Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1099: committed to

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Mr. Wall, manianLB, Su in the War, and other brothers for their monthly ticket rewards! The title of this chapter is quite appropriate, hey~]

The next afternoon, Allen followed Julian into the Triumphal Palace. Today, the Triumphal Palace looks much quieter, the afternoon sun leaves brilliant golden patches in the palace, and the mirror-like ground reflects the figures of the two Ellens. The epic frescoes on the dome are still solemn, but there is a hideous head on the east wall of the palace.


The royal alchemist has performed the necessary processing on the first stage of Juoying to make it look lifelike, especially after using some mysterious material to brighten the three eyes of the magic wolf, Juoying seems to come alive, let People feel that this demon wolf will break through the wall at any time.

Tangerio was standing aside, watching the wolf's head hung on the wall with his own ears, and adjusted according to his wishes. Hearing the footsteps, the emperor turned his head and smiled: "You are here, look at this guy. You know, when I was young I used to go up the mountain to find Jue Ying, but unfortunately I didn't bump into it, otherwise there would be nothing wrong with you little guys. ."

Julian smiled and said, "Unfortunately it met Earl Allen."

"But fortunately so, otherwise I won't be able to hang this guy's head in the Triumphal Palace." Tangliou gestured to Julian: "Go to the vault and collect your reward, good boy, I want to talk to Ai Earl Lun said a few words alone."

"As you wish." Julian quietly patted Alan on the shoulder, then bowed back, turned and left the Triumph Palace.

Tangerio looked at Jue Ying's first level and said, "This guy is agile and powerful. It is a perfect beast, and even more a work of art."

Alan didn't know what the emperor was going to say to him, so he dared not take the conversation casually. Tangerio didn't care, and continued to look at Jueying and said, "Where were you when Howson was fighting this demon wolf in Jueying's lair?"

"It's nearby, Your Majesty," Allen said frankly.

"You are honest, then, why didn't you join the war?"

Allen said indifferently: "His Royal Highness wanted to use me to find out where Jueyoung was, and even wanted to let us and Jueyoung lose money before picking up a bargain. Unfortunately, I saw through it in advance, so I made a little trick When Jueying and His Highness encountered each other, we were waiting for the opportunity to act. Thanks to Your Highness, Jueying was completely attracted by them, and I was able to kill it easily."

"Earl Alan really has a strategy, but because of this, I have lost a few of the elite of the army!" Tangliou said solemnly, with a hint of punishment in his tone.

Allen looked at the emperor: "But the emperor is back."

Tangerio turned around, his eyes sharp as a sword, and he pierced Alan. The latter bowed his head slightly, but did not move. After a while, the emperor began to say: "Do you know that if you didn't kill Jueying in the end, then you don't need to come back. Jueying's lair is your grave!"

Allen categorically said: "This kind of thing will never happen, at least not before my eyes."


"Imperial Sir could not die under the conspiracy, the prince is naturally even more so. Although I serve His Royal Highness Julian, I will not put His Highness Howson to death for this."

Tangriou nodded, his tone slowed down, and said, "Crown princes are naturally cruel. But if the prince can do harm at will for this, it will cross my bottom line! You are doing well, both Helping Julian win first place in the spring hunter and saving Howson’s life is considered royal loyalty. I never treat loyal people badly, so Earl Alan, no matter what Julian will reward you. Here, I give You have another chance to reward you. You can make any request. Of course, I will not agree to it if it is too much."

Before coming here, Julian had already hinted that the emperor would give him extra rewards, so Alan was not surprised. And I figured out what I want. At this moment, when he heard Tangliou say so, he was not polite, and now respectfully said: "I want to implore your Royal Highness to keep Dragon Spear Town and return the Gaocang people to a peaceful home."

Tangerio obviously didn't expect Ellen to make such a request. He was startled and asked, "Dragonlance Town? High Clan? I think about it, oh, remember, they once resisted at the beginning of the empire. Didn’t I submit to the empire? I remember their gun casting skills were pretty good."

"Yes, they are them. I happened to pass by Dragonlance Town, and I heard that the local lord Marquis Peel wanted to requisition their land and ordered Dragonlance Town to move to another place. But the Gaocang people lived there for generations, and they didn't want to leave their homes. Some of them came with me this time, but they did not have a chance to see your Majesty. I promised that they would have the opportunity to see your Majesty and would raise this matter for them."

Tangiero looked at the young man in front of him: "So you plan to use my reward for this? Earl Alan, don't you think it was a waste?"

"Being able to return a town where residents can live in a worry-free home, so that the elderly and children do not have to be displaced, and there will be no waste."

"Okay, I promise you about this matter. If Marquis Peel does have this idea, I will let him dispel it. However, my ancestors personally agreed to the promise of the High Clan, and it is also my responsibility as a king. . It is my duty to give them a home, not yours. So this is not counted in the reward, you can think otherwise."

This returned to Alan's embarrassment. He embarrassed: "Will your Majesty owe it first? I can't think of what I want for the time being."

Tangriou laughed when he heard the words, and pointed to Allen and shook his head: "I have never owed anything to anyone. Okay, you are the first. Earl Allen, you can come to the palace anytime you think about it. Find me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Coming out of the Triumphal Palace, Allen was in a good mood. After arriving in the imperial capital, everything was annoying, and the number of times I saw Tangliou was counted by five fingers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was no chance to raise Dragonlance Town to him. Now I finally took the opportunity of this private conversation to propose to the emperor and got Tangliou's promise. This finally fulfilled his promise to the Gaocang tribe. When he took the news back, Palo and others were very happy, and the big Hulk danced on the spot the ancient dance of the tribe.

"Master Ellen, it is really thanks to you this time, otherwise we don't know what to do. Dragonlance owes you a great favor, you say, how should we pay it back!" Palo caught Ellen. Said excitedly.

Allen shook his head and said: "Don't say that, just as I compensate for the disaster brought by the ice wind."

But at this moment, Edward's voice rang: "Wait, I don't agree with your decision, Lord Allen." The Maritan walked over with a smile and looked at Palo: "I think Dragon Gun Town owes you We are more friendly, at least, Mr. Pallow and the mayor should not refuse to let our business route pass through the town."

Palo didn't react for a while: "What trade route?"

Allen knew everything, and looked at Edward. "Are you going to make Dragon Spear Town a supply point on the trade road, and at the same time use the so-called secret realm to bypass the devil's throat and shorten the distance?"

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