Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1084:  Olisga

? "It turned out to be the twilight prayer?"

After Midian left, Allen, who was gradually regaining his senses, knew who he had fought with after the retelling of several people in Regis. Ranw?en???? Midian's identity was unexpected and reasonable. Alan was surprised that the Ten Saints would actually interfere, but if it weren't one of the strongest people in the empire, it would be impossible for Alan to be able to hide his breath so perfectly under his talent to look directly at the source power.

Edward looked at the direction Midian was leaving and said: "Behind Midian is the sword lord Mason. It seems that our Lord Duke is determined to win his nephew's reserve. But it is true that the Ten Saints can deal with you. Give you enough face."

"Don't worry about this kind of face, that guy's abilities are too weird. I'm sure he can do his best, and if I hadn't had the Flame Shadowmaster outfit, I would have been defeated."

"Lost?" Fares said in surprise: "He doesn't look like he wants to kill you."

"Don't be fooled by what he said." Allen shook his head: "He spoke beautifully, but he was merciless. When I played against him, it was clearest, but his sight had left me from the last moment. It’s searching for possible flaws. That guy came to kill me."

"About the Ten Saints, I asked Dark Blade to collect some information." Edward's eyes turned into a sea blue: "Midian ranks at the bottom of the Ten Saints, and above him are the Queen Scorpion Becca Taylor and others. But if In purely threatening terms, Midian is by no means below Bekatelou, or even the bottom five of the ten sages. That is because Midian’s engraving weapons are a different way. As we all know, the engraving weapons are to protect the dominator. The body is too fragile, so as not to be directly exposed to the powerful power of opponents of the same tier to produce source armor. This is almost an instinct of biological evolution, unless the ancestors who walk back to the ancestors will give up the engraving arms and Generate the original ancestor blade that specializes in attack."

"But Midian's engraving weapon has the characteristics of the original ancestor blade, and his weapon is better at attacking than defense..."

Midian's engraving weapon is called "Twilight Movement". This weapon has twelve movements in total, and each movement is actually a source weapon. The Twilight Movement has different abilities. Weapons such as vision and hearing can interfere with the opponent's perception, while the Void Chapter is an invisible blade that can be extended or shortened at will according to Midian's mind. Twelve chapters of Twilight have different abilities, and can be combined at will according to the opponents under the control of Midian. In addition, the twelve pieces of armed forces can be integrated into one, becoming the strongest armed "prayer". Midian once killed a top ten sages as a prayer, and became the current ten strong.

"But because the twilight movement is better at attacking, Midian himself is more fragile. Therefore, his tactics are basically those of the assassin, and he will travel thousands of miles away if he misses a hit. Of course, Midian is weak in physique. It is also a comparison with the Ten Saints who have engraving weapons. For a master below level 30, it is really not easy to hurt him. You have played against him, you should know this better than anyone." Edward said solemnly: "If you play against him next time, my proposal is to fight with all your strength from the beginning. Use your strongest killer to attack his weakest point."

Allen said "Um", "Thanks to the two top ten saints this time, or we might be planted here."

"They said they were passing by, I can't see it. Besides, Midian also said that the two adults seem to be serving the Bolling family."

"Mistress Tsuta?" Allen narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that they are here to pay back the favor."

"Miss Elise?" Edward nodded, "If that makes sense, it seems that your luck hasn't run out yet."

"I hope..." Allen jumped on the horse and said back: "I hope it will be so smooth in Olísgar."

"It's impossible." Edward negated coldly.

Two days later, the New Great Wall appeared in front of the team. On the endless grassland, the gray-white Great Wall stands majestically, like a long white bank separating the earth. In the bright sunshine, the golden flags on the Great Wall are like a torch, symbolizing the empire's proud glory. When I got closer, I could see that the 30-meter-high city wall was made up of complete stone and boulders. Rows of shooting holes could be seen everywhere on the city wall, the row closest to the root of the wall. The shooting holes were also ten. A few meters high. It can be imagined that the inner wall must be a stepped structure. When the enemy comes in, thousands of musketeers will stand on the inner wall and confront the enemy. Even if more than a thousand shooting holes are used to attack with muskets, sufficient firepower can be guaranteed.

What's more, on the city wall, one can see bronze cannons decorated with lion-shaped muzzles, as well as huge black iron crossbows, catapults and other objects. These war weapons are not like the wreckage of the old Great Wall. From artillery to catapult, they are all well maintained. Behind the city wall, there is a tower every ten meters. They are not only buildings for soldiers to climb high, but also important firepower support points. Seeing this Great Wall, which stretches for an unknown number of kilometers, it is difficult for Allen to imagine the headaches that foreign races will have when facing it.

