Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1081:  Idiot

? Two rows of oranges were planted in front of the golden orange tavern, which was very suitable. www*xshuotxt/com just cannot produce oranges now, only dark green branches and leaves. It was the afternoon at this time, but music and human voices had already been heard in the pub, which sounded very lively. After several renovations, the tavern was expanded into the main building in the front, a row of houses in the back, and a courtyard. The main building is used as a tavern and is divided into two floors. The row of houses in the back is part of the nature of a hotel, for the rest of the wine guests, but also provide some special services.

When Allen opened the door of the tavern and walked in, he smelled the air filled with alcohol, wheat, women's perfume and other strange smells. He frowned and chose a position next to the window. There used to be a drunkard there, but he occupied a big table, so the bartender spread him out, for which Regis gave him a gold coin. Ask the bartender to bring orange wine to smoke fish and fruits and vegetables, and the rest is his tip.

The bartender left happily, after all, there were not many generous guests.

It was only the actions of Ellen and the others that caught the attention of the men nearby, especially the beauty of Lucy and Lola, which made them breathe hard. However, considering the blood that Lola casually placed on the table and the sword that Regis placed on the table, she finally overwhelmed her impulse and continued to drink.

The guests in the pub spoke loudly, and there was a burst of knowing laughter from time to time. No matter what town you are in, the tavern is always a good place to get news. Allen didn't plan to listen to any news, but from the conversations with the drinkers, he could hear some important news about the Empire recently.

Two of the news attracted the most attention.

One is the royal prince; the other is the shadow Principality gathering troops in the north and south.

It's no secret that the royal family's official reserve is now. This town is not far from the emperor, and it is only natural to receive news. And there is still a lot of news from Olísca, the secret wrestling between the three princes, the comments on the princes by the Emperor Tangiero, and the factions behind the princes. These important events seem to be talked about in the tavern, and even these drinkers know more than Allen.

As for how much of this information is true and how much is false, there is no way to know.

However, it seems that from the minister of the imperial capital to the ordinary people, it is generally not true that the second prince Julian is not from an ordinary background, even though the second prince has a teacher of the imperial prime minister. But Nebot was also a commoner, and most of his friends were people of the same background. The most deadly thing is that the second prince family lacks the force to hold the scene. It is said that it suffered a big loss in the recent fight with the prince Howson.

On the contrary, the eldest prince Hausen and the fourth prince Seves are strong. Backed by the emperor, Howson is backed by the emperor, and there are many strongmen in the army to work for him. With strong force, he ranks first among the three princes. As for the four princes, Seves does not have too many strong men to follow, but he has an uncle who is listed as the ten saints, who is hard to be tough in terms of force.

In comparison between the two, the second prince Julian has nothing to be commendable except for the long-sleeved good dance of his teacher Nebot. Although the prince had a good insight into military strategy, he was even praised by Tangliou. But the lack of a real strong under his team is an unavoidable fatal injury.

As for the actions of the Principality of Shadow, it affects the hearts of ordinary people even more. After all, the battle for the crown prince is too far away from them. It is a game of the emperor and grandson nobles. Whoever becomes a prince has little impact on the common people. At least until the prince sits on the throne, the empire will not be affected in any way. But the Shadow Principality is different. It is not difficult to open the history of the Bairegon Empire. The empire and the Shadow Principality will inevitably break out a war every few decades. This has become a historical norm, but the scale of the war is slightly different.

The hatred between humans and alien races spreads with the continuation of blood. Every once in a while, either humans will march westward or the army of the Principality of Shadow will come eastward. But this time, it is obvious that the Principality of Shadow is planning to take the initiative to attack. It is no secret that the foreign race's army will gather in the north and south, but this time the foreign race actually intends to open two fronts, which is quite surprising.

Even civilians who don’t play military know the truth that strength is weak when divided. The Shadow Principality’s military power had no absolute advantage, and the victory and defeat with the Imperial regiment was only 50-50. Now that the battle line is divided into two sides, even if the imperial regiment must divide its forces for this, but the emperor still has a geographical advantage, the shadow Principality’s move makes people feel unwise.

The news also made Allen uneasy.

As early as in the mountain city, he already knew that the shadow prince was planning to attack the north from the south, but the plan of those alien races who wanted to enter the mountain city and then quietly invaded the south was destroyed by him. But now, instead of retreating, the alien race is gathering forces. This is not good news for Allen, whose territory is in the south and next to the border. Once the war starts, his territory is bound to be implicated. Even if the emperor arrives, the war will happen on his territory, and the result can be imagined.

