."

"What should we do, our town can't stop such a large number of monsters." The mayor sat down on the chair.

At this time, the young man Mila said angrily: "You brought the devil! You must be responsible for this matter!"

"Please believe me, I don't want to be like that. But now that things have happened, scolding can't change the facts, can't you? Besides, even if we are willing to leave now, it is difficult to guarantee that the cavemen will not attack the town." Allen watched Mayor Xiang: "I hope you can allow us to stay. I and my soldiers will fight together to protect the town."

"But if there are so many..."

"On this point, I can probably move to the rescuer. But before that, please tell me whose territory this is." Allen said simply: "I am a Viscount of the Empire, and I am invited to the Imperial Capital Olisgar this time. If you have my handwritten documents and seals, you should be able to move to rescue soldiers for the town."

The mayor gave Alan a surprised look: "This territory belongs to the Marquis Peel, but... Recently, the Marquis has some conflicts with us."

"Don't worry, unless he doesn't comply with the constitution of the Empire, he won't die. But I need a guide."

"I know where the **** fat guy lives," said Mila. He looked at Allen and said, "I can take your people, but if Peel doesn't send troops..."

"I'll guard this town forever. I'm here, and the town is there." Allen looked directly into his eyes.

The young man nodded his head.

Without further ado, Allen wrote a letter for help, stamped his jazz seal, and asked Abel to follow Mira to ask the Marquis of Peel for help. At the same time, he asked the caravan to move the camp to the town, and all the soldiers, including himself, came to the town wall. The town’s guard wall is only three meters long. The guard wall itself is only used to prevent ordinary beasts from entering the town. A strong man like Allen can easily knock down a section of the guard wall with a fit.

Obviously, it is unrealistic to rely on the town wall to defend. At this time, the mayor brought dozens of men, who were the shooters of the High Cang tribe reads;. The leader was Palo who was in the tavern in the morning, and beside him were the bearded Hulk and others. Seeing Alan, Hulk scolded a few words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he stopped him. Palo walked to Allen and said: "We won't thank you for staying to help defend, because this is the trouble you have caused!"

Allen nodded.

Palo sighed, looked back at the others, and said, "But I have to admit that you are all real men. After all, you can choose to leave, and our fate will not be known. But if you stay, please let Let's fight together."

Allen smiled and reached out and shook Palo's big hand.

Adele holding Hu Xiao coldly snorted, "Big man."

Palo realized that there were a lot of "female" and "sex" fighters on Allen's side, and they were all auras like Lola and Nellie. They were a little embarrassed right now. Allen pulled Palo over and said directly, "The cave dwellers are afraid of fire and light. Is there anything that can burn in the town, like kerosene?"

"If you use it to burn fire, there will be some hay..."

This book is from l/16/16987/


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