After the Great Wall, there is another vast world. The terrain here is flat and the field of vision is wide. You can see several military camps not far away, each of which is the size of a small town, with dense buildings inside. Water towers, playgrounds, barracks, weapons depots, warehouses, etc. are all available. Without exception, the tops of all the buildings are decorated with golden double lion flags that symbolize the imperial ministry. Those long, triangular flags flutter in the wind like flames.

Apart from military camps, the most is farmland. There are several villages between the New Great Wall and the imperial capital. Each village is responsible for a vast farmland. All kinds of crops planted in the fields are provided to Olis to supply nearly 100,000 people in this northern capital. Eating and drinking costs.

For the next tens of kilometers, the scene I saw was rather monotonous. In addition to the fields, there are villages. At noon, Allen finally saw Olísca. Everyone who first arrived in the imperial capital must see the dawn fort, which is located at the highest point of the imperial capital and bathed in sunlight, at first glance when looking from a distance. That is where the imperial royal family is located. The gorgeous, white, and holy castle is located on a mountainside platform on the mountain of dawn. The mountain of dawn is located behind the northern capital, like a barrier for Olísgar to block the cold wind from the polar ice ocean in the north. Legend has it that the founding emperor defeated the king of the shadow duchy on this mountain and repelled the alien coalition forces, thus laying the foundation The cornerstone of the empire. The mountain of dawn symbolizes the rise of the empire in the dark, while Fort Dawn is a metaphor that this powerful human empire is bound to dominate the earth.

The mountain in the morning light is originally steep, but has a gentle **** at the end. The platform on which the Fort Dawn is located was directly cut out on the mountain by the strong humans. After that, the fortress was built by transporting wood by road and bombing the stone to build the Fort Dawn. Liming Fort has survived hundreds of years of wind and rain, but every morning and dawn, as long as people look up, they can see it bathed in sunlight, giving people unlimited hope and confidence.

Starting from the mountain of dawn and the castle of dawn, Olísgar’s buildings are arranged in an arc, spreading in circles. If you look from the sky, you can see that there are four walls in the entire city. The four walls inside and outside witness the three expansions of the imperial capital over the centuries. Some people predicted that in a hundred years, the imperial capital would only be able to erect the fifth city wall. Thinking about it is fascinating. This is a direct proof of the continuous strength of the empire.

The buildings of the imperial capital may be influenced by the folk customs of the north, regardless of the clock tower and folk houses, they are all towering and plain. The main road is straight and spacious, and the roadways are in order. The architectural style is also dignified and majestic. Most of the roofs are designed with spires, and domes or other shapes are rare. This makes the Imperial Capital Building look like a forest of guns from a distance, with its own majesty. The stained glass floor-to-ceiling windows used for decoration are also towering and huge, and they are magnificent.

The urban layout is majestic and majestic, but there is no shortage of exquisite and gorgeous decorations. Fountains and small squares are scattered throughout the city, and each place is different. As for the decorated columns, railings, sculptures or murals, they also have their own characteristics and originality. Rows of street trees are planted on the main road, and the huge canopy is like a green umbrella propped up between the imperial capitals, embellishing this greystone forest with endless greenery.

This is Olisga, the capital of the Balekan Empire, the city of heaven that carries the hope of countless people in the empire!

The caravan entered the city gate after going through the entry formalities, and hit a team in the small square behind the gate. In front of this team is a war horse with a color that wins snow. The horse is snow-white and immediately covered in gold, with black and red patterns on the edges. Horseman Young Sunshine, with a gentle smile, his eyes as clear as mountains and water. When he looked at Ellen, Ellen immediately knew who he was.

At the moment Allen clenched a fist, pressed it to the heart of his chest and bent down and bowed: "I have seen Your Royal Highness Julian."

This person is Julian, not only because Rhein is in the queue, but also because the first twelve guards have a frosty white cape~www.wuxiaspot.com~Silver armor and black clothes, it is the palace guard of Fort Dawn, silver frost iron guard! Able to use the Silver Frost Iron Guard as a guard, and Ryan accompanied, who else would it be if it wasn't Julian? It's just that Alan didn't expect that the second prince was waiting at the gate, and he seemed sincere.

Julian also kicked off his horse, haha ​​and said with a smile: "Sir Allen has worked hard all the way north."

"It's really not easy, but letting His Highness wait here really scares me."

"No." Julian said flatly: "Whoever can meet Midian's twilight movement can still get here, whoever has the qualification to let me wait."

Allen was startled, never thought that his fight with Midian had actually been passed to Olísgar. Then he said: "In fact, I only attacked and defended the ten-sage strongman a few times. Another person who scared him away."

Julian smiled brightly: "Sir Alan, do you know. Below level 30, facing Midian's twilight movement can be immortal, no one except you. Besides, you can still attack and defend with him a few times, This is already a miracle!"

ps: Today is a normal update. The number of chapters that burst this month is there. Lao Chen's character is still strong. so, I will definitely continue to add more rewards to the rudder owner, and I won't fall back on the account~

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