Fortunately, Ark Port and Tieqiangling are now in one family. With the war on the southern border, Hoy will have to deal with it anyway. With the Marquis of Tieqiang, the loss of the war may be reduced by one or two.

At this time, another person entered the pub door.

The traveler wearing a black cloak walked into the tavern eagerly, and when he pulled down his hat, the slender silver hair attracted the attention of the people in the tavern. Some men even whistled at him and then laughed unkindly. The silver-haired man was expressionless, and sat at the long bar table and said calmly: "Give me a glass of orange wine with ice."

When the bartender put a glass of iced fruit wine in front of his eyes, a string of shouts and curses sounded in the tavern, and then a seventeen or eighteen-year-old woman staggered out and threw herself at the feet of the silver-haired traveler. The man bent over and gently pulled her up, and the somewhat beautiful woman said "thank you". A few big and thick men came out from behind and grabbed her by the hair and cursed, "Bitch, where are you going."

They pulled the woman's hair and walked towards the back of the tavern. The woman screamed, and finally cried helplessly at the silver-haired traveler: "Help me, sir. Please, don't let them hurt me...ah!"

She was punched in the stomach, and then she couldn't even speak. One of the thick-breasted men said to the travelers on the bar: "Don't be nosy."

The traveler in black snorted, drank the orange wine in the glass, put down a few silver coins, and got up to walk behind the tavern. The bartender grabbed him and said, "If I were you, I wouldn't care about this kind of thing."

"But you are not me." The black traveler said calmly.

The bartender shrugged and let go. The hair man disappeared in the back door of the tavern, and he rolled his eyes: "An idiot again."

Allen squinted and stood up. Lucy said: "What are you going to do?"

"Go and take care of it."

"That gentleman's starting point is good, but you don't think he has to take a long lesson. It's hard for the bartender to remind him."

"You have to know that there are not many fools like this now. And sometimes people need such fools, I just don't want him to be disappointed in this world." Allen said lightly.

The back door of the tavern was pushed open by a black-clothed traveler, and a corridor behind the door led to the small courtyard. Several men dragged the woman on the other side of the corridor, and the traveler in black shouted, "Hey, let go of her!"

The men really let go of her, and several of them laughed grinningly, and the man in the lead said, "How brave this justice-holder is. I guess he will definitely pay a few gold coins for this little girl, lest we take this The chick broke up."

The woman crawled and ran from the ground, and came behind the black-clothed traveler, crying: "Please, don't let them hurt you. I will repay you. You can do whatever you want, so don't let them take me away. ."

A man with a dagger at his waist said: "Yes, this **** has a good mouth job, or she can help you lick it comfortably, but only if you pay the money she owes us."

"How much does she owe you?" the traveler in black asked.

"Not much, only ten gold coins."

"Well, I'll give you money." The traveler reached out his arms, and suddenly the woman screamed behind him. He turned back to a young man standing behind him, holding the woman's arm in one hand, and there was a dagger in the woman's hand.

Allen said lightly: "You are fooled, they are actually a gang. If you hand over the money, this lady will stab you. There is something on the dagger, maybe it's drugged, I guess they didn't either. I have the courage to commit a crime near the imperial capital. But if you faint, your belongings will definitely be stripped clean, and then you will be thrown on the cold street. Am I right?"

He tried hard, the woman screamed, and the dagger fell to the ground. There was some unusual color on the blade, and it was indeed drugged~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The traveler in black sighed, seeming to be very disappointed with the woman. Alan took her, passed the black-clothed traveler, and pushed the woman to the men and said: "You go, I don't want to cause trouble, I will assume that nothing happened today."

Then he turned around, but the traveler reached out his finger behind him. Catching the sound of the fast approaching wind in his ears, Allen sneered and slammed straight back into the arms of the man who wanted to hug him from behind. Immediately a fracture sounded, and the man flew out, screaming constantly. Allen turned around and said, "I don't want to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid of trouble."

When he and the traveler in black returned to the tavern, a few men in the corridor were all lying on the ground, and everyone was fractured. The effort of recuperating within a few months was not enough. Coming to the bar, the black-clothed traveler said to Alan: "Thank you, or should I buy you a drink?"

"No, I've drunk a while ago, and I'm a little drunk now." Allen smiled and said, "Be careful next time. You are a good person, but the bad guys in this world are in the lead. It's always right to be careful."

"Thank you for your suggestion, sir." The traveler in black nodded.

PS: The outbreak broke out, everyone is happy~~


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